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Howard Dean

March 03, 2004

Georgia for Democracy

The Georgia for Dean Team (those of us behind the emails, blog, flyers, buttons, meetups, candidate forums, and party meetings) are pleased to announce that a new effort is underway to harness the incredible momentum built behind Governor Howard Dean during his presidential campaign here in Georgia. While all the details are yet to be finalized, we are able to announce that the new organization will be called Georgia for Democracy. We are counting on you to help us mould our platform, help organize our efforts and enliven our upcoming website.

Many of you saw the statement from Governor Dean last week in which he proposed ways for us to stay involved. Georgia for Democracy will join this effort by working for the following principles:

• We will promote grassroots democracy and bring new people into politics.
• We will fight against the special interests.
• And we will fight for progressive policies like:

• Health care for all.
• Investment in children.
• Equal rights under the law.
• Fiscal responsibility
• A national security policy that makes America stronger by working with allies and advancing progressive American values.

We at Georgia for Democracy plan to put our energies behind these issues. Winning back our cities, counties, state and country from special interests in 2004 will only be the beginning of our efforts. We expect this organization to live on well beyond the November 2004 General Election by offering a progressive outlet for the countless volunteers that rallied behind Governor Dean in Georgia. Voter registration and education, candidate training and development and issue advocacy will be important components of our efforts.

Of course, we will continue to offer social activities that we all enjoyed so much. Sharing time with like-minded progressives became an integral piece of Georgia for Dean - we certainly do not want to lose that.

We welcome your suggestions. Drop us a note at:

Please also visit: Blog for

Posted by Tim at 06:00 AM

March 02, 2004

Site News

Beginning Wednesday, March 3, will no longer be updated. If you would like to continue to learn about progressive news and events in Georgia, please point your browsers to: www.georgia for

Although this site will no longer be updated, the content will remain. Many of us who participated in this volunteer organization believe this website represents at least one part of our collective efforts to elect Howard Dean. As such, we believe it’s worth saving, if only as a small tribute to our candidate and to the hundreds of volunteers here in Georgia who worked so hard on his behalf. In addition, we offer this website as a sample for future journalists and historians who might choose to study the historic “first Internet campaign”. We believe this website gives a small glimpse into what grassroots politics on the Internet in 2003-2004 were all about.

Thanks to everyone who ever wrote, commented, read or otherwise made use of this website to help elect Howard Dean, Democrat for President. You made us proud to stand with you

Posted by Mel at 11:44 PM | Comments (0)

March 01, 2004

Vote Your Conscience

Georgia for Dean founder and coordinator Tim Cairl urges all Georgians to vote in the March 2 primary, echoing Governor Dean's request that Americans "vote your conscience." Governor Dean remains on the ballot in Georgia. Tim also asks all supporters to attend their local Congressional District Caucuses and vote for delegates to the National Democratic Convention.

"The men and women we send to Boston will not only cast a vote for the Democratic nominee. They will help set the platform of the Democratic Party for the next four years." -- Tim Cairl

"We still have the opportunity to show our party that progressive values need representation within our platform." -- Cheryl Rothstein, co-founder of the Georgia Chapter of Generation Dean

As reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Andrea Jones, Dean supporters remain active in Georgia politics. A day after the primary, on Wednesday, March 3, at 7p.m., Georgia for Dean will hold several MeetUps to discuss the future of Georgia for Dean. (The largest of these will be at Ashton's, 314 East Howard Avenue, in Decatur.)

Posted by Tom at 11:56 PM | Comments (19)

February 28, 2004

Today in the NYT

Electronic Vote Faces Big Test of Its Security By John Schwartz for the NYT (free sign-in)

KENNESAW, Ga. — Millions of voters in 10 states will cast ballots on Tuesday in the single biggest test so far of new touchscreen voting machines that have been billed as one of the best answers to the Florida election debacle of 2000. But many computer security experts worry that the machines could allow democracy to be hacked."

Posted by Mel at 03:55 AM | Comments (3)

February 26, 2004

Gay Marriage Ban

UPDATE: SR 595, the amendment banning Gay marriage in Georgia was narrowly defeated in the House yesterday, but is far from dead. From the AJC: "The vote sets the stage for a raucus showdown next week"

Call your Georgia House Representative and ask them to vote against SR 595. You can get his/her phone number by going to and entering in your nine-digit zip code or your mailing address.

Or send an email to your Representative here.

Let your voice be heard! Together, we can stand against this measure to discriminate against our fellow citizens.

Posted by Mel at 01:55 PM | Comments (2)

Help retire the debt

A message from Governor Dean:

"We fought the good fight together. I will always remember your help and we will keep fighting together. But before we can take the next step, we must ensure that Dean for America has the funds to shutdown its operation in a professional manner. As of today there is a $400,000 debt owed by the Dean for America campaign for expenses incurred in the last thirty days.
Our movement will continue. Although I am not yet sure in what form, I promise that you will be the first to know. You have made this all possible and together we will continue the change we have already ignited not just in the Democratic Party, but in the American political process. You are someone I want on my side. I hope you will be there."

Posted by Mel at 05:10 AM | Comments (3)

February 23, 2004

Action Alert

The Chairman of the House Rules Committee, Rep. Calvin Smyre from Columbus, needs to hear from EVERYONE across this state that he does not need to let SR 595 (the Georgia Marriage Constitutional Amendment) out of the Rules Committee. PLEASE call him by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 23rd and ask him to Stop SR 595. His office number is 404-656-5024. Thanks, and PLEASE, take 30 seconds to make this call.

Allen Thornell
Executive Director

Georgia Equality
P.O. Box 95421
Atlanta, GA 30347-0421

Posted by Mel at 03:39 PM | Comments (3)

Dean on Nader

Read Governor Dean's full Statement on Ralph Nader

"When I announced last week that I am no longer actively pursuing the presidency, I urged my supporters not to be tempted by any independent or third party candidate. I said I would support the nominee of the Democratic Party, because the bottom line is that we must defeat George W. Bush in November, whatever it takes."

Posted by Mel at 02:43 PM | Comments (1)

February 22, 2004


Advance voting for the Georgia Democratic Primary begins Monday, February 23rd and will continue until close of business next Friday, Feb. 27th.  Advance voting permits any eligible Georgian to cast their vote early, in person, at their county registration office, without being required to provide one of the legal reasons necessary for traditional absentee voting.

To find the location of your country registration office, go to this page on the Georgia Secretary of State's website and select your county from the pulldown menu.

Posted by Mel at 06:29 AM | Comments (3)

February 19, 2004

Go Dean!!!!!

Howard Dean has made me believe that I CAN make a difference. For this reason, he has already given my country back to me. For this reason, I am standing behind him on Super Tuesday. Thereafter, I shall follow his advice for the betterment of our country. I have had the good fortune to meet and speak with Gov. Dean. He cared about the fact that I am a professional educator and that my son is on his way BACK to Iraq--with a child due to arrive just after his departure.

I continue to donate on a monthly basis to the Dean campaign. That's no small item given my penurious ways. I am grateful for all that Dr. Dean has done for me and for countless others. The next time that I address 3,000+ supporters, I plan to shout as well.

Go Dean!!!!!!

Diane Clark

Posted by Tom at 09:11 PM | Comments (4)