Have a mug of ale in one of our many taverns; adventure the wide world; meet friends or form a guild: the choice is yours.
To those joining us for the first time, we are currently in the middle of our All Alliance push. This means that you may play any of the Alliance races (i.e. Human, Dwarf, Gnome and Night Elf) and can choose one of the following six classes: Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warlock & Warrior (as each race allows). More races and classes will become available in the next few weeks.
Please be sure to check the Readme documentation supplied with the download. To further help you get settled in, I've included a few links below to help you establishing yourself in the new World of Warcraft community:
Last but not least, I wanted to thank all of our Alpha Testers for their many contributions to WoW's development thus far. Your help has been invaluable to the development team! All of your characters are still available; feel free to continue where you left off yesterday.
Thank you all for participating... See you in Azeroth!
Community Manager
World of Warcraft