Bohemian Mama ...Notes from a bipolar paradigm (activist politics with a dose of mama-hood) |
Friday, April 02, 2004 ( 9:25 AM ) Save Bob Now. Thursday, April 01, 2004 ( 2:05 PM ) Try Not to Gag I find it mildly annoying that the start of a radio network featuring liberal talk show hosts is so amazingly bizarre in this country that it gets massive amounts of news coverage the day it goes on air. If liberal talk radio is such an anomaly in our culture, then how is it that liberals rule the media again? As our (sometimes mildly annoying) friend Eric Alterman puts it, WHAT liberal media?!?!?! But the Republicans don't buy it. They're still firmly of the belief that a) Liberals own the media and all they (the repubs) have is radio and b) there aren't enough "liberals" in the country to make the radio program work. Try this one on for size, from Southern California's Daily Breeze: Harry Eicher, the second vice president of the Beach City Republican Club, said the network--airing on KBLA (1580 AM) in Los Angeles--probably wouldn't attract much of an audience because of the liberal stranglehold on mainstream media. "If there were all conservatives running the media, the liberals would be drawn to radio, but since they're running most of the media, all conservatives have is the radio," he said. [...] "There are more Republicans interested in honesty and truth," he said. "They'll find (liberal radio) filled with lies." [...] "You've got 30 million people listening to conservative radio," he said. "A lot of them work, a lot of them are self-employed. Democrats do better with passive media like Oprah Winfrey. On talk radio you have to think and you hear a number of issues." South Bay political consultant Allan Hoffenblum said the left simply doesn't have the numbers to sustain its own radio network. Oh GAG ME. That liberal stranglehold must be why there aren't ANY liberal pundit shows on the 24-hour cable networks, why CNN has to cover the White House's lies for it (see recent Letterman scrap), why not one news outlet called Fox News on its declassification and revealing of confidential source when it gave out the Clarke briefing - endangering all future classified background briefings, and why Alan Colmes is the best that media can come up with for a liberal foil to Sean Hannity. Give me a break. Oh, and there are more conservatives than liberals in this country...that must be why George Bush won the popular vote in the last election...oh, wait a minute! HE LOST. Not ony that, but a far MORE liberal candidate than the Democrat (who WON), Ralph Nader, got massive votes as well. Hmmm. Consistently in poll after poll, national results show that most people agree with the liberal side of social issues, even if they vote republican. Ralph Nader in 2000 was able to draw stadium-full crowds during his campaign, last year Howard Dean, the underdog, was able to draw 15, 000-large crowds on his first public campaign tour. George Bush has to stage his puplic appearances to look like there are alot of people there (not to mention getting his costume jacket straight for each event). Lucky for him, even when only 60 people show up, he still manages to bank $1 million. I wonder if the conservatives have the impression that they are larger in number simply because they are the Borg. They all think exactly the same and repeat (or in their language, "ditto") everything that is told to them from their talk show hosts, who themselves repeat the White House talking points every day. Liberals are far more willing to disagree with each other and allow for variances in their levels of belief or agreement on all sorts of issues. Liberals actually try to discuss and weigh options. They often think they are in the minority because the media acts as if the conservative audience is the only one worth reaching. One thing I was struck by listening to the various shows on the new Air America yesterday was how many folks called in to disagree and how the hosts engaged them in thoughtful discussion. The fact that they were allowed to go on air with disagreements was in itself a novelty not usually seen on conservative radio. But the additional fact that many of them had done lots of research on their own and were knowledgeable about facts that weren't just told to them, but that they found on their own, really struck me. When you think for yourself and make up your own mind, sometimes you feel alone in the world. Air America brings together all those independent thinkers and shows them that there are more just like them out there, while at the same time introducing them to ideas and facts they may not have heard before. (Something, by the way, that the Blogosphere has been doing for us very nicely the last few years). As for the conservatives, they are conditioned to think and repeat that the media is owned by liberals and caters to liberals, all the while not even knowing that they have been assimilated into the one great, manipulating Borg GOP. The Borg tells them that all is well, that they have not been lied to, that this president has done only good for them and their country. In other words, to mix movie metaphors, they don't even know that they're dumb. Wednesday, March 31, 2004 ( 1:57 PM ) Oops The Pentagon's Papers have been found at Starbucks. The Center for American Progress managed to get ahold of them: Commissioner Richard Ben Veniste [quipped] that "Condi Rice has appeared everywhere but at my local Starbucks." Well, others in the Bush administration did, apparently, make an appearance at the local Starbucks. And as the Washington Post reports today, one of them - obviously readying himself to prep Defense Secretary Rumsfeld - left his notes on the table. Talking points, hand-written notes on spin tactics that reveal the White House was worried about former Bush adviser Richard Clarke's charges, and a hand-drawn map to the Secretary's house were found by a resident of DuPont Circle, who made them available to the Center for American Progress. The name of said resident is being withheld at his request, as he fears that he may be accused on national television of being "disgruntled." The WaPo comments on the incident, noting that CAP appears to be having too much fun with this information. And why shouldn't they? And the guy who left the papers behind? Poor Eric, probably being outsourced as we speak. (thanks to Maru for the heads up) ( 1:15 PM ) Head - Sand? Not sure if you caught it, but on March 24 - last Wednesday, it was reported that the US had received credible threats that oil refineries, especially in Texas, may be targeted by terrorists. Did you happen to notice that yesterday the third largest oil refinery in this country exploded? But rest assured, they are certain there was no "outside influence" causing the blast: BP (BP.L) said there was no sign of "any outside influence" in the blast and fire, which came days after the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation warned Texas oil refiners of possible terror attacks ahead of elections in November. The cause of the fire, which began with an explosion in the gasoline-producing unit at the 447,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) refinery in Texas City, Texas, was not known, but it did not appear to have been started intentionally, BP said. Actually, where you'll probably hear this news is not in conjunction with terrorist threats and the very scary state of actual security in this country around any number of very scary targets - where you'll probably hear it is in the financial section. Because OPEC today decided to cut production, and with our third-largest refinery off line, that means all those poor folks with their Hummers are gonna be really sad this summer. And of course, we all live to make Hummer owners happy. Wasn't that the American dream? ( 12:36 PM ) 600 Five more soldiers were killed in Iraq, crowning this month as the second deadliest month there since Bush declared victory last May 1. Today marks 600 American soldiers dead in Iraq, according to CNN. Four civilian contractors were killed and their bodies brutalized today as well: Cheering residents in Fallujah pulled charred bodies from burning vehicles and hung them from a Euphrates River bridge. Crowds gathered around the vehicles and dragged at least one of the bodies through the streets, witnesses said. Residents pulled another body from one of the cars and beat it with sticks. Also in the Fallujah region, five American soldiers died in a roadside bombing near Habbaniya, the U.S. military said. The fatalities bring the U.S. military death toll in Iraq to 600, 408 of them in hostile action. This is a horrible, terrible, awful day. Just like every day has been for the soldiers and workers in Iraq since Bush lied to us and to the UN and forced us into an invasion, war and occupation that should never have happened. And yet the DOD secretly marches towards restarting the draft. When will this country wake up? Tuesday, March 30, 2004 ( 3:32 PM ) Hold Breath. Plunge. Well I did it. We did it. We made the decision that come hell or high water, I will go to grad school starting this June. I was initially accepted here for a Masters in Teaching program 2 years ago. Then I had a baby. Then my husband got laid off and I had to go back to work full time. They deferred me twice, but I didn't think my luck would hold out much longer (not to mention how drained I am from working in the soul-sucking cubicle atmosphere of corporate law firms the last 13 years of my life). So we summoned up all our courage to face a full year of no secure income, no secure health care, Mama up to her eyeballs studying and participating in group work and interning as a high school teacher and Daddy maybe no finding work and Baby turning 2 years old and ... well, you get the picture. But we figured probably if not now, never. So we're going into debt, I've applied for scholarships, we're scraping and saving and we're hoping that I will prove to be as good as I said I was in my application so that in a year or so I will begin a new incarnation as Mama The High School Teacher, imbuing high-risk students with the idea that the can actually make it in life, becoming a full fledged terrorist as part of a teacher's union, and getting really cool vacation hours. We shall see. First step taken. ( 1:35 PM ) Atrocities in Portland Once again, in less than a year, a little north of my neighborhood, a Portland police officer has shot and killed an unarmed African American at a traffic stop. Police said the motorist refused to produce a driver's license or get out of the car once he was pulled over for failing to signal a turn in North Portland. North Precinct Officer Jason Sery, 29, shot James Jahar Perez three times in the chest with a 9 mm handgun, police said. Sery fired after his partner, North Precinct Officer Sean Macomber, 30, had grabbed Perez's arm and was trying to remove him from the front seat of a four-door car, according to a preliminary police investigation. Once again, police used deadly force at a traffic stop. Okay, the guy didn't have his drivers license. Okay, maybe he was refusing to cooperate. They pulled him over for supposedly "failing to signal a turn." More likely, he was pulled over for DWB (driving while black). This shooting comes less than a year after a Portland cop shot and killed 21-year old, mother of 2, Kendra James at a traffic stop in the same neighborhood. She wasn't armed either. A call has been made, by even Portland's mayor, Vera Katz, to have a public investigation into the matter, and not a secret grand jury hearing, as was done in Kendra James' shooting. As our Beloved B!x reports, of course the police union is totally against a public inquiry. What is going ON?!?!?! Our neighbor called the cops the other night when, at midnight, cars were screeching down our back alley, crashing into each other. This was both disturbing the neighborhood peace and causing possible danger for residents. The cops didn't come. She called again. They finally came. Too late to do anything. Yet, here once again, they use deadly force at a traffic stop. I just don't get it. What are their priorities as cops? I was willing to listen to their side of the story when the inquiry into Kendra James' shooting took place. I have to admit that I am not so willing to listen or believe anything the cops say about this incident. We have a new police chief, not in small part due to the handling of the Kendra James case last year. But having a new chief hasn't seemed to change the general behavior of the cops. The two involved in the shooting of Mr. Perez are under 30 years old, though the bureau says they are "5-year veterans." So that means they've been carrying guns and doing police stuff since they were 25. I'm sorry, that doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence in their ability to maturely handle tough situations. We just had a huge investigation by a local weekly about our police's over-zealous use of tazers. Evidently, a tazer was used in this situation. The guy was pulled over for not signalling, for godsake! Even if he was resisting cooperating, even if he didn't have his driver's license on him - what in heaven's name could have provoked shooting him to death? I am heartbroken for his family, for my neighborhood, and for my city. If the cops aren't getting trained in how to handle situations like traffic stops without deadly force, even when they may escalate into confrontations, then what good are they as peace officers? It's getting harder and harder for me to want to tell my kid that cops are there to help us. ( 1:10 PM ) Air America Comes to Portland Jeff at Notes on the Atrocities gives us the rundown on who of our favorite bloggers we can expect to hear on our newly minted liberal radio station (here in Portland, still owned by Clear Channel - go figure). Here in Portland, it will start with Al Franken's new show at 9:00 a.m. on 620AM. I'll be at work, so if you hear it, let me know what it was like. Check out the new schedule. ( 1:05 PM ) Condi, Condi, Condi Condi's new hairdo. And a rendition of how the decision to let her testify must have taken place: Clearly, because the president doesn't need polls or focus groups to tell him how to make up his mind, here's what must have unfolded during the past week: The president and his top advisers spent hours discussing various theories of the constitutional separation of powers, examining the precedents, and generally ruminating on the significance and standards for claiming executive privilege, both for the immediate as well as long term. They brought constitutional scholars to Crawford as the president vacationed, and in long, tedious sessions weighed the merits of the various and competing theories related to the separation of powers, never for a moment averting their eyes from the broader goal of preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution. When they came out on the other side, this always- humble, self-effacing Administration arrived at a reasoned, measured, high-minded conclusion that, in order to uphold the country's highest principles, their initial resistance to allowing Rice to testify in public and under oath was bad for the country and our Constitution, and reversed their position accordingly. As if. ( 12:49 PM ) One of Our Own Daily Kos broke the news that a favorite guest blogger, Meteor Blades, nearly died last week from a pulmonary embollism. Here is Meteor Blades' diary about his experience. Despite everyone's desire to send him gifts, etc., he asked for none. But go over and wish him well. The internet is huge, but our blogosphere is small, and when one of our own is down, we need to let him know we miss him. Friday, March 26, 2004 ( 1:20 PM ) Poetry Friday: Haiku Letters To George W. Bush: On your work to prevent terror attacks pre-9/11: Too bad you did not Know we could be badly hurt But wait, you did know On your video shown of you goofing about looking for wmd: You must be pleased that Dead soldiers can't hear you laugh About why they died On your general demeanor as President: You pretend that you Are a sweet country boy but You are a bully To Condoleeza Rice: You fling your words like Drunken clowns dodging bulls but Distracting no one To Dick Cheney: Do you not speak the Truth, because you don't want to Strain your heart too much? To Justice Scalia: Profound good shines through When great men defend the truth; You'd rather hunt ducks To Richard Clarke: Profound good shines through When great men defend the truth; Thank goodness for you ( 6:28 AM ) Fiction ...or Policy? ...For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. ... Nor was it a satisfactory solution to keep the masses in poverty by restricting the output of goods... The problem was how to keep the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the [people in the] world. Goods must be produced, but they need not be distributed. And in practice the only way of achieving this was by continuous warfare. Thursday, March 25, 2004 ( 4:46 PM ) What Are They Thinking??! NPR has taken Bob Edwards off of Morning Edition. He has been an NPR host for 30 years, and next year would have been his 25th anniversary as Morning Edition host. The website offers no explanation other than he is being replaced. However his letter gives a little more information: I want to take this opportunity to assure you all that I will be here at NPR for the long haul. And while this transition will be difficult for me -- I am leaving a post that I have loved and have given my heart to -- I look forward to continuing to be a significant part of NPR and the amazing program lineup. MSNBC is more blunt. They explain that Bob has been "forced out" of his job. Spokeswoman Laura Gross said NPR’s programming and news management made the change because they’re trying to refresh all of the network’s broadcasts. “It’s part of a natural evolution,” she said. “A new host will bring new ideas and perspectives to the show. Bob’s voice will still be heard; he’ll still be a tremendous influence on the show. We just felt it was time for a change.” Sure, it makes sense to cut off the most popular host of an NPR program in its history, beloved by all his listeners, and a major reason why most of us listen in the morning. It's very disturbing. And incredibly disappointing. ( 2:23 PM ) In OTHER News... No one's paying attention (yet), but how about this little tidbit from our former Calpundit about the Republican Hammer: House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) has begun quiet discussions with a handful of colleagues about the possibility that he will have to step down from his leadership post temporarily if he is indicted by a Texas grand jury investigating alleged campaign finance abuses. ...Republican Conference rules state that a member of the elected leadership who has been indicted on a felony carrying a penalty of at least two years in prison must temporarily step down from the post. But back to the Scandalously Horrible Bush Administration - On the 9/11 Hearings Front: Billmon discusses the Fox News intervention into the Hearings yesterday. It wasn't the White House that leaked that memo, it was Fox News that leaked it back to the White House to help them out: But even by Fox News standards -- i.e. what they think they can get away with -- this is remarkable. In extremis, the VRWC has pulled out all the stops, dropping even the faintest pretense that Fox has any journalistic agenda, or even commercial agenda, that outranks its role as a semi-covert wing of the Republican Party propaganda machine. Voice of a Veteran puts it this way: The stupidity of Fox's attempt to help their man out in the White House - the Commander-in-Chief of Flip-Flops - was compounded by the fact that they forgot who their intended target was: Did they really think they would catch a former Chief of Counterterrorism off guard? It was a laughable and disgusting display by FOX who should issue an apology to the Commission and to the public. I am not holding my breath. Josh Marshall deconstruct's Condi's claims to immunity from testimony. Even though there is a long history of presidential aids, and even National Secuirty Advisors, testifying under oath, evidently, there is precedent for her claim that she can refuse. Four out of the five cases where presidential aides refused to testify were from the Nixon White House. Shocker. Digby notes that the Bush counterstrikes are about to get personal on Clarke. And Hesiod makes a HUGE catch out of the hearings yesterday - there were actual recordings of the meetings about terrorism! Wednesday, March 24, 2004 ( 3:46 PM ) Excited Again As you may or may not have noticed, my excitement about activism specifically for a political candidate retreated markedly after Dean left the presidential race. I'm not interested much in working for Kerry. I'm still waiting to see what his new national organization is going to offer, and I'm still in regular touch with my Dean buddies here in Portland. But today I got excited about working for a candidate again. This time it's for Portland's mayoral race. Only my Portland readers will probably be interested in this, but it's a great underdog-who-can-really-change-things story. I'm going to campaign for Tom Potter for Portland Mayor. There are a lot of things I still have to learn about Tom and his campaign, but there are a few very important things that made me decide early on that he is my candidate. Our mayoral primary is on May 18. Most likely it will be a run-off election. Tom's main opponent, Jim Fransesconi, while a democrat and veteran Portland politico, is in my opinion in the pocket of all the business interests of this city and has not made very many good choices in the last few months in his role as a Portland City Commissioner. Tom Potter is a former police chief and is still beloved by both the rank and file members of the force and by the community in which he worked. He is known for his social and community awareness and his work with various causes in Portland. He is also known for taking courageous stands. Good examples of this courage are his outspoken stance in support of civil rights and equality in marriage, and also his campaign promise not to accept any donation over $25 from an individual donor. This last thing is huge. He is determined that if he will win, it will be because he represents the issues and the people - not because he can win 650,000 votes with $1 million. But there is one key difference: Francesconi, a six-year city commissioner, is well on his way to being the first million-dollar candidate in the history of Portland city government--an eye-popping distinction that is causing a mixture of astonishment and revulsion even among his fellow commissioners at City Hall. For many, he has become the poster child for campaign-finance reform. In Potter, meanwhile, we have what voters say they want: a qualified candidate who can't be bought. [...] Potter, for his part, thinks this race is proof that something is wrong: "Something has changed in our society where money has become the driving issue for candidates, instead of their qualifications to hold office." [...] Others, however, think Francesconi has done favors for contributors. His campaign reports are rife with contributions from prominent members of the influential Portland Business Alliance--such as $10,000 from real-estate investor Melvin "Pete" Mark. That's why the commissioner's opposition in January 2003 to a resolution against the invasion of Iraq raised so many eyebrows. In explaining his position at a council meeting, Francesconi repeated almost word for word the text of a letter he'd received from the PBA opposing the resolution --this just days after he'd joined in a march to protest the invasion. So this is just my notice that Tom Potter is my new candidate and I will be doing everything I can to get him elected. To my local readers, I encourage you to check him out. We need change in this town as much as this country needs it. It's time that our mayor was more interested in the communities, neighborhoods and people of Portland more than being interested in big business and developing us out of existence. Vote Tom Potter for Mayor! ( 11:12 AM ) It's No Wonder... ...Richard Clarke couldn't work in the Bush Administration. He's an adult: Your government failed you. Those entrusted with protecting you failed you. I failed you. We tried hard, but we failed you ...I ask for your understanding, and your forgiveness. --Richard Clarke's opening statement to the 9/11 Commission. Imagine. Acknowledging responsibility and apologizing. It's enough to make a Mama believe there's hope for this country yet... until I remember this is the guy that had to quit. Tuesday, March 23, 2004 ( 4:48 PM ) Memory Revisions The way the Bush people are backpedalling these days, it's a wonder they don't just moonwalk everywhere. It's hard to know where to start with a discussion on all the crap that is coming out of their mouths this week. But in total, it reminds me of the much used allegory of "1984." I am actually reading this book for the first time right now (I never did read it in school). It's hard not to draw the conclusions that everyone does about this administration and its eerily similarity to Big Brother's Government. With the Ministry of Truth being the main issue this week. In the book, the main character's job is to go back and alter historical records (newspapers, books, etc) to reflect the current Party line. The theory being, if it isn't written down, it didn't really happen. The Party believes if you repeat something enough as being not true, the actual memory gives way to the "altered" memory. The tap dancing being done by Scott McClellan, Condoleeza Rice and even the President this week makes me think that they believe they can alter true memory and actually tell us something and we'll forget what actually happened. The press so far has done a good job of going along with this plan, but cracks are starting to show this week, since Richard Clarke's testimony is simply too big an elephant in the room to be ignored. So of the several excuses that have been given in response to Clarke this week, I can't find one that doesn't make the administration look totally stupid. 1. Richard Clarke was "out of the loop." - Dick Cheney said this on his ridiculous emergency interview with Rush Limbaugh yesterday (the fact that Cheney went on Limbaugh and not regular television is another issue). So why did they keep him as Counterterrorism Coordinator and then put him out of the "loop?" That smacks of incompetence at the very least and stupidity at the most. 2. Richard Clarke is a disgruntled former employee who is politically motivated. - He worked for 30 years and for four different administrations, and he even stayed on 3 years with the BushII admin while things got frustratingly worse. He is known to be incredibly hawkish, even sharing opinions with the likes of Richard Perle. He has no role or offered role with the Kerry team, and he has never professed to be a democrat. The administration seems to have a problem with hiring so many of these potentially disgruntled whistleblowers. Josh Marshall puts it best: It's amazing how many partisan Democrats and disgruntled former employees working under cover as career civil servants, spies and military officers have betrayed this president. It just seems to happen again and again and again. I mean, just think of the list: Rand Beers, well-known partisan Democrat and hack, Richard Clarke, self-promoter, disgruntled former employee, and "self-regarding buffoon", Karen Kwiatkowski, conspiracy theorist and all-around freak, Valerie Plame, hack and nepotist, Joe Wilson, partisan hack, self-promoter and shameless green tea lover. When will the abuse end? Josh left out Paul O'Neill - another abusive former employee. This poor, poor administration, how they have been victimized! 3. Finally, yesterday, the administration thought they could level this argument against Clarke: his resignation letter mentions some appreciation for the president. Thus, he is a lying flip-flopper who doesn't stick to his story. Again Josh Marshall: Spin and push-back is a delicate art. Used indiscriminately it can show how weak your real case must be. Case in point. This afternoon the White House released Richard Clarke's resignation letter from January 2003, arguing that boilerplate praise for the president contained in the letter shows that Clarke has flipflopped and is thus a hypocrite. Here's the phrase that they're highlighting: "It has been an enormous privilege to serve you these last 24 months ... I will always remember the courage, determination, calm, and leadership you demonstrated on September 11th." The best they can do. Lame. That's what they are. No, worse than lame. Lying bastards and cheaters. Condoleeza Rice does not testify in public hearings because she does not want to risk being prosecuted at a later time for lying under oath. There is nothing they can do but tread water on this stuff. They came into office with a set agenda. It was all Iraq, all missle defense. Who of us doesn't remember this? We got our first taste of how inadequately they were addressing current world issues when in May 2001, one of our planes was shot down in China. They had no resources with which to deal with the issue - not even a China desk in intelligence to brief them immediately. They were woefully unprepared for dealing with the current international crisis issues, and they didn't care. Let me just say one other thing about the hearings this morning. I heard part of Tenet's testimony, and once again he went down the path of "oh, woe is the CIA because we didn't have the resources because CONGRESS made us cut our budget and operations after the Church hearings." I'm sorry. If the reason 9/11 happened was because the CIA didn't conduct more operations, then it's not Congress' fault, it is squarely the fault of the CIA. They abused their power and resources in the 1960's and 1970's. If they hadn't done that, if they hadn't misused, abused, misled and even killed American citizens, then they wouldn't have had to face the Church Commission, and they wouldn't have had to deal with the consequences. I find a similar pattern now starting to backwash onto Bush and his cold-war cronies. They were the ones who committed the wrongs and who committed the ommissions. Yes, there were significant problems with the FBI (SIGNIFICANT) not passing on domestic intelligence and coordinating with the CIA, but the administration must bear the brunt of its actions - the fact that they were wholly focused on Iraq and even AFTER 9/11, only used that event to further their original goals instead of totally shifting their policies to address the true issues, then we would be safer now. But we're not. And we won't be until the whole truth comes out and until these people leave Washington. And now they're trying to tell us that they never did this, that they never did that - they are trying to revise our memories and pretend they didn't say things, that they didn't purposely lead Americans to believe things, that they didn't respond in horrendous ways to 9/11. But the difference between our current reality and 1984 is that we do have the proof that they lied, we do have the proof that they continue to lie, and we do have the ability to make that truth more powerful than whatever lies they use to try to adjust history. This administration has done NOTHING that has helped this country. I can't think of one thing. Hopefully the voting American public in November won't be able to either. UPDATE: Pictures say 1000 words - nothing like a political cartoon to put it in concise perspective. |