Classic Bear Truth
What Wrong With the U.N.?
Resolution 1441
July 28, 2014
Back in the Day (Salon)
The Inactivist's Guide
The Turning Point (9/11/02)
The War of the Memes
I want to be Stitch
The Bear Doctrine
No Palestinian State - For Now
Life, Liberty, and Happiness
Resolution 1441
July 28, 2014
Back in the Day (Salon)
The Inactivist's Guide
The Turning Point (9/11/02)
The War of the Memes
I want to be Stitch
The Bear Doctrine
No Palestinian State - For Now
Life, Liberty, and Happiness
Search for Truth
How to Support The Truth Laid Bear
If you've clicked on this link, presumably you're enjoying my work here at TTLB, and are interested in supporting it. This page is meant to suggest ways that you can do just that. So pick one you like, and accept my thanks!
-N.Z. Bear
1) Keep coming back & tell your friends
Although it is presumably the easiest, it is still one I value highly. If you like what you're seeing here, keep coming back! And if you want to take the extra step, then make a concious effort to tell your friends and associates about TTLB.
2) Participate in the comments section
As I write this, a mere week after the relaunch, I've already seen great participation in the comments section of the site. Readers thoughts & comments add greatly to TTLB, in my opinion, and I'm always glad to see them --- even when they're disagreeing with me. Sometimes especially when they're disagreeing with me.
Also, for the record, if you're a fellow blogger and want to respond to something I've done on your site, please, feel free to dump a link in the appropriate comments section with an exerpt. I make no promises for main-level linkage, but I keep an eye on the comments, and stuff I find particularly interesting I'll pull up and mention on the main page. (And by the way: yes, I'll be enabling Moveable Type's spiffy new TrackBack feature soon).
3) Buy Truth Laid Bear Merchandise
Yes, we have a TTLB store. There you can find mugs, T-shirts, frisbees, and even boxer shorts adorned with the TTLB logo and slogans. (I'll let you know when the TTLB edible panties are available)
In fact, technically, we have two stores. Let me explain.
CafePress, the service which creates the merchandise, allows me to set the price of each item. I can either set it at the base price they charge --- in which case, I make zero profit (although CafePress presumably makes some) --- or, I can set the price higher, in which case I pocket the difference.
So I decided to create two versions of each product. One version, in the TTLB Basic Store, is priced at the rock-bottom minimum price mandated by CafePress. If you're just interested in getting some cool TTLB stuff and don't want to pay more than you have to, this is the place for you. Grab what you'd like and go with my thanks --- it's still a free ego-boost (and advertising, I guess), for me.
If, however, you're not only keen on having some spiffy TTLB stuff, but also want to lend some financial support to little old me, then go to the TTLB Premium Store. The products there are exactly the same --- but they're marked up in price. The exact markup for each product is clearly noted in the product description. So, that way, you can, for example, buy a mug for yourself, and also chip in $5.00 to TTLB.
4) Buy an ad on the site
Yes, TTLB now accepts advertising via the new Blogads program. Building an ad is real easy --- payment is accepted via PayPal --- and rates are as follows:
1 Week: $5.00 2 Weeks: $10.00 1 Month: $15.00 1 Year: $160.00
Click here to create an ad now.
If you don't have anything to advertise, but just want to leave me a "tip" and use PayPal, go ahead and create an ad anyway. Just pick the duration that fits the amount you'd like to give, and then put a message of your choosing in there. Say "Go Mets!", "Thanks TTLB!", or "Kilroy was here!"; whatever you like.
One important feature I've incorporated is that you will see your ad appear on both the main page and on the individual entry pages. This means you get the full benefit of extra traffic whenever I have a particularly brilliant (or stupid) post that is linked to directly by others.
Depending on how successful the ad program is, and how my traffic continues to grow, these rates will almost certainly go up in the future. So buy a long-term ad now, and lock in a cheap rate!
5) Start your own blog!
You may wonder why this is on my list of ways to support TTLB. But in my belief, the more blogs there are, the better it is for all bloggers. Or at least, for good ones. I am a firm believer in the idea of "growing the pie" --- that increasing the number of blogs out there, and increasing the size of the overall audience of folks reading blogs, will benefit all bloggers. Including me.
And if you do feel that I've inspired you to start blogging -- drop me a line & I'll most likely link to you.