By Bruce E. Johansen
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Peter Levene, board chair of Lloyds of London,
says that terrorism is not the insurance industrys
biggest worry, despite the fact that his company was
the largest single insurer of the World Trade Center.
Levene says that Lloyds, like other large international
insurance companies, is bracing for an increase in weather
disasters related to global warming. Likewise, following
his assignment as chief weapons inspector in Iraq, Hans
Blix said: To me the question of the environment
is more ominous than that of peace and war. We will
have regional conflicts and use of force, but world
conflicts I do not believe will happen any longer. But
the environment, that is a creeping danger. Im
more worried about global warming than I am of any major
military conflict. Sir John Houghton, co-chair
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, agrees.
Global warming is already upon us, he said.
The impacts of global warming are such that that
I have no hesitation in describing it as a weapon of
mass destruction. So what do they know that George
W. Bush doesnt?
Weather is the story; climate is the plot. We are carbonizing
the oceans, with dire implications for life in them.
As the 21st century dawned, carbon-dioxide levels were
rising in the oceans more rapidly than any time since
the age of dinosaurs. In a report published September
25, 2003 in Nature, oceanographers Ken Caldeira
and Michael E. Wickett wrote: We find that oceanic
absorption of CO2
from fossil fuels may result in larger pH changes over
the next several centuries than any inferred in the
geological record of the past 300 million years, with
the possible exception of those resulting from rare,
extreme events such as bolide impacts or catastrophic
methane hydrate degassing. (A bolide
is a large extraterrestrial body, usually at least a
half mile in diameter, perhaps much larger, that impacts
the earth at a speed roughly equal to that of a bullet
in flight.)
Rising carbon dioxide levels in the oceans could threaten
the health of many marine organisms, beginning with
the plankton at the base of the food chain. If
we continue down the path we are going, we will produce
changes greater than any experienced in the past 300
million yearswith the possible exception of rare,
extreme events such as comet impacts, Caldeira,
of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, warned.
Since carbon dioxide levels began to be measured on
a systemic basis worldwide in 1958, its concentration
in the atmosphere has risen 17 percent.
Until now, some climate experts have asserted that the
oceans would help to control the rise in carbon dioxide
by acting as a filter. However, Caldeira and Michael
Wickett said that carbon dioxide that is removed from
the atmosphere enters the oceans as carbonic acid, gradually
altering the acidity of ocean water. According to their
studies, the change over the last century already matches
the magnitude of the change that occurred in the entire
10,000 years preceding the industrial age. Caldeira
pointed to acid rain from industrial emissions as a
possible precursor of changes in the oceans. Most
ocean life resides near the surface, where the greatest
change would be expected to come, but deep ocean life
may prove to be even more sensitive to changes,
Caldeira said.
Marine plankton and other organisms whose skeletons
or shells contain calcium carbonate, which is dissolved
by acid solutions, may be particularly vulnerable. Coral
reefsalready suffering from pollution, rising
ocean temperatures, and other stressesare comprised
almost entirely of calcium carbonate. Its
difficult to predict what will happen because we havent
really studied the range of impacts, Caldeira
said. But we can say that if we continue business
as usual, we are going to see some significant changes
in the acidity of the worlds oceans.
Along the same line, warming seas also are devastating
plankton, eroding the oceans food chain. Global
warming is contributing to an ecological meltdown,
with devastating implications for fisheries and wildlife.
The meltdown begins at the base of the food
chain, as increasing sea temperatures kill plankton.
Fish stocks and sea-bird populations are declining as
Scientists at the Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation for
Ocean Science in Plymouth, England, which has been monitoring
plankton growth in the North Sea for more than 70 years,
have said that an unprecedented warming of the North
Sea has driven plankton hundreds of miles to the north.
They have been replaced by smaller, warm-water species
that are less nutritious. Over-fishing of cod and other
species has played a role, but fish stocks have not
recovered after cuts in fishing quotas.
The number of salmon returning to British waters are
now half of what they were 20 years ago, and a decline
in plankton populations is a major factor. A regime
shift has taken place and the whole ecology of the North
Sea has changed quite dramatically, said Dr. Chris
Reid, the foundations director. We are seeing
a collapse in the system as we knew it. Catches of salmon
and cod are already down and we are getting smaller
fish. We are seeing visual evidence of climate change
on a large-scale ecosystem. We are likely to see even
greater warming, with temperatures becoming more like
those off the Atlantic coast of Spain or further south,
bringing a complete change of ecology.
Research by the British Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds has established that seabird colonies off the
Yorkshire coast and the Shetlands this year suffered
their worst breeding season since records began, with
many abandoning nesting sites. Sea-bird populations
are falling in large part because sand eels are declining.
The sand eels feed on plankton. This survey concentrated
on kittiwakes, one breed of sea birds, but other species
that feed on the eels, including puffins and razorbills,
also have been seriously affected.
Sand eels also comprise a third to half of the North
Sea catch, by weight. They have heretofore been caught
in huge quantities by Danish factory ships, which turn
them into food pellets for pigs and fish. During the
summer of 2003, the Danish fleet caught only 300,000
English tons of its 950,000-ton quota, a record low.
the Methane Burp
SUV exhaust does not become todays rising temperature,
not immediately. Through an intricate feedback loop,
fossil fuel burned today is expressed in warming 30
to 50 years later. Today we are seeing temperatures
related to fossil-fuel emissions from roughly 1960,
when fossil fuel consumption was much lower. Todays
fossil-fuel emissions will be expressed in the atmosphere
about 2040.
Increasing levels of greenhouse gases near the surface
hold heat there, impeding radiation into the upper layers
of the atmosphere. As the surface warms, the stratosphere
cools. The chemical reactions that consume the ozone
that protects us from ultraviolet radiation accelerate
as the air chills. Thus, the area of depleted ozone
over Antarctica remains at near-record size respite
the fact that chloroflourocarbons (CFCs), the culprits
on ozone depletion, have now been banned for more than
15 years.
In his book, When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest
Mass Extinction of All Time (London: Thames
and Hudson, 2003), Michael J. Benton describes a mass
extinction at the end of the Permian period, about 250
million years ago, when at least 90 percent of life
on Earth died. The extinction probably was initiated
by massive volcanic eruptions in Siberia. According
to present theories, the eruptions injected massive
amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing
a number of biotic feedbacks that accelerated global
warming of about 6 degrees Celsius. In a chapter titled
What Caused the Biggest Catastrophe of all Time?
Benton sketches how the warming (which was accompanied
by anoxia) may have fed upon itself: The end-Permian
runaway greenhouse may have been simple. Release of
carbon dioxide from the eruption of the Siberian Traps
[volcanoes] led to a rise in global temperatures of
6 degrees Celsius or so. Cool polar regions became warm
and frozen tundra became unfrozen. The melting might
have penetrated to the frozen gas hydrate reservoirs
located around the polar oceans, and massive volumes
of methane may have burst to the surface of the oceans
in huge bubbles.
This further input of carbon into the atmosphere caused
more warming, which could have melted further gas hydrate
reservoirs. So the process went on, running faster and
faster. The natural systems that normally reduce carbon
dioxide levels could not operate, and eventually the
system spiraled out of control, with the biggest crash
in the history of life.
The oxygen-starved aftermath of this immense global
belch of methane left land animals gasping for breath
and caused the Earths largest mass extinction,
suggests new research. Greg Retallack, an expert in
ancient soils at the University of Oregon, has speculated
that the same methane belch was of such
a magnitude that it caused mass extinction via oxygen
starvation of land animals. Bob Berner of Yale University
has calculated that a cascade of effects on wetlands
and coral reefs may have reduced oxygen levels in the
atmosphere from 35 percent to just 12 percent over 20,000
years. Marine life also may have suffocated in the oxygen-poor
Events 250 million years ago are of more than academic
interest today because the 6 degrees Celsius that Benton
estimates triggered these events is roughly the same
temperature rise forecast for the Earth by the IPCC
by the end of this century.
In Abrupt Climate Change (2002), Richard B. Alley
wrote that climate may change rapidly (as much as 16
degrees Celsius within a decade or two) when gradual
causes push the Earth system across a threshold. Just
as the slowly increasing pressure of a finger eventually
flips a switch and turns on a light.... Half the
North Atlantic warming since the last ice age was achieved,
writes Alley, within one decade. The temperature record
for Greenland, according to Alleys research, more
resembles a jagged row of very sharp teeth than a gradual
passage from one epoch to another. According to Alley:
Model projections of global warming find increased
global precipitation, increased variability in precipitation,
and summertime drying in many continental interiors,
including grain belt regions. Such changes
might produce more floods and more droughts. Human
emissions of greenhouse gases may provide enough of
a change to trigger such a rapid change.
By 2000, the hydrological cycle seemed to be changing
more quickly than temperatures. Warmer air holds more
moisture, making rain (and sometimes snow) more intense.
Warmer air also increases evaporation, paradoxically
intensifying drought at the same time. With sustained
warming, usually wet places generally seem to be receiving
more rain than before; dry places often receive less
rain and become subject to more persistent drought.
In many places, drought or deluge is becoming the weather
regime du jour. Atmospheric moisture increases more
rapidly than temperature; over the United States and
Europe, atmospheric moisture increased 10 to 20 percent
from 1980 to 2000. Thats why you see the
impact of global warming mostly in intense storms and
flooding like we have seen in Europe, Kevin Trenberth,
a scientist with National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCAR) told Londons Financial Times.
As if on cue to support climate models, the summer of
2002 featured a number of climatic extremes, especially
regarding precipitation. Excessive rain deluged Europe
and Asia, swamping cities and villages and killing at
least 2,000 people, while drought and heat scorched
the United States west and eastern cities. Climate
skeptics argued that weather is always variable, but
other observers noted that extremes seemed to be more
frequent than before. A year later, following episodic
floods during the summer of 2002, Europe experienced
some of it highest (and longest-sustained) temperatures
in recorded history, causing (by various estimates)
between 19,000 and 35,000 excess deaths. As much as
80 percent of the grain crop died in eastern Germany,
site of some of 2002s worst floods.
In a hotter climate, your chances of being caught
with either too much or too little are higher,
said Dr. John M. Wallace, a professor of atmospheric
sciences at the University of Washington. Government
scientists have measured a rise in downpour-style storms
in the United States during the last century. Over
the past 50 years, said Wallace, winter precipitation
in the Sierra Nevada has been falling more and more
in the form of rain, increasing flood risks, instead
of as snow, which supplies farmers and taps alike as
it melts in the spring.
The World Water Council report compiled statistics indicating
that between 1971 and 1995 floods affected more than
1.5 billion people worldwide, or 100 million people
a year. An estimated 318,000 were killed and more than
18 million left homeless. The economic costs of these
disasters rose to an estimated $300 billion in the 1990s
from about $35 billion in the 1960s. Global warming
is causing changes in weather patterns as growing populations
migrate to vulnerable areas, increasing costs of individual
weather events, said William Cosgrove, vice president
of the World Water Council. Scientists cited by
the World Water Council expect that climate changes
during the 21st century will lead to shorter and more
intense rainy seasons in some areas, as well as longer,
more intense droughts in others, endangering some crops
and species and causing a drop in global food production.
Examples abound of increasing extremes in precipitation.
November 2002, December 2002, and January 2003 were
Minneapolis-St. Pauls driest in recorded history.
These followed the wettest June through October there
in more than 100 years. In December 2002, Omaha recorded
its first month with no measurable precipitation. In
March 2003, having endured its driest year in recorded
history during 2002, Denver, Colorado recorded 30 inches
of snow in one storm. Some areas of the drought-parched
Front Range received as much as ten feet of snow in
the same storm. After that one storm, drought conditions
Roughly half the United States was under serious drought
conditions during the summer of 2002. The drought was
occasionally punctuated by torrential rains. On September
13, 2002, for example, drought-stricken Denver was inundated
by floods from a fast-moving thunderstorm that caused
widespread flooding. Similar events took place south
of Salt Lake City. Ten days later, a flooding cloudburst
inundated similarly drought-stricken Atlanta. On September
10, 2002, six months worth of rain fell in a few
hours in the Gard, Herault, and Vaucluse departments
in the south of France, drowning at least 20 people.
In the village of Sommieres, near Nimes, a usually-tiny
stream exploded to a width of 300 meters, cutting off
road traffic.
The suburbs of Chicago received 8 to 13 inches of rain
the night of August 12, 2002, in a summer that included
devastating floods in Prague and Dresden, as well as
parts of southern China. India had a variable monsoonsome
areas flooded, while others went dry. Severe summer
floods in Europe during 2002 may be an indicator of
an emerging pattern, according to Jens H. and Ole B.
Christensen, who modeled precipitation patterns in Europe
under warming conditions of a type that may be prominent
in the area by 2070 to 2100. Our results,
they wrote in Nature, indicate that episodes
of severe flooding may become more frequent, despite
a general trend toward drier summer conditions.
The trend toward drought or deluge will intensify as
warming distorts the hydrological cycle. A warming atmosphere
will contain more water vapor, which will provide further
potential for latent-heat release during the buildup
of low-pressure systems, thereby possibly both intensifying
the systems and making more water available for precipitation,
Christensen and Christensen wrote.
Annual mean precipitation amounts over the United States
have been increasing at two to five percent per decade,
according to atmospheric scientists Ken Trenberth and
colleagues (writing in the Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society), with most of the
increase related to temperature and hence in atmospheric
water-holding capacity
. There is clear evidence
that rainfall rates have changed in the United States
The prospect may be for fewer but more intense rainfallor
snowfallevents. Individual storms may be
further enhanced by latent heat release, which supplies
even more moisture during individual storms.
Generally, higher temperatures enhance evaporation,
with some compensatory cooling when water is available.
Increased evaporation also intensifies drought, which,
to some degree, compounds itself as moisture is depleted,
leading to increased risk of heat waves and wildfires
in association with such droughts; because once the
soil moisture is depleted then all the heating goes
into raising temperatures and wilting plants.
In mountain areas, wrote Trenberth, The winter
snowpack forms a vital resource, not only for skiers,
but also as a freshwater resource in the spring and
summer as the snow melts. Yet warming makes for a shorter
snow season with more precipitation falling as rain
rather than snow, earlier snowmelt of the snow that
does exist, and greater evaporation and ablation. These
factors all contribute to diminished snowpack. In the
summer of 2002, in the western parts of the United States,
exceptionally low snowpack and subsequent low soil moisture
likely contributed substantially to the widespread intense
drought because of the importance of recycling [in the
hydrological cycle]. Could this be a sign of the future?
The insurance companies, whose business is making book
on the future, are watching the weatherand they
are worried.
E. Johansen, Frederick W. Kayser professor
of Journalism at the University of Nebraska at Omaha,
is author of the Global Warming Desk Reference
(Greenwood Press, 2002). |