broken kaleidoscope girl

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Thursday, March 25th, 2004
7:21 am
they took away our internet privelidges at the clinic...i know playing text twist in peds for hours at a time was gonna have it;'s drawbacks...

so anyway i haven;'t read this stuff in awhile...sorry guys...

yeah, so while waiting for my cab i felt compelled to share 2 interesting facts i recently learned via jane magazine...

1. an increasingly disgusting number of european and americain women are opting for, seeking out and dishing 5-10k$ for genital mutation....and i;'m not talking reshaping...i;'m talking complete removal of labia minora and clitoris...!!! woman writes "i want to concentrate on my partner;'s pleasure without being consumed by my own lust".....WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!....

2. an MD in california is currently performing a simple procedure injecting a silicone/gelatin type fluid into the oh-so-sensitive g-spot...making it larger and more sensative for approxiamately 4 months until the fluids are absorbed by the body...this is working amazing for the guinea pigs who;'ve tried it...saying their orgasms are far more powerful, to the point where they wonder if they were even having orgasms before....downside: injecting into nerve tissue could cause problems later, perhaps even desensitation....ain;'t that the pits?....

this public service announcement has been brought to you by regina dagger...un-certified sexologist and generally just a crazy bitch,...

current mood: intrigued

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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
8:48 am
chocolate raspberry gevalia + vanilla rice milk = mmmmmmmmmmm

my doc is sick....been admitted to the hospital at least twice in the last guess what i get to do? dun dun duuuun...yeah, ok, i get to float and it sucks...buuuuuut, i been ontime to work 2 days in a row!!!....not countin on that tomorrow with metrotransit strikes :( ....

uuuuuhm...trying damn hard to procrastinate going downstairs and gettin to work but coming up blank as far as anything to jabber on about......

yeah, got Sir H.O.V.A. penetratin mah head and he won't let me be...

so yr havin girl problems, i feel bad for ya, son
i got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one

current mood: awake
current music: dave ryan in the mornin

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Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
8:47 am
note to self:
don't leave important prescriptives in yr desk drawer at werk over the weekend...

:( my head dunno like me today....

current mood: weird
current music: uuugh

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Friday, February 20th, 2004
1:38 am

so it;'s what like 1:45 on a thrusday? i dun gotta werk till noon tomorrah...wooot...

so 4 martini;'s later and what compells me? aside from the fact that i need a new keybord....

weelllllllllllll...turns out i';m like a toooootal trippy-hop mezzanine and dummy crossfadin into each other.... /purrrrrrr

my apartment is super, i;'m contemplating the february, in minnesota...

and once again embarrassed by my stunted creativity....

behold the viscious cycle....

current mood: numb
current music: group four by massive attack

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Wednesday, February 18th, 2004
8:12 pm - asbestos shampoo
stupid eq down so i;'m playin on the net between commercials of stuuuuffffffff....

watched OC is and order next....i am such a dork....

and oh my god OC is sooooo fucked up....hilarious, though.....

yeah, i'm really boring...nuttin to talk bout cept eq, teevee or werk tonight...


current mood: mellow

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Friday, February 13th, 2004
2:09 pm
another day in pediatrics with dr. stuff...

tashie's b-day was aight but the dummy didn't like grape apes...kept talkin me into mini-orgasms, instead...silly girl...

didn't really do anything else of import this week...

watch teevee, play eq....ooohoooh my guild went on a kael raid last i made a bunch more opal encrusted steins...buh-ching...

uhm, yeah...

tonight tashiecat and i are going out again...dinner and drinks, and drinks, and drinks....................................................

till next time...

current mood: amused
current music: rendez-vu by basement jaxx

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Monday, February 9th, 2004
1:30 pm
dang i must be real bored on my lunchbreak to be posting, huh?

yeah, in pediatrics today with dr. doc is on call over at the hospital all week so he's just working afternoons here at the clinic...

as for what's new in my life....
well, uhm....
yeah, pretty much same as ever....i work, i eat, i drink, i play eq, i sleep...not always in that order...

lessee....been going out to non-"scene" clubs more lately...
-escape ultra lounge is super swank and fun on saturdays for house the ladies are real nice eye-candy...meow!...
-then the regular ol' just "the lounge" is fun for a wierd plethora of saturday i danced to "OPP" and they played a mix of spin spin sugar with 50 cent's in da club overlayed on it and sped up superduper fast wheeeeeee....all the doods there are total metrosexual's too, so it's funny...don't get nearly as much grindage attempts as some other clubs we know even despite the small dancefloor....

tonight is TASHIECAT'S 21ST BIRFDAY!!!!!!!! so takin her to saloon to experience the glory/misery of grape ape's....and it's some lame valentine's/crow theme so it'll be especially unsatisfactory i am certain...

ooooooooooh, and how long's it been since an EQ update?....well, my hottie l33t k13r!k has 39 AAs now...and she's been doing pottery and has a skill of 203 in that....then my shammy is 31 and my druid is 33 now.......i'm am so teh win!..../wankwank.....

current mood: indifferent
current music: dirty epic by underworld

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Saturday, December 20th, 2003
4:28 pm
woot, another hell week at werk is over...doc is back from doing rounds at the hospital and our schedule monday is packed...

today...i got almost all the xmas nonsense done...i love it...i managed to procrastinate until 12/20 this xmas cards being sent though, so those of you that get em from me usually....don't hold yr breath...i'm too lazy and poor for that shit...

also finally got my hair trimmed today...bout damn time...

tomorrow i gotta do chores and laundry and more shopping...

tonight i have a date with a salad and a 6-pack of newcastles :) ...

current mood: good
current music: gwen stefani's version of "it's my life"

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Monday, December 15th, 2003
3:21 am

realized i'd been neglecting you all...

i'm sure you noticed...

so i moved into my new place...still getting settled...
i'm lazy....

i'm poor and the holidaze suck my left one.... :(

been reading justine by marquise de sade to try to lull me to sleep, worked like a charm last night, but on a work night...nnooooooooo.....ugh...

then i took a quiz:

Die! do you really think you're ghetto? I hate you!
if you don't get shot soon, I'll see to it that
it happens... I bet you wear fubu!! DIE!!!

Are you deserving of death?
brought to you by Quizilla


current mood: blank

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Monday, November 24th, 2003
1:40 pm's cold as 16 degrees with a windchill of 1!!...

so i've got a ton of stuff all packed up, pretty much all that's really left is clothes, some decoration-type junk, any dry food and spices i'll be takin, and miscellaneous papers to file and shit...oh, and the bathroom stuff, almost fergot about that, that'll be easy...
so yeah....friday and saturday were difficult without the smokin, but yesterday went relatively easy, and today i haven't even thought about wantin one since i woke up...woot...haven't put my patch on yet, either, i try not to wear it unless i really start to need it, cause the steady intake makes me pretty antsy...

saturday night i had dinner at gramma's with an old friend from back in the day...she taught me how to do some stuff on my cellphone, wootwoot...i was back home by 11...i felt like such an old lady...but i had a good time nonetheless...

all i did yesserday was read and play know one cares, i won't delve into, this time...

this mornin went really rocky with my doc, differing opinions on things, i'm not expecting much more outta this afternoon...
only get lunch from 1:20-2pm today cause we are short staffed...ugh....

kk, gotta go find the variety section to kill the last 15 minutes of lunch...

current mood: exanimate
current music: none, it's quiet up here and i'm likin it...

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Friday, November 21st, 2003
9:11 pm
so i'm packin up the apartment like a fiend....
i was able to get the key next friday for an additional prorated fee so i can use the weekend for moving and not just the 1st...thank ginsberg...
also got the second of december off to get the cable modem dude over for hookup...oh, and to do the whole unpacky thing and all that...

in other news:
-i've been about 24 hours now without ciggarette, only a couple fits, and i cut a bic pen shelling to the size of a ciggarette and have done rythmic breathing to settle all doc put me on the patch so i'm kinda quittin like a pussy...but my previous attempts turned futile after 3 or 4 days, so....
-my doc says my cervix looks good....woot...long as the pathology comes back lookin good, too i dun havta worry about the colposcopy scare for another year...*crosses fingers*....
-also...i think i saw [info]dcontaminant wave at me while i was crossin central ave. around 11am...hahhahaa!...been awhile since i've seen any familiar faces really....this whole hermit thing turns you wierd after awhile....not that i wasn't weird before, but, still....

yeah, soo bigass newcastle and six pack of guinness = dinner tonight...
i have to admit that with the steady uptake of nicotine into my system with my patch i have yet to feel lazy...i haven't even used caffiene as a reliant once today....didn't nap on the bus, either...gonna have to actually do some readin soon...but that's fine...i got the new maxim in the mail today...soon i might even learn to dig shannon eliabeth...

oh.....and this whole thanksgivin thing just snuck up on me again....gaaaaaah! how depressing....fuckin holidays...i just know, wednesday night, someone's gonna ask me to do urgent care thursday....that's my luck...

kk, ,time to get back to werk....

current mood: spastic
current music: yr loss by cesium 137

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Friday, November 14th, 2003
10:22 am
so i had an appt. to see ms. jennifer allen at 11, but i got a call at 9 that she was ill today so i had it rescheduled till the 21st...
kinda sucky cause that means some important stuff gets my smoking quit date, my much needed referral to a therapist, my repeat pap to make sure there ain't nothin malignant eating away at my soft part...
ah, well...also meant i got to sleep till 10am...i love the sleepin when i can get it...

what i should do in the next coupla hours before i head to work is some chores and start tossin shit out to make the mad-packin an easier task.....or dye my hair like i been meaning to, think i'm doing a slightly darker copper with some blonde bits....but ooooooh, lack of motivation........what i'll prolly do is go download some EQ maps and be the big ol' geek i am :P...

i'm werking the flu shot clinic from like 7:30-noon:30 tomorrow, then i head to the new apartment to meet with a dude and get some final things smoothed away....
sunday i have the oncall no late party nights for me this weekend...i need money too bad...


current mood: lazy
current music: none, got the teevee on some retarded mornin talk show...

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Thursday, November 13th, 2003
6:04 pm
so the message was left around noon:30...
i called him back on my lunch break...
i go for final meeting on saturday to choose which of the four open units will be MINE...
i got that apartment!!!...
hello, swimming pool and wieght room....
hello, bathtub and diswasher...
hello, walking distance from red dragon (uhoh)...

and best of all...

goodbye, red sea and tru rivrsid thugs....

current mood: giddy
current music: stacey's mom has got it goin on...hehehhehee

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Wednesday, November 12th, 2003
1:35 pm
it's really ugly outside...
my morning went really smooth, scared of the afternoon...
i have like 3 huge tasks i need to get to work on, but all 3 will be fairly time consuming and i'd really prefer to save them for friday at this point...
mt. dew and ciggarettes for absolutely evil and wonderful...
i'm quitting smoking on friday...wish me luck...
won't be quitting caffiene any time soon...
but maybe after i move...maybe...maybe...yeah., right...

current mood: blank
current music: a nebulizer going in the next room

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Monday, November 10th, 2003
1:28 pm
so guess who's been antisocial?

yeah, ok, mostly it's cause i can't stand this new layout...hate it...i don't handle change well...

then you know part of it's that whole wanting to avoid lying two-faced twats...and boi, does live-journal have it's share (i do not disclude myself from this group, either, *lol*)...

so yeah, i may, just may, start to be approachable again soon...if yr drop a line or leave a voicemail and maybe i'll respond :P

current mood: busy
current music: it's lunch at work, why the hell didn't i turn on KDWB yet?

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Wednesday, August 20th, 2003
10:10 am
so a coupla days ago we got recloned to buy the everquest pack and have sucked him into our sick and twisted world...</insert evil laugh> gave him a buttload of armour and gear and i've donated about 100pp to the kid's funds...then spent part of monday and a good bit of yesserday powerlvlin him...he woulda gotten lvl 10 last night if damn roadrunner hadn't cut out on us around 2:45...oh well, i needed bed time...glad we got him his lvl 9 spells...that was a pretty big achievement!...

triplerocko was tasty fried food and cida's with bothered-[info]bubblesista, manic-[info]molly_grrl, and adventurous-[info]allenroh...i don't like college girls much, i don't think...

some flexibility has returned to my gimp-foot, and aside from 5 small scattered bruises, the colour and swelling has mostly dissipated...still hurts like a sumabitch to put weight on it, but it's showing hope...

lata, like hopefully before nightfall, i be able to get a group with my cleric and get some goddamn XP, she's done only Innoruuk knows how many rezzes in the last two days...ugh...

today i getta go get my hair trimmed...but first, i must shower...

current mood: indifferent
current music: AC-go-ppsssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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Tuesday, August 19th, 2003
10:56 am
well, overall it's been a fun vacation so far...
nuthin but drinkin and smokin and playin EQ...

got my cleric to lvl 53 last night, shitty thing is she only got crappy spells so now i want lvl 54 even more...well really i want lvl 56 even more...that's when she gets some real good shit...

so sunday night we decided to take a jaunt to red dragon for some wonderous punch (ala: 4 shots of rum, some oj, and somethin else)...on the way there i decided (ok, a rock under my foot decided) to throw me face down on the pavement, on a descending hill...scraped my hands a bit, cut my knee, and the worst...REALLY FUCKED UP my left a brace on it now, but i'm still a limpy-ol-limperson every time i try to walk...
what this means is IF i am going to ol triplyrocko tonight [info]bubblesista's gonna have to put up with me moving at's no good at all...i'm taking vits A&E; and zinc to induce quicker healing, but i've seen no improvement...if it's this bad tomorrow still i'm gonna go in to the docta and get some films taken...there are so many teeny bones in the foot, i very well could have an undisplaced fracture...and that blows cause who wants to spend their vacation in a cast instead of in the pool?...


current mood: uncomfortable
current music: storm world by project pitchfork

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Saturday, August 16th, 2003
5:13 pm
ain't nothing like some pesto cavatappi after a long day of cleanin...
soon, the alch and green...
and tomorrow maybe the pool!...

current mood: accomplished

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1:56 pm - Super-Duper Chore Day
get up
make bed
change lightbulbs
clean out backpack
file paperwork
clean desk
put away books
clean cat litter
clean bathroom
do dishes
clean kitchen
take out trash
sort laundry
clean living room
get lunch
do laundry

whew, what a day...
the laundry part i'll do at the boi's apartment lata, after i do a little smokin and drinkin ;|

current mood: busy

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Friday, August 15th, 2003
8:19 pm - oh did i mention...
Colin Farrel's sexy ass is on the cover of Esquire this month! raaar!

disclaimer: ok, really not his ASS, but him...the know what i mean...

current mood: naughty

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