mizblink182's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in mizblink182's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
    1:20 pm
    "Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad"
    People are so fucking ingnorant sometimes..... I made the mistake of bringing up social class discrimination amongst the APS HS schools and I swear, I don't think I've been given "the look" so much at one time! Just b/c I admit that I went to La Cueva and have absolutely no shame about it (why should I? I loved the place, despite the whole "snob" stereotype, which wasn't even true I might add), people automatically assume that I'm picking on them or something. WHICH I WASN'T!!! We were talking about race discrimination and the teacher asked us if anyone in the room had ever felt like they were looked at a different way for one thing or another, and I brought up that once I mentioned where I went to HS, I always was given this look like suddenly I was a different person than what they had thought (when I, in fact, was not). And everyone glared at me and I was like, "See? You guys are giving me the look right now" b/c I was trying to prove a point, and then this one chick was like "Well I want to know what La Cueva thinks about Valley b/c I know WE think about YOU". And she said it really bitchy like too! So I looked at her and was like, "I don't think anything about you guys one way or another and I don't really know what other people think. You know your stereotypes, so like I have to say them out loud, right?" And everyone just tried to like, point out all the things about La Cueva that they didn't like and it was just..... It just proved my point that discrimination doesn't just exist with races!

    And Brad fucking gave me this death glare and I seriously just wanted to flip him off and be like, "Um, fuck you, you don't know me shithead" b/c where I went to school doesn't necessarily give a good representation of who I am, ya know? ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH! So needless to say, I'm all worked up. You'd think it would be different in college, that where you went to HS doesn't really matter, but I should have known that people don't ever grow up and get a life. At least the teacher seemed to get my point.

    And if Brad wants to be a shit about where I went to HS, then maybe he isn't who I thought he was. I feel really strongly about this subject and if he believes different, then there really isn't much else to do, right? I'm not backing down on this at all (even if it seems kinda lame, but it's something I constantly have to deal with), and if he doesn't like that or respect that then I don't have anything else to say to him, really.

    Anyways, I got a star charm for my construction, looks pretty good :) It just silver and kinda nautical like, but I think I'm going to go get this a couple of these smaller colored stars to put on the bar too. We'll see though.

    Okay, I just had to tell everyone that, and get a little of my anger out of my system! I don't really feel better, but I'm sure my fellow La Cuevians (Katy and Coeli, you're picking up what I'm throwing down) will have something to comment back to make me feel like someone got it :) Take care all, and don't be asses to people b/c of what school they went to! lol

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music: "Seein Red" by Unwritten Law
    Monday, March 25th, 2002
    1:26 pm
    I was going to post this in the last entry, but..... Makes me think of Brad, obviously, lol
    by Blink 182 :)

    I'm wasting time thinking about a girl
    And stealing her away from her world
    She and I would run away
    I think of all the things that I'd say

    We'd talk about important things
    And I picture it in my dreams
    She'd teach me about modern art
    And I'd show her it's okay to fart and

    Maybe I'd impress her
    By being in a band and
    Maybe if I act real tough
    She'd let me hold her hand and
    Maybe I'll win her heart
    By writing this song about her

    Sometimes I sit at home and
    Wonder if she's sitting at home
    Thinking of me and wondering if I'm
    Sitting at home, thinking about her
    Or am I just wasting my time?

    Remembering how she laughed at Kinko's
    When I made fun of that guy
    Remebering the look she gave me
    When I told her that I used to fry

    I really want to ask her out
    But my ego could never take it
    And even if I got the balls
    You know that the Cougar would never make it

    And in my town you can't drive naked

    And maybe I'd impress her
    By being in a band and
    Maybe if I act real tough
    She'd let me hold her hand and
    Maybe I'll win her heart
    By writing this song about her

    Sometimes I sit at home and
    Wonder if she's sitting at home
    Thinking of me and wondering if I'm
    Sitting at home, thinking about her
    Or am I just wasting my time?

    Am I just wasting my time?
    Am I just wasting my time?
    Am I just wasting my time?
    Wasting my time thinking about a girl

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: This song, lol :)
    1:14 pm
    "Well don't be a liar. Don't say that everything's working when everything's broken"

    take free enneagram test

    type; score; summary

    2; 20; Twos are defined by their empathy of other people. They are uniquely gifted at tuning in on the feelings of others. This makes them great networkers. They feed on their connection to others, love of friends and family. However being too caught up with other people can drain them, and cause them to lose track of their own personal well being.

    4; 19; Fours are all about being unique and creating their own distinct culture. They experience the highs and lows of life more intensely than other types. This makes them great creative forces (artists, writers, filmmakers). Fours often feel like misplaced children, and they long for a sense of real family.

    3; 17; Threes derive self worth from success in the external world. They are highly skilled at adapting themselves in whatever way necessary to achieve success. This external success driven image often comes at a price of having a personal identity and they may lose site of who they really are.

    6; 16; Sixes are defined by anxiety. They are gifted in their ability to see the dark and light sides of the world (and of people and situations around them). This insight into possible outcomes makes them masterful planners. However since they are never sure what will prevail they are always on edge and cling to predictable structures/systems for peace of mind.

    1; 13; Ones are idealistic perfectionists. They live with an overbearing internal critic that never rests. They want things to be perfect based on what they think perfect is (which can be good or bad). They see other people as slackers, and other people can see them as goodie goodies, zealots, or uptight.

    5; 13; Fives are basically on some level estranged from the rest of the world, consequently, their mind is usually their best friend. They like to analyze things and make sense of them (that is their anchor), this makes them great inventors and philosophers. The immense inner world of fives can cause them to lose touch or interest in reality.

    7; 13; Sevens are optimistic thrill seekers that see life as an adventure. They are always thinking of new possibilies and adventures. This constant zest for life is often just escapism. Once things lose there fun they are no longer interested, so many projects go unfinished. Essentially, they avoid the difficulties of life because they fear being overwhelmed by them.

    8; 12; Eights are natural leaders. They are straight forward, direct, large personalities, that are unlikely to back down to adversity. They have a talent for motivating others. They have a strong sense of justice and are often protectors of the weak. However, they also have short fuses and can become domineering tyrants.

    9; 12; Nines are open minded optimists. They are able to see everyones point of view, and have a natural desire for making peace. Consequently, they are skilled mediators. They often live by the 'go along to get along' creed. However their openess to other people can cause them to lose site of themselves and their own happiness.

    I thought it was interesting how closely scored I am on all of these..... I mean really, you would think there would be a significant difference between all these types! But I guess not.

    I meant to post on Friday, but I didn't get home until 10:30 at night..... Laura, Margo, Ho, and I all drove up to Santa Fe and ate at Rancho De Chimayo (after all these summers of hearing about this place, and then we go..... I was not impressed at all!) and just hung out for the last time. Laura gets back in a little less than 2 months, but Margo won't be coming back at all :( Sad really; She's an incredibly sweet girl! I'll miss her a lot, surprisingly enough.

    Oh, btw, I got Brad's number :) He was soooooooooo nice to Laura and Margo and I like him so much more than I did the week before! He is such a great guy! But I asked him if we could exchange numbers in case I needed to call him about class, and he was like, "Yeah, of course" and so yeah..... Haven't called him. Haven't needed help with any English stuff just yet..... I do not, however, get the impression he likes me like that. I did on Wednesday and a little on Friday but today? Not exactly. Oh well, I'm not going to worry about b/c there's nothing I can do anyways. At least I got up the guts to chat with him for a couple of days there and now I have this number (and he has mine), so maybe something will happen. I'm just trying not to hang onto a false hope.

    Well, I'm going to put in Legally Blonde (I love this movie!!!) and maybe, just maybe, Brad will call :) Maybe? lol

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: "Saints and Sailors" by Dashboard Confessional
    Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
    3:15 pm
    Since you signed off, Chris.....
    Here's what I typed in to respond with:

    "oh that wasn't aimed at him at all, I wasn't saying it so he'd see it or anything! I would tell him myself but I know he's not huge fan of me either and I'm sure he knows that I'm not a fan of him even before I wrote that in your journal....."

    I commented on your entry b/c I wanted you to know I think you're a really rad person. The whole Jake comment in addition to that is b/c I once told him how much I looked up to him too and I didn't want him to be like "oh, well she said the same thing to me" and make it seem less than what it really was. So I was basically retracting the comment I made to him to make sure that didn't happen. I have no general beef with Jake, and don't really care one way or the other, but I did at one point think he was really great. I just didn't want you to think that I was trying to pull something on you or whatever..... I said what I meant, and I meant what I said, and I hope you believe that. Sorry you didn't wait for my response though.

    Sunday, March 17th, 2002
    8:28 pm
    "When there's no place left to go, maybe that's when you will know"

    Which PPG are you?

    Oh man, I was hoping to be one of the girls! Oh well..... Bubbles is my favorite though :) That's such a cute show!

    Anyways, Laura's in town :) When she's home I feel like I'm at home, ya know? So it's been a nice 2 days to feel a little better about things..... Ho flipped out last night which wasn't pretty, but what can you do? I mean, it's Ho after all. And Laura's friend Margo is adorable! Such a sweet girl :) I totally enjoy her company!

    Tomorrow I start school again. For the rest of the semester my goal is to study more and stop being so miserable there. I can't do anything about it and I'm tired of feeling guilty about not working hard enough. It's going to be hard for me since I've never studied in my entire life, but I've got to move past that!

    Well, not much going on so I'll end this. Btw, How'd N'Sync go Coeli??? I heard from Tara that it was a way rad concert! Write me and fill me in, okay?

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    PS. I think I'm head over heels for Brad..... Someone should help me figure this one out! I want to make a move but I don't want to fuck things up, ya know? Anyone have any suggestions?

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: "Seein' Red" by Unwritten Law
    Friday, March 15th, 2002
    2:55 pm
    "If I could be like that, I would give anything just to live one day in those shoes"
    ~*~* NAMES *~*~
    1.What is your real, full name? Kristen Frances.....
    2.What other names were your parents thinking about for you? My Dad wanted to name me Frances after his grandma but my Mom said no, and they liked Kristen, so yeah..... I don't think there was much else in the running
    3.If you had been born of the opposite gender, what was your name going to be? Brandon Michael (my brother's name)
    4. What does your name mean (if you know)? Follower of Christ, apparently
    5. Do you like your name? yeah
    6. Do you know anyone else with your name? oh yeah, quite a few!
    7. If you could change your name, what would it be to? I've always loved the name Samantha, but I think at the moment I would change it to Mercedes b/c that's a cool name and those are some sweet ass cars!
    8. What is coolest name of someone you know? Grazia and Delaine have interesting names; I love Julianna's name for some reason too
    9. The wierdest? don't have one
    10. The plainest/ugliest? don't know

    11. What is your favorite weapon? I don't agree with weapons, but fire's pretty cool, lol :)
    12. What is your favorite genre of book? fictional teenie bopper books with little or no plot, lol
    13. What is your favorite planet? Jupiter
    14. Your favorite type of sandwich? egg salad sandwiches
    15. How about your favorite role playing game (if you play them)? I never really played any of those games, but there was the one where you had to sit in a "car" and role play that I always seemed to enjoy in Drama
    16. Your favorite play? (No, not movie or TV show, PLAY) I don't really like plays (I know, I'm uncultured) but Ho and I once saw Little Shop of Horrors at my HS and it was pretty damn rad
    17. Favorite joke? my favorite joke has ALWAYS been "What has hair and flys?" "A dead warewolf" It's dumb, but I still laugh to this day..... :)
    18. Favorite color of clothing on you? pink, black, and blue
    19. Favorite fruit juice flavor? orange
    20. What's your favorite thing to look up online? pics of bands

    21. Do you know anyone who drinks underage (if yes, how many)? oh hell yeah, like I could count them all
    22. Smokes (if yes, how many)? um, a few people
    23. Does drugs (if yes, how many)? yeah, quite a few
    24. Lost their vigrinity before being married? half my friends are sluts (seriously, no lie), so yes, I would say so
    25. Worships the devil? no
    26. Has had their life threatened? not that I know of
    27. Do you know anyone who hates slurpees? not that I'm aware of
    28. Give a rough estimate of how many people you know. shit, like I know that amount! hundreds of people I'm sure, maybe more.....
    29. Now how many of them are your friends? um, that's hard to say..... I have a lot of aquaintances and people I've lost touch with but would still consider my friends, so I don't know
    30. Where are the majority of your friends from (i.e. sports, school)? HS, camp, and just in general

    ~*~*WOULD YOU EVER*~*~
    31. Eat bugs purposely? no, but I knew this guy at camp who we used to call "Peter Peter the Bug Eater" cause he ate bugs all the time..... Nice guy though
    32. Commit a crime? maybe, probably not though
    33. Change your religion? considering I don't have one, no
    34. Lie to your parents? I don't like to lie to my parents but I will if I think I need to..... never in serious cases though
    35. Jump over a waterfall? like bungy jump? hell yeah!
    36. Change clothes in front of an open window? yeah, why not? I mean, if there are 100 people outside, no I wouldn't but otherwise, what's the big deal?
    37. Dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? lol, no
    38. Go out at night dressed in something like a black trenchoat and sunglasses? probably not, but if Ho and I were doing it to be funny then maybe
    39. Sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? hell yeah!40. Tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? sure, why not?

    ~*~*HAVE YOU EVER*~*~
    41. Lied to your parents about something really important? when I chipped my tooth in the 4th grade I lied about how I actually did it, but that's all I can think of
    42. Have your life threatened? no
    43. Stumbled across FBI secrets online? no
    44. Stayed up until the morning light talking online? yeah, a couple of times
    45. Made people give you really wierd glances? If yes, how? tons of times! I don't get embarassed very easily
    46. Read a Shakespeare play? who hasn't?
    47. Talked in your sleep? What did you say? my Mom says I do but nothing much more than mumbling
    48. Sung at a kareoke bar? there's this punk rock kareoke night at this one place but you have to be over 21..... so no
    49. Looked something up online your parents specifically told you not to look up? no, they don't tell me what to do as far as the internet goes
    50. Been run over... with a bike? no

    51. Number one on your hit list? not sure..... a few people are up there right now
    52. On your aol instant messaging list (Give screen names and real names, if possible)? there's about 145 people on my list, I am so not about to list all of them!
    53. The person you talk to most online? Ho, sometimes Jer, I don't really chat online anymore
    54. The person you talk to least online? quite a few people
    55. The person who calls you ever other day? Ho, Les, Laura
    56. Is there anyone that dumped you when you most needed them? yeah, he knows who he is.....
    57. The last person you talked to on the phone with? Ho
    58. The person/people you're with the most: Ho, Laura when she's here, Les, and Julianna and Rachel for awhile there (but I'm not exactly talking to them anymore)
    59. Never home? Ho
    60. Always home? me, lol

    ~*~*THIS OR THAT*~*~
    61. Mulan or Moulin Rouge? dunno
    62. 7 Up or Dr. Pepper? Dr Pepper
    63. Hamsters or Gerbils? Hamsters
    64. Rats or Mice? Mice
    65. The Swings or the Slide? the Slide, duh!
    66. Rollercoaster or Merry-Go-Round? roller coaster all the way!
    67. Sneakers, Sandals, or No Shoes? no shoes
    68. Italian or Mexican food? Chinese, lol
    69. Fast Food or Sit Down Restaurant? Fast food, though I always love my time with Laura and Ho at the Olive Garden :)
    70. The Sun or the Moon? both

    ~*~*MORE FAVORITES*~*~
    71. What's your favorite quote about love? "I've noticed that being with you I smile a little more often, I anger a little less quickly, the sun shines a little brighter, and life is so much sweeter." and (on the flip side) "If he says he loves you and your heart doesn't skip a beat, then don't say it back, b/c you don't"
    72. Favorite quote about friends? "If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend." STP
    73. How about life? "Then, when it seems we will never smile again, life comes back"
    74. What's your favorite humorous quote? "That's the difference between me and the rest of the world. Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!" Calvin and Hobbes
    75. How about the quote that makes you go, "Hmm..."? "Everybody is somebody's daydream."
    76. The quote that makes you go, "Too true, too true." "You can't always sit in your corner of the forest and wait for people to come to you... You have to go to them sometimes" A.A. Milne and also "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go" Oscar Wilde
    77. What's your favorite swear word? fuck and shit b/c I use both of them on a pretty regular basis, lol
    78. What's your favorite non-swear word? dump truck (seriously)
    79. What's your favorite thing to do on a cold day? sit in the house and paint
    80. How about your favorite thing to do on a hot day? go to the mall with Ho and complain about how warm it is, lol

    ~*~*WHAT DO YOU SEE*~*~
    81. Are there any shoes in the room? yeah
    82. Underwear? no
    83. Dishes, glasses, forks, spoons etc? yeah
    84. Something unidentifiable that is very nasty looking? nope
    85. Money? yes
    86. A TV? yeah
    87. Is there a fan in the room with you? yeah
    89. How about a blanket? yes
    90. What colors are the walls and the floor? white walls, brown carpet

    ~*~*WRAPPING IT UP*~*~
    91. In how many languages can you say "Goodbye?" 7
    92. And how many of those can you actually spell? goodbye, aloha, chow, auf wiedersehn or tschus, adios, salut, and then the Russian one
    93. What's your favorite way of ending a letter? Laters
    94. Who's the last person you said goodbye to you, and where were they going? Dad, cause he was going to bed
    95. Is there any wierd way you say goodbye (ie Night, Smooches) see you later alligator.....
    96. How do you end internet conversations? laters or bye
    97. Do you realize I'm just stalling to get to 100? nope
    98. Have you ever seen any of these questions on any other survey before? yeah
    99. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst, what would you rate this? 7 (a little more interesting)
    100. Say a nice word to the people you are sending this to, or who you recieved it from. I have quite a bit of history with Jer, so that's important to me and I could never find just one nice word to say to him.....

    Long survey, kinda different though..... :)

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: "Be Like That" by 3 Doors Down
    Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
    12:59 pm
    "There's not a word that I comprehend except when you signed it I will love you always & forever"
    Hey all :)

    Yes, I'm still alive, Coeli! Sorry I haven't written but there really hasn't been much to write about. Hard to believe for my life but the past few months really haven't had a lot going on. Truthfully, I've been pretty depressed since mid-December..... Sometimes it worries me, but mostly I'm just trying to get over it. For once in my life I completely understand how Jer feels, which is odd for me! But I have my good days too, just depends. So yes, I'm still here and there's really no need to worry!

    Anyways, so my b-day went pretty well :) Got my Blink bunny cake; I'll post a pic of it someday! Ho spent the night on Friday, which was pretty nice :) I don't really get to see her without Delaine anymore, not that I don't love Del to death, but Ho's my best and sometimes I just want to spend time with her and only her, ya know? It was so cute though; Del got me this HUGE whirlly pop for my b-day! I swear, the thing is bigger than my head! But it totally fits my personality, and I was a little impressed that Del hit is so good on the mark..... I mean, she knows me but she doesn't really KNOW me. So that was cool :)

    And Jessica took me out to lunch at Il Vicino, which was really nice of her to do! She's really hardcore punk, and it just cracks me up that she and I even get along! She's the type of person who goes into the moshpit and kicks and pulls hair and is just generally nasty with people (hardcore punk, basically) and I'm the type of person who wants to be up in front, on the side, watching the concert and enjoying being there and generally trying to avoid the people who are like her, lol :) But we get along very well, which is nice for me! She's actually the only friend I've made in college so far..... Aside from Kim at TVI, but I've been friends with Jess since day one.

    That's kinda sad for me to think about, you know, that I haven't really made any friends. College doesn't open quite as many doors for conversation time as HS did, so I guess that's part of it. I'm not the chick who stays after class to chat with everyone. I'm like "Time to leave? Cool, I'm out of here!" and I take off so I can go home! Or if anything, I at least take off to go to my other classes or meet up with Ho or whatever. I'm not really into socializing with all these college people. The ones that I've had to deal with are mainly idiots or assholes, and I'd rather be lonely than be desperate and friends with them.

    I keep getting off track! So my actual b-day (Thursday) was pretty boring, but then I didn't go to school on Friday and Ho spent the night, so I made up for it in a way. My Dad and I went shopping and got the other two Blink cds that I didn't have (I had the airplane for Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, but not the pants or the jacket), which is part of my b-day present. I think I can get a few more cds or movies or something, but I'm waiting until I know exactly what I want. I think we're going to go pick up Unwritten Law though b/c it's on sale and I'm really into their new single, despite the fact that I've never liked anything they've ever put out! Oh well.

    Ho got me some rad stuff :) This huge ass star mobile which she had said she wanted at one point and I told her it was gay and then she got it for me..... I like it but it's something that I could make on my own for 1/3 of the price, ya know? But it looks quite good in my room, so there's not much to complain about :) Then a star belly button ring which pokes me in the stomach sometimes but I love anyways! The new Dashboard Confessional cd, which I love :) And this hysterical coffee book called "The Curious Sofa". Everytime Ho asked me what I wanted for my b-day I would say porn (or gay porn, depending on my mood) just b/c I never know what I want for my b-day, and she knows that! So this book was written in 1961 and the wording is pretty graphic at times, but the drawings are really demure (sp?) and it's just hysterical! Here's one of the pages: "Colonel Gilbert and his wife, Louise, came in after dinner; both of them had wooden legs, with which they could do all sorts of entertaining tricks." Good stuff! I'd recommend you guys check this book out :) It's really funny! Ho always does good with presents :)

    So then Saturday I just hung out, and then Sunday Les paid for half of my newest (and final) piercing: Rim to Rim Construction! Ho came with us cause she wanted to watch, and I almost bailed but I did it. Didn't hurt so much when he shoved the needle through the first time..... hurt more the second time..... hurts like a bitch now! As I type my fucking ear is all crusty and icky..... Apparently nothing to worry about, but it's gross at any rate. And I'm already tired of it! I love it, I love the way it looks and everything, but it's just been so prevelant for the past few days! I can't really lay on that ear comfortably. I have to clean it twice a day and wipe away crusties in between cleanings. Sometimes it gets a little, sticky?, I guess and it kinda starts to pinch a bit and I have to twist it (which I'm not supposed to do) to get it to stop whatever it's doing. And my ear's swollen. And red. And generally icky looking for the time being. But I think once I get past this whole cleaning stage and it heals a bit, I'll love it a lot more! All I have to say is that a tattoo requires so much less work and is generally less painful than this..... So keep that in mind people. If you have your cartilage pierced and think a tattoo will hurt more, it doesn't! You get used to the needle going up and down, and it's sore for a day or two afterwards, but then it's fine. This piercing..... ugh. Pain in the butt.

    So I'm on spring break this week, thank God! I don't think I could handle another day at that place, even though I've been twice since and will go back again later today. I lost my scholarship for sure, so now we need to set up payments with this guy Leo, who is never there. I needed a 2.5 gpa to get the scholarship..... I got a 2.41. Fucking .09 off of what I needed! Fuck my English teacher, Fuck her in her stupid ass! Had she given me the fucking B she said she would instead of the B-, my parents wouldn't have to be shelling out all this money. Fucking bitch.

    So, anyways, I just thought I'd do a journal entry since I haven't really written much of anything in quite awhile! Sorry it ended up being so long; I wasn't trying to do that at all! But what can you do? So take care guys and talk to you all laters :)

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    PS. Laura gets in at the end of the week! I'm sooooooooooooo excited!!!! I miss her SOOOOOO much!!! She's bringing a friend, Margo, with her which I'm not so happy about but hopefully she's a nice gal. It'd be nice to have one person from up there get to see the real Laura :)

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: "Screaming Infidelities" by Dashboard Confessional
    Friday, March 8th, 2002
    11:14 am
    "You see me driving down the street, I look so fucking good"

    You are ANTI-FLAG!

    Offend anyone? Who the hell cares, you're ANTI-FLAG! If there's something on your mind, people will know about it. And if something's gay, everyone will definitely know about it. You're an outspoken kid who can sometimes be a smartass, but hey, you sure as hell get your point across.
    So which BAND are YOU?

    Hell Yeah! :) I laughed hysterically when I saw this..... If it weren't so true, I'd be kinda offended!

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    PS. Thanks for all the b-day wishes! You guys are the best! :)

    Current Mood: good
    Current Music: "Hiphopper" by Thomas Rusiak
    Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
    4:53 pm
    Beer, now there's a temporary solution..... lol :)
    I'm so like Homer!

    Homer, who are you?
    by Lexi
    Monday, March 4th, 2002
    5:14 pm
    "I can't do wrong, I can't do right, I feel so alone tonight, I wish someone could feel....."
    3 days till my 19th..... it's weird b/c I read Chris' journal and he seems so happy and I'm not really, but we're only 3 days apart in age, ya know? I guess that really doesn't have any bearing on it, but it just seems interesting how 2 people can feel completely different about the same occasion. Oh well. At any rate, I wanted to say.....

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!!!! I know we don't really know each other that well but dammit, you are such a cool person! I'm glad I'm able to read your journal and be exposed to such a wonderful guy as yourself :) So I hope it's a good one!

    Not much else to say otherwise; I'll update some other time.....

    Much love,

    Current Mood: eh
    Current Music: some song by Mest, can't think of what it's called.....
    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    3:21 pm
    "He's drunk, he tastes like candy, he's so beautiful"
    Full name: Kristen
    DOB: March 7th, 1983
    City: Albuquerque
    State: NM
    Age: 18
    Zodiac symbol: Pisces

    colors: pink!
    foods: ice cream, pinapple pizza, cookies (I've noticed I eat a lot of cookies for some reason), Chinese food (eggrolls esp.)
    clothing brand or type: Hot Topic stuff, Old Navy, Gap (if I get any comments about me being a poser b/c of this I'm going to fucking punch you), whatever I like that's on sale :)
    season: fall
    band: BLINK! Bush, 3EB, Hole, Eve 6, Aquabats, Green Day, Offspring, lots and lots of bands!
    type of music: punk/alternative/whatever flips my switch
    artist: I used to have this thing for Van Gogh
    poet: I always used to like what Jer wrote
    writer: Stephen Chbosky
    literature (book) : Perks of Being a Wallflower and my all time fav Ghost in the Garden
    movie: 16 Candles, Breakfast Club, Clueless, SLC Punk!, Coming Soon, Daria: Is It College Yet?, all of my various dumb teen movies (lol), lots of movies! I just bought Josie and the Pussycats :) I love that movie! "I could be in this room.... and I could be in this room too!" LOL
    Game(as in video): Tony Hawk 2 for Playstation 1
    sport: skateboarding
    activity (nothing perverted I hope!): painting, listening to music, working with Photoshop (which I'm getting for my b-day!), watching movies in my room, hanging out with Ho and being obnoxious, lol :)
    car: I love my car (89' Nissan 240 SX) but my fav cars in general are Beetles, Karmann Gias, Mercedes, MGBs, MG Midgets, Austin Healys, just about anything that's old and funky
    month: April or May
    drink: cherry shakes, Kiva Juice (haven't had that in awhile), Dr. Pepper
    person: toughy.... either my Dad or Ho
    family member: outside of my parents and bro, my cousin Tish
    friend: Ho
    love: music
    ex: Jer (I hate Sheryl Crow, but that lyric that goes "You were my favorite mistake" always makes me think of him..... I should have never gotten involved in that but for everytime I say "If I had the chance to do it all over again, I'd just be friends with him" deep inside I know that being with him was the only way to go..... It's still something that perplexes me for some reason)
    day: Friday
    place: when I'm at camp it's always home, and when I'm at school it's always home, and when I'm at home I'm glad to be there :)
    #: 3, 7, 26, 182!

    colors: don't have one
    foods: I HATE FISH, IT'S SICK. and Jer said sourkraut, which I have to agree with (dude, I know how you feel! my parents love it and I'm just like, EWWW!)
    animals: scary ones (cats are GREAT! Jer)
    clothing brand or type: those fucking preppy striped shirts from Hollinger and Abercrombie and J. Crew (Laura has them, that's how I know where they're from, lol)
    season: winter
    band: not sure
    type of music: rap and metal, probably.....
    artist: dunno
    poet: not sure
    writer: those people who wrote stories for La Puerta.... That stuff is crap
    literature: the stories from La Puerta
    movie: What Women Want.... ugh, what a lousy movie
    Game(as in the video kind): anything that requires a lot of unnecessary effort
    sport: football
    activity (nothing perverted i hope!): having to go to school sometimes can seem really bad
    car: PT Cruisers (which my parents love), Kia Sports (those weird Jeep look alikes), those stupid vans with the lights up at the top of the backend that are all square..... those things are fucking annoying
    month: December
    drink (alcoholic or non): grape soda
    person: these girls from my Senior yrbk class..... esp. this one who was all "oh, I'm not going to have sex until I'm married" and was really holier than though about it and then BAM! guess who got pregnant? She's a bitch AND a hypocrite, nothing worse than that.....
    family member: my Aunt in Texas..... I love her and everything but the woman thinks she knows me even though she's never tried to actually learn about who I am and what I stand for
    friend: not sure, I have a few..... lol, j/k!
    love: Jimmy
    ex: Mace, fucking prick
    day: Thursdays
    place: downtown, where I feel like people want to kill/rape me
    #: don't think I have one

    What are some things/objects you fear?: spiders, snakes, anything that can kill me, anything that can harm me, anything scary, me or my loved ones dying (that's probably my biggest fear), failing miserably in life, being alone
    Who are some people you fear?: people who can kill/rape/harm me in anyway..... and boys too, they'll break your heart without a second thought

    What is one thing that makes you angry?: hypocrites
    Do you believe in God? ghosts? aliens?: not really to all 3, but who the hell am I to say they do or don't?
    Do you live life carelessly or do you worry too much?: I worry too much, wayyyyyy too much..... I'm really anal about a lot of things
    Who is your best friend or who are your best friends?: Ho, Laura, Les, and my Dad
    What is one thing you are good at?: crafty stuff, like painting or messing with digital art
    What are some of your pet-peeves?: people who talk a lot all the time about nothing except crap that I would never ever want to hear about ever, people who sleep around (like most of my friends seem to be doing at this point), people who don't think before they act and then regret it
    List a time with someone you enjoyed and details: I have lots of those type of times.... the 2 that came to mind were writing this "10 Things We Hate About You" note that Rachie, Katy, and Coeli wrote to Stephen in the 10th grade after he had hurt my feelings big time (remember that guys? good times!) and when Ho and I went to the Warped Tour :) That was such a great time!
    Tell us about a time you did something you shouldn't have, and explain what happened and what you did. Say you're sorry and
    forward this to that person.: When I was in the 3rd grade I was a really bad friend to this guy Will and I won't go into the details but I still feel horrible about it b/c he was a really nice guy and I kinda used it against him for some reason, like I just fucked with him a lot even though we were really good friends.....
    Say something, anything.: "Can't you just pretend to be nice?"
    Is this survey sorta kinda a bit better than most you have seen or filled out? it was a bit different than what I usually see

    Are you happy this is finished? yes, I want to go watch my movie!

    I haven't done a survey in awhile, so I thought I'd do this one.....

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: good
    2:59 pm
    "Who's House? Say What? Run's House! Say What? Martin...."
    Line from Dogma, love that movie :) And it seems to lead into my next few sentences..... Guess who got tickets to the Blink 182/Green Day/Jimmy Eat World show in Phoenix?!?!? Me and Ho did! April 19th! Rad huh?!?!? I'm SO EXCITED!!!! Blink and Green Day are like, OMG, unbelievably awesome :) The first time I got tangled into punk music it was b/c of Green Day and the second time was b/c of Blink, so this is completely surreal for both Ho and I! And as if that wasn't going to be rad in the first place, we managed to get floor seats also!!!! All you people know how I feel about Blink and man, I'm dying over here! Ho and I already are figuring on being the dumb BSB type of fans who cry and stuff when they see the band..... We're positive that we're going to end up crying. Just the idea of it makes both of get all teary eyed, LOL :) So from now on I'm probably going to do a countdown b/c this literally is the most important thing in my life right now! Mark was talking on MTV Diary once and he was saying that he's 28 years old and he's done everything he's ever wanted to do in his life. After I go to this concert, I'll have seen every band I've ever wanted to see and that in itself is almost the purpose of my life! Ho and I were saying that if we died right after the concert ended, we'd both die happy :) That sounds morbid, but it's basically true! Has anyone ever felt that way?

    Anyways, I just wanted to update and tell everyone that b/c you all know how highly I hold Blink in my book!!!!! Blink is to me as Creed is to Nik or N'Sync is to Coeli :) I would say Tool to Jer but I don't know how much he likes them anymore..... At any rate, this is monumental!!!!

    Love you all,
    Kris :)

    PS. 56 days till Blink!

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Current Music: "Enthused" by Blink!
    Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
    4:18 pm
    "Go now, go"

    Take the Which My So-Called Life Character are you most like? Quiz

    This used to be my most favorite show :) Can't type much, I'm in photoshop and Kim stole my corner computer so now the teacher can see me dead on..... And I'm the only one typing and not clicking..... A bit obvious.

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: My So Called Life Theme
    Friday, February 15th, 2002
    1:53 pm
    Being a pack rat just got good :)
    I hadn't read this but now I have and all I have to say is that I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WARPED TOUR 2002!!!!!!

    (July 10, 2001) -- Due to unforeseen weather circumstances, the Vans Warped tour, presented by Target, was rained out and forced to end at 6:00pm (earlier than the expected time of 8:00pm) on Sunday, July 8 at Adams City Fairground in Brighton, CO. Not to worry though, founder and producer of the Warped tour, Kevin Lyman, wants all those kids that came to the show on July 8 to save their ticket stubs for when the Warped Tour comes back to Brighton next year.
    "To all the kids who came out to the show, sorry we had to end the show early -- we tried to keep it going but we had to stop due to the unexpected downpour. Make sure to save your ticket stubs, because I promise we will do something special for all of you next year."

    I have my ticket stub! I HAVE MY TICKET STUB! Things just got a little bit better in my life :) And I bought this movie today "Deal of a Lifetime" b/c it looked pretty cute and it was only $2.50 and guess who's in it?!? Heroin Bob!!!! SCL PUNK BABY!!!! :)

    Good shit :)

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: "Happy Happy, Joy Joy" by Ren & Stimpy
    1:35 pm
    "You could pet one kitty's head and then pet the other kitty's head"
    See what Care Bear you are.

    Sounds like me, lol :)

    Hope you guys had a good V-day! And if not, better luck next year.....

    Much love,

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: "The Cat With 2 Heads" by the Aquabats
    Friday, February 8th, 2002
    4:27 pm
    "And I'm feeling nothing when I found out you were dead, when I found out I'd never see you again"
    Les' Dad died yesterday. A heartattack. He was in his truck in the parking lot of his work. And they didn't find him for 8 hours. I've known Jeff since I was 5. And now he's gone.

    I want you all to tell the people you love that you love them. I never told Jeff how much I loved him and how great I thought he was and how I have so many great memories of him when I was little..... I wish I had. And I just hope he knew it.

    Love you guys,

    Current Mood: bad
    Current Music: "You're Dead" by Alkaline Trio
    Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
    12:23 pm
    "One thing I need from you, that's honesty. Please never lie to me"
    Ugh, I am so tired! I spent most of yesterday with Ho and my god, that was such a busy time. We rearranged her room and I hooked up some various cords so she could have a phoneline running right to her computer and another to her actual phone. Then we went shopping, where she bought 4 shirts (I'll explain that in a sec). The only thing I bought for myself were those pink shoelaces I mentioned previously :) And they look great in the shoes, I might add! Then we got back to her house and watched the Daria movie and the Real World, and then got her ready for this party at Darrel's house. Darrel is this old friend of Laura's who we met back at Thanksgiving and he's been pretty chummy with Ho ever since. I don't really think he feels at all attached to me but he does remember my name and is very nice to me, so I don't mind dropping by his place. At any rate, the reason we were going was to see this guy Colin who's interested in Ho (and Ho seems interested in him, thus the 4 shirts that she claims she "needed anyways", lol) and after the party got broke up by the cops (minor misunderstanding, no big deal) and we ended up back there 20 minutes later and then sat there for like 45 minutes listening to this really really really drunk guy tell us about how this female cop pulled a gun on him, FINALLY she spoke a few words to the guy. It's like I told her, I wasn't very impressed. I think he was kinda drunk and high at the time and everyone knows how I feel about that shit. Ho says she wants to get to know him though. He seemed nice, I'll give him that, but what a way to impress a girl when you can barely speak b/c your tripping so bad. I wasn't down. But then again, Ho is into that kinda of stuff, so maybe she feels some sort of connection with him, ya know? But it's just like the drunk guy who was talking to us: We both laughed at first but the more I listened to more I just felt sorry for him to feel like he has to get like that. Ho, however, just kept on laughing. Call me a snob if you want but I feel like people who get to that point (or even further) are dumbasses. But that's just me.

    So today Les and I are going to go see her nephew in Estancia. Should be fun, I haven't gotten to see him yet! And since Les is all alone this weekend, I want to spend a little time with her :) I think she gets really lonely now since she can't do the stuff she used to..... her friends don't seem to come around as often. I'm trying to come around more, but it's hard b/c I'm usually pretty busy with school or personal things..... It makes me feel bad when she's alone at the house. I've known the kid for years and I know how she feels about that! But anyways, we should have some fun :) We have little in common but always seem to get along just the same.

    Well I better go shower, just wanted to update for some reason..... Talk to you all laters!

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: "Yesterday" by Mest
    Thursday, January 31st, 2002
    3:21 pm
    "Krusty the Clown, you're under arrest for armed robbery......
    "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say blah blah blah....."
    3:21 pm
    "Why did the clown cross the road? To rob the Kwik-E-Mart"
    I don't know if I mentioned it before but we got a DVD player last week. I'm not a huge fan of the concept but it does have its advantages. The only thing we own is The Simpsons: Season 1 :) Good first DVD huh? We thought so!

    So I tried to make an apple pie today..... It doesn't look like a master cook's pie but I bet it'll be pretty good :) It's just finishing the baking process, in fact. I imagine my parents are going to be pissed that I did that but oh well. I don't get to bake as much as I would like to and when I get the opportunity, I do so! There was a crapload of snow last night so we had a 2 hour delay for school, but I decided to just skip it totally. I would miss my first class (it was before 10am, so it got cancelled), my German teacher lives in Santa Fe so he probably wouldn't be in class, and then go for just Psych? No way. I'm even skipping Photoshop today. I like to work under pressure so I'm going to miss today and work my butt off next week :) Actually, I imagine I'll finish my final project on Tuesday and still not have to go next Thursday, but we'll see. I have nothing to do today anyways, so there's no point in going.

    I've been thinking a lot about stuff lately..... And I've come to some decisions about a few of them. And some of them, well, I've just kinda given up on. My whole college thing is irreversably fucked, so I'm going to have to figure out something else with that. I may luck out but it seems the total sum for what we owe will be the highest amount possible. There's little luck on this scholarship thing..... I going to exercise every possibility I can but it's not looking good. I've got about 2 more things I can try; we'll see. And the other stuff, maybe I'll discuss that next time.

    This weekend I'm going to Ho's house to move around her room :) She knows how I feel about interior decorating and so she had to include me! Then we're going to watch Real World and all the other stuff we need to catch up on, go to Hot Topic (I'm getting some pink w/ white stars shoelaces!), and just generally hang out. Should be fun :) Her and Delaine are having a Super Bowl Sunday pigout that I've been invited to get in on, but I don't think I'm going to..... They're actually going to watch the game and ugh, I'd rather not! But maybe I'll change my mind.

    Anyways, I better get going. Talk to you all laters, and Nik, I swear I'll write you back this weekend!

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: indifferent
    Current Music: "Did I Say I'm Sorry?" by Lonely Kings
    Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
    4:32 pm
    "Why? Are they embarassed?" "Why would they be embarassed? I'm a QB" great Daria movie! :)
    So I'm in Photoshop again..... we're doing this rubber stamp practice thingy. She hasn't even started explaining the new lesson and I already finished it last Thursday. This class runs entirely too sloooooooooooowwwww. Oh well, it's easy and I get credit for it so I guess I can't complain.

    V-day is coming up, and in fact I just wrote Jer about that..... I won't go into that one. But I was thinking about offering to get a kittie for Ho b/c her cat Baxter got out a few months ago and she's really sad about it still :( I debated one for X-mas but decided not to..... but maybe for love day. I think that would be nice to go out and pick a kittie together :) It would be nice to spend more than 5 minutes with just Ho (and not Delaine, though I love her to death). I don't really get to see her all that much anymore. It's hard.

    My Grandma is leaving on V-day for Germany. She won't be home for my b-day, as usual, but I think her, my Dad, and my Aunt are going in on Photoshop for me, so that should be nice anyways :) Speaking of my b-day, it's just a little over a month away. 19 years old. Strange to think about. I don't think I'm going to have a party this year though..... I wouldn't know where to have it or who to invite. And it seems like every year I force myself to have one if I don't want it, like especially last year. Had it not been my 18th, I probably wouldn't have. But I think not this year. I would, however, like it if my parents would get me my stupid Garfield cake this year, lol :) I've asked for one since I was old enough to know you could do that and I've never had one! Or if they got me a Blink one :) Either a pic of the guys or the bunny! Maybe I'll ask for that instead..... I'll give it thought.

    Well, I can't really think of anything else to write..... I'm actually just trying to keep myself occupied while I wait for her to let us have free time. That won't happen for at least 15 more minutes though..... ugh.

    Anyhoo, I'll stop boring you people but take care and let me know what kind of cake you think I should get, lol :)

    Much love,
    Kris :)

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: "Cash" by Sugar Ray
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