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Tuesday, March 30

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 U.S. Politics

Note to readers: PopPolitics will begin a new era as a weblog covering the best in politics and popular culture in 2004. See you soon!

impressions 12.24
The Holiday's So Bright, I've Gotta Wear Shades
As I wander about aimlessly in search of Christmas cheer, I find myself in a state of growing agitation. All of these lights and decorations look totally out of place surrounded by green rather than white. And the more lights there are, the worse it gets. Tackiness knows no bounds in Florida. But that's another story  | by Richard C. Crepeau   [discuss]

Other Finds
What would Jesus buy?
plus: American Jesus

The politician as TV guest star and hip to pop culture

Why rock and politics don't mix

Apocalypse Always!
After a year that was filled with so many images of bloodshed and war, that saw suicide bombers, Beltway snipers, and plummeting stock prices and often made us believe that the sky was falling for real, it seems surprising that anyone would have wanted to entertain such apocalyptic visions and encourage their worst fears or, for that matter, even pay to see them acted out on the big screen. But if the movie receipts were any indication, our appetite for destruction this summer was as insatiable as ever. Could this be yet another sign of the end?  | by Douglas L. Howard 
Searching for a Real Gay Man
A few weeks ago, over a mostly liquid Sunday brunch of Bloody Mary’s and Mimosa’s, a friend of mine leaned across the table and exclaimed, “You so wish you were a gay man.” The comment, while a little out of the blue, was not entirely off target. There are plenty of straight women, who, like me, harbor some version of the same fantasy. With the current media frenzy over gay culture presenting images that are irresistible, can you blame us?  | by Hemal Jhaveri 


The Culture Industry Has You
Discussing the films with Entertainment Weekly in May, Hugo Weaving, who plays the rogue program, Agent Smith, relates that the cast was never able to get the brothers to answer the question, “Which German philosophers do we need to read in order to comprehend this?” Although often overlooked in discussions of the film’s references, the Marxist-inspired social critique of the Frankfurt School wouldn’t be a bad place to start  | by Thomas Dodson  8.5

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Inside: Bandwagon: How pro-war songs help sell Country (and country); "What Are You Doing Now?": If embedding is a next logical step for reality TV (with all stakes raised, for consumers as well as performers), it's also a huge leap in political, ethical and commercial terms; C.S.I.: Crime Scene Iraq: There are moral questions that can’t be answered by collecting and sifting evidence through a government-issue sieve;  Reality Check: Despite the failure of a handful of reality shows immediately after Sept. 11,  predictions that Americans would have no appetite for watching bikini-clad models scarf down live crickets have not come to pass.

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