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Russ Kick

Edited and published by Russ Kick
author of 50 Things You're Not Supposed to Know [here]

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updated 12 April 2004

US Military Keeps Track of Some, If Not All, Civilian Casualties in Iraq
Buried revelations reveal database, investigations of noncombat casualties, possible info-keeping on combat casualties

updated: The Kerry Report Transcripts
exclusive: The rare landmark Senate hearings on the narco-corruption of officials and intelligence agencies in the US, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Chaired by Senator John Kerry. Volume 2 has now been posted

The Memory Hole Needs Your Help
If you find this site useful, important, or entertaining, please consider a donation of any amount

Al Hubbard's FBI File
exclusive: The first release of the Bureau's dossier on the "Johnny Appleseed of LSD"

US Army's Report on Killing of Reuters Journalist in Iraq
exclusive: The official investigation into the death of Mazen Dana, a cameraman fatally shot by a US soldier in Baghdad

Supreme Court Justice Scalia Fought Against the Freedom of Information Act
exclusive: Documents from the time period show that Scalia actively worked to keep the FOIA weak and unenforceable

Complete List of Forms Used by the National Security Agency
exclusive: Well, the NSA claims this 40-page list is complete, anyway.....

images: Iraqi Mob Desecrates Americans' Bodies
Things are not going well in the US's newest colony. If we're big enough to invade and occupy a country, we should be big enough to look at the result. Warning: extremely graphic

Suppressed FBI Report on Dismissed Agents
exclusive: For over three years, the FBI kept the lid on this survey of agents who committed murder, rape, child molestation, extortion, espionage, drug-dealing, public masturbation...

Blast From the Past
The Complete Firefighters' WTC Tape from 9/11
Exclusive: For the first time anywhere, The Memory Hole presents the entire recording of firefighters in the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11

Mirror of 9/11 Commission Website
Maybe it's just me, but the 9/11 Commission's Website has been mostly unavailable for the last two or so weeks. On Sunday night, March 28, while the site was briefly available, I copied it (minus the videos) and have now posted the mirror

Dover Air Force Base: Mortuary Procedures
exclusive: Handling the dead at the Defense Department's largest mortuary

update: Forms Used by the FBI
exclusive: In the second part of The Memory Hole's ongoing project to post previously unseen forms used by the FBI, we present 36 more forms, including Shooting Incident, Authority for Use of Personally Owned Weapon, Body Recorder/Transmitter Consent, Informant Index Card, and Consent to Interview With Polygraph

Inventories of George W. Bush's Gubernatorial Papers
exclusive: Not otherwise available online, these are the finding aids for documents from Bush's term as Governor of Texas. He and his successor have tried—and are still tryingto keep these documents out of public reach

Censored Congressional Testimony About Airport Security
TSA gets Congress to remove talk of the old handgun-under-the-thigh-bandage trick

Microsoft Deletes 2 Characters from Office Font
exclusive: Supposedly "critical" update removes Star of David and swastika

Leaked SEC Report on American Stock Exchange
The New York Times pulled down this leaked report, so we've reposted it.

Man Pickup: A Secret World War II Pilot Rescue Manual
exclusive: Includes a scan of the entire original copy of the manual, never before seen outside the US military in the 1940s and 1950s

audio: Betty Ong's Call from 9/11 Flight 11
Played at the 9/11 hearings, this is a 4-1/2 minute segment of a flight attendant's call from Flight 11 to an operations specialist.

updated: 9/11 Transcripts and Police Reports
exclusive: Withheld by the authorities, released because of a lawsuit, and insanely expensive to purchase, these are the 9/11 documents that the Port Authority fought to keep under wraps. Previously unavailable online. Now includes 19 LaGuardia transcripts

earlier material ...