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Adrian Warnock is a Christian Psychiatrist currently working for a pharmaceutical company in the UK. He is also a regular preacher, and a father to four children.

Opinions expressed in this blog are Adrian Warnock's alone, and do not represent the views of his church, employer or anyone else for that matter!

Please do email Adrian Warnock. Unless otherwise requested all emails will be considered for publication.

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Adrian Warnock's UK Blog 
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

London BOMB plot foiled -now THIS is a cause for rejoicing.,....!

Eight men arrested, half a ton of ammmonium nitrate seized (this chemical has been used in many terrorist bombings) and the BBC report on "intelligence suggestions a plot to bomb civilians may have been foiled." Wait my slides are splitting with laughter! And no we didnt use a helicopter gunship to hunt these people down, and right now they are being questioned by police rather than being in several pieces.

Of course it could only be a typical British response to state that there is now a "mood of 'restrained jubilation' among security services who believed they had stopped a plot at an early stage."

Well stuff the restraint- this calls for jubilation! The stuff they seized could have killed a lot of londoners- one of the suspects even worked at Gatwick Airport so I am told. What I like most about this is that we haven't given these people the dignity of being considered soldiers and being shot at- they are holed up as common criminals having been arrested by the good old English Bobby. They will also have the chance to explain what they were doing with so much of this chemical, and given a fair trial if that is appropriate.

Maybe finally people will stop saying that the threat is not real, that it is hyped up by Bush and Blair. This was perhaps a close shave, and we must ALL be vigilant.

Posted by Adrian @ 22:49 |

Church journeying......

ireneQ's journey away from what she perceives as (and probably indeed ARE) excesses in the charismatic churches she has attended and back towards a more traditional approach has interested me. Today she posts about the church she visited on Sunday and it seems the tradition wasnt quite what she was looking for.

It made me think for about the 10000th time why is it that so many churches are 'solid and biblical' but boring and possibly almost lifeless, whilst so many others are 'filled with the Spirit' and excititement but hyped and with emotional blackmail and frankly false teaching.

O for more churches that have solid biblical doctrine set on fire by the Holy Spirit. I thank God that I go to a church like that. If you want to hear lively preaching that is still rooted in the bible, have a look at Jubilee Sermons where you can download loads of sermons for FREE (no we dont even have an online donation facility!)

Posted by Adrian @ 22:48 |

My friend Nick

Nick Queen over at Patriot Paradox has described me as a personal friend. Well Nick, the feeling is definitely mutual.

Nick also today issued a Note of Caution to Blogdom of God Brothers and Sisters. Now, this post quotes one of mine to him and wether it was intentional or not I started to wonder if Nick was intending to warn ME! (Perhaps you might say, if the cap fits wear it!). Anyway I have had enough of blog wars for now........

Posted by Adrian @ 22:40 |

Homosexuality, the church, and the 'Messy Christian'

I am not going to comment on this post, except to say that I think you should go and read it, and think very carefully about its implications. A swift knee-jerk reaction either of accepting every implication of it, or of rejecting it in its entirety is definitely not what is called for. I think I am going to like this blog of the Messy Christian as I like blogs that make me think.

Posted by Adrian @ 22:30 |

UK reviews of 'the passion of the christ' begin

LAughing Giraffe believes: "The Passion of the Christ is not anti-semitic. It is a film about personal choice, forgiveness, the moral triumph of compassion in the face of extreme brutality; another interpretation of an age old story. Given Gibson's graphic portrayal of Jesus' last hours even I, a non-Christian, can see why the woman sat to my right walked out and the man in front was crying between prayers!"

I finally get to see it on Thursday- it has been sold out several times at my local cinema!

Posted by Adrian @ 22:21 |

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Welcome to a new member of the Blogdom of God.....

Have a look at Messy Christian

Posted by Adrian @ 08:48 |

Saturday, March 27, 2004

The Passion hits the UK

Iconoblog reports : "One film critic described it as “the film that refuses to go away, about a Saviour who refuses to stay dead. You may not like what it says, but you can’t avoid the Jesus it portrays”.

Friends have seen it, and said almost everyone was crying and the cinema was silent as people filed out afterwards.

Posted by Adrian @ 23:00 |

Out of the mouths of babes...

Life is so simple for a five year old boy. My son Henry quite seriously stated to me the other day that I was the strongest person in the whole world except for God.

Wheter that has anything to do with the fact that I am the only one he is allowed to play fight (perhaps Dad is the only one strong enough to take his ever harder punches!)

But I guess I am the protector to him, and he quite clearly still idolises me. It wont last long judging from his seven year old sister Tamasins reaction to this. She just laughed!

Posted by Adrian @ 22:56 |

The Blogdom of God advances

Over at The Truth Laid Bear the latest stats are as follows

Unique Inbound Links
Instapundit: 2556
The Alliance of Free Blogs: 20145
The Axis of Naughty: 4482
The Liberal Coalition: 2542
The Blogdom of God: 8849

Average Daily Visits (via SiteMeter)
Instapundit: 80394
The Alliance of Free Blogs: 25417
The Axis of Naughty: 6826
The Liberal Coalition: 5389
The Blogdom of God: 19697

There is still a vast imbalance between the number of visits we all get as a group and the number of links to our blogs there are. It would be really great if all members of the blogdom made an effort to cross link either in highlighting posts or in adding some of the sites to their blogroll.

The Blogdom is already a force to be reckoned with- not least in terms of traffic, lets direct more of that traffic to each other by links shall we, and soon this alliance will be the most popular on the system.

So what you might well ask. Well, hopefully by enhancing the popularity of individual blogs and the group, we make it more likely that unbelievers will come accross the blogs and hopefully be influenced by them. Besides which, I am sure that most of us blog with a desire to be read by others.

Posted by Adrian @ 12:02 |

HAppy blogiversary

Le Sabot Post-Moderne turns one today and celebrates it with a brilliant post about a new flower symbol for the Arminians- the Daisy. So which is it to be the daisy or the tulip?

Posted by Adrian @ 11:48 |

Meditation Vs Prayer

A reader of my blog wrote
Dr. Warnock,

I was hoping you might be able to give me a little insight into a
difficult issue my wife is facing at work. She enjoys her job, though the atmosphere of the place has a distinct New Age flavor (aroma therapy, soothing music, etc.). She is, of course, accustomed to working in a non-Christian environment, so she goes about her day not imposing her beliefs on anyone but also not compromising herself.

One thing, though, rubs her the wrong way terribly. Every morning, the staff meet to discuss the day's business, then they close the meeting with a "meditation." It works almost exactly like a group prayer, but they don't call it prayer and they certainly don't pray to the one true God. Her bosses insist that it is clinically therapeutic in nature, and in no way religious. We know knowledgeable Christians and knowledgeable therapists, but no one who can see the issue from both perspectives and offer a trained opinion. I thought of you since you're a Christian psychiatrist. Maybe, as I said, you might have some insight.

The meditation takes the form of asking how peoples days were, finding a focus for meditation such as images from nature or a finding a positive feature of onself. Then people are asked to state a feeling that everyone can relate to as a focus.

My wife is uncomfortable with it, but she decided that she could use
the time to pray to God without interfering with others' meditation.
The problem is that the staff take it in turns to lead the meditation,
something she doesn't feel she can do without committing sacrilege.

Looking objectively at the protocol on paper, neither of us see
anything particularly evil about it. Each step taken alone is fairly
innocuous. Nothing wrong with focusing on an emotion, nothing wrong with ringing a chime, nothing wrong with sharing feelings with a group, etc. Put together, though, along with the New Age atmosphere (though New Age philosophy is never explicitly stated and sometimes explicitly denied) and an executive director with something of a god complex, it feels wrong.

My wife's professional colleagues don't understand her religious
perspective, and her Christian friends (including me) don't understand the clinical perspective. Do you have any thoughts that might help?

My reply
You raise a fascinating issue, which Christians will disagree on.

We must remember that meditation is a Christian discipline that the world has taken on and corrupted.

To be honest, in some of these situations Christians are uncomfortable mainly because they are not happy simply sitting in quietness.

The bible says “Be still, and know that I am God" Ps 46:10. In our hurry and bustle of trying to serve God and others we find being still to be rather threatening.

Meditation can take many forms. What you describe sounds harmless enough. Biblical medication involves filling the mind with truth, and focusing on God. Some sorts of nonchristian meditation asks you to empty your mind. That to me is always unhelpful, and potentially dangerous. Remember what Jesus said about a house that gets swept clean? (Lk 11:24-26).

Clearly also, any kind of meditation that is in any way religious in its context would not be acceptable to a Christian. But if no worship is going on, no emptying of the minds, and no mantras/chants I suspect that most Christians will have little problem with it.

But at the end of the day, the bible is clear that whateve is not of faith is sin (Ro 14:23) If you feel uncomfortable, dont be pushed into doing something.

Posted by Adrian @ 10:57 |

Thursday, March 25, 2004

To negotiate or to Kill?

In the light of our transatlantic spat over the death of a man in a wheelchair, I found it interesting to note that on the same day that Tony Blair met Gaddafi in a tent, I heard on the radio (but now cannot confirm on the net) an American apparently testified to the 911 commission that the US had attempted to kill him in the 90s.

I wonder how many of those who have been celebrating the death of the Hamas leader would have rather we sent an assasin to Tripoli than the man who some poeple jokingly called the American Foreign Secretary during the run up to Iraq.

I guess the key point is are we, or for that matter, are the Israelis actually at war? If so then there is an argument to justify attacking the leader of your enemy. Lillacrose expounded this view admirably- and I was very glad to note that I was not considered to be part of the pacifist leaning blogs that fail to condemn the evil committed by terrorists.

Of course the real question is are we and/or the Israelis at war? Clearly terrrorists don't play by the rules of war, and as such one could argue both for and against us using the principles of war in our battle against them. Remember the English tried fighting 'terrorism' in our colonies for years. When we look back on it, we call it freedom fighting, but at the time we called it terrorism. Of course even the war of independance was pretty brutal.

In the end the British withdrew from colonies, and arguably through the lens of history this somehow rehabilitates the terrorists. There are many people who have previously been described as terrorists who went on to found a state and be seen as heroes. Mandella was described as a terrorist by some.

In Ireland, we are now slowly trying to build peace with people who have committed terrorist attrocities.

I have never said that negotiation is the only way however. What I described possibly unhelpfully as 'legal and restrained ways of acting' in my book can sometimes include deadly violence. It is all about knowing when it is appropriate to stretch out our might and crush, and when to negotiate. I admire Blair for acting consistantly with his own convictions as to what was right and appropriate even though it is often intensely unpopular- He showed moral courage in his decisions both to go to war and for greeting Gadaffi. Even if you think he was wrong on one or the other or both of those decisions, you have to admire his courage in making them.

Getting back to the death of an old man with a resemblance to a character in the Lord of the Rings Joshua Claybourn states: "Please, by all means, question whether Yassin was brought to justice in the proper way. But don't for one second ignore his atrocities, as far too many have done."

That is very much where I am on this.

Certainly I roundly condemn as evil all terrorist acts. I feel much happier knowing that Sadaam was not killed but captured, however, although if he had died resisting arrest (as his sons did) or been taken out during a declared war (o yes, we dont declare war any more do we.......) I would not have criticised that- as an evil man dying by the sword is an appropriate biblical context.

But actually, I got into this argument predominantly about whether it is appropriate to make jokes (funny ones admittadly- I liked it back in Sept, Josh) about a man who has just been killed. Nothing I have seen has made me reconsider for a second my immediate thought that it is not.

This discussion has shocked me in places- the joy seen in some posts at anothers death was very uncomfortable, as were the assumptions that I was somehow anti-Jew by some. But the discussion has also helped me get my own head arround the crazy world in which we live where the 'war on terrorism' has yet to be thought through fully in all its implications.

Blogs are a great place for a meeting of minds. Somehow I think the ideas we have been raising will not quickly go away.

My final point is, I am concerned that in our 'war' on terrorism we risk loosing sight of our own principles, using methods that we would not usually consider and strangely then giving more legitamacy to th terrorists. Lets keep our values, they are worth dying for.

Posted by Adrian @ 22:57 |

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Walloworld: The Christian Carnival: C.S. Lewis Edition

Pop over to Walloworld:

Posted by Adrian @ 22:32 |

Just what are we all fighting for.......

I am sorry to so bang on about this, and sooner or later no doubt I will just 'blog on', but really you guys. I thought that we stood for good, justice and the American way. Since when does that involve cold blooded murder of your enemy without even giving them a chance to surrender? Its kind of like shooting the guy in the Western in the back as he walks his 50 paces.....

What about this quote from a reader- is he for real?

I don't know what town you live in, but suppose there was someone in your town who went about blowing up school busses full of children. AND, you knew who it was. AND, he commnaded a large gang of thugs, so the police couldn't just go in and arrest him. He'd been warned many times to stop killing your children, but WOULD NOT STOP. What would you do. You. It's all in your hands. YOU'RE THE MAN! Do something.

IF there was a direct confrontation, and IF I had given him the chance to come quietly, OR if he was putting my life in jeopardy so I had to act quickly, sure I would kill him.

But, if I plotted his murder in cold blood and shot him outside his church without any warning, I would be sent to prison.

Murder is different to trying to apprehend someone and killing them or direct self defence. No this isnt self defence as there WAS an alternative to killing him- its called capture and trial.

Hope that is clear.

But what is more important is that IF anyone would put an opportunitstic joke around about the murder I had just committed it would be seen as very poor taste. The joke, as Josh has since confesssed was an old one anyway (last Sept I remember seeing it and thinking it was funny THEN).

It is just a matter of taste, decorum and all that. Can anyone seriously tell me that cold blooded murder is ever right?

Posted by Adrian @ 19:16 |

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I am not alone.....

Haydur's World asked of Joshua's post: "Was that in bad taste? Yeah, kind of. But, if you look at it from my point of view, the guy looked no different than any elderly hasidic Jewish guy you see"

Posted by Adrian @ 23:24 |

Telegraph: 'It may have been right to kill Yassin, but it was also stupid'

The British newspaper, The Telegraph in a peice examining the strategy of killing Yassin states: "The fact that this paraplegic was killed as he returned from religious observance, on a route he used daily, will give Israel's friends pause for concern. We live in a world where image counts for a lot. His wheelchair blown apart by the best of Israeli and American technology will become an icon for the Islamic world. "

Posted by Adrian @ 23:16 |

Was I "Not seeing the funny side"

Over at Connexion I was glad to see I wasnt the ONLY one who posted their belief that Josh was being inappropriate, and more seriously the impression (since corrected by Josh) that he was rejoicing over a death.

But I am surprised by the request for both me and theconnexion to 'correct' our posts. Actually Josh goes onto say he WAS glad that the man had died, and so I think that we were not too far off the mark.

By all means make the comparison, but the whole tone of the post is in my view inappropriate.

There is all the difference in the world between killing your enemy when trying to capture them (eg Sadaam's sons), and using a helicopter gunship to take out someone who may not even have had guards with him.

I am just so glad that the Americans didnt do what the whole world expected them to do and blast Sadaam out of the ground when they found him.

Justice is best served by capturing criminals and trying them. I know a life in prison seems to many too weak a punishment, but I am sure many would prefer to die than experience that.

I am not 'weak', but I draw the line and condoning this kind of violence without even an attempt at capture.

Gutless pacifistpointed out that: "Israel shot a missle into a crowd killing a paraplegic holy man in palestine along with seven bystanders. Witnesses say the missle hit the man in the chest and destroyed him and his wheelchair." He also cites the many other bystanders that Israel has also killed in assasination attempts. Can we really support this kind of action?

Put it this way, would you crack a joke at a funeral for eight people? Would you talk about people rejoicing? If you did do that, would you think it was reasonable for people to assume you were at least happy about the death (something Josh admits he was). Might some people make the assumption that you were rejoicing over the death (which Josh insists he wasnt- so I accept he wasnt)

Posted by Adrian @ 20:02 |

Bombshell Sunday

MAcwent to church yesterday

Tell us more Mac, what was the worship like, what about the sermon?

Posted by Adrian @ 05:49 |

Monday, March 22, 2004

Preaching on the Passion

In a sermon entitled Mother's pain, world's gain based on Luke 2:22-35, I discuss the death of Jesus, and the Mel Gibson Film. Have a listen if you like......

Posted by Adrian @ 20:30 |

Josh's Hamas joke- in bad taste?

Joshua Claybourn celebrates the death of Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin by likening him to Saruman. Call me a liberal European, Josh but I find it slightly tasteless to rejoice over any death- especially one carried out in a manner to lower the Israelis to the same level as the terrorists.

If the methods of victims do not differ from that of their attackers, who is to say who the victims now are?

Sadly the story of terrorism in Israel is of attack and counter attack, and of atrocities on both sides.

The use of a strict 'Eye for an Eye' doctrine can only escalate the situation. The British realised this in Ireland through their mistakes.

Negotiation with the Pallestinians is the only sensible answer, and a determination to act by legal and restrained ways.

Of course, no one knows what some terrorist groups actually want- and to negotiate with them is problematic in the extreme!

Terrorists need groups of ordinary people who are loosely sympathetic to their aims if not their methods to survive. When such groups see actions such as that which ocured in Israel it is difficult to tell them that the terrorists methods are unacceptable whilst similar acts are being perpetrated by their victims.

UPDATE (From comments section)

Joshua Claybourn replies
I'm rejoicing over his death? Please point out the rejoicing with quotes.

Do you not think Ahmed Yassin looks like Saruman? The similarities are striking. But I'm still confused about where there's rejoicing.
Adrian'The Hobbits of the Middle East Middle Earth will rejoice.'

And generally the poor taste of the piece....

Yes point out the likeness, but I think all the hobbit stuff is a bit premature. The death of any man is not the best opporunity for a joke in my book!



Adrian, you're misinterpreting "The Hobbits of the Middle East Middle Earth will rejoice." Do you not think some Israelis will be rejoicing? Surely they'll understand retaliation will come their way, but I'd imagine that on the whole they supported his death. Either way, I see no rejoicing on my part. I do think his death is justified, but I don't usually rejoice over deaths.

You write that I'm rejoicing over his death when I am not. That's a false statement and I'd ask that you correct it.

As for the poor taste, we just disagree. The similarities are much too striking and I have no regrets pointing them out.


It just comes accross as a celebratory post, Josh. Maybe its a cross cultural thing. You know- the British and the Americans are divided by a common language and all that.

I am quite happy to accept your word for your lack of rejoicing over this, but wonder if I am the only one who would have interpreted it this way?

Posted by Adrian @ 20:23 |

You know you always wanted to fight me- so fight my imp!

Thanks to Patriot Paradox who's imp was a big LOOSER to my new one. If you think you can take it on have a go.....

Battle report Versus Patriot Paradox
(Stat+d10 Vs Stat+d10)

Backstabbing: Adrian Warnock wins
Dodgin': Adrian Warnock wins
Guts: Adrian Warnock wins
Magic Mojo: Patriot Paradox wins
Smackdown: Adrian Warnock wins

Adrian Warnock wins!

Adrian Warnock's
Battle Imp

Who's your battle imp?

Backstabbing: 2

Dodgin': 7

Guts: 7

Magic Mojo: 4

Smackdown: 2

Will your battle imp beat Adrian Warnock's?
Enter your name and fight.

Posted by Adrian @ 20:00 |

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Better late than never

Having forgotten both the UK mothers day and Joshua Claybourns blogday: I feel terrible. Still a belated congratulations is better than none at all. So this link and a phone call to my mum have absolved my guilt.

Joshua has a great blog, which has long been one of my favorite reads. It is one of the most popular Christian Blogs.

The other thing about Josh that is so excelent is his encouragement of other lesser bloggers! I have certainly appreciated that in the almost one year I have been blogging.

Well done Josh- dont even think about giving up! You truly are the King of Christian Blogs in my view.

Posted by Adrian @ 09:50 |

The expectations of others.....

Today is Mothering Sunday in the UK. I am preaching. One interesting thing has been the very different helpful suggestions I have had. Firstly some have suggested that I simply speak about motherhood or the family, but one of my friends said 'Thats lame' and was very clear that was not what he was expecting.

It can be helpful to begin your preach from where people are at in terms of their thinking that day. So, since today is Mothers day and later this week is the Passion, perhaps I can keep both happy by talking about the cross from Mary's point of view.

So I plan to speak from Luke 2:22 and Ps 22. I don't feel well prepared, this hasnt been one of my better weaks. So if you get a chance to read this before about 11-30am GMT then please send up a prayer- I could use Gods help even more than usual.

Posted by Adrian @ 06:46 |

Friday, March 19, 2004

"Passion" may be biggest movie ever?

Holywood take note- I guess some distributors must be kicking themselves as the Passion grosses more than the Matrix reloaded and keeps going strong. I wonder how it will do in pagan England where it opens next week.

Posted by Adrian @ 01:08 |

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Iraq, Spain and church

Anywone who says 'I like your website, Adrian, it's one of the best.' in a comment, deserves to have that comment repeated in its entirety here for all to see! And what is more, Allison has hit the nail on the head in responding BOTH to what I have been saying about Iraq/Spain AND the church. There definitely IS a link in my mind and she has picked it up well (clearly at least one other person thinks in as wacky a way as me!)

I think what I was driving at is that the terrorist, the lone 'killer' and the unchurched all have one thing in common- a sense of unconnectedness. Granted some terrorists may be well connected to a community, but I cannot believe that they will see themselves as part of the community they attack.

Alison is so right that carrot and stick are needed though, and none of my comments previously about reaching out to include others who are different to us should mean that we dont fight terrorism in other ways.

I guess I just see two fronts, some hardline opponents will never be won over- those we have to fight to protect ourselves. There are, however a massive pool of people (possibly the majority) who no longer feel part of a church, a neighbourhood, a community. Out of this pool a tiny minority may become our active enemies- but it is not too late for them. We need to somehow reach out to these people even when they are totally different to us. Somehow a multicultural society must be born. Even a simple smile exchanged on a bus can make all the difference to some.

Arguably the very best place for such a community is the church, which is on earth to represent Gods multicoloured wisdom. Anyway without further ado on to Allison's post

I think it's been pretty obvious when dealing with Iraq that the carrot doesn't work. Especially since every bit of carrot that was dangled went directly into the pockets of the dictators, and the sick, hungry Iraqis didn't see any of it. I'm not saying I'm in favor of the stick, but sometimes it's the only thing that works.

Regarding the type of demonstration you see in Spain, I don't think you see much of it in the United States at this point, although it may come to that. We have our share of demonstrations, but instead of being unifying, they are usually "against" something and often include a number of people from other countries. One example, the violent demonstrations in the cities where the World Trade Organization meetings are held. Another example, the 1-1/2 million people who are expected from other countries to demonstrate at the Republican Convention this summer. Or the pro-abortion groups that demonstrate in Washington DC on a regular basis. For a totally different reason, you see demonstrations in the cities of both the winners and the losers after the Superbowl or the World Series, often resulting in outrageous vandalism, injury and death.

After 9/11, Americans reacted by hoisting the American flag (for which we were roundly critized by our neighbors across the sea), attending church on the day of mourning, memorial services, and greater attendance at Independence day and Memorial day parades.

After the invasion (or rescue) of Iraq, anti-war demonstrations and counter-demonstrations were held in almost every major city in the country. I attended one out of curiousity and talked to a lot of the demonstrators. Most of the anti-war group were self-proclaimed anarchists who wanted to move to Europe where there "are no laws" (an interesting thought), but the rest seemed to be upset over other issues, like the economy (one woman was demonstrating against the war, but she was really just upset that her 401K had lost $50,000).

Having said all that in defense of America, you will have a hard time finding American Christians who are willing to inconvenience themselves for each other. There is no feeling of being unison -- no mandate to take care of each other or support each other. Every now and then there is a cause or a bandwagon that people get on, and it's in the news for awhile, but the average Christian in America really doesn't care if their neighbor has enough to eat or stays warm at night. This is a complete turn-around from the way it was 10 to 20 years ago, and it might be traceable to the advent of the "mega-church." Now the average church is looking for people from the upper-middle to upper class to fill up their empty pews and are competing with each other to see who can bring in the most superstars to perform on Sunday morning. To see the "must read" movies or see the "must read" books or go to the "must attend" conferenc or ingest the "God-ordained" vitamin supplement you have to have big dollars.

The other thing that happened during the last ten years to disconnect us from each other was the 8-year presidency of Bill Clinton who, doing what he does best, divided the country radically along political lines, creating a new standard for divisiveness and hatred. He reveled in making enemies where there used to be friends and breeding intolerance where we used to be able to co-exist. Because he called himself a Christian, he set a standard that didn't stay in secular America but carried over into the church.

We are living in such a disconnected, fragmented country, that I don't know if it can be saved. We just don't care about each other any more. On those rare occasions (like 911) when we are able to muster some unity and connectedness, we are mocked by other nations.

I realize this I am writing not only in response to this post, but to several of your recent posts about the church, but there does seem to be some connection, at least in my mind. At any rate, what you said struck a nerve with me today, and I had to get this off my chest.

Posted by Adrian @ 23:53 |

Mac the Meek!!

I am not so ungracious as to suggest Mac has been getting a taste of his own medicine, but he has had to ask some commentators to tone it down a little on his blog! It seems 20+ comments full of condemnation was too much for our friend Macsaid :

"Believe me, I understand your frustrations, perhaps more than many others probably do, but going off on a tirade on a daily basis is simply an unprofitable venture. I do it myself, but I recognize that it's the wrong thing to do, so I struggle ever onward towards a spiritual walk that is more meek and gentle, and befitting my LORD.

It makes little sense to get so worked up over the evil and apostasy in this world ALL the time, which is why we're admonished according to Scripture:

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

Of course, I apply this to myself as well. So I ask, please calm down, and rejoice in that God has given you eyes to see. If not, I may have no choice but to start moderating your comments, and I really do not want to have to do that."

Posted by Adrian @ 18:35 |

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Out of the mouths of babes....

Tamasin has been a realy cutey today. Andree was playing piano and getting frustrated at how a particular aspect was difficult. Tamasin patted her on the shoulder and said 'Its such a shame mummy, you havent anyone here to help you with your piano- you help me but no one helps you.'

Then this evening, I asked her to tell ME a bible story. She switched out the light and begun very seriously 'Once it was all dark. Then God was fed up. Because he didnt have anyone to talk to he decided to make the world'- at this point I interupted and said 'What about Jesus' she then said 'well that was the only one, you cant talk to the Holy Spirit because he's like the wind.'

Posted by Adrian @ 22:17 |

More on Spain and Iraq

Andrew Sullivan couldnt get much clearer about his views of the Spanish: "Romano Prodi, the chief of the European Commission, puts it as bluntly as anyone: 'It is clear that using force is not the answer to resolving the conflict with terrorists,' Prodi said. 'Terrorism is infinitely more powerful than a year ago.' This is classic appeasement. And it's also demonstrably untrue. Al Qaeda has been seriously weakened since 9/11, thanks almost entirely to those countries, especially the U.S., that chose to confront it. But it seems clear to me that the trend in Europe is now either appeasement of terror or active alliance with it. It is hard to view the results in Spain as anything but a choice between Bush and al Qaeda. Al Qaeda won. "

Posted by Adrian @ 19:53 |

Monday, March 15, 2004

A new blog is born.....

Through a Glass Darkly in the first week of posting asks: "Why is it so difficult to remain firmly committed to Evangelical distinctives without sliding into anti-intellectualism?

This looks like being an interesting blog.......

Posted by Adrian @ 22:45 |

The madrid bombings were all about Iraq..... or maybe not?

Andrew Sullivan says Íf the appeasement brigade really do believe that the war to depose Saddam is and was utterly unconnected with the war against al Qaeda, then why on earth would al Qaeda respond by targeting Spain? If the two issues are completely unrelated, why has al Qaeda made the connection? The answer is obvious: the removal of the Taliban and the Saddam dictatorship were two major blows to the cause of Islamist terror. They removed an al Qaeda client state and a potential harbor for terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.´

on the other hand......

Victor Hansom Davis' is quoted by Limbicnutrition as saying ´Two-and-a-half years after September 11, on a similar eleventh day of the month, 911 days following 9-11, and on the eve of Spanish elections, Al Qaeda or its epigones blows up 200 and wounds 1,400 Spaniards. This horrific attack follows chaotic months when Turks were similarly butchered (who opposed the Iraq War), Saudis were targeted (who opposed the Iraqi war), Moroccans were blown apart (who opposed the Iraqi war) and French periodically threatened (who opposed the Iraqi War).

And the response? If we were looking for Churchill to step from the rubble, we got instead Daladier. The Spanish electorate immediately and overwhelmingly connected the horror with its present conservative government’s support for Operation Iraqi Freedom. If the United States went to Afghanistan in 26 days following the murder of 3,000 of its citizens to hunt down their killers and remove the fascists who sponsored them, Spaniards took to the streets with Paz placards and about 48 hours later voted in record numbers to appease the terrorists.

So the million dollar question- did Osma and his colleagues believe they would influence the Spanish elections. Personally I find it hard to believe they didnt.

Posted by Adrian @ 17:32 |