Seth Cohen's Journal

Recent Entries

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7th June 2004

8:40pm: What if Robin Williams did a segment with the Swedish Chef?
I have 3 words on the topic:

Mork mork mork!
Current Mood: silly

2nd June 2004

7:44am: My busy day yesterday
Things to do:

moving company
homeowner's insurance
phone company
electric company
gas company
water company
call Wells Fargo to cancel autowithdrawal
call roofer for invoice
postal service packet for change of address
check with loan officer to see if loan is processed
check with accountant about changing deductions
dry cleaners

buy shoes
pick up contact lenses
buy dress shirts
Second Story Books/Wheaton library to drop off books we don't need any more
plane tickets
doctor's appointment for stomach
clean car
Current Mood: accomplished

28th May 2004

5:30am: No time (like the present)
I should get ready for work. But in the meantime, since I'm not doing that, here are photos of the new house (thoughtfully provided by the lovely [info]estherchaya:

Current Mood: bouncy

19th May 2004

10:33am: A favor to ask
Anyone have a digital camera Karen or I could borrow? We'd like to take some pictures of our new place next Tuesday (they're letting us do the home inspection early) and pictures will help us figure out where our stuff goes.

Oh, and some of you also wanted to see the new place without having to travel there. Fair 'nuff.

(For those chavura members reading this here, I don't have the chavura email address if you could pass along our request [unless someone here has already stepped up] we'd appreciate it.)
Current Mood: happy
Current Music: "Our House", Madness

18th May 2004

5:32am: Glee!...postponed
I wanted to post last night that we signed a contract to sell our house, but LJ was down.

So now I am posting said information, but I'm less excited. Mostly because I'm sleepier.

Time to make the doughnuts...
Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: The fan, the cat, and the hum of the cicadas

12th May 2004

10:07pm: Seth Potter and the Gardening Jones
You should see our house.

Don't come inside, because it's still messier than we'd like to have people seeing.

But the front...

...aah, the front...

...the front is beautiful.

4 hours tonight, spreading soil conditioner, soil, and mulch. Planting impatients and azaleas. Sweeping, watering, and putting away the trash.

It's a beautiful thing. I'd want to buy this house, except that I already have.

And now for a shower. A long, long, shower, because I am covered in soil, mulch, and dust. Mmm...shower.
Current Mood: moist
Current Music: "Cold Shower", Kix

6th May 2004

7:13pm: Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt!
I can't find my bookmarked Latin translation website. I must have accidentally deleted it. Nevertheless, I have found something just as good:
Current Mood: bilingual
Current Music: Vah! Denuone latine

3rd May 2004

7:51am: Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made coffee. I drank coffee. I love coffee. Coffee does not love me, but this is something I can live with, because my love for coffee is stronger than its unlove of me.

Coffee! COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Gonna drive to work now. If you're in the Baltimore/Washington corridor, watch the hell out! Yowza!
Current Mood: Coffee!
Current Music: Coffee coffee coffee coffee COFFEE!!!

25th April 2004

1:07pm: Ganked from [info]blackpaladin
This one's for [info]psujedi:

Bring it on.
Current Mood: amused

22nd April 2004

7:46am: Alive (and maybe well) in Houston, TX
Yesterday's plane flight was not good for me. I didn't feel well on the plane, and felt worse once I was off. Rather than going out with the rest of our group, I stayed in and slept. I don't know that I got tremendous quality of sleep, but I got far, this morning, I feel okay. Not great, but okay. Breakfast doesn't feel like lead in my stomach, so that's a plus.

The 'internet room' here at the Courtyard has popups disabled, so I can't check my Comcast mail. Let's see how far I get caught up on LJ before we leave for the actual purpose of our trip - visiting Omnicell. Here's hoping today works out better than yesterday.
Current Mood: awake

21st April 2004

8:58am: D'oh!
Someone on my friends list posted in the last few weeks about antispam procedures against snailmail. I failed to make it a LJ memory, and so have lost the reference.

I just opened three days worth of mail. Not a single piece of actual was all junk of one kind or another, with the exception of a few pieces of unimportant business mail.

Does anyone remember posting about how to stop junk mail from the USPS?


I realized almost immediately that if the antispam information wasn't from [info]cellio, then it was probably not on LJ. I checked my recent emails from This is True, and found the information. Here's what Randy Cassingham says:

"...a bunch of letters asking if I had heard about the toll-free number,
and why didn't I try that? *sigh*

Anyway, to wrap it up, here's what I suggest: First, DO try the toll-
free number. Again, it's 888-567-8688. Then, send a postcard or letter
to the Direct Mail Association's "Mail Preference Service". Clearly
write your name and mailing address and state that you want to be
removed from all mailing lists, and sign it. DMA sends the list of
people asking to be deleted to its members, who are "required" to run
the list against their mailing list and remove any matches. I did that
long ago, and the drop in junk mail was astounding. It doesn't,
however, stop mail from companies you are doing business with (so you
won't stop getting your favorite catalogs), nor from companies who
aren't members of DMA, but it's a big step forward. The address: Mail
Preference Service, Direct Marketing Association, PO Box 282, Carmel NY
10512. With luck, there are similar services available for readers
outside the U.S."

I just called the number, and opted myself out. I couldn't opt out [info]estherchaya, because I couldn't get her SSN into their system fast enough...I don't have it memorized. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

I'm leaving today for Texas to see some new pharmacy technology from Omnicell. Be back Thursday night.
Current Mood: baffled

17th April 2004

9:18pm: Hey [info]dr_mellow!
I got a little birdie for you right here!

Current Mood: amused

16th April 2004

4:00am: 4am?
I am up waaaay too damn early.
Current Mood: awake
Current Music: "The Drinking Song" - Electric Angels

14th April 2004

7:59am: Over is Passover
We've spent most of the last 8 days away, at various houses of varied friends. It was good to not be home during Passover, although we still cooking for us at our friends' houses. It was also bad to not be at home during sleep cycle is still off kilter (due to working overnights/not working/not sleeping in my own bed), and I suspect that Karen's is as well.

So, the remainder of this week: three days of work (in the morning/afternoon vs. night) before the weekend should help the sleep cycle. Also, the previous three days have been rainy, which doesn't do wonders for diurnality...the rain's supposed to be over today or tomorrow, another help. Another partial fix is that we'll be staying home this weekend, so I'll be in our bed at bedtime, as usual. Hopefully there will be no more kvetching on this topic.

We put aside the South Beach Diet for Passover. It would have been doable, but incredibly difficult due to our being at other people's houses and the whole 'not cooking' thing. There's definitely a link between what I eat and how unpleasant my stomach wants to be in return...this morning it's complaining bitterly. *shrugs* Not much I can do...we haven't converted back to non-Passover foods yet, so choices are limited. We haven't gone shopping yet, and the small fridge froze the pre-Passover foods. No cereal for moi this morning.

A couple of Tums have lessened the roaring of the Gut Monster. Yay. Also, as a prelude to restarting South Beach (amusingly Freudian slipped by one of our hosts recently as the 'South Park Diet' - something I should write up when I get a chance) we should figure out what Passover carbs should be eaten and which trashed. No way we'll be able to get anyone to actually take them off our hands, as we did pre-Passover with our stored carbalicious one's that crazy as to want Passover foods right now.

I'm caught up on LJ posts, but haven't replied much due to time constraints. If you would like my input on something, please let me know.
Current Mood: lethargic
Current Music: "You're the boss" by Brian Setzer is stuck in my head. Yay.

31st March 2004

3:40am: stalling from cleaning
So, the roof is fixed. Now, to find a contractor to fix the ceiling in the bathroom. Any ideas, brain trust?

I wrote some more a few minutes ago, but Mozilla crashed. I don't remember all of it. Oh, yeah. 3 hours until cooking breakfast. 6 hours until meeting the realtor for the place we might buy. Then sleep, then getting ready for work, then work. Exciting, eh? April fools, forsooth.

Back to cleaning. And stuff.
Current Mood: quixotic
3:30am: 3am, and all's swell
I worked from 10:20am yesterday to 1:45am today.
1:30pm-10pm was my shift in Trauma. I'm still rusty, which is bad. But I don't think I killed anyone, so it's good.
I got a lot of Robot stuff done today. I spent 10pm-1:30am rearranging the contents of the Robot. Now all the slow-moving teensy-weensy packages are as far away from the conveyor belt as possible, confined to a less-important rack. Next will be to pop the fast-moving t-w packages next to the conveyor, if possible.
I'm working overnight the next two nights. This is good for doing Robot stuff.
I'm working overnight the next two nights in Gudelsky. That's 8 stories up and one city block away from the Robot. That's bad for doing Robot stuff.
I'm working with another pharmacist in Gudelsky. That's good for Robot...I can abandon him for the Robot. I'm training him, so I probably won't get away with it as much as I'd like. That's bad for the Robot.
After finishing work on the 2nd at 7am, I don't have to be back until the 8th. So I have some impetus to get stuff done ahead of time, as I won't be around work much for a bit. OTOH, it's nice to get away. I still have more than 180 hours of assorted leave, so I don't mind that due to Passover that I'll only be working 5 days in the next two weeks.
And now is not the time to try to figure out how much I'm making per hour vs. the 5% raise that CVS employees got last year in the DC area. Math is hard.
Current Mood: exhausted

17th March 2004

7:44am: For the fen
In the 'been there, done that' category of relationship conversations...

Read more... )
Current Mood: amused

15th March 2004

4:29am: yuckers
I'm awake.
I should be asleep.
I can't fall back to sleep.
My belly hurts.
I think if my belly stopped hurting, I could try to go back to sleep.
Or, I could just try to go to work...hmm...
It's not all bad...don't get me wrong. But it could be better.
Current Mood: yucky

14th March 2004

1:03pm: We have returned
Well, we're back from being out of town. Whoopie.

Philadelphia was good, actually. I just can't say that funerals are fun, 'cuz I'd be lying. We spent many good hours with the family...a non-traditional shiva, as people were mostly sitting around and chatting. I caught up with many from the fraternity, and our trip coincided with Cary and Jo's visit to we spent some time with them as well.

I'd pass around more details, but there isn't really much time to write. I'm betting that I won't post on this again, at least's one thing to be there, in support of the family, and another to write about it here.

At least there's amusing stuff going on at home. Nothing's funnier than a sneezy cat. But I digress.
Current Mood: morose
Current Music: "I'm so happy", the Muppets

11th March 2004

6:39am: Out of town
If you've read what [info]estherchaya has posted recently, you'll know that we're going out of town for a funeral. We'll be back soon.
Current Mood: sad

28th February 2004

8:34pm: Okay, I finally did it...
that compatability quiz meme... )
Current Mood: blank

26th February 2004

6:32am: The public has a right to know
I agree with [info]pjack: Americans must be educated about the process of safe eating of Vegemite.

Current Mood: amused

20th February 2004

6:57am: Joining AARP
Happy birthday, [info]allah_sulu. In commemoration of this day, there will be broccoli and beer. Not at the same time, though.

Really, if we were to truly celebrate this day, there would be simultaneous salsa and vodka. But we're not as mad as you. Hope the day is good!
Current Mood: amused

17th February 2004

7:52am: Can you count in binary on your fingers?
[info]skington said to me (when I was ranting about User Friendly), "The Gods of the Internet are trying to tell you that User Friendly is a tired, talentless channelling of Slashdot Anonymous Cowards and that your life would be better without it. I mean, name a single decent userfriendly comic in the past year."

I couldn't, but I knew it had happened. And since [info]drmellow has taught me to play "The Finger Game", Today's User Friendly made me laugh. And that was worth it.

It doesn't hurt that I need to be at work by 10 this morning, for the Pharmacy/IT meeting. Now I have a good one to share with Walt...
Current Mood: amused

13th February 2004

1:17pm: A question of efficiency
This topic is mostly for [info]glenbarnett, who has Math Fu and may be able to make my life easier, if he finds this issue interesting. Of course, everyone can look behind the cut tag, if you care... )

As you can see, inventory management for the new Robot to minimize the Robot head movement from drug to output device is much more difficult than for the old Robot. The only thing I can say with certainty is that Bay 6 is the red-headed step child...but even so, its inventory is very close to the EDS, and it has good storage value in comparison to bay 8 in the old Robot. Stocking bay 8 in the old Robot meant that the Robot head actually had to move AWAY from the conveyor belt in order to stock it. Interesting, eh?
Current Mood: impressed
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