Talkin' Shit with Pissy Pete, Kevin Smith

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Pissy Pete is currently at the printers and should be arriving shortly.  You can preorder by clicking here.

porn sites = money for me (March 15, 2004 @ 10:37 PM)

What would a blog board be if I couldn't make some money by getting you to sign up for porn. Make your mom pround while at the same time putting $30 of affiliate money in my belly. Anyway, everybody loves a good, hardcore comics everynow and then:

Toonbag (hardcore comics):;=4&p;=1

[ more shit about this subject here... ]

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I was country, when country wasn't cool (March 15, 2004 @ 10:11 PM)

This will change depending on my mood, but at this moment in time I can thing of nobody I'd rather see in concert than Barbara Mandrell; I'd pay upwards of $74.99 just to get in, and tape my left nut to my leg to get a good seat if the situation called for it.

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Parker's Karate Belt (March 12, 2004 @ 11:40 PM)

Parker spent his 15 minutes alone-time with his sensei and showed just how much 5 year old ass he could kick if given the chance. Besides a little trouble with his side kick, Parker demonstrated the eight beginning moves and walked away with his white belt w/black stripe (high white). Next up is the yellow belt, then after that Parker will catch my back as I confront my neighbor about his barking dog.

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Slippers rule, fuck shoes (March 11, 2004 @ 04:50 PM)

I've decided that slippers are the best thing that can happen to feet. So from now on, I only wear shoes if a) I'm going out in the rain, b) I'm using a shovel or c) flowers come out of my ass. Besides that, I'm all about slippers now.

[One person's balls were itching enough for them to comment]

The dumbass that is myself (March 11, 2004 @ 04:42 PM)

"On or about Wednesday, 10:40am, the 29th of October, 2003, in the named county, the named defendant did unlawfully and willfully operate a (motor) vehicle on a (street or highway) while displaying an expired registration plate on the vehicle knowing the same to be expired.

Defendant is to appear in District Court Room 2205, Charlotte NC on Tuesday, December 3rd 2003 at 9:00pm."

Well, looking at the fucking calendar has shown me that it's no longer December 3rd, and looking at the citation on my desk shows me that it'd be easier to stick 3 fingers up my ass than to get out of this without paying any money. While it would've only cost me the gas to get down to the courthouse (and show my new registration), now I gotta go part with my ego and explain to the DA that my dad died (like they haven't heard that before) and that this little pink piece of paper was the least of my worries. Then I have to pull my toungue out of his colon and proceed to the DMV, where what I'm assuming will be a bitch who wouldn't know an ovary from an empty bed will tell me to part with my $25.

All this because of a goddamn sticker on my plate that the state uses to make sure everybody has a goddamn sticker on their plate. What good would any of us be if we didn't have a sticker on our license plates.

If I were a someone who didn't pay taxes and live in the United States and use my car, why, I'd tell them to take their pink sheet of paper and disolve it in the side of their urethra. Bastards.

[One person's balls were itching enough for them to comment]