Category: hill


Ask And Ye Shall Receive It on the Rear End

Quick work. Save Washingtonienne Bumper Sticker [CafeShops]... [more]

Save Washingtonienne! Or: We Are All Washingtonienne Now

We've now received two reports of cars -- well, a car, maybe -- on the Hill spotted with a "Save Washingtonienne!" bumper sticker. . . • hi--just saw a "save washingtonienne!" bumper sticker on my way to the Hart building... [more]

Washingtonienne Lives

Someone has performed a public service (and isn't even getting $400 for it):What is this? This is an exact reproduction (from cache) of the Washingtonienne blog that was featured in stories at Wonkette, Wizbang, and Swamp City. Washingtonienne [WashingtonienneArchive]... [more]

Timely Commentary from Roll Call

They make it sound so dirty. Blog and Tell [Roll Call]... [more]

Gossip Roundup: A Very Sensitive Area Edition

• Reliable Source: DeWine flak limits comment to "We're looking at it right now. We're looking into the situation". . . Gene Sperling marries television writer. . . Frist's son charged with driving with intoxicated. . . 750 people in... [more]

Election Recycling: He Really Does Read the Newspaper Edition

• Bush to speak about Iraq on weekly basis; speech on Monday about transfer of power; Bush may meet U.N. Security Council. [WP] • Nader, Kerry meet to discuss economic issues. Nader compares Kerry, Gore to "the difference between a... [more]

Wonk'd: Free Money From the Government Edition

Sightings of obscure infomercial stars, West Wing cast members, and other famous-for-D.C. types are sent in by readers. Send yours to m("tips","",true);. In this issue: Matthew Lesko (the Matthew Lesko!), Omarosa, Rocca (x2), Dole, Malina, Schiff, McCormack, Cooper, Russert, Woodruff,... [more]

Abu Ghraib: Who's in Charge?

In a Bloomberg story on the senate testimony of Army Lieutenant General Ricardo S. Sanchez, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, we learn that Sanchez disputed the assertion that military intelligence "ran" the prison. Rather, the military intelligence brigade commander... [more]

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