Friday, March 12, 2004I'm Gone, I'm Gone, I'm Gone. There's been a death in the family, so I'll be gone for several days. Peace and Good Health. Wednesday, March 10, 2004A Song For You. "The Preacher and the Slave" -- by Joe Hill, executed here many years ago for his political beliefs; but he ain't dead, no, he ain't dead. Sung to the tune of "Sweet Bye and Bye." Long-haired preachers come out every night, I love that fuckin' song. Click Here for a little history about the song and where it came from. Karen Kwiatkowski's Story. Check it out. Lengthy, but important. Tuesday, March 09, 2004Resident Preserves. From Factivism: "This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve." -- George W Bush speaking during PERSEVERANCE Month at Fairgrounds Elementary School in Nashua, N.H. Hahahahahahahaha. Stupid Teachers. I'm sure Fundies will see no problem with this, which highlights their total disregard for the health and well-being of "the children." An elementary school teacher showed his students a bootleg copy of Passion of the Christ -- a movie which has already led to the death of at least one movie-goer (which adds some credence to the claims that it is one of the most violent movies ever.) Asshole. Suspension is too good for him. UPDATE! -- More info here. Even A Ph.D. Can Be A Moron. Matt at Morons.org demonstrates. An Update On Anarchy Class At Fort Lewis College. From Infoshop: "If ten people walk beyond civilization and build a new sort of life for themselves, then those ten are already living in the next paradigm from the first day. They don't need to belong to a party or a movement. They don't need laws to be passed. They don't need permits. They don't need a constitution. They don't need tax exempt status. For those ten, the revolution will already have succeeded." Read The Rest. UPDATE! -- Oops, no, I think that's the same article as before. No new info there. That's what I get for posting before I've finished reading. It's a good article though; worth the time to read it. And ya know, I didn't realize this before: It's fucking hilarious that conservatives want an "Academic Bill of Rights" that would require more conservative teachers to be hired. Sounds a bit like Affirmative Action to me (except it's stupid.) It just shows-ta-go-ya that Right-Wingers don't really mind "quotas" at all -- just as long as they're the ones who benefit from them. Ha. Hilarious. Fuciking brilliant. Yet Another Reason To Save Hubble. Hubble has just taken the deepest picture of the Universe ever, a mere month after the dumb fucks at NASA (under orders from the White House, I'm sure, but time will tell,) gave a final "no" to keeping the telescope going. Fucking bureaucrats and whores. Hubble is not lost yet though, Representative Mark Udall has introduced a bill in the House to save our greatest scientific resource. Don't expect those fucks to do anything about it though -- unless we show them how important it is. Write your Rep in the House and tell them to support the Save Hubble Bill and then write your Senators and tell them to take some damn initiative on this matter. And maybe then you might try writing the Resident Shrub, but I doubt that ignorant little shit will listen. You can find all the contact info for your elected officials at Act For Change. UPDATE! -- Oh, yeah, check out the cool pictures at the Hubble Website. Okay, Here We Go.... First my phone got cut off, but I got that taken care of in a couple days. Then I played paintball for two days. Then I was too sore to move for a day. And now my computer has crashed and I haven't been able to figure out what the problem is. The hard drive is fine and I got most of my data backed up, but it doesn't power on anymore. I don't know. Fuck it, I've set up my old 233MHz piece-o-shit-o-matic for the time being. I'll try to get posting again tomorrow; right now I've got to install all the programs I need on this computer and try to find the user manual for my other motherboard so I can figure out what's wrong with the damn thing. Until later: Peace and good health. UPDATE! -- Okay, maybe I will post today. Tuesday, March 02, 2004Taking A Break. I've been feeling a bit off the last few days, but it's much worse today. I'm having to write every post four or five times before I publish, and if you'll look at my last two posts you'll realize how extremely bad that is. I think I'm gonna have to take the rest of the day off from writing. I'll probably be manic again by tomorrow -- it's just how my mental disease works I'm afraid. Saving Iraq. 124 Iraqi and Iranian Shi'ites were killed in apparent mortar attacks as they gathered on one of their holy days. Didn't anyone expect something like this to happen? Fucking incompetent bastards. UPDATE! -- Knight Ridder says the blasts were suicide attacks and places the death toll at 143. Haiti -- The Coup Goes On. Rebel declares himself head of Haitian Army. It's only a matter of time before one of the murdering fucks "declares" himself President. Looks like the US's plan to save Haiti from Democracy is almost complete. Israeli Settlements Becoming Bigger Problem. Construction in the illegal Israeli Settlements increased by 35% last year, proof of the Israeli government's blatant disregard for any "peace process" they happen to be involved in. Growth in the settlements far outpaced growth in Israel proper. At the same time the US, showing it's spinelessness and cronyism, deducted a whopping $290 million dollars from the $9 billion in loan guarantees to their favorite client state. Ariel Sharon is currently laughing his ass off as he plans for the future expulsion of all Arabs between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River (okay, I'm being melodramatic, but if you think ethnic cleansing isn't even a possibility you need to wake the fuck up and take a good look at history.) Monday, March 01, 2004Some Good News For A Change. Only ["only", like any is acceptable at all really -- ed.] 23 "Coalition" troops killed in February -- down considerably from previous months. And one of my friends who's been pullin' duty in the Sunni Triangle for the last year came home the other day (we're all wondering if he'll get sent back though.) Coalition is in parentheses, by the way, because 20 of those deaths were American. That's some fuckin' coalition, eh? UPDATE! -- Elvis56 from the Lunaville Blog (which I keep forgetting to add to the blogroll damnit,) reminds me that the lag in "Coaliton" casualties is due in part to the fact that Iraqi security forces are bearing a larger amount of casualties now. 267 dead and 309 wounded in February by his estimation. I knew that -- really, I did. I just forgot to mention it. Collective Punishment. The Bush Junta hits back at San Francisco: The Bush administration has taken its first bureaucratic poke at same-sex marriages in San Francisco, ordering administrators nationwide to reject requests for name changes on Social Security accounts based on any marriage licenses -- same-sex or opposite-sex -- recently issued by the city. Link (via Morons.org again.) Destroying Your Precious Constitution Piece By Piece. This time it's the "balance of power" aspect as the House of Representatives attempts to limit the power of the Supreme Court: "Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Supreme Court shall not have jurisdiction to review, by appeal, writ of certiorari, or otherwise, any matter to the extent that relief is sought against an element of Federal, State, or local government, or against an officer of Federal, State, or local government (whether or not acting in official personal capacity), by reason of that element's or officer's acknowledgement of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government." Nice. Might want to write your Rep. in the House on this. You can do so easily from Working For Change. The Anti-Rant: Being Offensive And Disgusting On Purpose. My life will be complete if I ever get charged with obscenity. All it takes is one stray pig-fucker dropping in. Just ask Mike Diana. How can people even pretend that we have freedom of speech in this country when you can be fined, jailed, banned from being near children, barred from making art and/or numerous other punishments for "obsenity," which doesn't even have a concrete definition. The FCC are a bunch of book burning fucks. If you think I'm fucked up or outta my fucking mind now, wait another twenty or thirty years and see how I bust shit out. A couple decades of absorption is going to put a razor's edge on my fifty-pound phallic bludgeon of a mind. You better hope I die of some kind of drug overdose (not fucking likely,) or am murdered by those CIA dog-fuckers (a bit more likely) or take a dive out of a NY penthouse into a crowd of unsuspecting pedestrians (quite possible, if I ever get to NY.) Reagan bombed Nicaragua. Clinton bombed Yugoslavia. What's the difference? Star Trek is superior to Star Wars -- and we didn't have to wait twenty years for the goddamn first half just to have our expectations dashed by Jar-Jar "Fucking" Binks. No munchkins in furry suits either. TOS kinda blew though. Natch. People tell me I'm not allowed to say faggot because I'm not gay. Fuck you. I'm fighting for your fucking rights here; the least you could do is tolerate my last -- dear -- male chauvinist habits. I grew up in West Virginia for fuck's sake, where they label you as gay if you have more than one pair of shoes (two if you've got work boots.) It's a fucking miracle I'm not a god-damn Nazi Christian Fundamentalist. If it'll make you feel better you can suck my cock and then I'll be in your club. But no brown, I only ride the choco train with beautiful women when they ask nicely. Strippers usually beg. Of course, lots of them will do just about anything for a few pills and some speed anyway. John Kerry is Bill Clinton minus the charisma. Those two whores would fuck their grandmothers' bones if they thought there was a vote in it. Or even their grandfathers' bones. Probably even your grandparents' bones. I really could use that blowjob right now. I can't believe you people want Kerry as the man to take on Bush. If there is an anti-christ, Bush is it; he is, after all, trying to dominate the world through war and trickery. Rush Limbaugh is a fucking moron -- really. I fucked Ann Coulter in the ass back when she was stripping three nights a week to put herself through law school. Alan Greenspan needs to be assassinated. The Left needs to be more militant. You're gonna wish you were armed when they break in your door to drag you off to the Gulag for being "unpatriotic." I'm starting a militia. An anarchist militia. I don't wash my hands after I masturbate. Ah, I feel better now. Wow, I Haven't Gotten Straight A's Since Grade School. Thanks to The Lefty Review for the great review. My ego can always use a good pumping. Now if I could only get someone to take care of the other thing I need pumped a little more often. Haha. Sunday, February 29, 2004Haiti. Head over to Body and Soul for lots of reading on the situation in Haiti. It amazes me that the human rights abuse that is our policy towards the refugees is not getting any play in the US. Let me make it clear for you: sending people back to Haiti is a blatant violation of international law and human rights. Why isn't this big news? Fucking media whores. The Hate Amendment Dying Quickly. OxBlog's tally of support and opposition finds that there are now 44 Senators (including 5 Republicans) against The Hate Amendment and still only 29 for it. I'm starting to breath a little easier. Tom, Dick, Harry And Whoever Else Wants In. They're at it again. One more Right-Wing Fundy asshat argues against gay marriage on the basis that it will lead to polygamy (and beastiality, cause ya know, a dog is a consenting adult capable of making it's own decision on the matter.) The only arguement he gives against polygamy -- besides that it's a "sin" and polygamists are all "sick," just like the faggots -- is that multiple spouse families would be complicated for insurerers. That's it? Because there are questions raised about benefits that will have to be answered we should deny people's right to make their own decisions? Haha, that's weak dude. Also, there's a bit about how even if gays made up a majority of society it'd still be alright to deny them their rights... Cause they're still "sinners." Yup, these fuckers just love Democracy and shit. Friday, February 27, 2004More On Nader. I've got another lengthy post on Nader and Democrats bouncing around in my head, but I'm not yet sure if it'll ever come out. In the meantime, Chuck0 (the busiest little anarchist) at Monumental Mistake points out a good article from Mickey Z. over at Press Action: This reality doesn't stop "alternative" writers like Loeb from self-defeating rhetoric like this: "Assuming the admittedly flawed John Kerry becomes the Democratic nominee, progressives do not have to support him blindly. We can work to unite historically separated progressive movements and keep raising core issues no matter who's elected in November." Which is what I've been trying to say. Most "liberals" always do the same thing: fight tooth and nail when a Repug is in the White House and then roll over and play dead when a Dem is in. They care nothing about what is right and what is wrong -- they simply want their bastard running things. It doesn't matter how many times they get fucked, they still prefer their "lesser of two evils." Kickin' Hitler outta the bed to make room for Stalin. Right-Wing Pussies. Why is it that Right-Wingers never offer their contact information when they write? (Although I'd say you can hardly call it "writing." It's more like throwing shit at a wall.) For instance, I would soooo like to give this asshole a piece of my mind. Among other things he says that no matter what anyone says "homosexuality is something you can choose." Evidence? No, he gives no evidence for this, although there is mounds of evidence to the contrary. It really doesn't matter anyway, since even choices should be given equal protections. Speech, after all, is a choice. He also argues that marriage rights aren't about equal benefits because [emphasis mine] "civil unions provide most of those." Most? Ain't that the fucking point? "Most" isn't good enough. Separate is not equal. He lambastes the movement for comparisons to the 60's civil right's struggles. He asserts -- wrongly -- that marriage is "traditionally" a religious institution. (FYI, the church didn't get involved in marriage until 1215 A.D. Prior to that it was purely a secular legal contract between two people.) He's clueless about what the Massachusetts Supreme Court actually did. And to top it all off he has no idea what the word "anarchy" means. But I can't give him a verbal ass-whoopin' cuz the pansy fuck is too chickenshit to provide an e-mail address with his column. I had the same problem the other day. And the day before that. What is it with these people? Propaganda At The Hague. Here's a good Op-Ed by Yoel Marcus in Ha'aretz: It's been a long time since I've felt so small, uncomfortable and red-faced as during the show of whining and whimpering organized by Israel at The Hague. Colorful posters displaying photographs of 935 terror victims; Zaka rescue team workers led by Yehuda Meshi Zahav wearing their "work clothes"; memorial candles; parents talking about the pain of bereavement; doctors describing the savage nature of the suicide bombers; the wreckage of a burnt-out bus with a bereaved mother standing next to it, distributing "one-way tickets" - these are just some of the sights. Tru-dat. The Illegal Wall. Infoshop has posted links to numerous news articles and contact information for government officials in the US, Israel and Britain. Read up and Take Action. That's Fucked Up. From The Guardian: China had evicted 300,000 people from their homes in Beijing to prepare for the 2008 summer Olympics, the Geneva-based Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (Cohre) said yesterday. [Link] |