March 4, 2004
Live in Austin
I've updated and tweaked the live show page to include more details about where I'll be in Austin this year. The most interesting development is I'll be playing guitar for the Tellers at the GoGirlsMusic showcase on Friday 3/19. The Tellers are a female-led glitter-rock outfit from Cleveland, and their bassist, Derek, was the original bassist on several of the early Walkingbirds songs. Their drummer has lined up a few hours at a rehearsal space in the Austin area, so yeah, this should be a lot of fun.
I just found out today that the showcase will be hosted by Rachael Sage, the reigning queen of DIY indie artists, heir apparent to the thrones of DiFranco and Ferrick. So, that's pretty cool too.
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And Matt did speak thusly:
Congrats, yo! I hope this opens some doors for you.
btw, I noticed the little "next show" thing on the sidebar lists a past gig, you might want to hook it into the live show page/blog.