×a star up in the sky, a poem to the dead, let this mistake bring a vivid crystal to her eyes. so drain out my lungs, before the fluid brings a choke, i cannot inhale the sparkle of your voice.× ×.Black.Stars.×
×.Black.Stars.× [entries|friends|calendar]

.×Black Stars×.
× × ×
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After much debating.. [13 Mar 2004|11:44am]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | Stars Hide Fire ]

I am bringing this journal back. :D


But, for a while.. it'll be under construction.


1Give Comfort| +I am Lonely+

/= [10 Jan 2004|12:24pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | .... ]

I am honestly debating on bringing this name back..

I miss this journal. )=

2Give Comforts| +I am Lonely+

Time to clean off you people. [05 Jul 2003|08:47pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | "We Go To The Eleven"- Static Lullaby ]

Now, I am cleaning off my list. If I delete it you its because:

A: We don't talk.
B: I don't care for you to read my entries.
C: You annoy me.
D: I just didn't care to have you on my list.
E: You never write in your journal anyways.

I hope no one has any hard feelings. =D ..Which I am sure none of you care.

-If you really want to stay on, leave a message. If not, I take it as you don't give a damn.


5Give Comforts| +I am Lonely+

**NEW Journal ALERT** [01 Jul 2003|10:38pm]
New livejournal: [info]mystarisfake

Reason Behind New Name: I am going to start making icons, pictures, and doing my own thing with psp and so on. I am buying a camera soon so when I scan my pictures, I wanna keep my work saved.

[info]jalyn will be my thoughts, daily things, but [info]mystarisfake will be my pictures and my realy really deep thoughts.

I am undecided on the whole if itll be friends thing or not. It might even turn into a deep thought thing instead of pictures. Not sure yet. But, if you add [info]mystarisfake.. I warn you now: if you get offended, irritated, or mad at what I write. Delete me or don't even add me at all. This is my journal and I have every right to write what -I- feel, think, ponder, and even deal with. I don't care if you get upset over -my- thoughts b/c they are -my- thoughts.

So, if you want to add it, then by all means, do so.

If not, then oh well.

4Give Comforts| +I am Lonely+

I hope you choke. [11 Jan 2003|01:05pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | .. ]

This is my journal. It is set on
Friends Only.
because I only let certain people enter my brain.

If you wish to enter and know
all my thoughts then Add me. (=
I will gladly add you back or just
make a comment in my comment box. (=

Thank You,

9Give Comforts| +I am Lonely+

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