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right arrow Not Scheduled - SENATE FLOOR DEBATE: Senate will not be in session. The Senate will next convene on Monday, March 22, 2004.
right arrow 10:00 AM - HOUSE FLOOR DEBATE: The House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business. Last votes expected: 6-7:00 p.m. The House will debate the following; H.Res. 561,Rule providing for consideration of H.Res. 557 - Relating to the liberation of the Iraqi people and the valiant service of the United States Armed Forces and Coalition forces, H.R. 3782 - Counter-Terrorist and Narco-Terrorist Rewards Program Act, H.Con.Res. 364 - To recognize more than 5 decades of strategic partnership between the United States and the people of the Marshall Islands in the pursuit of international peace and securit. H.Res. 557 - Relating to the liberation of the Iraqi people and the valiant service of the United States Armed Forces and Coalition forces
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 "For those that challenge the standards out there and not realize what some of these broadcasters have said, I would ask them to come see me during the next couple of hours of debate on the floor because with me I've got a notebook and in that notebook we have the specific language that broadcasters have used in defiance of the law." - Representative Upton (R-MI) speaking on H.R. 3717, Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004.

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16 March 2004
arrowTOP STORY: Most House Democrats are expected to vote to approve an Iraq resolution tomorrow.
arrowHOUSE: Considering several measures under suspension of the rules.
arrowSENATE: In recess until noon on March 22.
arrowPRESIDENT BUSH: Met with Netherlands Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende; promoted health savings accounts and other insurance proposals at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
arrowIN WASHINGTON: The Education Department holds its first science education summit and will release a poll on parental attitudes toward science.
arrowQUOTE OF THE DAY: "We have a historic opportunity for change and to build the future in peace and freedom. Dialogue and not war is the way to fight terrorism across the world." -- Juan Jose IBARRETXE, leader of the Basque region, hailing outcome of Spain's elections.
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right arrow 16 March - Previous House and Senate sessions are available in FedNet's reCap Database
right arrow 16 March - HOUSE FLOOR DEBATE: The House met at 12:30 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes was postponed until 6:30 p.m.
right arrow 16 March - SENATE FLOOR DEBATE: Senate will not be in session. The Senate will next convene on Monday, March 22, 2004.
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