"There are two types of people in this world.. the quixotic and the dead." I ate too much pizza. Now I am a dizzy dizzy dinosaur. You know, that board game had several historical inaccuracies. So does scrabble and Simpsons Monopoly. Neither has quite as man problems as Star Wars Battleship. Why would spaceships be on a two dimensional plane. Ships on the water sort of made sense. By the way, a pack of gophers are sleeping in your car again. </lj-cut= NO_I_AM_NOT_MORPHEUS>
I'm cool... and mildly trustworthy.... but nobody wants me. The story of my life. The unofficial last day of spring break. What do I plan on doing? Well, since my dad changed his mind about driving after I medicated, probablys sleep. I'd try reading from Sandman: 'The Book of Dreams' but I've had bad experience involving Sandman and prescription medication. I can't believe Deryn is ditching me this week. Our usual Sunday stuff, which due to the family (and really close friends) dinner, would be over at my folks in order to do to the grand opening of a grocery store that is supposed to be three times larger than Sam's Club. I'm being ditched... For a grocery store. A Toys R Us grand opening, or Otakacon I could understand. Because I know she'd bring me stuff. it might be something stupid like Milhouse's Dad action figure or a Millie and Meryl t-shirt, but it'd be something. A grocery store? That's insulting. For one thing, the one rarity I'd want I don't know if she could find... Count Chocula. Chocolate Lucky Charms just isn't quite the same. It means putting up with my family at a family dinner. Ungh. Tomorrow is the family's annual viewing of 'The Life of Brian'. Don't ask why my family has such a bizzare and twisted tradition. We just do. Sadly, my dad and I can reenact scenes from memory. Guy one: The only thing we hate more than the Romans is the People's Front of Judea. Guy Two: We're the People's front of Judea. We're fighing the Judean People's front. Brian: I thought you were the popular front. Guy One: No, we're the People Front of Judea. Whatever happened to the popular front. Guy Two: He's over there. See, this is why Joe and Matt don't come over to my place for Easter dinner. They'd have to go to church and confess for it later. That's always messy. The pope really hated it that much. P.S.: A grocery store? A grocery store? P.P.S.: Passover is coming. By order of those who provide her housing, her diet is highly restricted by the next time I see her. I shall eat artificially flavored gummy bears in front of her and just mock her. After all, you know what the best revenge is... ( Read more... ) More ridiculous questions... 1) Judging from all your collection of interactions with me, who would you cast as me in animated film based on my life? 2) Why? 3) If it was snowing, why did you lick the metal lamp post? 4) If you could be any comic book character for a day, who would it be? Why? 5) What comic book charcter do you think I'd be? (If you say Kyle Rainer I'll remove your intestines with an electric can opener.) 6) Who's buried in Grant's tomb? 7) Why doesn't Barney Rubble go to the grocery store and buy Pebbles like a normal person? 8) If they were making an animated movie of your life, who would you want to play you? 9) If I have two beans, and then I add two more beans, what do I have? 10) Are you crazy? 11) You ever dated your friend's ex's best friend? 12) Have you ever built a model of The Jetsons's house out of styrofoam cups and plates? 13) Just who do you thing you are? 14) If you had to executed, what Hanna Barbera character you you want pulling the switch? 16) What happened to question 15? 17) Is it raining? 18) Does anyone know who stole my ice cream? 19) Can someone please explain why 'Keep Up Appearances' is supposed to be funny? and most importantly.... 20) Can whoever put the bomp in the bomp shoo bomp shoo bomp, please take it out? That's not a noise the toilet should be making. ( Because_FOENIX_GOT_THE_RIGHT_ANSWER ) It looks like I'll be spending Saturday with two good looking women. No they won't fight over me but I think that's a good thing. Deryn is simply going to be Deryn. As for Liz, she really wants to find more time to hang out with her boyfriend and make that work. It's something I understand and find quite admirable. It's not like I haven't done the same before, even if I thought the situation I was in might not workout in the end. P.S.: Why did I dream that Homer Simpson came over to my house to help me fix the garage? At least the dream was accurate. By the end of the dream, we didn't have a garage. This morning I dreamed that Yellow by Coldplay was playing everywhere I went while I was looking for something. When I woke up, I had to pee like crazy. How's that for a weird connection. That is all. Current music: Yellow by Coldplay. |