March 31, 2004

Theatre of the Absurd


I'm crazy. Hear that, pops? I'm a damned loon. Watch these cards I'm about to play. I'm wacked. My noodle is cramped. I'm a three year-old with a temper and a handful of reds. I'm a smart player's worst nightmare. I'll river you before the flop hits the felt.

Fish, you say?

How could a fish carry all these chips, sir?

See, I'm crazy. Crazy like a fish. A clown fish, see. Now scoot your fish-eating butt over and deal the cards.

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March 24, 2004

Starting From Scratch

My bankroll at Ultimate Bet is $0.00. Over at Empire Poker, it's $0.00. At little-used U Play Poker it's $0.28 (I'm not sure how to blow the rest of that).

Don't worry. I didn't go on the craziest tilt of my life. I actually made a withdraw of as much as I could before my move. The rest I squandered at the Omaha tables (fun game, wish I knew how to play it).

I'm going to start over...

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March 21, 2004

True Dat Two Dat

"You see that guy over there?"

"Sure. Couldn't miss him. His face is all flushed and he keeps looking at his reflection in the bar mirror. He's been acting like somebody gave him a big check and offered him oral pleasure."

"That's Otis, dude."

"No way. The way I hear it, every time Otis starts to look like that, something bad happens."

"They call it the Otis Choke."

"Yeah, man. The Otis Choke. That's some scary stuff."

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March 17, 2004

jk's vegas sojourn

I just got back from yet another weekend in Vegas with the buddies. Seventy-two vodka and sodas, 43 hours of poker, 12 hours of table games, 3 comped hotel rooms, 3 buttermilk chicken wraps, and 1 tournament final table later, I'm back and survived to tell the tale.

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March 15, 2004

True dat

There's that little guilt pushing on the mebranes of my noodle. It slips in when I let my mind think about nothing, and then I think about something I don't really want to think about.

I think about how I've been unfaithful.

Lord, I never thought I would write such a thing.

After so much time, building a relationship, nay, building true love, I've been unfaithful...

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March 10, 2004

Bragging is for the weak

...and it's been a long time since I lifted anything heavier than a pint glass.

The good folks at Guinness and Poker hosted the World Poker Blogger Tour II tonight over at True Poker.

And honestly, surely to goodness and mercy, I thought I'd be among the first out. I mean, really, I only contribute to this poker blog while maintaining Rapid Eye Reality for all my other ramblings.

I must have cheated.

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March 07, 2004

It ain't much...

...but I gotta show it. If only I'd been playing something other than panty-limit.

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March 05, 2004

When the Price of Poker is Too High

The small town of Springfield, TN was shocked today by a shooting spree. The community of just 14,000 people isn't used to this kind of violence. Three people are dead and another is critically injured.

So far, police aren't commenting on a motive except to say they believe the shootings are connected. WKRN, however, has confirmed that all four men were part of a poker game last night.

I guess it's all speculation at this point, but it sure does reinforce my reasons for playing online or with friends. The chances of being shot are pretty slim.

March 02, 2004

Horseshoes, bad beats, tequila

By the end of the night I was half-drunk (maybe a little more) on tequila and playing the role of the house in a game of low-stakes blackjack in an effort to keep the people drunker than me from driving home. I had my $100 in winnings in my pocket and no fear of the sunrise.

Which was a good thing, because the sunrise was coming on like a plump girl at closing time.

Looking back at the past ten hours, it was a surprise that anybody survived.

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March 01, 2004

Poker Blogging Goes Hollywood

I'm on a crusade to get Wil Wheaton in our next Poker Bloggers Invitational. First, he's a poker player. Second, he's a blogger. Third, he's blogged about playing poker. Guess that means he qualifies! So Wil, if you're reading this, drop me a line and get in our game!!!

More important, for the rest of the Up For Poker regulars, Wil is in the middle of one hell of a poker story over at his blog.

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