Wed Mar 24th, 2004 at 11:58:05 AM EST
We had a political meeting last night where we go over what's happening in each state, strategy, etc and Atrios's
post yesterday came up in our discussion of how the Blogsphere thinks we should be more aggressive (we agree with Atrios that
Matt is right!) - If you want to talk about being proactive, Atrios is the poster child... Don't Dream It, Be It .
The significant work being done on the blogosphere is working, it's permeating discussions here in Washington and in our states and most importantly inspiring people to get active.
So after the meeting I promised I'd have to give a special shout out/ big props/hallelujah to Atrios for posting Daschle's statement and asking people to "Reward Good Behavior. Donate to the DSCC. " We certainly don't agree on everything but we do agree on this. When our candidates and our leaders ARE tough - the effects are tangible.
And when Bloggers like Atrios ARE involved - the effects are also tangible - he also took the lead and set up his own fundraising page on FromTheRoots. Setting up your own fundraising page or blogging here are great ways to communicate with us and yes the DSCC, the Democratic Senators and our candidates are listening.
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