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  March 30, 2004

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Contents: Week of March 29, 2004

Up Front

A Short History of Executive Privilege

Reporter's Notebook: Highlights from the 2004 OAH Convention Rick Shenkman

HNN Readers Who Attended the 2004 OAH Annual Meeting: Their Observations

News at Home

Mr. Clarke Goes to Washington Anthony B. Toth

Alas, the 9-11 Commission Has Lost Its Luster P. M. Carpenter

News Abroad

Why is Richard Clarke Seething? Judith Apter Klinghoffer

How Can We Know for Sure When a Country Has Succeeded in Becoming a Democracy? Jonathan Dresner

Letter from Japan (Part 3) William Thompson

Fact & Fiction

Remember Ronald Reagan's October Surprise? It Never Happened. Daniel Pipes

Historians & History

NEW Howard Zinn's Disappointing History of the United States Michael Kazin

NEW Why Rosie the Riveter Deserves a National Park--And Got One Ruth Rosen

What Really Drives History? Thomas Fleming

Should the Allies Have Bombed Auschwitz? William J. vanden Heuvel vs. Rafael Medoff

Contents: Week of March 22, 2004

News at Home

Bill Clinton for Vice President? Forget It. Joshua Spivak

Bushies Can't Admit the Truth About Iraq P. M. Carpenter

News Abroad

Probably Nothing Could Have Stopped the Bush Crowd from War with Iraq Ruth Rosen

Democracy Can Flourish in the Islamic World Paul Sullivan

Why Bush Is Making Nuclear Proliferation More Likely Lawrence S. Wittner

Excerpts from The Iraq War and Its Consequences: Thoughts of Nobel Peace Laureates and Eminent Scholars Irwin Abrams and Wang Gungwu

Letter from Japan (Part 2) William Thompson

Historians & History

Reporter's Notebook: Highlights from the World History Convention Jeremy H. Neill

Is "Imperialism" Really the Right Word for What We're Doing in Iraq? Derek Catsam

An Interview with Victor Davis Hanson Jamie Glazov

Even Our Critics Have Made Mistakes Transcribing Presidential Recordings Timothy Naftali


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Judith Apter Klinghoffer

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Breaking News

Historians Against the War: At the annual meeting of the OAH, the executive board approved a resolution sponsored by Historians Against the War (HAW) to investigate alleged instances of repression involving historians. Eric Foner and James Horton signed a HAW petition denouncing the "doctrine of pre-emptive war."

Censorship: Under Putin Russians are once again rewriting history; a new textbook on 20th century Russian history makes no mention of Stalin's ethnic deportations (perhaps to avoid a "distorting" connection with the current Chechen war), largely reduces the period of the Red Terror to 1936-38 and describes the years of Putin's rule in laudatory terms.

Censorship: BJP leader and former deputy chief minister Gopinath Munde has called for a ban on the floor of the assembly on Jawaharlal Nehru's book Discovery of India.

Segregation: Hoping to preserve buildings that tell the history of segregation, struggles and successes, Phoenix today embarks on a $40,000 study to identify properties important to the African-American community.

Carter: In an interview with a British newspaper former president Jimmy Carter said: "There was no reason for us to become involved in Iraq last year. That was a war based on lies and misinterpretations from London and Washington, claiming falsely that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11, claiming falsely that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction."

Kerry: As a high-profile activist who crossed the country criticizing the Nixon administration's role in the Vietnam War, John F. Kerry was closely monitored by FBI agents for more than a year, according to intelligence documents reviewed by the LAT.

Mass Graves: The Guardian reports that dramatic corroboration of the massacre of Afghan prisoners by the US-backed Northern Alliance at the start of the war in 2001 has been provided by American pathologists commissioned to investigate the claims by the UN.

History Standards: History professors at Georgia's two largest universities blasted the proposed social studies curriculum for middle and high school students, saying it would leave young Georgians poorly prepared for college and for citizenship.

Emmett Till: The Justice Department is considering acting on new evidence in the decades-old case of Emmett Till, the black 14 year old who was killed while visiting Mississippi after he allegedly whistled at a white woman.

Plagiarism: Connecticut college president facing claims that he plagiarized material for an op-ed column published in The Hartford Courant announced his retirement on Friday.