Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. has posted a good review of some reasons why it's ludicrous to deny that the Bush administration had an Iraq fixation. He also observes that the partisans exchanging fire over Richard Clarke's book, testimony, and other 9/11 commission revelations will undoubtedly continue to agree on one thing when the page is turned on this particular chapter; the gov't should be given even more money and power to combat terrorism.
Rockwell writes "It implies not less warmongering but merely a different form of imperialism." He also reiterates the chronically ignored point that we should be discussing why the United States became a target in the first place.
He proposes that while the gov't will always fail to make good on its promises to provide this security, the market can succeed, and urges all to read this book before rejecting the idea:
The Myth of National Defense by top libertarian scholars on all aspects of defense, edited by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. [Click here to buy the book][ Click here to read online (pdf)]
Posted by Diane Warth at March 26, 2004 10:40 AM | TrackBack