Ivy is here
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
From 'pictures for looking':
we grow out of our teeth. babies making
way for molars, incisors. chipped teeth are
dentally forgotten, enamelised.
cheeks become less like apples. closer to
how skulls should look. chins insistent as smiles.

Monday, March 29, 2004
Here are the poets and poems shortlisted for the 2004 Strokestown International Poetry Prizes.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
From Dogpoet:
Memoir is like formal poetry. The truth provides certain constraints. And like rhyme or meter, sometimes these constraints force the writer to create something beautiful, something that never could have been written with more freedom. »

I sent off another batch of poems tonight. Still no word from the dark vastness out there about the poetry streaming from my head, heart, hands and stomach.

A pity there's a postal strike on at the moment. This quite affects the chances of my residency application wending its way to its designated endpoint. Still, I feel pleased to have written it, if only to articulate the structure of this next manuscript.

But why must I supply references? Surely the poems are capable of standing vertical and proud, without the aid of crutches? And what is the likelihood of an applicant providing a reference that is less than salutary, anyway?

For some reason, I was reminded of the poem 'Woman to Man' by Judith Wright.

The last verse is just so perfect.
Friday, March 26, 2004
I find comments on one's poems very intriguing. For 'catalogue', huck_fenn wrote:
An interesting concept. Some inventive linebreaks, clever use of the catalogue register. An enjoyable poem to read.

Although, I was left a little .. unsure of what this poem intends to mean. Not to say that I can't extract meaning - commodification of human emotions, the all pervasive reach of commercialism, and so on - but I felt as though it wasn't entirely pointed at it...
A fair number of readers are intrigued by my calendelle, 'One Year':
dee j: for some reason this poem reminds me of a rap (or spoken word performance), when i think it inside my head.

badllama: nope, i've figured it out: it's the punctuation, the rhythm of the piece (and of course the rhyme).
Of 'The Ballad of Ann and Bill', Andrew Tozer wonders whether
the placement of the word, 'gossipping' part of a writing style or a quirk?

This piece echos reality, muse and amusement.
Not quite sure what he means with that last statement. With 'The oarsman's race', he says:
Water is hard but magnificent to write about, Ivy you portray its movements very well. I like your wording especially the wet line: "the river is a disturbance of mercury". i love mercury, Have you ever seen a "Mercury Maze?", it's an old and dangerous children's toy, cheers.
My next contribution for the residency, a prose poem, should be posted soon.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
the rejected idea

wy did u not axept it
wy did u not c
how cld u sai no
wen u rekognized it
en new it waz frum me

maibee u're mynd went dislexic
maibee it did knot unnerstan
butt wen i showd it 2 u
u new
en yet stil redjekted it
tha thought thet caym frum this hand

wy kant u jus axept it
i red u'r hart and i new
thiz was OUR idee
tha wan true thyng betwin us
i know u know it 2

it'z sadd that u redjected it
en sent it fa' awai
now it'z gonn en dyed
en wonn comme bak agayn

Ivy Alvarez, 1997
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Writing is turning one's worst moments into money.
—J.P. Donleavy

Hm, does that apply to poetry?

I recently received this missive:
Thanks for your great editorial suggestions. Food was one [theme] we'd been thinking about. And someone has already sent a story that would be perfect for us. Do you have anything for us ... that you'd like to send before the flood gates are opened?
Fool that I was, I said no. Silly me. I'm kicking myself now. I don't know why I said it.

I guess, to be honest, I don't feel my short story work is as polished as my poetry.

Still, I'm sure I could have made something up.

Athough, knowing myself, I wouldn't been happy with the fact that it was a rush job.

Oh, I'm conflicted. Better go write a poem.
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
From 'morning':
a sleep-crusted morning
washed down with gritty coffee

the bread yeast smell
like a lazy sun

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