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Right now, I'm stressing, and I shouldn't be...
I had a Dr's appt yesterday after work, so I printed out one of each of the reports I have to make this week, to make copies this morning when I got in (I've been staying late because of the reports). I get in this morning (on time) and am logging into the system. The Dept. Mgr comes by, asks who is doing mail today. I say it's my day. She puts the mail in the opening area for me to open. I am trying to finish logging in, and she comes past, says that she needs it opened because the analysts are out of work, and then says that she will do it. I go to help her with it, and one of the analysts comes to me and says she needs her copy of the reports, so she can finish her log. D.M. tells me to go do that, so I do. I pass out the reports to everyone that is supposed to get them, and then have to cover phones briefly so that D can go ask one of the supervisors about something. While doing phones, we get the call saying that California Overnight is in. I get off the phones, and go get the mail, opening it, answering questions from people about the reports and all that... And I still haven't had a chance to do my own by this time. I finished with my own log just a few minutes ago. I'm supposed to have the log updated by 8:30. Whoops. Not my fault though.
To add to the work stress, I have a very busy weekend planned. Tonight, Damon and I are going out. I only know where we are going, but not what is going on once we get there. Tomorrow morning is coffee and getting the house ready, that afternoon we are having people over for a surprise party for Damons roommate. I'm not sure what exactly is going on Saturday night, but I'm sure there is something. Sunday we have to go to the beach, and be there by 10, because of the beach party... And sometime between now and tomorrow at 1, we need to get the roommates birthday gift, and get me a new swimsuit because the one that I have is literally falling apart now, I've had it for so long.
I also need to talk to my friend B, to find out when I can start moving stuff in, and talk to the landlord to see about painting the room before I move in.
Damon is stressing about stuff, and I'm not sure what I can do to help with that... I'm just worried about him, and some of the things he is dealing with... I wish he would talk to me more about it, but I can't really push him...
And to top it all off, I've got PMS, and have been cranky with people the last day or two.