DISCLAIMER: The following post will not be everyone's cup of tea, so if you are easily offended, please don't read it. It is a parody of something very ugly, and so it apes this ugliness. This is not meant to be disrespectful to anyone, except for the target of the parody. If you choose to read it, I hope you read it with this in mind, and understand that the parts which aren't really funny aren't really supposed to be. If people who are not the target of this post, or flacking for the target of the post, are legitimately very offended by this, I'll take it down, because it's not worth messing up someone's day over. I'll spare you the whole "I'm trying to make you think" crap speech, but I wrote this kind of pissed off, and I tried to make that come through.
Also, I'm not responsible for stupid shit people write in the comments here, because I don't write it, and I don't police it, because it's not my job. But don't write about how you hope people get killed or threaten people or anything like that, please. It's fucking obnoxious, and nobody's really impressed that you can post psycho crap on some dumbass weblog from your Mom's computer. Please refrain.
Even-the-what-have-you The New Republic looks at the groudbreaking new Bush ad. I have the complete storyboards here:
[UPDATE: Last week's ad here.
Posted by The Editors at March 11, 2004 09:05 PM | TrackBackIs the last panel in these ads referring to the people who had to leap to their death from the smoldering WTC tower, with their valediction being the exhortation to vote Bush? I like it, very effective.
Posted by: Haggai at March 11, 2004 09:26 PMIt's a winner! I would run with it! I especially like how you show Kerry for what he is! A Green Scaled alien living in human form that wants to eat babies and sleep with your gay brothers.
Go with it George!
Posted by: Jack at March 11, 2004 09:33 PMHaggai -I hadn't gone quite that far, but it would be the next logical step. I think it gets the President's message across very well.
(I want threaded comments back.)
Posted by: The Editors at March 11, 2004 09:33 PMThis is the most fantastic thing I've ever seen.
Posted by: Rich at March 11, 2004 09:35 PMThis is the most fantastic thing I've ever seen.
Posted by: Rich at March 11, 2004 09:35 PMGuys, we could use a couple more frames....maybe one of me looking Vice Presidential in the Bunker...and GW taking charge making sure that all the Saudis get out of the country safely...I'd green light that...Big Time.
Posted by: Dick Cheney at March 11, 2004 09:41 PMreally, reaaaallllly good.
Posted by: fat sam at March 11, 2004 09:42 PMTo the Editors:
This is really good stuff. I would suggest you disclaim copyright (or maybe consider the GPL) so it gets around.
Good stuff, a good laugh.
Posted by: Mason at March 11, 2004 09:55 PMI would suggest you disclaim copyright (or maybe consider the GPL) so it gets around.
Why? Just link to it.
Posted by: at March 11, 2004 10:01 PMThe whole sequence will work on 38% of the population (I just tested this), but the last frame by itself, and Osama with the Kerry sticker, will work on 93% (MOE +- 3%).
Posted by: JS at March 11, 2004 10:07 PMIt's a little too cerebral for me. Can't you just say "A vote for John Kerry is a vote for Evil Muslims"? That's much easier for me to understand.
Posted by: Angry White Male at March 11, 2004 10:07 PMHi, my name is Ted Khaled! I played Swarthy Guy #2 in the recent George W. Bush re-election commercial (I'm the one in the back), in addition to Swarthy Guy #3 in "Threat Impact", Defiant Muslim #2 in "JAG: Gitmo", and Guy in Line #368 in that Miller Lite commercial. I just want to say that you guys have a great "blog" here, I've been LMAO all day over it, and that when the anti-Arab backlash hits, I hope you guys will let me hide from the mobs in your basement or something.
must...clean up....pants...
Posted by: praktike at March 11, 2004 10:12 PMDick. How many times must we tell you, it's not "Bunker", it's "Undisclosed Location". "Bunker" has historically unsound connotations. Now, do you still have your cyanide tablet?
Posted by: synykl at March 11, 2004 10:18 PMthe action figures of bush pointing the gun at osama... i nearly pissed myself! well done!
Posted by: greenplasticmike at March 11, 2004 10:24 PMEven I found this funny...
Posted by: Willie Horton at March 11, 2004 10:28 PMYeah--but they gotta show George's Junior's macho Kung-Fu Action Grip!
Otherwise, it's just not believeable!
Bush/Cheney '04--Saving our Nation, One Swarthy Male At a Time
Posted by: Sharoney at March 11, 2004 10:28 PMHaggai -I hadn't gone quite that far, but it would be the next logical step. I think it gets the President's message across very well.
Yeah, I noticed how you were holding back throughout the rest of these ads. :)
Great work, did you actually set up all these dolls and stuff? Does this involve less effort than I think it does? It looks like a decent amount of actual work went into this.
Posted by: Haggai at March 11, 2004 10:29 PMOh, of course, this just occurred to me--the people plummeting to their death with "vote Bush" as their last words would be the *perfect* comeback to all those "Democrat" 9/11 families who have the gall to complain about the first Bush ads! Who you gonna believe, a bunch of irrational Bush-hating liberals, or the dying wishes of the actual 9-11 victims?
Posted by: Haggai at March 11, 2004 10:33 PMI think I just wet myself.
(There was going to be a semi-lame joke involving that link, but you aren't presently allowing html in your comments. Sigh.)
Posted by: Doctor Memory at March 11, 2004 10:35 PMQuiddity beat you to that idea last week, although it was a bit more grotesque.
Posted by: Lefty at March 11, 2004 10:37 PM"Only one man in the whole country had the courage to fight back."
Oh, Margaret.
Remember the terror-smashing battle action.
Posted by: kelly at March 11, 2004 10:38 PMI've been working on the soundtrack for this commericial, and we are in desperate need of the following types of soundclips:
Arabs screaming hate to that funny music
The flapping of a flag in the wind,
The sound you make when you get a lump in your throat,
Marching boots goosestepping
Jewish sounding disgust noise
If anyone has phonecall clips of people in the towers thanking Bush during their last call to loved ones before the collapse, that would be great.
Having a real hard time finding those.
you are so smart, you just brought an itty-bitty tear to my eye!
Posted by: n69n at March 11, 2004 10:44 PMWhat happened to the earlier version of this ad? There were some great images in that one, like "our enemies" with the Hillary doll, the Justin/Janet image, and the Village People dude (symbolizing the scourge of all those homos who want to get married, I presume).
Posted by: Haggai at March 11, 2004 10:44 PMI can't wait for the commercials where they have tanks attacking convenience stores to get the clerks.
Sorry for the pandering stereotype, look at what we are dealing with.
The Terror is in this room.
Posted by: Rove Rollover at March 11, 2004 10:47 PMWe need a commercial of Al Bundy doing his shoe salesman gig at the airport for all us FREE CITIZENS OF A FUCKING FREE NATION that were forced to take our shoes off to travel WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF OUR OWN FUCKING FREE NATION!
Posted by: Bundy Lover at March 11, 2004 10:49 PMSweet Jimmy McGuilicutty! That's freaking brainiac brilliant I wish I were drinking milk so I could spit it for effect.
Posted by: salvage at March 11, 2004 10:50 PMI'd like to say that as a Muslim I'm not offended by this ad. I also support President Bush 100%. Only he has the courage and moral clarity to lead this great Nation in the challenges it faces.
Posted by: Ahmed Chalabi at March 11, 2004 10:59 PMIt needs a frame with George W. Bush's face photoshopped onto Luke Skywalker's body when he's in the cockpit of his X-Wing, as if George were piloting a stealth bomber towards Osama's hideout.
Posted by: Jon H at March 11, 2004 11:47 PMGreat work, did you actually set up all these dolls and stuff? Does this involve less effort than I think it does? It looks like a decent amount of actual work went into this.
Just Google image search, and some judicious GIMPing.
Posted by: The Editors at March 12, 2004 02:15 AMThe flight suit needs more sock. We have to really pad it out for the ladies.
Posted by: melior at March 12, 2004 02:31 AMThis is freaking so close to brilliant I almost want to hire you. Too bad Bush is going to lose now that he pissed off Howard Stern. Stern has been ranting and raving and is now directing his slavish minions to vote for ABB (Anyone But Bush). Don't believe me? Ask Bloomberg, Pataki and Christie Whitman. The FCC's mistake was not removing Stern quickly enough.
Posted by: Dick Morris at March 12, 2004 03:13 AMI pray that George W. Bush and his terrorist buddies in Saudi Arabia are all killed like the mangy animals that they are.
I pray that it can be witnessed on film for generations to come.
The Project for the New American Century is the terrorist organization posing the greatest threat to America.
May each and every member of that group be hunted down and killed, and their carcases displayed on a slab.
Posted by: American Citizen at March 12, 2004 07:18 AMHow long before Team Bush try to sue you for stealing their campaign?
I'd hire you guys in a heartbeat!
Posted by: Trevor at March 12, 2004 07:34 AMExcellent touch with the French bread!
Well played.
I love the ad except for the final frame. I'm sorry, but the thought of those poor trapped people in the WTC just breaks my heart, and it takes all the humor out of the ad. Please consider removing that last frame and replacing it with someone else saying "vote for bush" -- maybe US soldiers under fire in Iraq or something.
Posted by: Terry at March 12, 2004 08:14 AMI'm with melior (sp?) -- I'm a woman (well, 'lady') and I think the bush action figure needs more of the real thing -- maybe you could somehow superimpose his real codpiece on the carrier that day on the doll and accent it that way. This should make the ladies more interested -- ohohohoohhh, I'm getting all bothered just thinking about it.
Posted by: Streaker at March 12, 2004 08:28 AMI really do like your story board, but I think there should be another panel inserted early on. This one showing the calm, presidential Baby Bush displaying nerves of steel by continuing to read a story to children while thousands die. He didn't over react by taking charge immediately. No, he knew all of America could wait while he finished reading the 'goat story'. Probably the only thing he's read since he's been in office.
Posted by: Rick at March 12, 2004 08:38 AMbut how do show him flying around the country scared?
Posted by: pansypoo at March 12, 2004 09:02 AMI bet the W figure doesn't have a pull string that allows him to talk. His handlers don't want him to say anything stupid...again. "...a peeance, freeance iraq would be of enormous historic significance." You're all racists and I'm gonna laugh when you're crying about your loss in 2004. The time of Sauron and the orcs has come to an end.
Posted by: at March 12, 2004 09:57 AMOn March 11th, 2004, some idiot with a blog posted some stupid shit.
Judging from the details of the "stupid shit"
The Poor Man..
A- has a low IQ
B- is a man
C- is racist
D- is physically unatractive
E- masturbates a LOT to pictures of Ann Coulter
F- has to get a woman drunk to have sex (which only happens once a year)
G- is a very unhappy individual
H- lives in a mobile home
Posted by: The Poor Man at March 12, 2004 10:12 AMIf you are saying Arab Americans should vote for Kerry. You can have them, if we het all the people who feel strongly about homeland security. Something Cut and Run Kerry obviously does not stand for. If you want terrorists to be killed you gotta vote Bush. It's as simple as that.
Posted by: Ricky Vandal at March 12, 2004 10:50 AMThere now. Bad warblogger. Bad. Bad.
Stay with us, Dorothy. We all love you. We dont want you to go.
Posted by: julia at March 12, 2004 10:51 AMBrilliant and creepy, Andrew.
Posted by: Elayne Riggs at March 12, 2004 10:52 AMWhat really creeps me out is how much better-looking (and how much more BUTCH) the Bush action figure looks than the "real" article. It only serves to remind me just how much Dubya reeally does look like Alfred E. Neuman.
Posted by: Michael at March 12, 2004 11:04 AMI love this. It's funny yet it's still fundamentally pro-Bush!
It's futile to oppose Bush on 9/11. Bush owns 9/11 just the way FDR owns Dec 7.
Sure, there are still some people who think FDR knew about Pearl Harbor before it happened but they probably outnumber the people who can remember FDR's opponent in 1944.
Posted by: murphy at March 12, 2004 11:31 AMIf you lefties and anti-Bushies really think these ads are so bad then why don't you encourage Bush to run them more frequently? Wouldn't these ads then encourage people to vote against Bush?
Posted by: Roland Lumsby at March 12, 2004 11:55 AMThe so-obviously cut-and-pasted beret and french bread and Qu'ran in the Kerry picture was SOOOO funny, I am still LOL. So were the captioned (and campaign buttoned) action figures. But the last frame, with those victims jumping from the WTC, is NOT funny and can never be. Please consider changing that frame - there are so many other possibilities. Overall, though, this alternative ad is priceless. Thanks for the great work!
Posted by: Cat at March 12, 2004 11:56 AMfucking brilliant!!!
Posted by: j fyrste at March 12, 2004 12:03 PMGroudbreaking... mmm.. would that be a cross of crowd breaking and groundbreaking? I suggest the shrub quote some scripture from the old testament while standing on the flight deck ... in a tasteful little balloon perhaps. Good work!
Posted by: Jude at March 12, 2004 01:00 PMI suggest we also show Bush standing with Pat Robertson, saying that only faith in Bush 'n Jesus can save us all from gays, feminists, John Kerry, and swarthy foreigners.
God help us if John Qu'oran Kerry gets into the WH in November!
At first I thought this was a joke, and then I realized you guys are actually serious.
I don't really know what to think about the ad. Besides the last slide (which is disrespectful to the dead), the rest of the ad is brilliant satire.
But you guys weren't kidding? now THAT's scary!
Posted by: dawn at March 12, 2004 02:32 PMWha' happen... Did The Poor Man get a link from Instacracker?
Posted by: Jeremy Osner at March 12, 2004 02:40 PMThis is too tame. We need more blood and gore. I can advise you on editing. My original scourge scene in my recent epic "Passion" was 94 minutes long before I edited it down to 10 minutes.
Posted by: Mel Gibson at March 12, 2004 03:00 PMi saw a link to this on fark from "pontechango", wanted to say thanks to him and whoever made it for giving me a laugh.
Posted by: vzleon at March 12, 2004 03:13 PMIt's linked from CURSOR (www.cursor.org). Not sure it that's what brought the nuts, though.
Posted by: tomato_freak at March 12, 2004 03:43 PMYou just forget that the most terrorist in this world is Bush and His Criminals killing a lot of innocent people for Oil..think about it
Posted by: Tucker at March 12, 2004 03:48 PMIt´s extremly disgusting to see Bush invoking the victims of 9.11 when he was stonewalling the 9.11 commission...this is very shameful
Posted by: Tucker at March 12, 2004 04:20 PMCrikey, this post has turned into a real hands across America moment.
Posted by: Todd at March 12, 2004 04:29 PMGeez Todd, how come you're three times as funny when you post in Andrew's comments section as you are on your own blog? Sorry, that came out like an bass-ackwards compliment--didn't mean it to. Funny comment is what I meant.
Posted by: tomato_freak at March 12, 2004 05:06 PM8+ months until the election and you're already breaking out the Bush Supporters-Have-Racist-Tendencies bit? Wow. I suppose your October surprise will show Bush anal raping Ms Clinton with a Patriot Act scroll. Y'know, to appeal to all the Republican misogynists who wouldn't mind a good feminist rapin'.
But it's all in good fun, I suppose. I mean, who minds being labeled a racist for believing in a particular foreign policy strategy...?
Posted by: Jeff G at March 12, 2004 05:11 PMCare to defend this point, Jeff?
Posted by: The Editors at March 12, 2004 05:17 PMAmerican Citizen, Dude, chill.
Anyway, that was absolutely hilarious. Peein' ma pants.
Which point?
Posted by: Jeff G at March 12, 2004 05:27 PMYes, and why is it that the ADL isn't clamoring for more screenings of Triumph of the Will?
I don't think there are many undecideds left. This ad won't change anyone's mind either way, but it is still shameful and cynical.
Posted by: kelly at March 12, 2004 05:37 PMOh, and yes, probably.
Posted by: Jeff G at March 12, 2004 05:38 PMI think Jeff meant: "What point?"
Posted by: biff3000 at March 12, 2004 05:38 PMWell, I was feeling all free to be colloquial, biff, but if you want to play grammar gotcha, you could do without the colon.
And JS? You do realize the the 9-11 hijackers really did have "olive skin," right? Christ, by your logic Bush better not pictures of Condi Rice at work, or the next thing you know, somebody'll photoshop "darkie" over her and suggest Bush is a slave master.
Posted by: Jeff G at March 12, 2004 05:53 PMWell, I was feeling all free to be colloquial, biff, but if you want to play grammar gotcha, you could do without the colon.
And JS? You do realize the the 9-11 hijackers really did have "olive skin," right? Christ, by your logic Bush better not show pictures of Condi Rice at work, or the next thing you know, somebody'll Photoshop "darkie" over her and suggest Bush is a slave master.
(sorry for the double post, Andrew)
Wow! You've made a lot new friends with this post.
Stupid, obnoxious friends, but friends none-the-less.
Posted by: Tim at March 12, 2004 06:04 PMIf you kept your ad focused on truths rather than made up speculation and foolish gossip, it could be more effective. But if you just want to smear, without regard to the whole truth, then have fun.
Posted by: Dan at March 12, 2004 06:16 PMAnother stupid friend!
Man it's great to be young and not a complete idiot. Everything just seems so fresh.
Like there's a twist of lemon zest on top of the world!
Posted by: Tim at March 12, 2004 06:24 PMAny point, Jeff. Make a point, any point you wish, and defend it. The Editors are busy people, and don't have time to run both sides of a debate.
Posted by: The Editors at March 12, 2004 06:33 PMAnd JS? You do realize the the 9-11 hijackers really did have "olive skin," right?
OK Jeff, what exactly are you objecting to then? Sounds like you and the Poor Man are in agreement about what the Bush ad was implying.
Posted by: JS at March 12, 2004 06:37 PMGotcha.
How's this:
8+ months until the election and you're already breaking out the Bush Supporters-Have-Racist-Tendencies bit? Wow. I suppose your October surprise will show Bush anal raping Ms Clinton with a Patriot Act scroll. Y'know, to appeal to all the Republican misogynists who wouldn't mind a good feminist rapin'.
But it's all in good fun, I suppose. I mean, who minds being labeled a racist for believing in a particular foreign policy strategy...?
Posted by: Jeff G at March 12, 2004 06:38 PMJeff - Some Bush supporters do have racist tendencies. This was neither stated nor implied by my post, but, since you brought it up, yes, it's completely true. We'll name names, too, if you'd like. The Editors are not opposed to amusing digressions.
But, again, this isn't the subject of the post. This is a mean-spirited parody of advertisements. Not "Bush supporters". Not (this slippery word again!) "policies". TV ads. That's what the post's about.
Posted by: The Editors at March 12, 2004 06:43 PMI'm going to ask "the editors" to clarify, then. Is the parody here directed against TNR for making an issue out of the racial makeup of the "swarthy" man? Or is the object of scorn here the makers of the ad for promoting an irrational fear of "olive-skinned" people. Because clearly it's possible to read it both ways, depending on which link is supposed to animate the irony.
Most of the people who've commented here seem to believe it's the latter (myself included), but then it occurs to me that Andrew is often scornful of hyper-PC vigilance, and this may be one of those cases. In which case, the parody is directed at the former.
If that's the case, Andrew and I are in perfect agreement, and I apologize for taking the wrong bait.
So, tell me. Which is it?
Posted by: Jeff G at March 12, 2004 06:46 PMThe advertisement is the object of The Editors' scorn, Jeff. The Editors find it hard to imagine coming to any other conclusion, especially after reading The Editors previous comment.
The Editors also wish it to be known that referring to one's self in the third person plural is more amusing than they would ever have suspected. They may make a habit of it.
Posted by: The Editors at March 12, 2004 06:53 PMSorry, Andrew, looks like we posted simultaneously.
So your argument is that you were attacking advertising in general, and that your post wasn't designed to make any broad statement about Bush supporters?
Well, if you say so.
And of course some Bush supporters are racists, just as some Democrats are homophobes. But your ad seems to suggest, within the parameters of a certain reading, that this fringe defines the group -- else, why the presumed appeal of scaremongering with "swarthy," "olive-skinned," and "brown" people?
Can you have it both ways?
The Editors feel you are reaching, Jeff. Phrases like "within the parameters of a certain reading" do not inspire them with great confidence in the existance of an actual point. The target of the parody, the Editors reiterate, is an advertisement. They request that they be granted the same right to define the meaning of their own post that they so recently granted you. They thank you in advance.
But, again, the Editors would be more than happy to supply a list of prominant racist Republicans, if you so request.
Posted by: The Editors at March 12, 2004 07:03 PMToo bad you weren't available to do Howard Dean's ads.
Posted by: Joe Trippi at March 12, 2004 07:07 PMThat is pathetic. How low do we Democrats have to go to try to win an election? Didn't Al Gore's ridiculous 2000 campaign and 2002 midterms teach you that having no program except "nah nah nah George Bush sucks" is going to lose it all again?
How stupid can you all be? You must really want Bush back for four more years, because any more shit like this and the American people will tune you fruitcakes out.
Posted by: Dan Howard at March 12, 2004 07:14 PMThis is one sick fuck.
Must be a liberal. After all, liberals have no brains, no heart, no shame.
Sick fuck.
Posted by: Dead Democrats at March 12, 2004 07:19 PMWhat I find amusing about this comment thread is that the outrage is coming from people who couldn't understand why the left had no sense of humor about Ann Coulter's uproarious drolleries on the subjects of killing arabs and shooting liberals and blowing up the New York Times.
Posted by: julia at March 12, 2004 07:44 PMWell, my thought was a comics panel that shows a plane, saying "High above the United States, in his Flying Fortress of Solitude, Bush transforms into ... The Only Thing Between Us and Terror!"
Then the picture where he is holding the pistol.
Posted by: Scorpio at March 12, 2004 08:02 PMIt reminds me of National Lampoon when it was funny...
Posted by: James at March 12, 2004 08:37 PMUhm, I'm a kaldescope of emotional flavors and as complex as the finest Bourdeaux?
Posted by: Todd at March 12, 2004 09:52 PMUh, I think this, ...uh misappropresented my uh .... points, which I haven't yet made, ...yet.
Posted by: GWB at March 12, 2004 11:17 PMyes. liberal not human. liberal insect from far planet to spread GAYNESS and immorality and take your bible and gun. we eat fetuses.
Posted by: at March 12, 2004 11:20 PMHoly shit, I feel honored just to be on the same internet as The Editors. This is just so shockingly funny that I am sure, especially given the rather warm comments on here, it will fully justify your decision to stop using your real names, Andrew.
Anyway, what does "that big girl's blouse Bill Clinton" mean? Is this a regionalism?
Posted by: Mithras at March 12, 2004 11:41 PMBack in the “Before Times”,on 10SEP01, Dubya was stumbling along, killing the economy, endangering women the world over, destroying world treaties and generally screwing things up. My 10APR01 letter called us a “rogue nation.” Bush & Co were advised repeatedly on Al-Queda. On August 6th they were told that Al-Queda was thinking of flying hi-jacked airplanes into buildings. The worthless Condoleeza Rice would later testify that no one “could have predicted that they would try to use a…hijacked airplane as a missile”.
If bush wants a political image from 9/11, he should use his dumb-struck stool perch as he sat in that classroom and reviewed his failure. By the time he came out of hiding, the White House lie machine was reved up, all the bin-Ladens had been flown safely home to Saudia Arabia, and Giuliani had been a hero for days.
We had the world’s support, and bush blew it. Ever wonder why there are no 9/11 convictions anywhere? Because bush doesn’t work well with others. This war against terror is a war of ideas that bush is losing. We need allies and cooperation, but mostly we need to make a more fair world. A world that rewards participation. We are not doing that.
"THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS THE LACK OF FEAR ITSELF." I like that line. Karl Rove said that to me. He told me not to tell anyone else but what the hey, were all freinds here.
Posted by: George W Bush at March 13, 2004 12:13 AMUh Oh! I've just been told that that ad might be a parody and that you guys are probably joking. Disregard the previous post. Karl never told me any such thing. It's all a lie put out by the terrorist-loving lubralmudia.
Posted by: George W Bush at March 13, 2004 12:31 AMp.s. And another thing, I'm the goddam president, I can spell "freinds" any way I goddam please.
Posted by: George W Bush at March 13, 2004 12:40 AMAn amazing piece by you. As a dyed in the wool leftist I laughed heartily, alot more than I feel I should have. That last frame tho was def tasteless and could stand for some modification.
Posted by: at March 13, 2004 01:16 AMMy basement is pretty small and my landlord's son is a crack user but you and yours are welcome at least until the day of reckoning then We all are going to live together and We all are going to live forever; when we come to see the writing on the wall; we come to see we must jump or we'll fall.
Posted by: Jack Smith at March 13, 2004 01:16 AMI've talked about it, talked about it, talked about mov-ing...
Ban na na, won't you take me to, ban na na crazy town?
Posted by: Todd at March 13, 2004 02:20 AM"Bush Supporters-Have-Racist-Tendencies bit? "
That's a bit? I thought that was an ad campaign for an illegal, unjust, murderous invasion that killed 40,000 innocent human beings, probably moderates. What's racist about that? Kill the innocent, let God sort them out is Hitlerism, it ain't no 'racist tendency.'
You're a full-blown racist. You're just too much of a coward to admit it to yourself.
Posted by: Paul at March 13, 2004 03:23 AMSee http://users.adelphia.net/~earthwatch/#quiz
Terrorist-in-chief Flight Suit Boy has already repeatedly implicated himself in the mass murder conspiracy
See http://users.adelphia.net/~earthwatch/
I understand satire.
I understand propaganda.
I understand trying to undermine an administration you (and I both) hate, using "any means necessary".
I do not, OTOH, understand a sloppy, quasi-slideshow, of mspaint-worthy manipulations of the murder of three thousan people. Someone who wants to make an anti-Bush statement (satirical or not) would have used something more subtle.
Thanks for the two-minute Paint manips. They're so full of creativity and subtlety. Assholes like you make me ashamed to be a liberal. At least put some EFFORT into it. I have an 11 year old cousin who could do better than the last frame.
Posted by: at March 13, 2004 04:40 AMTo The Editors:
The "Paul" who posted above is not the "Paul" who posts occasionally on these pages and who has corresponded with The Editors before.
The "Paul" who is a quasi-regular here--i.e., me--believes this was funny.
Posted by: Paul at March 13, 2004 09:49 AMActually, "Undisclosed Location" should be "undisclosed fund-raiser," but otherwise, you're right.
You twits! That’s not a Arab with olive skin, it’s O.J. with brown skin. I can tell it’s him because how many other black men (other than Louie Farrakhan) don’t have mustaches!
What Bush is trying to say is that he’s going to save us from ruthless, murderous knife-wielding black men (aren’t THEY all) in WTC elevators! I know for a fact that O.J. would have been on one of the planes, but he was late from returning his Hertz Rental Car. Probably got into a flying school through affirmative action!
VOTE Bush! Saving America from people of color (unless they’re illegal immigrants ).
Gee Jeff:
Six (6) words: "Colon Bowel United Nation's Intelligence Briefing"
Quack! Quack! Slap my fro'...
Posted by: The Duck at March 13, 2004 03:17 PMHey folks,
Thanks for the compliments. If I weren't so fucking stupid I'd get a clue that you're not on my side. Boy, I wish I had a brain.
Is there anything I can do to change your minds?
I LIKE the last frame. No where at ALL does it imply anyong falling from the building. You can't even see that!
Either way, I like it. It makes a statement. Buncha whiners.
Posted by: Liberal B*tch at March 13, 2004 05:43 PMI guess anyone who's mad about the last frame should be super-mad at me, seeing as how I was the one who started off this thread by explicitly suggesting that it should be the people falling to their death who are saying "Vote Bush." So, if anyone wants to flame The Editors for that, maybe you should flame me instead.
Oh, but don't do it on my website, let's let The Editors deal with it here. :)
Posted by: Haggai at March 13, 2004 06:00 PMthe whole things is great, but the last frame should stand alone. it's great. if you don't like it, I recommend that you ask yourself what the point is of EVERY SINGLE UTTERANCE BUSH HAS MADE SINCE 9-11? (Answer: because this happened, you should suppor me.)
Posted by: speakingcorpse at March 13, 2004 07:01 PMWho the fuck are you people and where did you come from?
Go away and quit tracking mud all over the place. Were you raised in a barn?
I haven't had a tetnaus shot lately or I'd go wading through the filth above to try and figure out who linked to this story. One of the Horsemen, I assume. Thanks Insty/DenBeste/Johnson/whoeverthefuck.
Posted by: Laertes at March 13, 2004 08:28 PMDude, you forgot to include some vital information: Revolutionary Gay terrorists are trying to create a state of anarchy and chaos in this country by challenging marriage laws. No straight man is safe! Even I've been thinking about marrying a man lately. Everyone knows that the Gays are in kahoots with the swarthy ones with a common goal of...(hm...it kinda breaks down right there, doesn't it?). Anyways, George Bush says that we have to destroy, er...amend the constitution to protect us from Gays, so Gays must be terrorists too.
As a man, I just don't feel safe anymore with gays looking at my butt all the time and wanting to marry me and shit.
Bush wins. Or rather, Bush will have won, because Dean lost. An escaped homocidal lunatic with a length of clothesline and an honest face is much more dangerous than a cheerleader with a bazooka, so you can imagine what a hired army of loonies with cattle prods and gas grenades are going to do with a cheerleader with a length of clothesline who's really, really serious about getting serious if those unfair lying meanies don't stop zapping and Macing her.
The only balls in the Democratic Party are those of J. Edgar Hoover, picked in formaldehyde, stowed in an unmarked crate in the basement of the LBJ Presidential Library. Can they be reanimated?
And don't forget the John McCain Self-Destruct Sequence: "Dad knew, John." It's worked before and it will work again the moment he acts up, and everybody knows it.
Posted by: Mike D. at March 14, 2004 02:12 PMIt is so easy to hate. It's much harder to think and care. It takes courage to speak out on behalf of others. It takes only cowardice to hate and call people names.
You have chosen to take that easy way. Hatred, ignorance, name-calling and sheep-like obedience are not qualities I envy. So enjoy yourself. I will continue to have hope for the future and respect for others. I will listen and speak. I will disagree and find compromise. I will pray for my country and for you to find some courage.
I will joyfully cast my vote for ABB and I hope you will do the same.
This was in response to the post by dead democrats.
Posted by: alwayshope at March 14, 2004 05:29 PMThis was in response to the post by dead democrats.
Posted by: alwayshope at March 14, 2004 05:30 PMThe best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
... Sir Winston Churchill
Truth is here for all to see!
Posted by: tucsondon at March 14, 2004 06:02 PMSometimes when I get "ouchy" feelings, I turn to the mirror and make a mean face. That's right scrunch it up real good. Arnngh! After about five muinutes of that I usually pass out due to lack of air, and I've forgotten my old "canker" thought, and have a new puzzle to solve, like "Oh swwet Jesus, I my teeth are broken? Aoow, what in the hell just...damn!"
Posted by: Todd at March 14, 2004 08:03 PMNote to self: DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT TO TYPE AGAIN WITHOUT YOUR GLASSES.
Posted by: Todd at March 14, 2004 09:34 PMNo, this is the most fantastic thing `I' have
ever seen!
I thought the ad was very funny, theeditors. I think the disclaimer isn't very funny. But then again, your humour often goes over my head.
Looking forward to more.
Posted by: Ikram at March 15, 2004 12:17 AMI don't think it's funny at all. I'm not offended by it. It's just that using action figures is always lame. And your photoshop skills are distractingly horrible.
Posted by: Bart at March 15, 2004 09:19 AMI think the font you have used in these photos is egregious.
Posted by: beerzie boy at March 15, 2004 10:08 AMI think the ad is hilarious but this comments thread might be even funnier. It's "found humor."
Posted by: Doug Turnbull at March 15, 2004 10:49 AMFor all the liberals out there who were "offended" by this -- grow up. It's an entirely legitimate critique of Bush's obscene attempt to capitalize on the 9/11 attacks.
To all the wing-nuts who were offended -- good.
Posted by: Pops at March 15, 2004 12:30 PMUm, yeah, whatever.
Dayam but that was funny. And I know Funny.
Posted by: some dude at March 15, 2004 01:23 PMvisit : www.zmag.org
Posted by: Mazer at March 15, 2004 03:31 PMWhat kind of a person would choke on a peanut?
Posted by: DUFFMAN at March 15, 2004 08:46 PMI was trying to figure out where in hell I recognized Dubya from: HE IS ALFRED E NEUMAN. Bloody buggering hell.
Fabulous work on the storyboard. I'd like to see a 'live action' version of that someday.
Posted by: Lizzers at March 15, 2004 11:45 PMI know I shouldn't laugh... but I just can't stop!!
That last panel... Gold! Hell, forget the rest of it, that one image sums up the entire GW Bush presidency!
Posted by: agrajag at March 16, 2004 02:55 AMI love how all these Conservatives get pissed off at it. So . . . it's A-OK for King George to use these images in his ads on TV going out to *millions of people* - but God forbid someone with a different point of view use them on a satirical web page. Obviously the "jumper" pic goes a bit further than Dubya's ads - but come on - it's the same fucking idea. It's satire, and maybe some people think it goes to far . . . but they have a disclaimer and this is the Web, not national TV. Using 9-11 images to make a political point got ya queasy? Go talk to Smirky and Karl Rove, who started the meme to begin with.
This is brilliant. I only wish Bill Hicks was alive today to do the voice over.
Wow. That's very dark humour, but absolutely hilarious. (The humour, not the dark and real parts). You rock, sir.
The real Bush ads are so poor and so deceiftul, I can't believe anyone got paid for that stuff. The olive-skinned guy doesn't even look Arab at all! He's Spanish, I can bet my pants on that. Or Greek. Or Italian. Or Israeli even. They got it soo wrong. Tsk.
Posted by: morvern callar at March 17, 2004 08:09 AMThings like this are fine as a joke, but it's when people start taking them too seriously that things lose perspective.
Posted by: Matt at March 17, 2004 02:01 PMWow, that Bullsh is really something! He's like a combination of Rambo, Vin Diesel and Arnold Schwarzeneggar all rolled into one! I used to worry about terrorism (especially after that business in Madrid), but not anymore! Hallelujah! A savior has been born unto us!
Posted by: Peter Micocci at March 17, 2004 07:33 PMHILARY CLINTON HAS MORE BALLS THEN g w bush.
Posted by: KEN at March 17, 2004 09:14 PMMorvern and Callar have just now finished reading all the comments and would like to make it known that they're madly in love with The Editors, them and all their third persons plural in all their plural might.
Posted by: morvern callar at March 18, 2004 12:18 PMI would like to see the Editors' list of racist Republicans.
Posted by: haze at March 18, 2004 01:23 PMGod, why don't you calm down, Dude? It's just some debate about a cartoon on a website. Don't blow a gasket, for Pete's sake...
Posted by: Phil at March 18, 2004 01:32 PMThe above was directed to Paul.
Posted by: Phil at March 18, 2004 01:34 PMI don't get it.
Posted by: George W. Bush at March 21, 2004 08:50 PMWho's the dumbass who keeps posting duplicate entries?
Posted by: Big Gay Al at March 23, 2004 08:25 AMWho's the dumbass who keeps posting duplicate entries?
Posted by: Big Gay Al at March 23, 2004 08:25 AMHillary has balls? you've got to be kidding, the woman is nothing more than a shrewd bitch.
Posted by: george at March 24, 2004 11:10 PMi pray for your death. nothing worse than christian propaganda praying for the death of 'enemies'. is this the reason religion was created? to erase scoundrels like yourself off the earth..i hope so.
Posted by: george at March 24, 2004 11:12 PMhilarious. send it to his PR company those morons just might use it!
Posted by: pegster at March 25, 2004 09:17 AMI think it's very funny how you must use cartoons and barbie dolls to support your candidate. good luck to you and george dubya!
Posted by: Bridget Sharpe at March 31, 2004 05:54 PMYou limp-dick liberal lick-ass pedantic sophomoric imbeciles! You obviously don't work for a living - you just suck off those of us who do. Kerry will rob from the productive and buy cheap votes by giving our money to those who produce nothing but consume everything. But why should you care - - you've got yours, at our expense.
Maybe we should ALL just stick our heads up our asses like you obviously have - and pretend Al Quida will just leave us all alone - why can't we just all hug and make up - give peace a chance, hmmmmmmm?? You FOOLS!
THEY aren't like us - they HATES us - with a hate that spans thousands of years - and your pea brain is just too small to understand. If THEY can't kill us, they remain convinced that their SONS will kill us, or their grandsons. What will it take - - perhaps a small, 50 kiloton briefcase nuke at the empire state building would make you happy?
You, and people like you, who have never done anything for this country but suck off the fruits of the land will never understand that freedom isn't free. SOMEONE has to pay for it.
Why don't you just LEAVE if you're not happy here - go to England, where crime is up 300% since personal possession of firearms was banned (Australia is close behind). Why don't you go to Iran or Lybia and set up a rebel web site there, and find out just how long you last before the secret police have your genitals wired for sound?? You'd probably like that?
Calm down sweet thing.
So much of the world hates you (Americans) not because of the liberals, but because of the paranoid, aggressive, victimization addicted, self-pitying, arse-lickers of the rich.
A bit like you, really.
Furthermore, I haven't noticed crime going up by 300% in dear old Blighty. You're talking shit. I think you've been reading the ignorant, Bush-sucking conservative press.
By the way, I'm not among the America haters. I'm a bit of a fan of your country.
Good luck with the ulcer.
Posted by: Bill Clinton's pinker neighbour at April 12, 2004 04:34 PMI can't tell if all of you guys are joking or not... Or maybe, I'm just reading what I want to read into this ad.
At any rate, LimRick, I think your joke goes a little far, it honestly scares me. I know that rage can be funny, but I'm worried you're actually angry at me.
Maybe it's just that I'm still young, and I grew up with the rediculous notion that the United States of America was started so that people might have a chance to live as they choose without fear of oppression for their choice of life. As my learning grows (ever so slowly), I realize that these notions are called "liberal", and the term no longer is linked to "progressive" or "trying new things", but rather to a mass of political ideologies that are both "unfeasible" and not "acceptable" to the Bush administration.
I'll grant that the Democrat party is at times rediculous, and no doubt as scandalous as the Republican party. There are and have never been any right answers, but I don't want to give up on that hazy, naive dreamlike country I always thought was my country. I don't want to give up on a near-topia that I would be proud of.
Yeah, I'm liberal... but, I think I prefer the term "socially progressive". Or, as was suggested on late night TV a "Dragon Slayer." Everybody hates dragons, right? They're like snakes and sow the evil of Satan... Or... Am I confusing things again?
I hope you enjoyed reading (or more likely, scanning) my post. I also hope that we can all work to make a country that can function not in spite of, but because of, differences in race, ideology, and lifestyle.
... Yeah, I stole that from somewhere, but I think it's a good line. See you later.
Posted by: worriedByPosts at April 22, 2004 11:20 AMI bet you all would relate to this
21 Ways to Be a Good Democrat
1. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
2. You have to believe that the same teacher who can’t teach 4th-graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-bidding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists.
4. You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.
5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical documented changes in the earth’s climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV’s.
6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being homosexual is natural.
7. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
8. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
9. You have to believe that hunters don’t care about nature, but loony activists who have never been outside of San Francisco do.
10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
11. You have to believe that the military, not corrupt politicians start wars.
12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, Gen. Robert E. Lee, and Thomas Edison.
15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set –asides are not.
16. You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal and is a very nice person.
17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn’t worked anywhere it’s been tried is because the right people haven’t been in charge.
18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and a sex offender belonged in the White House.
19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal
20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic Party funding by the Chinese government is somehow in the best interest to the United States.
21. You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right wing conspiracy.
Posted by: Jonathan Brodis at May 1, 2004 01:01 PMBush is by far one of the worst presidents this country has ever seen. If he really wanted to fight terrorism then maybe he would have invaded afghanastan, where the real threat of Al quida was instead of Iraq and jousting Saddam. His only true reason for removing Saddam from power was because he wanted to finish the job that his "daddy" did not finish and for oil reasons to maintain his wealth. He lead America into a war under lies and false pretenses by saying that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. No WMD have yet to be found. If Bush was not concentrating his attention on efforts to remove Saddam, then maybe he would have seen and acted upon all the warning signs of airborne attacks inside the US that the FBI and CIA were supllying for him. Condi Rice should be fired for being incompentant, Bush should be impeached for killing hundreds of innocent American lives and thousands of innocent Iraqi lives. All Bush did was create more animosity and terriost feelings and has now given them a perfect reason to hate us (American) even more. Also, unless you are very wealthy, which most people are not, then Bush's tax cuts would benefit you. Bush does not look out for the average middle class working American and is only concerned with making the Rich even Richer. In a time of war an incumbant president should have a much higher approval rating then Bush has now. History shows that no president has been elected to a 2nd term when there ratings have been so low so early in the process. I want Bush out and if you had any brain and could see past the lies then you would feel the same as me.
Posted by: Jonathan Brodis at May 1, 2004 01:19 PMI Guess The money Saddam gave Al quida was to start a peace movement. I guess the retro tax returns that most Americans earning fewer than 35,000 a year received was due to William the zippers tax cut. Apparently the three legislative branches and the checks and balances instituted in the constitution do not work since bush was Abel to single handedly start a war and fund it I firmly believe that liberals are just uneducated conservatives. If you took the time to see past the elite media (who have been busted for picking and choosing what gets reported) you might have a chance to help reshape this country. If you continue to support the entitlement process rather than personal responsibility you will be the reason this country fails. Quit blaming bush for 911 and this war. I am not interested in blaming cigar bill about his part in this mess. I want us to establish ourselves as a country that will give aid to those who need it but will kick ass if you attack us. The time for liberal redundancy and self-contradiction is past. Quit trying to tear this country apart is tired of the grassy knoll, WMD conspiracy theories. If Saddam was so innocent why did he kill so many of his own people. I guess that is just another form of abortion to you right. Most of those kids were only 5 or 6 years old. They weren’t really people yet! And a dictator has a right to choose.Vote your conscience if you have one. Select the best leader not just the leader you dis like the least.
Posted by: jim at May 1, 2004 05:39 PMi would like to see how people feel if we went to war and did not capture Saddam. Everyone would absolutely hate Bush, even you. Saddam was NOT a threat to us. Do u remember we funded Saddam in the past. Bin laddin and al quida was the threat and Bush simply ignored the warnings cause he was to preoccupied with his campaign to remove Saddam from power. We should leave Iraq to remove their own dictator. Thats y they hate us, cause we go and attack them whenever it is convient to us. For Oil reasons
Posted by: j at May 1, 2004 09:24 PMONe man with courage? He is a spine less snake. How much courage does it take to kill hundreds of American lives and thousands of Iraqi's. when will u people realize that this war is stupid. We cannot go around imposing our way of lives onto others, let them overthrow their own govt if they want to. If we want to help them we can supply them with the resources, but let them fight their own war. Bush is not fighting terrorism, he is fighting for his oil. How can u believe a man who lies to the American public.
Posted by: jon at May 2, 2004 12:33 AMONe man with courage? He is a spine less snake. How much courage does it take to kill hundreds of American lives and thousands of Iraqi's. when will u people realize that this war is stupid. We cannot go around imposing our way of lives onto others, let them overthrow their own govt if they want to. If we want to help them we can supply them with the resources, but let them fight their own war. Bush is not fighting terrorism, he is fighting for his oil. How can u believe a man who lies to the American public.
Posted by: jon at May 2, 2004 12:33 AMLiberals prove Saddam was really Mother Teresa and smoking prolongs your life!!
Saddam was NOT a threat to us. You right, either was Hitler. America should just keep it's nose out of everybody business. None of the countries would ever try to hurt out country or our citizens.
"It’s a small world after all, its a small world after all, its a small world after all, its a small, small world"
What a great fairy tale the post Clintonites/ Kerry, liberal movement is living in. In this perfect world everyone is on welfare, government cheese is plenty, no one but criminals have guns, abortion is the preferred birth control, and in god we trust is a phrase that can get you arrested. Convicted murderers get to live in the best resorts and convicted child molesters run day care centers. The united state just shells out money to foreign countries without a blink of an eye. Some one pass the food stamps please..What a war monger that George Bush is. Can you believe he is actually trying to protect our nation? I want Bill back, the stories of chasing interns around the desk and shooting his wad on her dress is just much more pleasant than war. I would rather have my son looking up to a draft dodger, who has had multiple affaires, doesn’t inhale and uses cigars to stimulate his staff. To hell with a man filled with convection to protect our country, rid the world of terrorism. We want free porn and a free lunch cause if we mind our own business no one would harm us. Saddamm, Kadafi. Hitler, china, Afghanistan, Castro, all are just acting out at our poor behavior. If we would just do the easy thing and turn our head life would be so great. Maybe we could build a big wall around our country and keep us in and all of Them out. If we had no global responsibilities except for hand outs and no moral fiber life would be perfect. Think of all the condoms we could hand out to kindergartners. We could have national holidays like condom and joint day or bring your daughter to a topless bar day. Maybe once we get rid of this George Bush we can have hug a terrorist and burn the Flag Day.
Have you ever noticed that liberals are all for the death penalty when it is one of their family members that get raped and murdered.
Annoy a liberal: Be successful, have moral fiber, be happy. Support Less government; lower taxes, more freedom and personal responsibility.
Liberals prove Saddam was really Mother Teresa and smoking prolongs your life!!
Saddam was NOT a threat to us. You right, either was Hitler. America should just keep it's nose out of everybody business. None of the countries would ever try to hurt out country or our citizens.
"It’s a small world after all, its a small world after all, its a small world after all, its a small, small world"
What a great fairy tale the post Clintonites/ Kerry, liberal movement is living in. In this perfect world everyone is on welfare, government cheese is plenty, no one but criminals have guns, abortion is the preferred birth control, and in god we trust is a phrase that can get you arrested. Convicted murderers get to live in the best resorts and convicted child molesters run day care centers. The united state just shells out money to foreign countries without a blink of an eye. Some one pass the food stamps please..What a war monger that George Bush is. Can you believe he is actually trying to protect our nation? I want Bill back, the stories of chasing interns around the desk and shooting his wad on her dress is just much more pleasant than war. I would rather have my son looking up to a draft dodger, who has had multiple affaires, doesn’t inhale and uses cigars to stimulate his staff. To hell with a man filled with convection to protect our country, rid the world of terrorism. We want free porn and a free lunch cause if we mind our own business no one would harm us. Saddamm, Kadafi. Hitler, china, Afghanistan, Castro, all are just acting out at our poor behavior. If we would just do the easy thing and turn our head life would be so great. Maybe we could build a big wall around our country and keep us in and all of Them out. If we had no global responsibilities except for hand outs and no moral fiber life would be perfect. Think of all the condoms we could hand out to kindergartners. We could have national holidays like condom and joint day or bring your daughter to a topless bar day. Maybe once we get rid of this George Bush we can have hug a terrorist and burn the Flag Day.
Have you ever noticed that liberals are all for the death penalty when it is one of their family members that get raped and murdered.
Annoy a liberal: Be successful, have moral fiber, be happy. Support Less government; lower taxes, more freedom and personal responsibility.
You tell em jonny boy! You are the man! Tell us some more really bad presidents in your expert opinion! Let me guess.......
Bush sr
It would be nice if you could also include in bush's political ad a reference to the disgust and "righteous" indignation republicans feel when pictures are published of the dead on Nighline, or on thememoryhole.org. It's ok for bush to do it in one of his political ads, because he just looks so convincing in a flight-suit.
Posted by: bill at May 2, 2004 10:54 PMThe worst President in U.S History.
Liberals claim President Bush shouldn't have started this war.
They complain about his prosecution of it.
One liberal recently claimed Bush was the worst president in U.S history.
Let's clear up one point: President Bush didn't start the war on terror.
Try to remember, it was started by terrorists BEFORE 9/11.
Let's look at the "worst" president and mismanagement claims.
FDR led us into World War II.
Germany never attacked us: Japan did.
From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost,
an average of 112,500 per year.
Truman finished that war and started one in Korea.
North Korea never attacked us.
From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost,
an average of 18,333 per year.
John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962.
Vietnam never attacked us.
Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire.
From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost,
an average of 5,800 per year.
Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent.
Bosnia never attacked us.
He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing.
Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.
Over 2,900 lives lost on 9/11.
In the two years since terrorists attacked us,
President Bush has liberated two countries,
rushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida,
put nuclear inspectors in Lybia, Iran and North Korea without firing a shot,
captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.
We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 300 a year.
Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another terrorist attack at home.
Worst president in history? Come on!
The Democrats are complaining about how long the war is taking, but...
It took less time to take Iraq
than it took Janet Reno to take the Branch Davidian compound.
That was a 51 day operation.
We've been looking for evidence of chemical weapons in Iraq for less time
than it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm billing records.
It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard
than it took Teddy Kennedy to call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.
It took less time to take Iraq
than it took to count the votes inFlorida!!!!
What If.......
we had inspectors go into germany to see if this Hitler guy was really a threat?
we had more inspectors go into germany to see if this Hitler guy was really a threat
we waited for another NATO resplution while france was under fire....
we had more inspectors go into germany to see if this Hitler guy was really a threat
we waited for germany to attck us befor giving aid....
we had more inspectors go into germany to see if this Hitler guy was really a threat
Posted by: Jim at May 3, 2004 05:51 PMu guys are all idiots. we were one of the last ones to go to WW2, we only went in as a last resort, Korea was a Major threat to us. Vietnam was a terrible war and everyone can agree on that. Clinton was one of the best presidents this country has every had. He created the best economy, great world relations, and bosina was a just war. it is sicken how the republicans attacked his sexual life, who gives a fuck if he gets his dick sucked, he still stayed focused on takin care of his job as president. Lets see Bush get elected for 2 terms. If he does i will be pissed but he wont last cause if this country still has any brains and can see past the lies they will impeach him
Posted by: idiots at May 10, 2004 04:23 AMYes, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were the two best presidents ever. I wish Clinton could run again, but this time have Jesse Jackson as his VP. Or maybe Hillary will run and Bill can be the VP. Gosh, can you imagine what a perfect world it would be!! Scandal, lies, deceit: Liberal euphoria.
It is always a pleasure to have well educated people like "idiots" support such a well-versed humanitarian. I believe that if all people could use the universal adjective as well as the above scholar, Mr. Clinton would probable use them to create new curriculum for our youth. Who can argue with someone as eloquent and educated as he or she? Their use of the English language shows the character and education level of those who support the new Clinton era. I look forward to a future of the "Who cares" Attitude. Thank God "idiots" can see past the lies. His /Her absolute omniscience is a beacon of light to those of us who do care. We were so worried about S&L; schemes and skirt chasing, we forgot to remember, "Who cares". That Evil little "W". Man I wish we would have waited until saddam killed more people and the east coat was nuked, then we could be one of the last people to begin the fight on terror “as a last resort". It’s all about the oil. Some good advice to all you Bill and Hillary Fans: It is better to thought of as an Idiot then to open you mouth and remove all doubt. Try some research on funding of terrorism. Find out who really disregarded information about bin laden. Look into which president refused to take a call during his golf game to give the go ahead on the assassination of bin Laden. I am sure these facts will not change your mind, but maybe then you can focus you attention on saving the rain forest or the spotted owl.
Didn’t one of the best presidents this country ever had get impeached? The contradictions continue!!
Posted by: who are the idiots? at May 11, 2004 04:04 PMIt is sad when righteousness is used as a bad concept. I guess the folks who are all for less morality more welfare strikes again. What a country we live in where the Left coast can side with evil and not be killed. Try being a die hard liberal in Iraq.(Please)
Posted by: GOP at May 11, 2004 04:09 PMBill clinton was great> he took all that money away from the armed forces and put it to use for education, government benfits and research.
Posted by: Frank at May 11, 2004 04:11 PM"He still stayed focused on takin care of his job as president" His job was to get his member sucked and keep fighting the good fight against consevatives and hard working americans.. Focused on scandal and sex a president can get much accomplished. I am sure glad I found this site, I have always wondered "who the hell voted for Clinton: twice", now I Know. It’s the guy who praises sexual promiscuity and adultery as long as he keeps focused. It the guy who believes Clinton was responsible for a good economy. Its the guy who thinks that its ok to use the 9-11 images for slander but not to support the fact that you were a great leader in a time of crises. Its all the same people who have miss inteprated the so-called separation of church and state. The people who are all for abortion but oppose capital punishment. Looks like we are headed for a fate much like the Roman Empire. Gay marriages, pedophiles, Bill Clinton, and John F'ing Kerry.
Posted by: idiots and conervatives at May 16, 2004 04:19 PMThe Hypocrisy Continues................
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." - President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." - President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face." - Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998
"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten time since 1983." - Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb 18,1998
"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the US Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." - Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI), Tom Daschle (D-SD), John Kerry (D - MA), and others Oct. 9,1998
"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies." - Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999
"There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has invigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." - Letter to President Bush, Signed by Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL,) and others, December 5, 2001
"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandated of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them." - Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002
"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." - Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." - Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." - Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002
"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons..." - Sen. Robert Byrd
(D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9,2002
"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years .. We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002
"He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do" - Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al
Qaeda members.. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
"We are in possession of what I think to be compelling evidence that Saddam Hussein has, and has had for a number of years, a developing capacity for the production and storage of weapons of mass destruction." - Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), Dec. 8, 2002
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to
his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real" - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003