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March 21, 2004
Kerry Speaks Out Against Snowboarding
(2004-03-20) -- The presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, Sen. John Forbes Kerry, today called for a ban on snowboarding. The demand comes less than a week after a Secret Service agent caused the Senator to tumble on a slope in Idaho. "Snowboarding is an inherently dangerous activity," said Mr. Kerry. "Although I'm one of the best snowboarders alive, and I don't fall down, there is no way to protect the average 19-year-old from being taken out by a [expletive deleted] Secret Service agent. The board manufacturers claim the sport is safe. But how do you ask a man to be the last man to break his leg for a lie?" In a symbolic gesture, Mr. Kerry plans to throw his snowboard, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, over the White House fence later this week. TV news crews will be permitted to videotape his second snowboard toss attempt. by Scott Ott | Donate | TrackBack (1) | Comments (54) | More Satire | Printer-FriendlyComments
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First!!! Posted by: Junior Samples (BR-549) at March 21, 2004 09:56 AMI was FIRST to invent snowboarding. Posted by: Algore at March 21, 2004 09:57 AMYeah, i almost got killed by a secret service agent who fell out of the sky while i was snowboarding. Posted by: Bushhater at March 21, 2004 10:04 AMThird! Posted by: Rex at March 21, 2004 10:04 AMI also invented meaningless superficial gestures like throwing someone else's medals over the White House fence, and agreeing with everyone on every issue. Check out my cow rental reciepts when I was campaigning in Tennessee. Posted by: Algore II at March 21, 2004 10:06 AMYea, but wait until this afternoon. I will reverse my rock solid position. But as of now it is an extremely positive maybe. Posted by: righty-tighty at March 21, 2004 10:10 AMAnd if I now say FOURTH, someone else will still be posting at the same time! Posted by: Rex at March 21, 2004 10:11 AMSnowboarding is sport of imperialist western devils that are mercilessly working to destroy Islam with a new crusade! Now, camel-towed sandboarding, there's a real sport of men! And afterwards, we show special affection to the camel. Inshalla! Posted by: Osama bin Hidin' at March 21, 2004 10:13 AMSenator Kerry added: "In much the same way I voted for the 'Helms-Burton' legislation to get tough on companies dealing with Cuba, I'm 'pretty tough' on snowboard manufacturers. Of course, we'll make some allowances for certain companies who voluntarily contribute to worthwhile charities founded by rich widows; and naturally we will have the usual exclusions for application to members of Congress who own fabulous homes at ski resorts or who can commandeer an entire ski slope for private use. After all, DYKWIA? I knew you would --I'm just ordinary John Kerry, man of the people, n'est ce pas?" Aargh! I knew it! Posted by: Rex at March 21, 2004 10:16 AMJunior Samples, One day, JF Kerry is a snowboarder, a day later he's on skis. I was at the great art fair in Foley, Alabama yesterday, which continues today, should you wish to attend. There are hundreds of exhibitors, as well as some very nice shops in that city. Went to IHOP for brunch and Lambert's Cafe ("Home of the Throwed Rolls", had a GREAT, HUGE prime bib for $17 with all the fixin's) for dinner and noticed something. A lot of restaurants down here have switched to Hunt's Ketchup vs. Heinz, and I'm sure I know why. We (the South and other "flyover people") do NOT support Senator Heinz-Kerry in any way, shape or form, and restaurants are showing that by their subtle shift to alternate brands. Whenever we are out to eat, let's make it a point to ask the manager for Hunts or another brand, other than Heinz, shall we? Posted by: Fast Freddie at March 21, 2004 10:34 AM"Insta-moron" posted: TRUE!!! An issue I can actually agree on; but Kerry will probably change his mind...I won't. Posted by: camojack at March 21, 2004 10:40 AMrichard clarke on 60 minutes tonite. Posted by: ish at March 21, 2004 11:56 AM"This Secret Service agent should thank his lucky stars that I am not already President, or he would be looking at facing a firing squad, (NOT to be confused with 'The Republican Attack Squad'), for making the most important Vietnam Veteran to take a spill. BTW, where is my Purple Heart for this latest injury? It was MUCH more of an injury than the other's were!" Posted by: John 'Fall Down' Kerry at March 21, 2004 11:59 AMNot to worry, my faithful legions...it will be somebody else's snowboard that I toss over the White House fence. Mine carries the Heinz Dynasty family crest, and I can't bear to part with it. But it's the thought that counts. Posted by: John Effin Kerry at March 21, 2004 12:08 PMFREE THE SNOW MASSES! And what is up with changing topics again so soon. Why I was just working up to a full head of steam, when viola, everything changes. That will teach me not to go to church. "I don't like Castro, but I DO enjoy Cuba Gooding Jr.! So I can remain on topic, there is not a lot of snow boarding in Cuba, BUT I can fall off surf boards with the 'worst' of them! I have also been thinking that if I, or my reckless driving buddy Teddy can bump off, "Heinz Chick" now, then her money becomes, MY MONEY, and can be used for my campaign! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Posted by: John 'Falsehood' Kerry at March 21, 2004 01:10 PMHere's an idea "Ole Leather Face". Do to her what you are doing to America,-----BORE her to death! Wait, -------never mind, if it hasn't worked by now, she is going to be hard to do in! Posted by: The Republican 'Attack' Machine at March 21, 2004 01:13 PMAmid Natural Splendor in Idaho, a dimwit-o-ratfink emerges to soil the last of the snow for the season. The first one to emerge this spring. The rest seem to have died off durning the winter months. Posted by: Mike S at March 21, 2004 01:33 PMA matter of mere semantics, Freddie, but the South definitely ain't flyover country. When you die, whether you're going to Heaven or Hell, you're going to change planes in Atlanta. On topic, JoKe has just announced he's going to wait until after his shoulder surgery--to repair severe injuries sustained in the Iowa steel cage match with NWA professional Mad How--is completely healed, before attempting the snowboard toss. "This may take a while," the junior premier of the People's Republic of Massachusetts added. "I'm still suffering from the traumas sustained in Vietnam, where I was a war hero, y'know." Posted by: Possumtrot at March 21, 2004 02:00 PMDid you hear that Miss Muffet and Saddam Hussein once got together for a meeting to discuss their common problems? As always, sorry about the joke, but not to sorry. John "Flipper" Kerry actually voted for snowboarding before he voted against it. And I agree with Possumtrot--in this part of the country, you just can't get there from here! Posted by: GrimmerReaper at March 21, 2004 02:20 PMWhy is Kerry making so many "statements" from vacation? I thought that when he said that he was going into the mountains for some family time, he would be in a cabin with no phone or outside access. Yet he has to make a crack about each and every little thing that is news-worthy. Go on vacation already! I don't think that I can take eight months of news conferences with Lurch Kerry. His hordes cannot even put a logical arguement together. AAAGGGGHHH!!! Posted by: Media Guy at March 21, 2004 02:26 PMIt's a shame Kerry doesn't like snowboarding. He's got the face to pull off wearing a jester hat with a hint of irony. I'll bet Bin Bush has a trunkload of them, fool that he be. Posted by: Billy Reno at March 21, 2004 03:32 PMTo ensure everybody knows where not to find John "F'n" Kerry, go to the Home of the Throwed Roll. You'll find three restaurants, Foley, Ala, Sikeston, Mo (near Cape Giradeau, Mo), and Ozark, Mo (near Branson, Mo). Great food and no liberals of the Kerry ilk hanging around and lining their pockets while purporting to be a "man of the people". As an added bonus, they serve Hunts ketchup! Go to these restaurants, but only when hungry. Posted by: Knights of Nicht at March 21, 2004 03:48 PMSHRUBBERIES!!! Posted by: Monty Python Guy at March 21, 2004 03:55 PMOoopz, I'm LAST! Posted by: Knights of Nicht at March 21, 2004 04:00 PMSorry this belonged one story back but everything moved to fast. An ad from my radio theater days. This program is brought to you by the Ben Landen Towel, Robe and Blanket Company. NEWS ITEM: I just don't know what all the fuss is about this snowboarding stuff. I remember when all we needed as kids was just a hoop and a stick to have fun. Posted by: June Cleaver at March 21, 2004 05:53 PMGee, Wally do you think our parents are really that old. vhat, sure dat Kerrinski he's a pretty fun comrade. Love da vay he yumps and kwaffles. He'st gut my yote. Lets celebrate with a pirogi down at da mills. Posted by: Yuri at March 21, 2004 06:52 PMATTENTION SCRAPLE FACE POSTERS ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ms. Rightwing: Ms Rightwing, We all had trouble after the worm came out, and began to put characters in the email address which a thinking person would take out, but a program would not (such as OMITCAPS in your email address). This way, if some program is harvesting email addresses from comment sections, they will go to never-never land, not to your in box. Sorry you're having trouble. Posted by: MathMom at March 21, 2004 07:29 PMMs. Rightwing, I don't want to alarm you, but if you have the virus I think you do, there is nothing you can do to save your computer, if you want to save the computer of everyone in your address book, you are going to have to set your computer on fire, IMMEDIATELY!! Posted by: Pile On at March 21, 2004 07:50 PMRoger That said: I resemble that remark, in more ways than one (well, maybe two ways, but that's all!) Then, the traveling Mathmom said: As for June and Annette, where have you girls been for the last 40 years? In syndication? Posted by: Insta-moron at March 21, 2004 07:57 PMThankfully the virus was detected before the attachment was opened. I guess that is why I pay $45 a month for high speed service. I never open an attachment unless I know the sender. Generally I get "make her scream" e-mails or something from some dude named Kenneth Carl or Suzan Suchagal selling viagra or whatever. Just wanted to warn y'all. Yes, that's right. I believe that Annette has MS. Posted by: Insta-moron, a little embarrased about a bad joke at March 21, 2004 08:31 PMScrolling 'way back up, Possumtrot said: Possumtrot, Ive been on a mission for you. I waded deep into hostile cyberspace in the last two days (Daily Kos, Atrios, Calpundit) looking for the smoking gun evidence that "Scrappleface" will be called a 'Republican Hate-site'. I think we're too far below the radar (drat!). Snowboarding is kerrifying, almost like driving... Posted by: tedKennedy at March 21, 2004 09:07 PMInsta-moron: As always, with a three car pile up in my front yard because it can't stop snowing in flyover land And there was the picture of JF'n Kerry on a snowboard carving out a turn, now he hates snowboarding and likes skiing. Is this man pathological or what? Personally, I think PTSD is setting in....can't have that in the White House now, wouldn't be prudent! Posted by: PanamaRed at March 22, 2004 03:09 AMMsRightwing, as a concerned reader of your mails, I must argue against this hasty divulgence of other people's mail addresses. Here's a free sample of addresses I've recieved virus mails from: myself@me.com I can just guess that they either had me in their address book , had their email addresses hijacked or that the addresses are fake. If I tell you the story of me getting a mail from GOD@heaven.org telling me I was a, quote: "loser bound for the eternal flames of hell", which option do you think I favor? Posted by: Evil Empire at March 22, 2004 07:39 AMI would like to see Sen Heinz-kerry go back and play hockey again, only this time on a pond or lake, as he is already skating on thin ice with his comments as of late. I REALLY liked the one where he said, "--I did vote for that bill before I voted against it!" I'm sure he only said that because he was having a 'flashback' from some brown acid he took while over at "Hanoi Jane's" house. No,------not 30 years ago, just last week-end while on vacation! Posted by: The Republican 'Attack' Machine at March 22, 2004 10:25 AMWhere are the papparazzi when we need 'em? I woulda payed money to see a photo of The Gigolo sitting on his brains after taking that fall! Kerry's certainly the right poster boy for the Shallow-Hal activity of snowboarding, which is perfect for morons of any age who lack the talent, technique, and courage to master the sport of skiing. To snowboard, you need no knowledge, no skill, no practice, and no conscience. You do need to want go fast, to be an exhibitionist, to be out of control, and to endanger others while enjoying yourself. Whether he's on his butt or not, that's Kerry all over. Posted by: The Great Santini at March 22, 2004 02:30 PMDang, I was hoping that JFingK would meet SonnyBono! Posted by: kewakl at March 22, 2004 02:55 PMHAIKUS FOR JOHN F. KERRY Then when he comes home In U.S. Senate So to pander votes Flaming Liberal! What's next for John F*****G Kerry? Decked out in full biker gear on a Harley to show how macho he is? All I can see is that great photo op of Dukakis riding that tank in 1988. Posted by: a former european at March 22, 2004 08:46 PMRed State Ranter I find your haikus Your lame poetry I LOVE THIS SITE!!!! WHOOOHOOOOOOO...GREAT MINDS!!! Posted by: Right-Wing Conspirator at March 25, 2004 11:31 AMPost a comment
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