Glycerine's LiveJournal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in
Glycerine's LiveJournal:
Thursday, September 14th, 2000 | 5:01 pm |
I was just thinking, especially after I checked out another journal, that I never told anyone that I have created live journal. In a way I don't want anyone who knows me personally to know that they can kick around my thoughts. Strange. Nor does it matter to me if anyone reads this, there is a privacy, and that is knowing that no-one I know is going to read this. And that I will probably never know anyone who has read my whispered ravings of self hate. Not personally that is. I won't have to look a person in the eye that knows that I hate being me, and that I hate being depressed, or the fact that I am even depressed. That gives me a sense of ease. It's comforting. I wonder, hmph, is it wrong of me to use this type of outlet? But I can also look at this way, any outlet is a good one, especially for me. Current Mood: melancholyCurrent Music: Dave Matthews -Let you down- | Tuesday, September 12th, 2000 | 5:39 pm |
Every Window of Alcatraz has a view of San Francisco~Susanna Keysen There is an emptiness inside of me that I cannot fill. And there is a possibility that I may never recover from this feeling. There is a possibility that I may feel like this for the rest of my life, and there is nothing that I can do about it. That scares me more than anything else in the world does. I feel so completely alone, like I am the last of something, that is no longer going to exist again. I've never met anyone else that feels like I do about the world, that could be because I never speak about my views of this world. The little I do speak about it, the more I feel alone. I once told this guy that I thought was a good friend about the deep sadness that I sometimes feel. I never heard from him again. And now I turn to these electronic pages because I cannot handle holding all of this in anymore. I feel like I am to explode and never again be able to put myself back together again. I'm a prisoner of my own life.
Current Mood: Lost Current Music: Bush |