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March 22, 2004
Look And Feel Years Younger
Every year for the past five years, I've attended South By Southwest. And every year, two things happen.
The first thing is to come down with a textbook case of what Ohio's alt-country hero Tim Easton, during his all-too-short set at Opal Divine's west of Congress, referred to as "SXSW throat." The humid, lukewarm Austin springtime and the dry, over-air-conditioned environs of the convention center combine to produce cracking sore throats and endless sniffles. Just enough to be thoroughly annoying but never blossoming into a full-on headcold.
The second more remarkable thing: after a day or so of being immersed in the chaos of SXSW, I start to feel different. Better. I stand up straighter. I start grinning like an idiot. I'm fearless, I approach strangers: hi, I'm Scott. Oh hey, you're that person who did that thing that everyone said was really cool? Great to meet you. Surrounded by so many dead sexy people, I daresay I start to feel a bit more sexy myself. I rediscover that I really, truly like people.
I become a different person, the person I was ten years ago, before job security and car insurance and vague, existential dread started squeezing me like a grapefruit.
I like this guy. I'd like him to stick around for awhile.
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