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Yo Columbus...May. 21st, 2005 @ 01:16 pm
Myspace is being a piece of shit right now.

Anyway, here is some info for those of you who feel like seeing some pop punk in Columbus on Friday, May 27th:

The Copyrights
Rivethead (NOT the shitty Texas industrial band)
Team Stray

Davey Wolf's House
2067 N. 4th St.
Columbus, Ohio 43201

We are first. Get there early.

I understand that there are no numbers on the house. You've been warned.

I am very excited to be playing with two excellent pop punk bands. Along with Teenage Bottlerocket and a few others, these are the best bands in this genre active today. And then there's us.

I hope my sinus infection clears up by then. Antibiotics to the rescue!

Love to all the peeps,

Current Music: The Merkurs

BLAGHMay. 19th, 2005 @ 10:47 am
I am sick. I woke up at like 5am with that sinus-ass feeling. You know the one.

Here are some of the things this might affect:
1. Half Price Books trip today
2. Johnny Irish's going away celebration Friday
3. Basketball Saturday
4. Team Stray recording (I will still practice if I feel bad)

I hate my weak and boring body.

Enough bitching.

I have acquired more comics/trade paperbacks/graphic novels in the past week than I maybe should have, but I'm buying in anticipation of having a bunch of time to read after my reading list and defense are over. Also, I like them, and got most of them cheap.

Here's a partial list of trades, for those who care:
Kabuki Vol. 1-6
Whiteout and Whiteout: Melt
Mage: The Hero Discovered
It's A Bird...
Best of Negative Burn: Year One and Two
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. 2
Tomorrow Stories Book 1
Promethea Books 1-4
Powers Vol. 8
The Walking Dead Vol. 3
And I finally ordered the Disinformation Guide to The Invisibles.


Now I should maybe eat something and then read some of the hundreds of pages of poetry I still have to get through before June 10.

Later, I may reward myself with a few episodes of Six Feet Under, because it's bad ass.

No, I didn't see Star Wars yet. I will.

Current Music: British invasion!

eff the magic elfMay. 9th, 2005 @ 02:50 am
Free comic book day was great. I heart Santorini's gyro platter with cottage cheese and home fries. I also heart comic books. If Justin's voicemail is to be believed, his FCBD experience was far more intriguing. You must take me to this place, oh Schnoo, and soon.

Tonight I had two long overdue (thanks to grad school) first-time reading experiences: Irvine Welsh's Acid House (about seventy or so pages), and about half of the first volume of David Mack's Kabuki series. The former is engrossing and fun but at times barely readable because of his occasional use of extra-heavy Scottish dialect, but then all of you probably know that already. The latter is a comic, for you laypeeps. Or should I say LAMEpeeps? Mack is from Northern Kentucky, Bromley to be exact, but that hasn't stopped him from being amazing. He drew and wrote the first volume of Kabuki when he was twenty-one. I hate him for being so talented.

Tuesday Trevor, Darren and I will join Steve and blade in TN and head out to the cabin on the creek. Drinking, fishing, rock throwing, and other homosocial bondings will ensue. If it's anything like last year, it'll be something.

Now on to greater things. Maybe Justin wants some WC.

-Toof D.K.
Current Music: gbv gbv gbv gbv gbv gbv gbv gbv

Yes I am not Rich!May. 6th, 2005 @ 11:36 am
Last night I was supposed to go to the bar and meet friends, but instead Daisy and I drank a twenty dollar bottle of champagne and then went to the Hamilton Waffle House. Fuck yeah we did.

She is one of the coolest people I've ever met. I wish that her boyfriend were moving from Michigan to here, instead of the other way around. At least I'll have another place to stay in yet another state.

Guided By Voices sounds real good right now. Then again, they always do.

I am typing this on my super bad ass new computer monitor. It's a 17" lcd flat panel made by Xerox, of all companies, and it's gorgeously amazing. I may never leave my room, except for eating, pooping, comics, and the rest of it.

Speaking of comics, tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day. Jeff is bailing on us because the Man is keeping him down. Fuck the Man! Jeff, you will be missed, as you were the main dude last year, you drove, and smoked, and drank Red Bull with me, and Mike was our surprise guest who was also super fun, though he kept trying to touch our naughty bits, but what else is new?
Anyway, the roster is now Ted, his brother Tim, Steve, Trevor, Tommy C., Mike, and myself. Two cars will be used. We will arrive in Clifton around 11am, and the show will get on the effin' road. I am pumped. I have a FCBD reader's guide that I picked up Wednesday at Queen City and it looks like there will be some great stuff out there. Some shit too, but hey, it's free.

Now to goof off and do nothing but fun stuff all day.


Current Music: gbv - Alien Lanes

Triple Click My Soul, You FUCKSApr. 28th, 2005 @ 08:27 am
Here is this sentence:
Southern Comfort Tastes Like Bubble Gum.

Last night I am tying one on, right? SO HARD. It was Crown and Coke while I watched a sneak preview of the new American Dad and Family Guy. They fucking BROUGHT IT. The new FG is GENIUS. No ball dropped whatsoever. Anyhoo, watched that at shitty Brick Street (formerly First Run), during which the hell reign began because I yelled to the stupid-visor-sporting-host-ass-cupcaker that he was a jackass all too loudly because the eff mouth talked instead of giving us the show immediate-like, what a putz. Both of us, I mean.

Then things progressed...

Maker's Mark straight up, then Jack and caffeine-free diet coke (word, J Stray) at Steve's and then when we ran out we snuck my secret flask of Southern (Bubblegum) Comfort, and by snuck I mean we all shared it until I "slicked" (if you can do that while shouting) over to Steve's neighbors' back porches and swiped orange Crush and some Schnapps or other. It was AMAZING.

I should point out at this point that I had the presence of mind to apologize to everyone in advance very early in the evening! Fuck 'em!

Also, it is currently 8:18am and I am still drunk!

You know this because I use the hated exclamation point!!!

Anyhoo, Jen was at my place the whole time and poor delicious her is sick, and I came home and tried for much a long time to post/reply on LJ, the details of which I will fine out soon.

Also, she told me that I kept waking up last night, yelling WHAT THE FUCK?, or FUCKING SHIT, or some such, and then immediately passing back out. Tourette's guy, eat your heart out.

I tell you all this. You listen.

Yesterday was my last day of teaching/taking class for this MA in creative writing that I've been working on for two years. Am I forgiven? Not until I'm no longer drunkover/fullof poop, which could take DAYS.

Today the immaculate Jeff Bickerstaff and others and I will get comics and be awesome. Then we will watch a Metallica documentary with monsters or some bullshit.

I love you all the way I love Saratoga chips and BBQ!

More later, if I survive,


p.s. blade and Steve are teaching right now! HA!
Current Music: Merkurs, FUCK YEAH!
Other entries
» The Tritenator
I sincerely hope that this dude isn't serious, but I think he is:


Off to Chicago tomorrow for the rock and the fun.

Back to avoiding my work now.

Something about the phrase "underpass stain" rings lovely to my ears:

Now to learn...

» Five Fifty One A.M.
Yeah, it's five fifty-one A.M.

Yeah, I'm drunk.

Yeah, Johnny Irish and I invented a shot called the Parrot Cake.

1 big part Parrot Bay coconut rum
1 other significant part Aunt Jamima maple syrup

Yeah, it tastes like having a waffle on Barbados in the Autumn. What the fuck.

Also, I just watched Taxi while eating a Bob Evans breakfast burrito and Black Pepper Jack Doritos washed down with caffeine-free Diet Coke. Eff you, arse tonsler.

Now to the sleep of a few hours before other stuff.

This is the word of the Lord.

-Tom Stray
My friend John has a message for you rockstar wannabes out there:

"I'm getting rid of my semi-acoustic and my guitar amp. Not at all for profit. Free to anyone I know, and $40 for anyone I don't know. If I don't hear from anyone, they're free to goodwill. The guitar's a samick, the tunerknobs (machineheads? i don't remember the terms) are a little bit loose, but it will still hold a tuning once you get it all tuned. The amp's an older peavey, 120w I believe with a single 10" speaker I think. Since i'm not looking to get money from these, i'm also not bothering too much with their details. They'll serve anyone who's just starting up and anyone who's just looking for something to goof around with."

You can contact him through me if you're interested.

» Upstaged again
If I had something funnier to say than this comic, I would:

Have a pleasant day.

» Kicked Ball

Shot invented last night:
The Little Mermaid

1 part vodka
1 part caviar (we used orange caviar)

Or, you can use roe, and it becomes The Little Merman.

Yes, three of us drank one apiece. Yum.

Tonight I played kickball with a buncha peeps in Clifton. It was super fun. I felt like a kid again.

Happy birthday to all applicable peeps, especially Tom Caruso.

Tomorrow I have an MS walk, then basketball, then Team Stray practice, then I'm taking Jen to the Chop House for her birthday. My sinuses have been bugging me all day today. Tomorrow may kill me dead. Fuck this weak ass body o' mine.

Now to get some sleeping in.

» The last time I gave a SHIT, I got FUCKED!
Go here and watch the videos and laugh:

I saw Saw. It was so so.


-Toof D.K.
» (my goodness!)
Kill me now, for I have seen the face of funny:

I need to go teach...if I could only stop screaming with hilarity.

Sweet merciful yaweh do I love Achewood.

» grant more, son
Nice little Grant Morrison interview/article:

Yay for comics. Yay for Schnoo making me laugh until I die.

Now to death,

» Springy breeze, makes me feel fine...
I am still a little sick...just a cough left, really...but not enough to stop me from enjoying an iced coffee at Kofenya (the only coffee shop in Oxford besides Starfucks) and read some poetry theory by Peter Middleton as well as poems by Frank O'Hara and John Ashbery. Then I came home and read an entire book of poems by Michael Friedman in less than a half-hour. It was like having a nice dessert after a full course meal. I feel intellectually stuffed.

The weather has improved both my mood and my outlook on grad school, music, and life in general considerably. I wonder if I have a touch of S.A.D. Even if I do, I wouldn't seek medication...I have this thing against psychoactive chemicals (except perhaps some of the recreational ones, of course). I could always get one of those screens that imitate sunlight for the dreary winter months. Or move to someplace warmer, perhaps Southern. Fuck Florida, though.

Since my Teenage Bottlerocket cd from Mike didn't work, I listened to their old one in the car. It's just gets better and better with each listen. I want Team Stray to work the same way, though with our own quirky approach, to be sure.

Now I guess I should do some more stuff, as that iced coffee (first caffeine of the day, except for some M&Ms;) is going to keep me up for a while.

What's the #1 reason to hate Mike Saylor right now?

The Teenage Bottlerocket cd he gave me does not work.

I'm sure there are other reasons.

» Achewood eternal
Here is an excellent article on Achewood which also features some general info. about the history of comic strips:

Read it. It's not every day that I read a review by someone whose taste in something (in this case, comic strips) mirrors mine so exactly. He must be a genius-dude.

Should be in bed. Reading stuff instead.


» ???
The US military is planning to win the hearts of young people in the Middle East by publishing a new comic.
Remember when this kind of shit was called "propaganda"? I'm sure you do, it's the term used by members of the American government when they talk about other governments doing this kind of thing.

It just strikes me as a bit creepily subversive...a bit "McDonald's," if you will.

I should be doing work right now, but I'm tired and I'm a big pansy.

Last night's Team Stray show was a blast...thanks to all who attended, and all who expressed regrets at not being able to attend. There will be more shows soon.

I saw Sin City today. It was good, probably the best (and certainly the most faithful) comic adaptation thus far, but I'm not in ecstasy over it. Maybe it's just my mood.

I wonder what would happen if they distributed issues of Sin City all over the Middle East as emblematic American literature. Hmm...

Now to not do more stuff.

Team Stray show at Sudsy's tonight.

Be there by 9pm, Sucks!


Tom Stray
» Achewood is genius...
I know I say it all the time, but Achewood is so good it's worth not committing suicide for.

Favorite recent snippet of dialog:

L: "Shame on you for thinking the demographic is inflexible! Sometimes the product creates the consumer, T!"
T: "Come on! Compete in the established marketplace, you pussy!"

And to top it off, they're arguing about a new 'perfect joint' (yes, as in pot) business. Effin' genius.

Now to not kill myself,

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