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Subject:up to date
Time:10:20 am
so i did a quick inventory of things missing with my long lost school bag. along with my wallet, which had ALL of my I.D., i lost my gameboy advance, all my games for it, some school books, and my digital camera. FUCKING PISSED! i may put up fliers today offering a cash reward for anyone who finds it. problem is, i'm going to have to offer about $500 if i want it to be worth whoever has its time.

yesterday was the bitch and a bottle. went as expected. i was disrespected in my house by some stupid fucking cunt, my date left early, and i went to bed. on the upside, at least spent $30 for a nice bottle... yeah.

i really am feeling beyond angry these days. if i don't get into a fight soon my head may very well explode.

two days ago i went to this little diner in town. they have this "eat three pancakes and get your name on the wall" contest. well, before i saw the beasts, i ordered three, and me and my friends put wagers on if i could finish them. THOSE WERE THE BIGGEST FUCKING PANCAKES I HAVE EVER SEEN. but, in the end, nothing can stop the power of my gluttony. i even got my name on the wall..

fuck you, i'm done!
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Time:08:19 pm


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Subject:welcome to the most important post of my life
Time:12:37 pm
this will be my last semester at SUNY Potsdam. why?, because i can't function here any longer. i need to work back home. that, i feel i am no longer needed here. that's right, it's pretty much an impulse. i feel myself being pulled in another direction. i'm sad about all the friend i'll lose, but i also feel a happiness. a sense of relief. the rest of this semester is basically free for me. no more worries. no more cares about anything for the next few weeks. i don't need to worry about finding a girl because i couldn't keep her. i don't need to worry about work, because it's all for naught.

so that's that, i feel free. fuck you, i'm done.
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Time:05:32 pm
i had a huge epiphany. i'll post it later.

fuck you, i'm fucked (done)
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Subject:guess what
Time:10:15 am
i'm home.

asside from that, i guess i'll have to reflect upon everything that happened over the break..

friday - got killed at the magic tourney, then i drafted and won. yay cards. allso got some cards back from pat allen. stioll need my reanimator deck. oh well, it's a start. also completed the new deck i was working on.

on saturday was my sisters' sweet 16. it was ok. had a few drinks, danced with a few underage girls, got a candle lit in my honor, got to wear a suit.

then i went to jay's where i crashed... well, i stayed over, since i actually didn't sleep. yay video games/magic/'drugs.

yesterday i took the 12 hour bus ride here and slept most of the way. my worst fears were realized though... i had to sit next to a black woman. black women on buses, when they have a friend, are PAINFULLY loud and giggly. fucking a....

anyway, now i'm on matt's computer, killing time. i have a speech to write later, and i have to schedule in time for a shower, baulder's gate 2, and poker. busy busy busy...

oh yeah, i had about 10 QotD's over break.. forget them ALL. and on that note, fuck you, i'm done.
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Current Music:tough crowd
Subject:live from new york... long island, new york
Time:01:43 am
so yesterday began a longer-than-anticipated trip. first natalie and diana came over, and it was good. we went to the diner, etc. then andy joined us... and nothing else really happened, until the girls left.

on the road, andy's radio would only play classical music. this was a reoccuring thing.

so we went to grant's, hung out, and then walked over to denises', who was all over me, according to some. anyway, after some fun, we went back to grant's, then to andy's house.

while at andy's.. i fell asleep. today we went to get sushi, then we ran all over trying to find some government building. eventually we kidnapped natalie, then went to the mall to meet up with nicole rogers. then back to natalie's house, then home. all the time, classical music playing.

as a note, deep fried ice cream is good. the wabai monster is vile.

i hate skullclamps. fucking a.

so much sexual reference tonight. new fun card game too. and now, to fixing my new deck, considering getting some food from the kitchen, and continuing to stay awake in hopes of catching a repeat of south park.
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Current Music:now i've got 1.5 hours to shower, shave, and get dressed...
Time:01:25 pm
Test ID: 88684543
Name: Joe
Age: 20
Username Elimnist
Time: 20040316
Gender: Male
IP Address:
Score: 64.5 % LJ ADDICT

Average Stuff:

# of people who took the test: 12306
Age 21.5
Score 50.7


<p><table width="300" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000" bgcolor="#000000">            <tr><td width="359" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><a href="http://www.kylereilly.com/tests/lj/" target="_blank"><img src="http://kylereilly.com/tests/lj/lj_top.jpg" width="300" height="100" border="0"></a><br><table width="298" height="101" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="112" bgcolor="#000000"><img src="http://kylereilly.com/tests/lj/goat.gif" width="110" height="101"></td><td width="186" bgcolor="#000000"><table width="98%" height="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><div align="center"><font color="#FF0000" size="+1">I
                                    am <font size="+2"><strong>64.5%</strong></font></font></div></td>                           </tr><tr><td><div align="center"><strong><font color="#00FF00">LJ
                                    ADDICT!</font></strong></div></td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><font color="#CC99FF"><strong>Can
                                    You Beat Me? </strong></font></div></td></tr></table><div align="center"><font color="#CC99FF"></font></div></td></tr></table><div align="center"> <a href="http://www.kylereilly.com/tests/lj/results/?id=88684543" target="_blank">View
                        Info In Detail</a><strong><br><a href="http://www.kylereilly.com/tests/lj/" target="_blank">Take the
                        LJ Addict Quiz Today</a></strong><br><font size="-1">After All, <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=Elimnist"><img src="http://www.kylereilly.com/tests/lj/userinfo.gif" border="0"></a><a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/Elimnist">Elimnist</a> did.</font></div></td></tr></table><p></p>

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Current Music:a nutragrain commercial
Subject:ok. ok. OK.
Time:05:37 pm
well, today has indeed been a waste.

woke up and... yeah i watched 3 hours of rugrats... ate a couple poptarts... oh yeah, designed a new deck.

i'm quite hungry right now. which actually brings me to my purpose here. see, my mom has been running herself ragged over my sister's sweet 16. so ragged, there's no food. i think i might have to order a pizza or go walk somewhere. when i turned 16 i got nothing. now, i've heard this abomination called a right of passage, well from what i knew, those must be earned. i pledged, earned my way into a Fraternity, and despite what people think, it's hard. it's not like the media makes it out, but i pushed myself, worked my ass off, and i earned my letters. i didn't just turn 16! now, what'd i get? a congratulations. i didn't ask for anything, it was about me... but if i'd have known i could have a party, get jewels, some nice clothing, and be the focus of attention (not to mention FED) for a few weeks straight, i'd've certainly fucking done it.

that may have just been the hunger talking... time to take a shower, shave, clip my nails, and get the fuck out of here... so yeah, fuck you, i'm done.
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Current Music:duckman
Subject:fucking laptop not working better..
Time:02:42 am
today was interesting. i went to my cousin mikes' house for his birthday and played cards and lotr risk. it's fun, but a bit weak at the end. i hate timed games.

then i got home after failing to find a place to catch wrestlemaniaXX to find out grant is recording it. granty-man, me, you, andyman, natalie, and anyone else who wants are gonna have one helluva day watching that!

so anyway, i then went out with andy and natalie and met his new gf christine. she's a good girl. spent the night joking around with natalie, going to gas stations, and proving men are better than girls.

need to do more reading, writing, programming, drugs, and hanging out with the old gang.

and now to watch duckman.
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Subject:quick before bed!
Time:03:18 am
i distinctly remember a point in my life when i was addicted to the internet and not gambling. when i didn't just sign on to clean out my mailbox, update this thing which never gets comments (don't you fuckers comment now, just because i mentioned it), and stare at my buddylist, hoping ANYONE will sign on.

yeah, fuck the internet, and fuck you AGAIN. i'm SO done.
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Subject:hey hey
Time:02:51 am
won my first night of poker in a while. FINALLY.

party and a test tomorrow. fucking awesome. also gotta find time to write a speech and something else. good thing the test is early and the party is late. that leaves me with just enough time to get my work done... i hate days without down time.

so matt left today, i think i might crash on his armchair and set his alarm so i don't have to walk to the house and back this late and then that early. yeah, sounds good to me.

it's the return of the fuck you. i'm done.
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Subject:you know the rhyme, but now i'm bringing it with less beat this time
Time:09:53 pm
i'm home.

ever see that chappelle's show where he makes fun of the fast food comercials? you know, the "young blood" one? he was wearing a clarkson soccer jacket in that. yeah, fuck you clarkson kids.

i NEED to see wrestlemania tomorrow. i'll throw in money, i'll go anywhere, someone with a cable box who wants to watch it, call me!

i met a woman on the train today. i'm not sure how many of you know (don't give a fuck if you care), but i've pretty much stopped writing. i've just been reading and working on my little video game. well, the woman was talking to me about some college out here on the island. it's some frumpy graduate school for writers.. kinda weird. wheel weaves as the wheel wills, with everything for a reason i guess.

tomorrow i have a birthday party to attend before my quest to find wrestlemania. damnit cousin mke.

the modern commercial is not funny, not entertaining, and half the time doesn't even tell you what it's selling. fuck tv. and yeah, fuck you. i'm done.
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Subject:those damn apples
Time:02:54 am
so i just cashed out from poker, up $20. not a bad night. i even cashed out early for a class, while up, because i have to go to class.. andi don't want to lose the cash of course.

i need to check on my grades. i have a bad feeling about this semester...

and now to pass out on an armchair!

p.s.: fuckyoui'mdone
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Subject:all fucking in
Time:10:29 am
so last night was a night of gambling. we stopped at about7am this morning. i made $10... not bad since i started the night down about 30. yay profit.

so yeah, i SO called this fucking snowstorm. for those of you not living in this arctic hell known as potsdam, it's snowing. it started right before i got done gambling and it made me laugh because i fucking knew it. see, i had to walk home to get my books, so of course i had to walk that in a foot of snow with more still coming down. just two days ago there was grass visible on the ground... but i knew it! see, potsdam always fakes you out with one weekend of nice weather followed by this shit, and what better day to snow than the monday before spring break. did i mention i have an 8am class?! i fucking knew it! fuck you nature!

speaking of my no-fun class, it was awful today, absolutely awful. today we spent most of the class talking about the term "mankind" as something sexist. now, i'll admit i find women insane, emotional, illogical, and usually unable to think objectively, so some might label me sexist, or even a mysogynist pig. my point is that people should not talk about something this pointless for 2 hours in the goddamn morning! especially when i'm on no sleep. worst class ever.

now i have a speech to write, a meeting to attend, wrestling to watch, and a nap i need to schedule in. good thing mathews was fired or i'd have to worry about world war 2 today and i think i'd end up walking out, or worse, passing out.

btw, i find it upsetting that baggy jeans are out of fashion on girls. oh yeah, it's true, i learned it from a reliable blonde. that fucking sucks, because that's suck a hot look. i love a girl who dresses like me goddamnit. guess now i'll have to shoot for a girl who dresses like a filthy fucking whore. such is life.

i think i'm starting to piss myself off with this post, and that's never a good thing, so now i might as well get my nap out of the way on guito's armchair. so that being said, fuck you, i'm done.
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Time:10:45 am
so reslife fucked me royally. see, i won a $60 poker tournament and i was just waiting to collect the prize, right? well, since i don't live in lehman, now they're saying i'm not eligable. FUCK THAT. no where did it say on the posters that you had to live here to win. on monday i'm going over to the building to complain formally.

got back to work on my rpg maker thing, it's going well. i keep finding myself adding new things that really are kinda fun. i should probably go into game design, ha, right, fuck that!

today it's an open party, though i'm having some issues finding a way to finance it... i'll think of something.

and what's the deal with self help books? my dad sells those stupid things, and i mean honestly! here's the secret to true "self help". step 1- get the fuck over it! step 2- grow some proverbial balls. step 3- use some fucking will power and stop relying on others for help.

nick wants me to drive his car from the parking lot to somewhere so he doesn't get a parking ticket. i really don't feel like running into the cops again, what with my inability to legally drive. goddamnit.

one of my favorite teachers left his job yesterday. he was apparently driven out by the politics of the history department. fucking politics- oh wait.

i'm hungry. my dinner last night was beyond shit. and why the fuck is pokemon on?! bah! fuck this and fuck you, i'm done.
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Subject:poy luck
Time:05:39 am
so i played in a hold'em tourney today and won 1st peize. it was really just dumb luck in the end, but hey, money's money. now i can use my winnings to help support my gambling addiction on nights when i lose... like this whole week.

i just had a test today (yesterday?), and i kkicked its ass. oddly, i thought the same thing a week ago and did shitty.

this whole insomnia thing is getting out of hand. i think i'm adjusting to not sleeping a bit more every day.

i REALLY need to start taking better care of myself, but then i think that i'm just going to die soon anyway, and that looking better, and dressing better won't get me girls. i need money and a lack of conscience for that. speaking of, there's a guy i know who treats his gf like shit. she's sweet and pretty, and the only reasons i can pick up as to why they're still dating are 1) she likes it 2) she needs the stability 3) the sex is good. it's amazing how often sex is a key factor to a relationship. i really think that "love" is just a balance for guys.

bah, too tired for this, maybe i'll go rant in my little emo lj later, once i can collect my thoughts...

fuck this, fuck insomnia, and FUCK YOU, i'm done.
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Subject:i just remembered that i'm absent minded
Time:08:44 pm
well, onto new and fun things. book 6 of WoT to be specific.

limit hold'em is the least fun game ever. no limit is still the chamion of poker. period.

i hate when some people get lucky and others get fucked, but i hate it more when the people who get lucky are good people. then i can't hate them.

i had a test today. it was my first this semester. i kicked its ass. oh yeah.

i want to go gamblr... just a couple more hours now...

last night was a function. it was a lot of fun. there was a cute girl i was talking up... and then she was gone. it was beyond strange, and none of her sisters (she was greek) knew where she went. no one was with her that night, hell some thought i was. goddamnit, i hate when people disappear...

i used to think anything could be tied into magic, then a friend pointed out that magic was made from everything. i think the same may apply to WoT.

it's hot at night here. every day i walk to class freezing. every night i walk home sweating. i wish the world would stop going out of its way to confuse me. speaking of oddities, i was playing with cards a couple of days ago and managed to have some strange psychic outburst. it was very strange. for a few minutes i could tell what every card was before it came, i knew how matches would end, etc. then it was gone. i wish there was some great climax to the story, but that's it...

drum roll? cool, check it, fuck you, i'm done.
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Subject:the flies lay their eggs
Time:10:01 am
i'm not sure how i feel. that's a strange way to be, really. i know there's a lot on my mind. i know i feel this weight, dread, anticipation, hate, anger, frustration, and about 50 other words right now that indicate my gradual decline, but last night i got 11 hours of sleep. do you know how refreshing that is to a man who usually lays in bed at night contemplating philosophy and comparing it to the enigma of man?

fuck, i just remembered how busy i am, here's a quick fuck you to all my peeps out there. i'm done.
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Subject:something lost/found
Time:01:32 pm
yesterday was probably one of the best days i've had in a while. how strange. it started off as all v-days have for me since coming to college. i was hung over/ still a bit drunk. i hung out with silent sean "the bear", and allan, and for some reason, it was just a good time. maybe it was feeling accepted and wanted somewhere. maybe it was having an actually non-superficial conversation with someone. either way, it was refreshing.

later that night i went to the house. i told someone i'd meet her there. so, anyway, she flakes. now, her and i have a typical male/female friendship. you all should know my belief of what that is. anyway, i end up hanging out with my pb brote and his girlfriend patty-lynn. we played ff7 and then played with the drunk people. i really do hate drunk people, but it wasn't so bad last night for some reason.

my rpg is coming along well. i'd say i'm half-way done with it. it's a shame that the whole fucking thing is full of viruses (damnit chris!), but at least it's a good source for me to vent my creative energy into.

i think i'll check my e-mail and go see if the book store in town is open. it's been too long since i read a book for fun... like, days.

shit, sorry, almost forgot! fuck you, i'm done.
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Subject:a few more things
Time:02:43 pm
very busy today. i have two hours to write a speech, then a meeting, then another meeting, then i have to go to the bar for business. seriously.

one thing i hate about being up here is that there's no one i really can trust with my burdens. back home i can think of 5 people, off the top of my head, who i can tell enough shit to to keep me sane. i know one here, and she's doing the whole "i just got a new boyfriend" thing. i know i can always tell my brothers, but i know it'd sound stupid to them.

the dark day of love is coming. this year i'm locking myself in my room until it goes away. fucking day was just made for happy people to rub their relationships in other, sadder peoples' faces.

almost finished the second map in my rpg for rpgmaker2k3. i really do lov to create. i should've been god, i think i'd do his job better than he does anyway.

Which Final Fantasy Guy are you?

(probably the "i don't care" thing)

Which Final Fantasy Villain are you?

(probably not)

I wouldn't want to be you
This lonely game that you play
Between your walls you confuse
Every heart that you break
So afraid that you'll lose
Always a void to replace
I wouldn't want to play you

damn good song...
and now, this.

i'm tired of girls telling me there's this boy i like
i'm tired of people using me when it's conventient for them like a bike
i'm tired of wearing the same blue jeans black shirt and coat
i'm tired of always feeling distant like a castle surrounded by a moat
i'm tired of supposed friends using me as a skrink
i'm tired of girls wearing shirts with the word punk on it in pink
i'm tired of never getting what it is i give
i'm tired of people thinking it's easy for me to live
i'm tired of having only six people i can talk to
i'm tired of telling each only one sixth of what i want to
i'm tired of every girl i think is hot being just some slut
and i'm tired of posts like this so fuck you, i'm done with it. what?
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Subject:a few things
Time:07:35 pm
i'm sick of going to class and not learning a thing
i'm sick of being poor white trash while everyone else has bling bling
i'm sick of friends i wish i could trust
i'm sick of not even having a car covered in rust
i'm sick of not being able to drive if i did
i'm sick of people telling me i can't drink 'cause i'm a kid
i'm sick of responsibility despite that
i'm sick of people not being into me because i'm fat
i'm sick of a life full of want and need
i'm sick of these constant feelings of hate and greed
i'm sick of having to gamble for cigarette money
i'm sick of people thinking i'm always being funny
i'm sick of morons who can't be serious
i'm sick of drunks who think thier shit's hilarious
i'm sick of everyones' addictions
i'm sick of people not believing my predictions
i'm sick of always hearing shut the fuck up
i'm sick of some people thinking i'm stuck up
i'm sick of them misinterpreting truth for pride
i'm sick of always feeling like my thoughts i have to hide
i'm sick of friends always going out
i'm sick of shutting the fuck up when i want to shout
i'm sick of being the single guy and male friend
i'm sick of knowing that characterization of my life will never end
i'm sick of good girls going out with bad guys
i'm sick of having to hold your girlfriend everytime she cries
i'm sick of her then going home to fuck you
i'm sick of not telling her she should distrust you
i'm sick of ignorant people talking shit
i'm sick of idiots who actually listen to it
i'm sick of being the bad guy when people screw me
i'm sick of being a nice guy and pretending nothing gets to me
i'm sick of always being asked to go to the bar
i'm sick of drunk people telling me they just drove over in thier car
i'm sick of never having intimate conversation
i'm sick of emo kids living like they're the star of prozac nation
i'm sick of people trying to tell me what's fun
and most of all i'm sick of this so fuck you i'm done
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Time:12:59 pm
Fight Club!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

so i'm back upstate and in full-swing. i'm taking all upper-division courses this semester, but so far i'm doing well. the only class i've missed has no attendance policy. some of you may think "but it's only been a week and a half", to which i'd reply "yeah, by now i'd have missed every class at least once normally, you dumb fuck".

moving on, nothing new in regards to love. nothing new in regards to friends, nothing new in regards to evil, nothing new in regards to my book.

i've been working on rpgmaker in between shit.

still playing poker. nothing new there.

yeah, i left here for a month, got back and the only thing different is that my hair's a bit longer and i've got a new work ethic that doesn't suck.

so in keeping with the whole "nothing changes" thing, FUCK YOU, i'm done.
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Current Music:evanescence - field of innocence
Current Mood:[mood icon] creative
Time:03:41 am
another day taken from me by rpgmaker2003. two full levels done, now, as well as my world map. tomorrow i plan on doing the third level/first dungeon.

haven't seen anyone in a few days. sleeping in my own bed is strange. i forgot that it's about as firm as any floor i've recently slept on.

i go back on sunday, bright and early. tomorrow i'll also be packing. fucking awesome!

speaking of "fuck", FUCK YOU! i'm done.
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Time:02:05 am
this is my livejournal post.

i got rpgmaker2003 from chris, jays' close friend, and it's all i do now.

now back to rpg maker.

ps: fuck you, i'm done.
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Current Music:Trapt - Today
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Subject:same old song
Time:02:26 pm
every day, at about 2pm, it's the same thing. i go to sleep late when i'm back home. very late. anyway, i wake up at about 2pm because the little shit downstairs comes home to either an empty house or a father who doesn't give a shit what he does, so he cranks his music. it's so loud i can hear it clearly in my room. normally it's some stupid techno song, today it was "guilty conscience" by eminem, so i wasn't that annoyed. either way, i responded as i always do. i turned my stereo on full blast, aimed the speakers to the floor, and let the little sunuvabitch have it. today i decided to use what i've taken as my theme song. no, not the "we lie, we cheat, we steal" song from WWE, it's "headstrong - Trapt" only because i enjoy the message. that, and unlike most people who own the cd, i like ALL the songs. it just so happens that headstrong is the hardest/gastest beat on there so it works well against that little techno-wigger. that, and it's the first track. now i'm awake, he's turned down his music, and i will once i get to track 3 which skips for some reason. i did just buy this CD...

i'll be calling alexis today about a ride. yeah, that's it. easy day for me. easy day for 3.

drum roll? awesome. it's that time... FUCK YOU! i'm done.
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Current Music:FUCK YOU, i'm done.. and want to go to sleep...
Current Mood:[mood icon] last update, i want to promise
Subject:according to statistics (as shown) everyone else who took these tests is a liar!
Time:01:57 am
Mild congratulations, you are...

dateable! You are neither more not less dateable than your peers-- welcome to the land of mediocrity, home of the masses! You have an undeniable animal magnetism, but you're just as likely to attract small animals as you are to attract human beings. Nevertheless, the people you flirt with generally find you funny and cute, or "fute." You have good hygiene, which is an imporant aspect of relationships involving two or more people. Avoid seafood and walks in the woods.


people more dateable than you (90%)
people just as dateable as you (1%)
people less dateable than you (8%)


Slightly atonal chords and mildly distracting lights! You are
rock-solid friend.

Are you a Virgo? I'm not surprised. You're a good friend at times, but other times you're harder to count on than an abacus coated with finger-repellent. And made of razor blades. You're the type of friend that when somebody asks you to hang out with them, you say you want to hang out but then you never actually specify a time, so that you don't actually have to hang out with that person. But you're generally trustworthy and sensitive to others' needs, like a warm elephant on a cold morning. You'll never be the Best Man at a wedding, but you'll also never be the Worst Man. Don't be shy about using phlegm or bile to show your friends you care about them.


people more trustworthy than you (91%)
people just as trustworthy as you (0%)
people less trustworthy than you (8%)


You have achieved the Golden Mean! You are

pickup-able! You're like Jen. Do you know my friend Jen? You're just like her—she's like this cool girl who's attractive and funny. I should call Jen. Or maybe you're like my friend Steve. Regardless, you like to flirt, but not with ugly people. And when you lock eyes with the right person, you know how to turn the sparks into a towering inferno. But sometimes you won't give people the time of day, which is mean when they really just need to know what time it is. In general, make sure you smell good.


people more pickup-able than you (62%)
people just as pickup-able as you (3%)
people less pickup-able than you (33%)
Congrats! In your life, you'll have sex with

6 people!

And you'll first have sex at age 21,
in a hotel room.
You are 29% sexy.
The info on your 6 future sex partner(s):
6 of them will be female
0 of them will be male
And you will actually love 2 of them!
It is very likely that you are an excellent lover.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] i can't sleep...
Time:01:30 am

Like just 8% of the population you are a MASTERMIND (SIAT). You can be silent and withdrawn, but behind your reserved exterior lies an active mind that allows you to analyze situations and come up with creative, unexpected solutions. Normal people call this "scheming." Don't learn German.

Anyway, your sense of style and originality are your strengths, and people will respect your judgment once they get to know you. If you learn to be a little more personable, you could be a great leader--you've definitely got the "vision" thing down. Just make sure all the plotting you do behind those eyes of yours is healthy.

Famous masterminds in television: Dr. Claw, The Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Montgomery Burns.

Joseph Gaffen

i'm also 56% pure.  cool, huh?

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Current Music:star trek
Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Subject:wow, what a week
Time:08:06 pm
thursday - when i first left my house. see, back then i was just planning on going over diana's, then natalie was going to come over, i was going to crash at the clarino house and then go home. well, that night was nice and toxic. poor natalie. anyway, the next day, after we three woke up, natalie and i ended up going to her house, rather than me going home.

friday - i went over to natalie's house with her, hung out, watched some sex in the city, got lost in brentwood, and then jay and andy came over. we slept there.

saturday - woke up on the couch with andy on the other one and jay/natalie in her room. we all hung out and jay decided that we should go to his house! well, at this point, i was stinky and my clothes were dirty. i showered at natalie's, but that wasn't enough, so andy and i went to my house where i picked up some controllers for the game cube, some toys, and more importantly i changed my clothes. we all met over at jay's and played smash, poker, double dash, and magic. i got online at this point and fucked up my lj. grant came over, and then we five had a fun night until andy and i crashed in julia's room (jay's sister) and natalie and jay in jay's room.

sunday - wokeup, smash, poker, grant came back, and a game of risk. andy and i declared ourselves dual victors, though i so would have won in the end... of course i would've lost in the beginning if not for my ally, eh, ambition's a bitch. anyway, then grant, andy, and i watched freddy vs. jason on dvd, and let me just say that they cut out some awesome shit. the showdown in the burning cabin was much better with freddy's commentation, rather than as it was, some second long scenes made the story flow better, and the alternate ending was awesome, much better than that fucking wink...

today - woke up, got home, mom killed me as i knew she would. showered, shaved, got in new, cleaner clothes, and now i'ma watch some star trek until raw.

in other news - my ride home, bryan, can't go back to potsdam on saturday as planned, so i'm FUCKED in regards to finding a way back. less than a week to find a person who's going back...
- i just fixed my lj settings, even though i now can't alter my "post comment" text to read "enlighten me" at least it's better than when i first fucked it up. damn free member status
- and finally, calvin and hobbs is not funny....
- FUCK YOU, i'm done.

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You are familiar with geek culture enough to find
some keywords, but those were just there to
throw you off. Might I suggest installing
Linux, or (if you want a cooler license) BSD?

A geek quiz with more accurate answers...
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Current Music:andy burping
Current Mood:[mood icon] like a wondering jew
Subject:home again never
Time:06:32 pm
never going home again. been at diana's, natalie's, and now jay's. my mom also bitched me out for the few minutes i was home (getting stuff). oh well, didn't like that house anyway...

i fucked up my backround on my lj while at jays.. i'll deal with that if i ever get home to my baby (evil).

and oh yeah, FUCK YOU, i'm done.
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Subject:one more thing
Time:11:40 pm
i got new glasses and went shopping with my mom today... that's it, i promise. no more posts.. i swear.
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Current Music:conan on comedy central
Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Time:12:19 pm
i woke up today after only 6 hours of sleep. as much as i hate it, that's not the odd part. no, the oddness is what i was doing last night, finally working on chapter 9 of my book. i sear, i felt like a man posessed. one second i was reading, and then i decided just to edit a bit, and before i know it i've got 4 pages done, a character switch-off, and have pretty much almost ended all of the shit i've been putting off doing. badass.

now to go have a cigarette, read book 5, finished chapter 9, and get dressed/shower/shave.

ok, so maybe it wasn't that weird, but at least i didn't call it irony like some moron first using the english language.

why isn't LJ sending me comments via e-mal anymore?

what's with everyone blaming others for their actions? you can't say someone else made you do anything. when it comes down to it, it's your fault that you did whatever. if you get angry, it's your fault. people who can't take responsibility for their actions piss me off. i mean i got in a fight with my mother yesterday, my fault, i admitted that... and when it's my fault, i feel bad. maybe some people just can't handle the guilt and that's why they do it. they obviously can't keep their tempers, so maybe...

anyway that's it for me... fuck you, i'm done.
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Current Music:raw
Current Mood:[mood icon] blah
Subject:i like blondes. sometimes.
Time:10:39 pm
so yesterday i got home from jay's and went to andy's. jay and grant were there, and we all ended up crashing out (i think). today i woke up, after sleeping right near the door, and those two were gone. weird. anyway, i got home, and immediately got in a fight with my mom. i feel bad, it was my fault.

nothing doing tonight, raw is on. i need a shave and shower, i think that'll be my tomorrow.

that movie "the butterfly effect" looks pretty cool.

::in bobby peacock's car::
williamson: holy shit it's cold
me: yeah, seriously
bobby: actually, if youlook at the thermostat, it's technicallybelow cold. ::the arrow is pointing UNDER the "C"::
::later, we all get our food from checkers::
bobby: ok joe, pass out the sodas
me: ::passing them back:: williamson.. mazzola...
adam: mine's full of ice, it's more ice than soda!
me: at least it'll be nice and cold in this... below cold weather..
adam: shut up!
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Subject:flying demon strawberries
Time:04:12 pm
yesterday i hung out with the a few peeps. the boys, minus grant, natalie, jessie, bebber, allie, and some girl named amanda. ended up spending the night making fun of tv. btw, the new korn video is AWESOME.

so then we go over to jay's to crash, end up playing double dash and melee all night. today i got home at about two and now it's time to catch up with the tv. later.
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Time:01:37 pm
well tomorrow i may end up going to the metro, maybe not. it depends if i feel like it after the rest of today.

speaking of today, doing jack shit. i need a shower. that's about it... and i first need my cousin to leave. it's my cousin jenn, every parent's wet dream. smart, religious, stable life, etc. i fucking hate it.

i'm also very cranky today since i was woken up after only 6 hours with a phone in my ear, my father being a little spoiled dick. that's right, my father, a man who i can confidently say i am more mature than. his stupid bs drives me crazy, and add in the fact that i hate the phone, hate his bullshit, hate being woken up, and am now on academic warning.. yeah, ifp.

today sucks... fuck you, i'm done.
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Time:01:58 am
lost the tourney. hung out with mazzola.

thanks andy for returning my wallet.

no plans for now, w00t.
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Subject:a few things i hate about...
Time:02:10 pm
don't you fucking hate it when someone makes a post, specifically to someone, and basically doesn't give a goddamn fact about what they're posting?

don't you hate it when that's the basis of their entire livejournal?

don't you hate it when people will post something, then get responses, then bitch about the responses in another post?

don't you hate it when people post the same fucking thing every week?

don't you hate it when that same thing is a response to a response something they've basically said already?

don't you hate it when you find yourself doing shit you hate?

don't you hate it when someone makes more than 2 posts per-day?
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Time:11:50 am
so yesterday i got home and found that i was locked out of my house. for the first time in forever i forgot my walllet. oh, andy, it's at your house on your little plastic tub thing next to your bed.

anyway, got home and no diana. mom got home after 2 hours of freezing (yes, i do get cold after long periods of exposure to biting winds i guess) and i had a quick dinner, made a few calls, and was asleep before smackdown! aired.

today i'm awake, fully rested, and without my wallet so i can do jack shit. awesome.

that's it for me, i'll be at my house all day, later...

You are a Tolkien Heretic

You shamelessly mock Tolkien's works, Tolkien's
fans, and Tolkien himself. Nothing is sacred
to you. Conservatives and Fundamentalists
interpret this to mean that you aren't a real
Tolkien fan. They couldn't be more wrong; you
just have a weird way of expressing admiration
-- that, and you take a perverse pleasure in
pissing people off.

Tolkienology 101: What is Your Tolkien Belief System?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Subject:all nighter
Time:11:09 am
so last night i ended up going out at about 2 in the morning... so maybe it was today. anyway, i hung out with andy, jay, and grant and we all ended up staying up all night playing video games and then watched "The Hot Chick". terrible movie, i need to finish watching it.

jay's in the shower, so right now i'm on his computer. i think i may go take a nap somewhere.

later today, diana. tomorrow it's adam, cfp, and that crew. i swear, i will get some sleep and get a job. really.
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Current Music:nah
Current Mood:poor
Subject:take 2, action
Time:01:07 am
What do people really think about you? by Raven319
favorite song
Parents thinkYou're lazy
Strangers thinkYou're hot
Friends thinkYou talk too much
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

so me and mazzola went job hunting AGAIN today. no success. eventually gave up and hung out with CFP, smoked for my first time in a while, failed to play risk, etc.

i applied to planet comics (they all-but hired me, but then declined since i'm leaving in a few weeks), lenscrafters (drug test's gonna fuck me), and a few others.. thus far, essentials (the girl store in the mall) is my best hope, seriously.

in other news, if i want to sell my broken ps2, i'll get $15 for it from pc or anything owned by babbages. i need to talk to diana's bf chris about getting it fixed to up the ante.

and now, back by popular demand, here's your daily quote... by the way, fuck you, i'm done.

me: dude, mazzola, that girl just made eye contact with me.
adam: which one?
me: the one looking at me, in the black, dude she's hot and i have no idea what to do? should i talk to her.... she's going into hot topic.
in unison: nevermind.
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Subject:the bad guy <----- that way!
Time:01:04 am
so after i hung out with mazzola yesterday, i got a call from andy, and he and i hung out.

then today we woke up and decided to go out with the crew. a few flaked, but in the end, it was andy, me, vicki, and natalie out for adventure. we went to some bar/video game place, and i personally had a kick-ass time. did you know that humans are now entirely obsolete? some machine did a sketch of us. also, natalie and i have a child.

in other news, i hate cats and love dogs.

i find it funny how i've gone from being "the cool kids' friend" to "the cool kid". guess i just needed to grow into it... or something.

that's it on this end... fuck you, i'm done.
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Subject:thanks natalie...
Time:11:51 pm
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

01. I'll be 21 May 24th.
02. I curse way too fucking much and I love it.
03. I think that a lot of the time, head pills are used solely for the recognition of depression. A lot of people just want to be insane for some unknown reason.
04. I don't smoke enough pot.
05. Music comforts me greatly and helps to nurture my emotions.

06. I don't drive.
07. I can't and won't drive while intoxicated.
08. I'm always poor..
09. I love cheesecake.
10. I don't like pie, except chocolate pie.
11. I've watched over 6 series, thus far, on DVD.
12. When I was younger my sister painted my nails and I couldn't get the paint off for weeks.
13. I clip my nails way to short and am neurotic when it comes to the length. Long nails are ugly.
14. I don't know what to think of my dreams, they're weird as hell and most likely mean nothing.

15. My sex dreams often include people I hate
16. I wish i could believe in my instincts more.
17. I don't care if you like me unless I find you interesting.
18. I pay some attention to my hair, but tend to play with it when I'm nervous.

19. Outside of drinking and cigarettes, I've smoked weed, and tried mushrooms, LSD, 5-MEODIPT, DXM, and Coke. Only the weed, ciggs, booze, and mushrooms I'll ever do again.
20. I'm a lazy student
21. I would like to be neat and organized, but it just never happens.
22. Dirty Clutter makes me very upset.
23. I rarely clean my room, but when I do, I'm meticulous.
24. I hate the word love simply because teenagers have slaughtered it with their incessant use of it.

25. I have never been in love
26. I wish I had some adventure in my life.
27. I hate high maintenance animals. A fish would be ideal.
28. I'm having my "oh my god what the fuck do I do crisis" right now.
29. I fucking love to laugh.
30. I absolutely hate and want to burn and kill masses of mindless antagonistic devout Christians.

31. I don't care much about my oral cleanliness.
32. I wish I had more amazing people to turn to in my life.
33. I am not fond of obscure films with bad plotlines.

34. I don't take good care of my things.
35. I am very happy with how my life is going.
36. I prefer unpainted short nails over long painted ones.
37. I enjoy hearing other people's opinions, but find myself aggravated by how obtuse some can be.
38. I don't truly know how to define myself when it all comes down to it.
39. I am not sensitive.
40. I appreciate the physical release involved, but hate how barbaric and testosterone driven some can be when it comes to sports.
41. I used to think I had asthma, but then realized everybody would feel like they were about to die after running around for hours.

42. I have money spending issues
43. I love long nights
44. Being rich is going to be cool. :) I think anyone would agree with that one.

45. I once ate a dog cookie.
46. I'm the oldest in my family.
47. I think I lie in the median when it comes to attention spans...although some would say otherwise
48. I am forever single.
49. I have always hated slurpees.
50. I want to revert back to medieval times.
51. I'm obsessed with having fun, but it's rare that I actually do.
52. I have naturally straight hair with a slight wave to it.
53. I wish I had Telekinesis powers because then I'd be one lazy mofo.

54. I hate to travel. I hate to go on vacations.
55. I have a lot of shoes.
56. I love singing too loud, when no one can hear me.
57. I think I make noises more than I actually say words.
58. I honestly don't remember much of last winter.
59. I've always dreaded New Years because I never have fun.

60. I tend to be attracted to girls who are my physical opposite.
61. I have no interest whatsoever in famous people's lives. However it doesn't stop me from watching the E channel.
62. Reality is a real fucking joke sometimes.

63. I overreact only when it makes no sense at all to do so.
64. I find it routine to hold most of my feelings in.
65. I used to steal all the time at my old job because well...I could.
66. I love piano and i wish i could play.
67.The SATS are "wicked retahded" and should be abolished in consideration to college admissions.

68. I tend not to like anything fruit flavored.
69. Language is a beautiful thing.
70. I smoke a lot.
71. I tend to change characteristics often.
72. My dad is a former hippie
73. I love analyzing literature but think people get carried away with it sometimes.
74. I hate pretentious art kids that like to say really obscure random things hate! hate! fucking art kids!!!!
75. If somebody asked me to play hide n' seek, I would in a second.
76. I don't ever write meaningful e-mails. They are strictly arbitrary.
77. I HATE public displays of affection.
78. I wish I could live a year of my life in each different monumental era.
79. I spend too much time on the internet.

80. I love snow
81. I used to always use "Your Mamma" lines, but never seriously.
82. I wish I were still in 9th grade so that I could have applied myself and been in more AP classes.
83. I used to go to crappy Long Island clubs, but got over it quickly and now hate dancing.

84. I both love and hate college.
85. I both love and hate drama.
86. I am aware of how evil MTV is. How very, very evil.
87. I don't particularly like the taste of beer, but enjoy the side effects.
88. I love driving in the rain.
89. I seriously love to learn.

90. My metabolism sucks.
91. I spend a fortune at ANY bookstore I go to.
92. I have never gotten any piercing.
93. I think that holidays capture everything I hate about religion in them, although I do like candy and presents.
94. I'm stubborn as all fucking hell.
95. I crack my knuckles a lot.
96. Flirting is hollow and dimwitted.

97. I love Family Guy and am watching it right now.
98. I have no religion
99. I find myself mispronouncing words undelibrately.

100. And now I'm going out with my friends.
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Subject:i had a subject i was going to put, but don't remember it now
Time:10:27 pm
interesting night. i hung out with mazzla today. failure to find weed. failure to find mushrooms. we went to chinses in response to the failure. my fortune cookie said i'd go to the sea.... his guaranteed success at EVERYTHING! the cookie is against me...

anyway, got home after the usual shit. nothing doing right now but raw. it's a mark henry match, so fts.

fuck you, i'm done.
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Subject:last night and today
Time:10:28 pm
last night i was out with andy. god time. went out, looking for love, luck, and taco bell. luck was found, taco bell was lost.

anyway, i ended up crashing there and then woke up 2 hours late. see today is my cousin's going off party, he leaves for boot camp and then maybe war, so the fam was meeting up... i was supposed to be there at 10. too bad i woke up at noon. anyway, got there late, and here's the weird thing, the only reason i woke up was because my dream told me to. i was still tired, i had no other reason to awaken other than my dream telling me to... strange, huh?

anyway, cut to the going away party, i ended up hating my cousin's friends (lot of wiggers) and i end up playing cards with cousin mike... yeah, the usual. well, he leaves, and i decide to get to reading... only theni end up falling asleep! something is really strange with my sleep schedule.

i don't remember the last time that i was bored. i haven't had much "nothing to do time" in.. ages. even without a job, i've always kept busy, but all i really have left, for now, is a book to read and food to eat... i guess this is what it feels like when doves do jack shit.

anyway, i need a shave, a shower, and plans... we'll see how like goes.
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Subject:i really AM scared of them, too
Time:07:16 pm
Your Sexual Profile (you sexual deviant you...) by sparkledee
Your Secret Kink ThingWhips.
Your Sexual StrengthYour sensual massage...
Your Sexual WeaknessYou're scared of butt plugs.
Your Likely STDGenital Herpes
How Many Partners in Crime?14
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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Time:03:41 pm
i'm sorry about my recent high levels of typos. i try to ferret those out, but my laptop is just getting a bit old now, and the key pads are worn. my spacebar sticks, and i don't always read a post before i post it. i'll try to for now on, though.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] discontent
Subject:this is lyrical combat gentlemen hold your pistols
Time:03:00 pm
so i can't help but sometimes feel like an asshole. maybe it's my lack of compassion. maybe it's because i really don't care whose feelings i hurt. maybe it's because sometimes i lose friends when i don't mean to and don't give a fuck, who knows?

my cousin is coming over today. he's got a few problems, and i used to feel bad for him. now i feel a bit at odds. in one respect, i know that he's got some severe chemical imbalances and has hadone hardcore fuckedup life. one another note, so do/diid i and i basically forced myseld through it all. i guess it's that whole "i got better, why can't you?" thing.

i don't know where i stand right now with a lot of people i know. not sure if i'm really a frend, a good friend, someone they're angry at for some reason, and soforth. maybe even a couple of those options. i really do hate it when i piss of people that i actually like.

oh, things went eerily well at the optomotrist. get this, somehowmy eyes got a bit better. can that happen? i guess it can, but seriously....

i don't really want to sit around my house all day. rather, i don't really want to sit around my house all day, knowing that soon it'll be shared with my mother, sister, and cousin and 'm certain to be annoyed. times like this i wish i had a job. i REALLY fucking need a job, too bad i can't fucking find one!!! figures that i'm looking, i'm a good worker, and can't find shit worth doing... i know morons who'll just get fired after a week or so who always have jobs. go fucking figure!

oh, of my book, chapter 1 has been completely editted, as has the long-ignored prologue. natalie said she liked it, she's a great writer, so that means a lot to me. hopefully she'll continue to feel that was as time progresses.

it's weird how it's only been a few weeks without seeing some people and i miss them already. i know it sounds corny, but i miss my brothers and friends from school. i keep considering calling them, but then sign online. if only i weren't on dial-up, this wouldn't be a dilema.

guess it's time to get back to book 5.
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Subject:i bring those blue sparks
Time:12:37 am
well time to go over the last few days..

wednesday/new year's eve- went to natalie's house. i drank far too much champagneand didn't get drunk. had a count down blast. all was good.

thursday - woke up with a bitching hang over even though i wasn't drunk. go fucking figure. anyway, then it was off to jay's with grant and natalie for a guy's night out. i also managed to learn more about the female body that night than i ever though imaginable. it's good to have people you're 100% comfortable around.

today i woke up and got home. i skipped the tourney for some reason and went to dinner with my mom and sister. i've been spending a lot of time with my mother as of late. i don't know.. i just get this feeling that something aweful s going to happen soon, and i just want to spend as much time with my family as possible. call it crazy, but it's the truth.

anyway, i've also started reading prozac nation. good book. unfortunately i left it at jay's house. what a drag. also, natalie is helping me go over my book a bit, handy to have a writer's insight. in other news it was awesome to see the clique in action. tomorrow should be fun, it's an optomotrist visit, fucking sweet. i thought it was also my cousin's going away party, but i was wrong, so now my weekend is shot to shit kinda unless i can hang out at nights alone and get home. damn my inability to do anything that doesn't result in me waking up after 2pm.

anyway, back to book 5 of WoT.
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Time:05:50 am
If I were a NetHack monster, I would be a shopkeeper. I'm exceptionally polite and helpful, but get angry when people try to take advantage of my trusting nature.
Which NetHack Monster Are You?

and the game still sucks...
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Subject:quick cap
Time:03:44 am
friday i hung out with adam and went to monkeyhead until i later hung out with andy. smackdown: hctp is the best wrestling game ever.

saturday andy and i hung out and went to jay's with the usual suspects.

sunday i got home and spent some time with my mother. i also rented wrestlemania19 for the gamecube. worst wrestling game ever. no, i mean that. the create a character is good, but what's the point of making a character in a wrestling game where the actual fighting is choppy, random, tough to control, and down-right shitty, and where the storymode is worse than some b-movie script!? people got paid to make this shit!?
joke's on me, though, since i rented it.

and now, to try and find SOME redeaming quality in the game and then to bed.
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Subject:hum bug fun
Time:12:38 am
well, i spent the last few days with my boy andy. good times, nice to see the old clique. i hope to see them again all shortly.

and now on to christmas... today started well enough. i got my gifts like a good consumer whore and was happy for them. i won't make some long list so i'll just say i got double dash, a digital camera, and clothes. everything i really needed/wanted.

anyway, cut to my aunt dorean's house and it's christmas there. we leave there at about 9. dinner was at 3 (yes, 3!) and i'm hungry so we go to a diner. on the way out, i call internet, because i need to ask someone something (ps, patallen if you read this, i need to find a way to get my cards! leave your number in a comment or something). now, both hear me, but then five minutes later my sister calls the 'net, i'm like "what the fuck?!" and to make matters more annoying, my mom refuses to get involved to say that i called it first. such a bitch thing to do... anyway, so then it comes down to us making a deal, she gets it until 11:30, and then i get it after then. fair, right? well i make a quick comment that she'll be off at midnight after "forgetting" to watch the clock and taking ten minutes to sign off. and then fate proves me right. i point this out and my mom flips on me about being an asshole on christmas. excuse me, i'd been working my ass off to be nice all day, and this is the ONE thing i make a quip about, and all i'm saying is that i was right! it's not my fault that i happen to be REALLY good at predicting how people will behave. anyway, bitchfest later and now i'm online, even though i ruined christmas.

can someone please tell me why people have to be so overly dramatic, selfish, openly biased without the ability to admit it, and downright bitchy? seriously, fuck this holiday. how about we do all this shit on one that actually has some bit of importance, like groundhog's day? knowing the weather is far more important in my life than the birthday of some guy who get nailed to a tree for saying that everyone should just get along.

merry christmas... and yeah, FUCK YOU. i'm done.
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