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.Stars.Or.Streetlights. version: The Great Below
About Me-- Friends Page-- Calendar-- coming soon.-- SJYC-- Memories-|-Cast of Characters--DISCLAIMER--Often FRIENDS ONLY--optimized for IE @ 1024 x 768 res--
These are the last 25 entries. back 25.

Friday, May 27th, 2005

Time:12:16 pm.
Mood: ecstatic.
I totally have my ticket for the ROLLING STONES!
For All We Could Have Done | 4 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Thursday, May 26th, 2005

Subject:RE: Stones tickets
Time:12:33 pm.
Ok, boys and girls.

I want to know who's going to the Rolling Stones & The Hip at Magnetic Hill. Tickets go on sale at 11 am Ast on friday the 27th.

[info]khazdul, let me know if you want me to get your ticket by tonight and tomorrow Mom will do it for me while I'm at work with her visa through ticket master.

I'd do this through email, but I can't use outside webmail from work.
For All We Could Have Done | 7 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

Subject:And now it chills me to the bone
Time:10:10 pm.
Mood: shoppy.
I'm on an Ebay shopping binge again. So tell me, what should I get?





I'm iffy about the jeans because the hips don't sound generous enough for me. well, actually they do but I'm paranoid and like to buy everything a little big (as you can see).

[info]iluvtofu! This would be so lovely on you!

For All We Could Have Done | 5 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Time:9:30 pm.
Mood: hopeful.
I need to direct all y'all to read this entry

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As much as I love my very close friend [info]xxxemptyxxx and wish she were home, I'd rather she come for a visit instead of being deported back. If there is ANYONE who can help out with even spare change, DO IT.
For All We Could Have Done | 1 whisper in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Subject:I'm usually face down on the ground whenever there's a stampede
Time:11:27 am.
Music:Ani Difranco - I'm No Heroine (live).

You think I wouldn't have him
Unless I could have him by the balls
You think I just dish it out
You don't think I take it at all
You think I am stronger
You think I walk taller than the rest
You think I'm usually wearing the pants
Just 'cause I rarely wear a dress

For All We Could Have Done | | And All That Could Have Been..

Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

Subject:Don't mistake my anal retentiveness for actual affection
Time:10:44 pm.
If you didn't see Desperate Housewives...

Watching Bre get the news of her husband's sudden death, then calmly finishing meticulously polishing the silver and putting it away... then calmly sitting down, seeing Rex's empty chair at the end of the table... before bursting into sobs...

Saddest, most beautiful scene ever. I'd have never expected satire to bring me to tears.
For All We Could Have Done | 4 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Time:10:37 pm.

Mary-Kate is the grossest creature I've ever seen in my life. Does she realize her growth is stunted and she looks disgusting? Vomit.

Oh, and she's also dating [info]kwajo apparently.
For All We Could Have Done | 3 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Time:9:50 pm.

edit: I left some of [info]silentphayze's answers by mistake.

ME ME ME because I'm awesome )
For All We Could Have Done | | And All That Could Have Been..

Saturday, May 21st, 2005

Time:2:22 pm.
Mood: ICS-y.
Oh, and no, kids, I won't be at Rigormortis shooting tomorrow because [info]jeffaulburn is a boob.

Just kidding. In all seriousness, I went by the original email that said "Saturday" to plan my life for this week, and now I have another engagement.

Vixen promotions presents...

Closed Casket Funeral

Tension Point
@ Studio 112, 3:00pm
$7.00 in advance $9.00 at the door
All ages
For All We Could Have Done | 1 whisper in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Friday, May 20th, 2005

Time:11:17 pm.
Dear Kelly:

don't. break. the boy.
For All We Could Have Done | | And All That Could Have Been..

Subject:love me two times, my knees got weak
Time:10:28 pm.
Mood: contemplative.
Is it something with spring that all my male friends are suddenly enamoured with me? I was hoping last year was a fluke. Critical levels of "stupid everything!" happening over here!

... except my job, which I still love after a full week.
For All We Could Have Done | 2 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005

Time:12:36 pm.
Mood: worky.
I'm on my lunch during training. There are some rules regarding certain IT that you can and can't use, and while I understand the reasons for the rules, it seems sort of ridiculous to police employees this way. For instance, I may not operate msn messanger, msn hotmail, or any other web-based email. The reason being viruses. Frankly, I am of the opinion if you cannot operate a damn PC with internet access properly, you should not be using one and therefore should not be working here. This means that you should be able to scan, and quarentine or eliminate any viruses, spyware, etc that should come upon your machine. You don't have to be in IT to do these things. Waaah, my computer exploded because I'm ignorant and cannot eliminate viruses or troubleshoot anything in my OS.

My other nitpick is that we use Windows 2000 professional rather than XP professional. Scott (old friend I now work with) suggested it might just work better on their networks for some reason, but I dunno. I'm not terribly OS picky at work because I only have to deal with it at work for a minimal amount of tasks. On my home PC, I cannot stand having anything but XP anymore because I'm anal (even though I run my laptop on something else because it's an old clunker of an Acer and doesn't have a lot of space or power).

Overall though, I think I'm going to like this. I'm probably only going to be handling front end consumer relations in a middleman type way, and I'm satisfied with that.
For All We Could Have Done | 6 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Monday, May 16th, 2005

Time:6:52 pm.
Mood: contraception-y.
I am thinking about getting one of these

I would be more comfortable going off the pill entirely if I was still with Mike though, to be honest. Even though that neither of us would choose to raise children anytime this decade, it would be easier to deal with the decision making with him (ie: long-term partner) then "regular temp boyfriend". Although, the efficacy rating looks pretty good with this thing. I'd also be antsy about using spermicide. Vaginas do not like spermicide.

Hm. So who knows.
For All We Could Have Done | 2 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Time:7:05 am.
I don't think babies should have babies. I just do not. I wish more health practitioners and parents would offer termination as a more favorable option.

The amount of children in my city with their own children is scary. And young adults for that matter. If they bother to wait until they finish highschool, it certainly isn't long until they bring a child into an unstable homelife.

< /rant >
For All We Could Have Done | | And All That Could Have Been..

Sunday, May 15th, 2005

Subject:Choice in the U.S.: "Partial-Birth Abortion"
Time:10:38 am.
I think I will be slowly assembling a collection of entries in my journal, the theme being "Choice in the United States" (for the obvious reason that reproductive choice in the U.S. is in dire straits, and I and my country have strong geographical and political ties). I like to record at least a smattering of these things.

I am going to start with "Partial-Birth Abortion" and the so-called "ban", inspired by this thread.

Noteworthy comments:

2005-05-15 01:40 (link)
There's no such thing as "partial-birth" abortion, by the way. It was a term conned by conservative groups as emotional rhetoric. The ban has been declared unconstitutional, and late-term abortion is still legal.

2005-05-15 03:23 (link)
Late term abortions are generally used because the mother's life would be in great danger or because the fetus has already died/formed without a brain/something else seriously wrong. It's a procedure done mainly for medical reasons, at least that's my understanding.

The "PBA" ban has made them illegal NO MATTER WHAT, which means that although it's a procedue done because a doctor says it's probably necessary, it still can't be done. They did not include a mother's health clause.

Personally I believe a choice is a choice, and I don't care why people get abortions I just want them to be available. But late term abortions are generally not done for the same reasons as earlier-term ones.

angelvomit (that's me. I'm not going to link myself!)
2005-05-15 13:38 (link)
Comment Posted Successfully

In addition to what welsey said, I just want to break it down like this: basically, this legislation is anti-choice strategy cloaked as well-meaning and "reasonable" limitations. Sadly, all is not what it may seem at first glance. From my understanding (and I consider myself to have a firm grasp on the situation), late-term abortions are simply not (generally) performed, except for the reasons welsey has mentioned below. Therefore, there is no actual reason for this legislation besides to chip away at choice.
For All We Could Have Done | 2 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Subject:the toneless metallic voices repeating the same things over and over
Time:9:49 am.

Is anyone else terribly afraid Canadian law would allow these people to pull this kind of B.S. here?

It's horrifying. I have been following this trend for some time now and I fear the prevalence is growing.

A pharmasist does not have the right to refuse me the medication my doctor has prescribed. Then you are no longer a pharmasist, you are a judge and should have gone to law school, or into politics (although if you can't understand basic science and biology, you probably shouldn't be doing those things either... but hey, the president is an ignorant man and look how far he's gone!).
For All We Could Have Done | | And All That Could Have Been..

Saturday, May 14th, 2005

Subject:I don't want lime in my coke, it stings my nose
Time:2:55 pm.
Mood: better.
So I seem to have made a miraculous recovery. Ok, not really, but I do feel well enough to work at least half a shift at Sears. This was supposed to be my last week there, and thus far I made it to one shift. I'm awesome.

Tasha wants to go to Boston Pizza and then go see Amplenough play at the Giraffecyle Birthday Party, so if I feel like it after working, I'd like to go do that. I was going to finally see the baby tomorrow, but since she came down with jaundice I might give it another day. I don't want to give her my germs.

I've decided that if this is an immune system issue and not something else that I need to make sure Tasha tells me when Dominica's sick or appears to be getting sick so I can avoid day-care germs. I think she and Sears are giving me all my sicknesses.

For All We Could Have Done | 1 whisper in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Friday, May 13th, 2005

Time:11:04 pm.
I fell asleep suddenly without meaning to, then woke up very confused and disorientated to find that I had started my period despite just having one like a week ago or so. I'm on birthcontrol so why is this happening? Cramps, you name it. We're not talking just spotting here, people!

I'm grumpy.
For All We Could Have Done | 2 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

Subject:can't eat can't sleep can't stay awake
Time:8:27 pm.
Mood: sad.
My mom is afraid that the Unexplained Virus that I had 12 years ago has returned. Two hospitals and a slew of specialists never determined what my problem was, and then it just went away. Sort of.

except I am constantly coming down with some sort of sickness, and have lived my entire life like this.

The past four weeks I have had the flu (fevers, vomiting, etc), a sinus infection, an ear infection, and now this bout of whatever this is. I've spent a max of three "well" days in between each. I JUST went to the doctor monday who gave me a clear bill of health. Well, something happened between monday morning and tuesday morning to change that, didn't it?

And I just ask why. I spend a lot of life in bed, half-sedated, or just generally unwell.

I'm starting my new job monday and I cannot afford to be ill. I simply can't.

Back to the doctor tomorrow, then a round of bloodwork.

I can't even visit my best friend and her new baby. I'm a useless pile of diseased flesh.
For All We Could Have Done | 2 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Time:9:23 am.
Dear Mom:

If I ever end up having a baby in a hospital (and God willing, I never will) Do NOT let some fuckwit nurse try to pressure me into an epidural by saying "What's the big deal about natural childbirth?" Please give her a swift slap across the face and tell her to find another profession.

Yes, I finally have a new goddaughter. Tori was born at 12:30 this morning at 7 lbs 4 oz (I think). Jessica didn't suffer too horribly, but I've learned once again that a maritime hospital is no place to be to have a baby. They don't care about you, your wants and needs. They care about covering their ass.

I'm glad I wasn't there, because I would have totally wanted to lay the smack down.

Baby is healthy, mama is healthy (though seems to have been through a bit) so generally I'm happy.

I had food poisoning last night while Jessica was busy birthing. I've had it before, but this was pretty nasty. I thought at first my nausia was due to weaning on my meds, but the projectile vomiting and sweats that followed told a different tale. I'll be damned if I know what did it. All I ate yesterday was coffee, juice, water, two bananas, a wee bit of salad, a tofuken burger, and then kraft dinner (which I hate, but I was lazy and couldn't think of anything else).

This morning I feel really out of it and manic, so please bear with me.
For All We Could Have Done | 2 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

Subject:Ruby Red
Time:6:15 pm.
Mood: grumpy.
new cell for us "Ladies"

WTF moment.

Hey, Pro-Ana girls... BMI on your PHONE! OMG run out and preserve our aristocratic dignity! (hey, if we can't laugh at ourselves, what is the point of life?)

Thanks [info]sicklipstick.
For All We Could Have Done | 5 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Monday, May 9th, 2005

Time:11:17 pm.
I have a feeling that when I do finally have my own babies that I will be telling a lot of people to get the hell away from my kid before they ruin her.
For All We Could Have Done | 2 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Time:10:00 pm.
Mood: chipper.
Edit: This is the first section to another entry I decided to make friends-only.

I really just find drugs filthy, dirty, and repulsive. Been there, done that, grew up. I hate seeing small children being raised by irresponsible drug users. I ESPECIALLY hate when those parents want Dominica to be left in their trust so she can play with their little girl.

Sorry. That was a rant that I needed to expell.

I asked Tasha if we could sort some clothes and things for give-away to [info]whiskey_bent and I came home with the Salvation Army. All kinds of new or next-to-new clothes, blankets, shoes, toys, etc. I'm going to wash them up first and then deliver them to Jess. A lot of it is really for kids 9-18 months, but I'm certain it will get used.

I adore Tori and she isn't even born yet. There are few people in this world who would prompt me to do this much laundry!
For All We Could Have Done | | And All That Could Have Been..

Saturday, May 7th, 2005

Subject:We knew it all along. Does that make it better?
Time:10:04 pm.
Music:Controller Controller - Silent Seven.
This week has been pretty crazy for me.

I had planned to go see Motorhead last tuesday night, and then beat the feet to Death From Above afterwards. Well, the day before the show the promotors cancelled Motorhead due to low advance ticket sales. I was quite depressed, but the DFA show was so much fun that it made up for it. It was nice to be there for the opening bands. I just love Controller Controller so damn much. Toronto dance-punk fronted by the delicious creature known as Nirmala Basnayake (oh lord I hope I have her name right). What more could you want, really?

Tasha had Misery Index in on friday night, along with BloodShotEye. Misery Index are fantastic of course, but I have a soft spot for talented female-fronted metal and hard rock acts like BloodShotEye.

Needless to say I have two cards worth of photos to sort through. Oi.

I am anxiously waiting the arrival of my new goddaughter. I think I'm driving [info]whiskey_bent a little crazy. I keep calling and showing up at her apartment to check on her. I know I'm being a pest, but when the most important person in my life is having her first baby, well... how can I not worry?!

I have one more week at Sears before I start my new job. This month, my focus will be finishing my makeup paper for ICS, settling in at IBM and finishing it off with Maritime Metalfest in Halifax. After that, well more work of course... but other than that, there will be webdesigning a happenin'.

Stay tuned.
For All We Could Have Done | 3 whispers in my ear | And All That Could Have Been..

Time:2:42 am.
Dear Kelly:

the problem with you two is that neither of you ave the balls to say what you really feel & what you really want from each other.


your brain

About Me-- Friends Page-- Calendar-- coming soon.-- SJYC-- Memories-|-Cast of Characters--DISCLAIMER--Often FRIENDS ONLY--optimized for IE @ 1024 x 768 res--
These are the last 25 entries. back 25.