Althea Rose ([info]obragbye) wrote,
@ 2004-01-02 16:39:00
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Current mood: contemplative
Current music:primus *southbound packiderm*

doo doo doo!!!
alright... all last night i wanted to sign online but the computer was turned off and when you turn it on it makes this horendous noise that wakes up the neighborhood so i didn't. i'll probably try tonight though...

so i spent the night talking to phil, lunchbox, fluff, and then dana. oh yah and julie and dee and such.

i was on the phone all bloody night and i woke up this morning and had NO VOICE. oh well, whatever.

i did not see dana yesterday which is absolutely shocking, bah ha ha, but we stayed up on the phone until almost three. it's all good.

he's actually on his way over in a few kuz tonight we're gonna hang out and go out to dinner, but with the great one :*(, and then hang out summore.

so of course the plans to hang out in bridgewater today with everybody fell through again. whatever.

i did do a bunch of stuff today. i finally gave the money to my grams for the guitar and then i went to monty's on the wb/brockton line and got stuff for mike and julie. and then we went to grams bank and i hung out with andrew and matt and corny and bob and fred and joe for a little wihle and i also found out lisa's mum works at monty's. it was cool.

i put more of my earrings back in last night. i had to repierce the wholes and i'm probably putting a few more in tonight. i love pain :D

so yah...

i called deb today to see if she had heard anything back from the cori so me and dana could go out alone otnight but she said no and she's supposed to be getting a bunch on monday so hopfully it will be in then! god dammit.

i can't believe vaca'a almost up. going back to julie's is gonna seem weird. not hanging out, not seeing dana every night, going ot school and dealing with all the bullshit, doing school work... the "rules". god i almost wish i could stay here, ALMOST being the key word. i've been here way too long it's starting to get to me. even in my dreams.

as some of you know, not last night but the night before i had an interesting, to say the least, was about the queer eye for the straight guy show and they came to my house and i was the straight guy and i was confused because first of all i'm not a guy and second of all if i was, i wouldn't be straight and the fact that they were all in tuxs didn't seem very gay to me. but i had purple hair and they left it purple but they gave me a horrid cut... and when i came back to the house EVERYTHING was pink. it was scary.

and then yesterday was a fab 5 marithon so i just had to watch it all day and laugh my ass off. it was kinda creepy though.

well yah, i think i'm gonna do a few other things on here and then go smoke a butt before dana gets here which should be very soon so peace...

i'll write later tonight.


and yesterday i was going through old entries and found where i had written about the dream that totally freaked me out last year and i'm slowly remembering everything that happened in it and i'm a little freaked out now... and god that was almost a year ago...

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