--> White colour
White colour

   Sunday, November 23, 2003  

My new Weblog : :)


   posted by Vahid  

   Monday, September 08, 2003

--The Cuban education system provides a stark contrast to that in Australia. While in Australia the government is constantly cutting funding, Cuba has some of the world's lowest teacher-student ratios. While the Australian government is intent on privatising the cost of education by increasing fees and pusing young people into private schoyols, in Cuba education- primary, secondary, and tertiary- is totally free.
However, education in Cuba differs in a more important way. The Australian education system is more often than not a generally stiffling and alienating experience, with most students desperate to get out. The Cuban system, but giving students democratic control over their schooling, encourages them to take their own ideas seriously, and to use them to critically and constructively analyse teh world around them.
Jo Williams, an Australian teacher recently returned from Cuba, will speak about education in Cuba, how it differs from that on offer here and how its priorities reflect the humanist and socialist priorities of Cuba- in contrast to the individualistic and competitive focus of the Australian education system

This is an email i usually get from Sydney resistance,one of the clubs in my uni. You see lots of similarities between Cuba education and Iranian education.Also Australian educaiton and American education. These are student protests against Capitalism !!!

   posted by Vahid  

   Wednesday, August 27, 2003

So if you hear some one say something along the lines of "America needs higher producing so that it can compete in today'sn global economy" never mind who he is, or how plausible he sounds.The might as well be wearing a flashing neon sign that reads " I DO'NT KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT"


   posted by Vahid  

   Tuesday, August 26, 2003

It is interesting just 12 years old begins his studing in medicine at university of Chicago!!!

   posted by Vahid  

   Saturday, August 23, 2003

Last week in university we had Sexuality week!!! the schedule week with different entertainments,gigs and prizes.there were talking about rights of gay and lesbians.During these years, homosexulity right is one the important controversial argument in west countries.Even in some coutries such as Canada the gay and lesbian marriage is legal in church.John Howard,the prime minister of Australia,did not let this marriage.I saw in past few days some iranian talked about their rights with some aspects that i think some of them wrong.I wrote some thing about it in persian.I am lazy now to translate it but i will do it later.

   posted by Vahid  

mmmmmm.....I am hearing a song but i do not where it is come from!!!

   posted by Vahid  

   Friday, August 22, 2003

As i forcasted last week ;) from last saturday the weather was raining until today we have cloudy day.As long as the worst drought in century in Australia has not finished and keeps going to stop some time.These days are very delightful for me althought my friends and most people are opponent.
They like Sunny days. Why?!!!

   posted by Vahid  

last week i saw 3 films.


Confession of dangerous mind

Three colours red

Three colours red was directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski one of the most famous and influential directors.

As Linda linked ,the pesian name for Confession of dangerous mind is eterafat yek motaham.

   posted by Vahid  

   Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Be alert about "Blaster".My computer was infected by .So then my computer was restarting again and again. :(
If you get trouble,go to this link and dowbload critical secuity patch:


   posted by Vahid