Howard Dean 2004 |
Making A Difference What is Dean Nation? This blog was launched on August 30th 2002, as the first blog in history to follow the campaign of a Presidential candidate. We were the nucleus of Dean's netroots and have been at the leading edge of the grassroots. Dean Nation first promoted Meetup, launched the DDF, took the lead in Dean Team fundraising, and even got Ben and Jerry to name an ice cream for Dean! But who exactly is Dean Nation? The answer is simple. Dean Nation is you. Dean Nation has raised $40,000 for Howard Dean! Read Dean's message to Dean Nation! Promote Dean Register with DeanLink and join the grassroots network of active Dean supporters who are taking the campaign to the streets! You'll connect with fellow Deanites in your neighborhood, plan your own Dean events and lend your skills to the campaign! DeanLink is about the "People" in People-Powered Howard - so be a part of the vanguard for change and register today!
Reading List The Future of Ideas by Lawrence Lessig The Emerging Democratic Majority by John B. Judis To Kill a Mockingbird (DVD) John Stuart Mill: On Liberty Federalist Papers/The Debate on the Constitution What Liberal Media? by Eric Alterman Dave (DVD) Globalization and its Discontents by Joseph E. Stiglitz Living History by Hillary Clinton A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn Autobiography of Malcolm X A Theory of Justice by John Rawls The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran G?del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter Thomas Paine: Common Sense The Clinton Wars by Sidney Blumenthal Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (DVD) John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Do you have a suggestion for essential reading? Tell us about it! |
discussion thread: Democrats United
Thursday, the DNC is hosting it's "Democrats United" conference, which will honor Presidents Carter and Clinton as well as all the candidates for President this year. Dean will be atending, and it's no coincidence that he chose the same day for his official endorsement of Kerry. posted by Aziz Poonawalla Tuesday, March 23, 2004 | Comment | | Forum message from Dean: will endorse Kerry on thursday
Dean posted to the oblog yesterday afternoon: I don't want to give any of you a heart attack, but I plan to formally endorse John Kerry on Thursday, along with all 34 Congress people who endorsed me during the campaign. There's some good-natured teasing in there for us :) Of course, the primary focus for the Gov will be his new organization. The focus does remain on reforming the Democratic party from within, which though I am an independent voter still strikes me as a better solution than trying to reform the GOP or creating a viable 3rd party at a national level. However, the principles outlined by Dean on what kind of representation we need at the local and state level are independent of party ideology. Here's the main question. Suppose that a principled, honest, moderate Republican is running for office against a progressive, but compromised, Democratic incumbent, Should DFA support the Democrat or the Republican, and why? posted by Aziz Poonawalla Tuesday, March 23, 2004 | Comment | | Forum Draft McCain for DFANo, John McCain is not a Democrat. But he is the kind of politician that Howard Dean's new organization is looking for - committed to principle and duty. It's notable that McCain defended Kerry last week from charges of being soft on defense. The addition of McCain to DFA v2.0 would be a powerful asset, and would unite the Dean grassroots with the McCain grassroots of 2000. In the end, we all want the same thing, and I think that it's a mistake to narrow the focus to a sepcific set of policy beliefs. posted by Aziz Poonawalla Monday, March 22, 2004 | Comment | | Forum Democracy for America's specific aims
The o-blog has updated with a clear list of the specific goals of DFA v2, reformulated in a much more direct manner than previously: 1. First, Democracy for America will be committed to strong, sustained grassroots involvement in the democratic process. Today, half of Americans don’t even bother to vote. People see what the problems are, but they are cynical about the system and prospects for change. Only through acting will people recognize the power they have to change this country. I think that the ranking overall is correct, though I don't see #2 as something that is more of a consequence rather than a goal. There's no way to force politicians to run for office, but those who choose to run are filtered by our votes. So if we can give people the facts they need, the resources they require for their own fact-checking, then problem #2 will correct itself. That brings me to my main point, which is that DFA is not going to the internet-centric vehicle that most pundits predicted, The internet is just another medium, and will be used to great effect. But for a centralized and open resource that people can use to fact-check their elected pols, right now the best we have is Google and the blogsphere, which is woefully inefficient. What we really need is an open-source version of Lexis-Nexis! posted by Aziz Poonawalla Monday, March 22, 2004 | Comment | | Forum Face the NationHere's the transcript. posted by Brian Ulrich Monday, March 22, 2004 | Comment | | Forum Parties and Change
In American history, change has come about through lots of different means. posted by Brian Ulrich Sunday, March 21, 2004 | Comment | | Forum Saturday Open ThreadWelcome to the weekend! posted by Brian Ulrich Friday, March 19, 2004 | Comment | | Forum the niche that DFA must fill
After Cheney attacked Kerry on national television, a chickenhawk daring to question a veteran's fitness to lead our troops, the response from prominent Democrats was... utter silence. Only one person defended Kerry and refuted the notion thta he'd be soft on defense. That person was John McCain! It is a revitalized party, taught to walk upright again by Howard Dean and then inherited by John Kerry. But there is still a kind of "Hail Mary" feel to the election. The excitement of the moment can be easily dashed for Democrats, and they know it. The ball is in the air, but it'll take a long eight months to find out the result: touchdown, interception, or dropped pass. Given that the unity is largely irrelevant right now, unless they get their act together, my guess is not long at all. What needs to be done is for DFA to assert itself as the glue that binds - not just Democrats, but independents and even conservatives into a broader coalition of principle. That is the route to real change for America. Admin note: I'll be away for a few days attending my sister's wedding :) Have a good weekend, Dean Nationites ... posted by Aziz Poonawalla Friday, March 19, 2004 | Comment | | Forum |
Books on Dean Winning Back America by Howard Dean (reviews) Howard Dean: A Citizen's Guide to the Man Who Would Be President (review) Howard Dean In His Own Words by Lisa Rogak The Vision Seeking Dean: Building a New American Community Radio Television Democratic Presidential Debates
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