The Wayback Machine -
~College is awesome~   
03:18pm 05/09/2002
mood: cheerful
music: Good Charlotte~Lifestyles of the rich and famous
So far school is going great! I'm totaly enjoying this whole cable internet thing. It took me a while to get it but now that I have it its great lol. I even had to take my computer down to the computer place on campus to fix it, and they put a fucking huge scratch on the side of my hard drive, I'm pissed as hell but what can you do I guess? Nothing really I suppose.
The freedom is extremely nice. Granted my mom calls me every day, but atleast I don't have her yelling at me every minute for doing something wrong, or not doing something. I wasn't home alot for the last 3 or so months before leaving so that was nice. She wrote me a really sweet line in an e~mail, it said something like 'I miss going to wake you up in the mornings, things just aren't the same with you here' I almost cried lol.
I'm not really homesick, I miss Missy really badly though. Its hard not having her around all the time. I was with her pretty much all the time for 3 months and its not easy going to being with eachother all the time to just talking on the phone for a little while every day. I really miss Linds too. She told me that she was in town and she was like "oh I'll just go over to Jen's..oh wait..she doesn't live there anymore" and I was like aw don't say that shit to me lol. Shay called me and I didn't think she would actualy. I listend to her voicemail and I started balling because I felt really bad that I didn't get a chance to see her before I left, then I was crying because it was so sweet of her to call me, because I didn't think she would call me.
I'm meeting so many new people its just nuts. I can't remember half of their names, so I'm just starting to learn a few people on my floor, then a few people in classes and stuff. One girl I absolutly love! Her name is Katie and she's just awesome!! She asked me to go out with her tonight so I'm thinkin' I could probably do that, that would be nice. She's like one of the few nice people on our floor.
My roomie is awesome, she's super nice. I think its going to be a good year. She seem's so sweet and kind and stuff, I'm just really glad I got her and not anyone else (besides Katie) on this floor. She's a doll. I'm pumped about it.
My classes all seem good. I think the main challange in them I'm going to have is going to be in Criminal Justice, its going to be difficulter then the rest of my classes. My math teacher looks like and older version of Corky Ramano so me and Katie can't help but laugh. Speech class is going to suck!! I'm totaly not looking forward to that class. Although there is a sexy sophomore in there lol.
Anyway I think I'm going to go read my Psychology assignment that way when it comes time to go out I'll be ready. Bye guys!!

I miss you Cliffers...
12:38am 07/08/2002
mood: sad
music: poor poor Timmy! :(
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Joshua Ryan Evans, the diminutive actor who played a precocious lawyer on "Ally McBeal" and Timmy the Living Doll on the daytime soap "Passions," has died at age 20 at a San Diego hospital, NBC officials said Tuesday.

Oh my dear lord you have got to be kidding me. Timmy was my fav character!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sad... :( I mean, I can't believe it, what the hell are they doing to do?? Passions is MY show I love that show, :( TIMMYYYYYY :(

I love Timmy!!!!
~Happy Birthday Dalen~   
11:05pm 25/07/2002
mood: calm
music: Eminem ~ I'm sorry
I told him this like a month ago because I found out I was going to Warped Tour on his b-day, but I should tell him again, I'm sorry its a coupple days late, but Happy B-day kid!! I hope you had a great day!!!

~I'm 18 woohooo~   
05:59pm 25/07/2002
mood: bored
music: The Starting Line ~ Saddest Girl Story
Well Warped Tour was awesome as hell. I met 2 people from New Found Glory one was the lead singer Jordan. I met a few other littler bands that not a lot of you would probably really know. This guy from Good Charlotte rode by us on his crotch rocket like 5 times and finaly after saying a billion times to Lindsey who it is she turns to me and goes "who?" and I was like "FROM FUCKING GOOD CHARLOTTE" and she was like "OHHH HEY HEY HEY" and he kept driving because I don't think he heard us. But it was pretty damn cool that that happend. I had a lot of fun, I still want the Atticus shirt that Lindsey wouldn't let me get, so I'm bummed about that.

My birthday wasnt anything special or anything. Like it ever is right? I came home and had ice cream cake and tonight we're having my birthday supper. I went with Missy over to Skipper's and we hung out there, this drunk guy was all over me, totaly mackin' and stuff and it was like ah go away. Anyway, I don't know what else is really important thats going on around here. So I'll be going now.

Sloppy wet drunk kisses are the worst kisses....
~I think I've had the 2nd worst night of my life tonight~   
04:32am 21/07/2002
mood: fat
music: nothing....
I don't even know if I want to even deal with life right now. I don think I've ever been so hurt in my life, well just, yeah hurts the word. I don't know I know I've been hurt more then this a few times, but just not in a really long time. I don't think I've ever looked down on myself as much as I do right now. I don't know :( I'm going to go...*shrugs*

I hate myself...and who I am sometimes....
~Check out this new shit!~   
03:42am 04/07/2002
mood: artistic
music: Tiffany ~ I think we're alone now
Does my journal rock or what?! I'm so proud it looks so pimp. I mean, dude, it took work to get the colors to look decent. WOOO Cliffy just said something that like made my year lol. Anywho, nothing has really been going on a lot lately. 20 more days untill the big 18th birthday, and 19 more days untill warped. I'm like beyond excited. I still don't know what to wear, ah lol. I'm so proud of my new journal. Aww Roxie is being cuddly and cute and stuff. Anyway happy 4th to everyone, be safe and all that korny stuff. Dude I love this song, I think we're alone now lol I jam out to it all the time!! Hmm what else is going on, I just keep rambeling. I think I wanna drink tomarrow, but I'm so broke, and I just got paid, I orderd a purse from Loser Kids lol its the coolest place, and I orderd a shirt from this place on the net. Anyway, I orderd Andie one too but she paid me back, but yet, I'm still broke. I was suposed to put money in savings, but that never happend, maybe later in the month, which I doubt because I'm going to warped lol. So me and my birthday money will buy stuff there. Anyway I think I'm gunna stop boreing everyone.

I think we're alone now..the beeting of our hearts is the only sound.....
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~Kinda hurt~   
06:46pm 28/06/2002
mood: uncomfortable
music: Bryan Adams~Summer of 69
Well, I haven't been doing a whole lot around here this summer. I go to bed at like 6AM and get up at like 2PM lol. I haven't been having a very good time lately with my mom. All we ever do is fight, its like a power struggle in this house or something. I've had to stay home the past 2 nights because she is just a total bitch about things. I guess I don't get how or why she is the way she is.

Next summer me and Andie talked about getting an apartment in Sioux Falls, so that will be nice, all I know is I don't want to come home for the summer and live with her for another 3 months, that would be hell in a box.

Cliff really hurt my feelings last night, I know he reads this but I don't care. He told me I have been rude to him for the past 2 almost 3 nights, and I don't see how I've been rude, and I'd like to know, really. *Shrugs* I know I haven't been chipper at all lately, because of my mom, but that doesn't mean I've been rude. I got upset when he asked me about my mom, but that was just because like 2 seconds earlier we got into a huge fight and I didn't want to talk about her.

I guess I'm sorry for being rude Cliff....

Anyway, I think thats all I have for now!! Have a good weekend....

Sometimes life throws you turns, when you think your life is perfect, hell happens.
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~Kinda pissed off~   
02:11am 22/06/2002
mood: drunk
music: Eminem~Without me
Hey everyone, I'm kinda drunk so yeah anyway. I'm kinda pissed off about something, but I don't want to talk about it I guess. My mom pissed me off the other day, she's a bitch but I guess whats new with that you know? I can't wait to leave, I registerd for classes on like Wens. my earlierst class is 12 so thats kinda awesome. Linds got her wisdom teeth pulled so she's not feeling good, I hope she feels better. Missy's sick because of her intestines or some shit, so I hope she's better too. She left without saying bye, thats kinda weird but I guess, whateva heh...*sighs* I think I'm gunna go.....yeah that sounds good since I'm in a really..its a good mood but I'm pissed off...My sister graeduates tomarrow, go her I guess, so I have to be up hella early for that so I suppose it should be about bed time or some shit....
~I finaly have a nice computer~   
11:25pm 15/06/2002
mood: giddy
music: Eminem~My dad's gone crazy
Well my computer finaly came! Its nice to have something that actualy works lol. I think I made good choice with buying this insted of something else. I've had an eventful coupple of last days. Thursday I drank a little to much lol, I was really wasted I guess lol. I remember most of it, but I all I really know is I was a very very confused girl lol. I saw Fred, I called him an asshole and he was like right there lol whops! Then he was all like "Who's an asshole!?" and I was like UMMM THAT ONE KID IN THERE lol. I'm the worst lier when I'm drunk. I had a lot of fun, but none at all the next day lol. I threw up 12 times the next day, like I've never trown up that much!!! And I've never thrown up in the morning after drinking lol. So I threw up like 14 times counting the night before, but hey it was all worth it. I saw Adia for the first time in almost a year lol I was like ADIAAA lol. I talked to a lot of people I haven't seen in a few weeks on Thursday lol. I had fun thats all that matters right? Well Fathers Day is tomarrow, I got my dad a tape mesuerer thingy because I totaly broke his lol. I got him a realllllyyy sweet card, its so perfect for our relationship. Then I got Roxie a card for him lol. Cute huh? He's going to get a card from Roxie lol. I got a new purse today...only bad thing is its kinda freaking small, but oh well I made it work!! Well anyway I think thats all that I really have to say for now!!!

My computer rocks!!
~Wow, too weird for words~   
02:59pm 09/06/2002
mood: crazy
music: Richie's loud ass tv...
My sister, is going to have a baby, is that not the most insane thing ever? Shanon and baby just don't mix, those two words should NEVER be put together. Andy on the other hand wants a baby soooo bad, and now I guess he's going to get one, he'll be an awesome dad, but Shanon a mom, no I don't think she'll be so great at it lol. Okay my feelings on this whole topic are really really mixed, and I'm really happy for both of them, but there's the whole side to me that isn't so sure about this whole deal.

Anyway, Lindsey is out of town for the week, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!? LoL, I'm sure I'll live ya know what I mean? She'll be back soon, maybe lol. She said she'd try and call and stuff so that will be nice lol. I wonder what her boyfriend is going to do without her lol, he's going to probably be more lost then I am lol.

What else is there? Ohhh I got my shirt from Alloy, ah its too cute for words lol. I think I still have to find a cute shirt for Warped Tour, OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR WARPED lol. It is going to be the highlight of my life I swear. *breaks into song* I'm sooooo exxiiiitteeedd that I just can't hiddeee iiiittt *stops* lol OH MY GOD THAT REMINDS ME LOL, I watched Corky Ramano last night, OH MY GOD THAT MOVIE KICKS ASS LOL. I watched Oceans 11 so I finaly got to see the ending of it lol, pretty good movie once you get to see the whole thing lol.

I am starting my diet tomarrow if it kills me or not lol. I've got to lose weight one way or the other ya know what I mean? I really don't care how I do it anymore lol. But yes, its typed on Livejournal so its going to happen ya know what I mean kiddo's? Anyway I think I'm going to go.

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~I sick~   
09:17pm 02/06/2002
mood: sick
music: 311~All Mixed up
I feel so crappy its not even funny. Both me and my mom are sick :o( I didn't get any sleep last night either I got like 3 hours at the most. Yesterday me and my mum went to Mitchell to go see Shanon because we had to get the lights for the arch thing or whatever. Now I feel like crap and so does she. Not to mention yesterday I was really sick too, but a diffrent kind of sick I suppose. I don't know what the hell is wrong with us but I hate this being sick crap. I mean come on its in the friggen summer, I'm not suposed to be sick, I'm suposed to be all hyper and stuff. Blah!

To top it all off I really think Cliff hates me now for some werid ass reason. I don't know he like distanceses himself or something and it just makes me feel really bad. I don't know maybe its all in my head or something.

The one thing I do know is I feel like crap either way.

I orderd a cute shirt from Alloy, I'm still wating for a skirt and shirt too that was suposed to be for graduation. Oh well. I'm looking at a few other things from there but I don't know if I'll get them because I'm so broke, I get paid on Monday (well a coupple of days ago, but the banks have been closed and I've been sick) I wont get much, I'm debating on wether I'll buy a shirt or something or put it tward the new computer. I'll probably get this one shirt then put the rest into getting gas then the left over for the computer, unless someone will fill up my car for me. I have 595 for my computer so far, so I'm close which is kinda nice.

Anyway, I don't feel good so I'm going to get going.

Life sucks sometimes!!
~I'm doin' this for Dalen~   
11:34pm 31/05/2002
mood: confused
music: Mest~ Hotel Room (orrrr....something lol)
I SEE? Dead people? LoL...seriously a bunch of junk
I NEED? to lose weight! lol
I FIND? I don't get it...
I WANT? money!! LoL
I HAVE? a cute kitty!! lol
I WISH? i had a hot boyfriend
I LOVE? my fam fam and friends
I HATE? hmmm...having someone you love die
I MISS? Steve and Day
I FEAR? baaaddd car accidents lol
I FEEL? okay I suppose!
I HEAR? Mest!
I SMELL? nothing? lol
I CRAVE? nothin' I not hungry
I SEARCH? forrr....MONEY lol
I WONDER? if I'll ever find a decent man!
I REGRET? Lord we wont go there lol


LAUGHED? umm when I said "I WILL MISS YOU!!" to Lindsey lol
CRIED? hmm, honestly I think today...I watched the movie Andie made for me lol
BOUGHT SOMETHING? I bought a Clifford shirt today!! :o)
DANCED? wow lol its been a while lol
WERE SARCASTIC? I'm always scarcastic
KISSED SOMEONE? too long lol..
TALKED TO AN EX? hmm yesterday-ish?
WATCHED YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE? I WANT MY MOVIE BACK MISSY! lol...uhhhhh like forever ago I guess
HAD A NIGHTMARE? Last night :o(
LAST BOOK YOU READ? Uhh I'm reading my Blink 182 book slowly lol
LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Crazy/Beautiful
LAST SONG YOU HEARD? the song playing now...goldfinger somethin I
LAST TIME YOU SHOWERED? today at 3ish lol


HAVE SEX? haha...I love sex questions
HAD A DREAM THAT KEEPS CoMING BACK? yeah and I hate it..
PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? no I'm a loser like that lol
REMEMBER YOUR FIRST LOVE? Yep, it was puppy love...
READ THE NEWSPAPER? never lol our paper is worthless
BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? none ever happen to me! lol
CONSIDER LOVE A MISTAKE? lol yes there is no such thing as love I swear lol
HAVE A FAVORITE CANDY? Jolly Ranchers and Gummie Worms lol
BELIEVE IN MAGIC? nopies but its sure cool lol
PRAY? sometimes, I should more
GO TO CHURCH? usualy
WEAR HATS? not normaly lol
HAVE ANY TATTOOS? nopies not yet
HATE YOURSELF? I hate how I feel about stuff
HAVE AN OBSESSION? lol yea a few
COLLECT ANYTHING? not really...
LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? naw I write like poo
BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? ah I don't know its kinda scarry tho

I'M NOT HAPPY lol well kinda am I gues
01:43am 31/05/2002
mood: blah
music: my toes hurt lol (nothing)
I'm kinda in one of those moods. Like, I feel worthless or something. I for the life of me can't find a job in this town, you have to be like over 18 for everything and that can just kiss my ass. I just want to work during the summer is that so much to ask for? It must be. My mom's like beyond pissed at me for it too and its like LaJune, how in the hell is this all my fault? I don't know she's just a bitch like that I guess. I have one job, love it but its kinda worthless. I get paid on Sunday but I'll just pick up my check on Monday, I'm going to have like NO money. I want to buy tanning mins, but I don't think I have the cash for that. I want this graduation frame its so cute, lol. I want to buy it before someone else does, but no..ugh ugh ugh! I HATE THIS! I just hate this town.

On the good side of things, I graduated. I got the pictures back and I look like a heffer in every single one of them. I got a cute picutre of me and Missy, except she just looks cute and I look like a fag. Oh Missy if you want a coppy let me know because I have one for you. If not thats fine too. I got a lot of money, and not a lot of things. But I guess thats okay in the end. I have 545 saved up for my computer, only what a zillion more dollars to go? Is it to much to ask for to have a nice computer with a cd burner, it must. I get this cool palm pilot thing when I go to school in the fall though, so that kicks ass!! I can even check my email on it! Woo hoo..

I think on Monday I'm gunna start that diet that I HATE You know, that no carbohydrates one. KILL ME KIDS JUST KILL ME. I hate that diet, but I guess its better then being fat right? Right. Anddd I walked 2 miles yesterday without socks..WRONG-O JEN-O LOL. I had blisters on my pinky toes and now they're like infected or something so I walk retarded! LoL, Oh well I'm gunna get thin if it kills me!!

Anywho I'm outties!!

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~Why are you so far away?~   
11:01pm 23/05/2002
mood: cranky
music: Phantom Planet~California
Welp, thats part of a song lol. Anyway, last night was the senior church thing, it lasted like an hour gawd lol it seemed like forever in a way. It was overall pretty good. I got my picture taken like a zillion times it seemed like. Kadie, Shay and I got a picture taken, its gunna be SO cute, and just me and a ton of other people, I just wish my stupid parents woulda brought the camera, but D'Anne is suposed to give me doubbles. There was a party last night at Rose Hill, I never went but I just went over to Shay's and drank there. I came home and filled out a survey lol and it was so funny, and I e~mailed Andie lol, it was too funny. I talked to Cliffers he got a kick outta that. Speaking of the kid, I wonder where he he was suposed to call me after work and I told him he never would and WHO WAS RIGHT?? ME! lol Damn you Cliffy!! Its all good I suppose. I'm going to Mitchell tomarrow to go get everyone graduation presents. I got my present from my momma number 3 and Shay, Shay got me easy mac lol and this little thing its bears and it says "friends till the end" its so cute! Then Momma #3 got me pink towels with my name on them!! They are so cute!! Only a coupple more days untill graduation. I keep telling Cliffy he needs to come but he just wont buy it lol. I am SO bored right now...bleh. Ohhhhhhh I got my hair cut!!! Now its about to the collar bone and it looks so much thicker I LOVE IT lol. Andie likes it, I wish I woulda called Lindsey because she said she wanted to be there, DAMN I coulda had my support lol. I should post the survey I did last night lol. I haven't read it sober yet. Anywho, I was still drunk in the morning and I had to wake up at 7:25ish to go check out lol. So I checked out of school just a little not sober lol. I'm a nut, but then again its not the first time I went to school drunk. So no big!! Hmmm, I got the Unwritten Law cd, its good stuff! I orderd the Box Car Racer one and it should be in tomarrow, I SO don't have the money for this, but whatever right? I get paid in a few...what weeks or something lol. I've gotta look for another job. I need some damn cash! I have like....65 dollars to my name right now lol. and 25ish of it is going to go to more tanning mins, since I'm like a tanning freak, I hate being white sooo yea. I don't know why LaJune just won't buy them for me, she's been kind of a bitch lately, I can't wait for summer so she gets the hell away from me. I love her and all, its just, she's been a real bitch lately. OMG I am so pissed my stuff from Alloy hasn't came yet...hmm and if I don't get it I'm gunna have a long chat with those Alloy people, because this is the 2nd time I haven't gotten shit from them. I orderd it like 5 day express because it was a skirt/shirt and a dress for graduation, BUT NO I HAVEN'T GOTTEN IT YET and I probably wont get it untill like 3 weeks AFTER graduation and thats going piss me off. Anywho enough ranting lol

Where's my Cliffers???? :o
~*Could I get any fatter?*~   
05:15pm 22/05/2002
mood: disappointed
music: Mest~Breakin' Down
Sometimes I wonder if I could get any fatter, but I don't think its physically possible. Anywho, I'm a chub and my diet is gunna make me a little bitch right? Hopefully. Anyway, I'm all ready for the senior church service or whatever its called. I look like crud, but I suppose there isn't anything new there. My mom's probably trying to call so I can come get her, but thats just too damn bad.

Cliffers and I are like mad close and I love it. Hmm, I'll probably call him tonight after I come home, if I come home. I probably most likely will come home so thats good, I always LOVE talking to that boy. We talk like..a lot, its fun times.

Graduation's soon, whatcha all getting me? Just kiddin! Anyway, I hope I don't fall down the stairs or something because that would realy blow hardcore. I could just see it happening though.

I'm cutting my hair, I'm not quite sure if I'll do it before graduation though, I probably will because I really want this crap out of my way. Its all curled right now, and it looks nice for the time being, but in about 10 mins it will be as flat as it ever was before. I hate that about my hair!

Mandy's not sure if she's going to make it up for my graduation but I really really want her to because that girl is just a stud and a half. Lynda wont make it up and I'm like beyond pissed about that because this girl is suposed to be here, she promised me from the begenning of this year she would be here. JJ isnt comming, and I'm pretty bummed about that too, there is going to be like NOBODY at my graduation party thing. Reva isnt comming either, because she's going to come around July 11th for the one year of my uncles death and thats crap, because my grandma is fine with it, she actualy wants Reva to come now rather then later. Its so stupid I'm so mad. My family blows sometimes. Dale got me 6 roses :o) and he thinks thats good enough for a graduation gift, he knows better then that. I have that man wraped, its great. Same with my dad, those are my two men that are wraped around my little finger. They're both cool, and I get along with them supers so thats nice.

Anyway I better go because LaJune is probably trying to call!

I LOVE CLIFFY AND LINDSEY! LOL (I haveta say something after my name so I can get the hearts, so I just...ya know make up things? I don't know lol
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~I think I figured it out~   
03:55pm 13/05/2002
mood: ecstatic
music: LFO~Life is good (LOL)

Oh yea! MY AUNT HAS A WARRENT OUT FOR HER ARREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL ME AND MY MOMMY WERE SO HAPPY!! Isn't that awesome? It sounds horrible, but I hate her, I truely hate her. Its a 50 thousand dollar bond for her to get out of jail (when they get her) so she'll be sitin' that tralior park trash ass in jail!! LoL I'm SUCH A BITCH lol

Damn journal!
~Ohhhh guess the fuck what!~   
03:46pm 13/05/2002
mood: anxious
music: Pink~Get this Party started (or whatever)
Who's going to Warped Tour? Oh who? Did I hear....J-E-N hell yea baby!!!!!!! July 23rd in Fargo!!!! How fucking awesome is that???? Its my 18th birthday present from my bestest friend in the whole wide world! Lindsey! Her and her daddy and her mommy are gunna take us up there!! I'm SOOOOOO excited!!! Dude..its the DAY BEFORE my 18th birthday!!! Oh its Dalen's birthday that day, happy birthday if I forget lol.

Alright anyway, 4 more days of classes. How awesome is that?? I have a whole like 2 classes a day, and I love it. I'm working on Shayla's graduation video like mad though, but its okay. It should be a cute video even though its like 11 mins long. I suppose if she likes it thats all that matters right?? I still have no clue what to get these kids for graduation.

I guess like MTV is here or something lol. About that AIDS thing thats goin' on here. Its werid, MTV, CNN, New York Times, The Today Show, FREAKY lol. Its sad though, we will always be known as that AIDS town though lol. Oh well I suppose, live moves on and people will forget about us eventualy lol.

I was sending pictures to Cliffy like all day yesterday lol. Well not all day, but I sent him like a lot of pictures lol. I should see if I could post them on here, Dalen showed me how once, but I forgoted lol. Go figure right?? Jen forget? Neva eva foreva eva lol. Ohhhh, and I got to the hot stud Cliffster on the phone, we gotta do it again buddy!! LoL maybe tonight when I get home from work or somethin'! Whenever!!!

Anyway I'm gunna head off!! Bye kids!!

~God damn journal!!!!~   
03:38pm 12/05/2002
mood: creative
music: number 12 on my crappy punk volume 2 cd
Okay it will NOT make my fuckin' hearts lol, it will make the first one but it wont make the god damn last one..FUCKING THING!! Okay anyway,

Cliffy's a hot stud.

RoXySuGaChIc: hot cliffy? lol
RoXySuGaChIc: whatever you want lol
RoXySuGaChIc: im bad at that stuff...thats why my name is jen72484 lol
Cliffy: hot cliffy!! lol i sound conceited though
Cliffy: lol
Cliffy: hmm..lemnme
RoXySuGaChIc: i suck at that stuff lol
Cliffy: me too lol
RoXySuGaChIc: i wanna make a more creative handle..but i still want that same journal lol..
Cliffy: lol
Cliffy: oh i cant think lol
RoXySuGaChIc: hmmm
RoXySuGaChIc: kidding
Cliffy: lol
RoXySuGaChIc: hmmm
Cliffy: lol....ugh i hate picking names out lol
Cliffy: it's like naming a kid lol
RoXySuGaChIc: me too lol
RoXySuGaChIc: it wont make my last heart work
Cliffy: lol
RoXySuGaChIc: damn thing
RoXySuGaChIc: EyeCandyCliffy
Cliffy: hey!!! lol where'd ya think of that?
Cliffy: i think i'll use it!!!
RoXySuGaChIc: i saw "hard candy" and i was like "BAM EYE CANDY" lol
Cliffy: lol kick ass jenners!
RoXySuGaChIc: woo hoo go me!
RoXySuGaChIc: *claps for me*
Cliffy: lol
RoXySuGaChIc: im so proud lol
Cliffy: me too
Cliffy: i'm proud of my jenners
RoXySuGaChIc: woo hoo!!!
RoXySuGaChIc: this conversation is so going up in my journal lol


Cliffy Rocks!!!! I LOVE MY CLIFFY! HAHA
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~Woo hoo I found that CD Lindsey!!~   
01:52pm 12/05/2002
mood: cold
music: Crappy punk volume 2 numberrr 6 (no idea what it is lol)
Lindsey- that Chapter 2 punk cd was in my computer!!!! LoL whopsies I really gotta stop blaming things on Roxie!!! So its all good!!! LoL

Anyway, two more weeks untill graduation. Kinda freaken' scarry. I'm kinda like "wow I'm so close to being done." I have one more week of school left. I only have one final to take, and thats in Algebra, well I guess I have a Marrage and Single living test, but its nothing big. I still have to finish Shay's graduation video, it really shouldn't take all that long so its okay. I've kinda been working on my web page every now and then at school, just updating it and stuff. I still have a long ways to go to finsih my lyrics page, I doubt I'll ever be close to getting done. I now only have two classes a day and it kicks ass! I took my AP English exam, it was a lot easier then I thought it would be. The teacher made it out to be a big deal, but in all reality it wasn't. I have no idea what to get Shay, Kenzie, Danielle, and Kadie for graduation. I know I actualy have more gifts to get then that, but I have no idea what to get them. I don't have a ton of money. I guess its been a while since I last wrote in here 'eh? Oh well, I've been in weird moods lately. I guess I feel kinda lost I suppose, but then again I don't, ya know? It's werid lol. Hmm what else is there to say. Ohhhh, a friend of our family's JJ told me she'd be here for my graduation and she called today and told me that she wasn't going to be able to make it because her friend was comming for that week, and so she's not going to make it. I'm really bummed because she promised she'd come, but I guess, its okay. She did this to Shanon too, she called and told her she couldn't make it but then she suprised her and actualy was there, but I don't think that's going to happen here, I don't think she'll come. It kinda upsets me, but I know that its not her fault, so I just have to deal. She said she got my picture I sent her and I look gorgeous, it made me feel all cute and stuff lol. I guess she feels really bad, she promised me when she was here for Shanon's wedding that she would be here, so it kinda bumms me out. I got a dress orderd from Alloy for graduation and a skirt and shirt for the church thing, lets just hope it looks hot, and it comes in time right? Heh. Well I'm gunna go send Lex a few senior pics.

~Rox is so cute~   
08:42pm 12/04/2002
mood: angelic
music: Default~Wastin' my time
Hey everyone, its been a while. Well, tons of stuff has been happening. Mostly getting stuff ready for graduation and deciding on a college. I think I've decided on USD first year atleast. So thats a good thing, I have to start to get stuff lined up for that so that will be fun times. I got a prom date today, wo ho he's a good kid so it should be fun. Hmmm what else, work, did I tell everyone I got a job? Oh if not, I got a job, work is great, I love it. I need to find another job though so I can start to look at a downpayment on a car sooo yea. Wendsday night me and McKenzie and Shay went out for a girls night out, that was a lot of fun because I never really get to spend a lot of time with either of them. Roxie is being a doll right now, she's laying on my lap just lookin' all angelic and stuff so thats kinda cute. School is going great, other then my Algebra 2 class with gay Donovan bad bad bad teacher. My mom and I are getting along a little better, just a few little fights hear and there. Tonight I went out to eat with her and D'ann so that was fun I suppose lol. My dad..well me and him never fight so its okay, so of course we're getting along great, he keeps telling me how lost he's going to be next year without me so it kinda makes me sad since I'm such a daddy's little girl. Well anyway I think thats all I have for now. I think I'm going out to Steven's and Grandpies grave this weekend, so it will be good to get out there again, someday I want to just go alone...or with a friend I feel safe with and just....cry...because I feel like I shouldn't cry in front of my mom. I still hurt...
