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Cartoons on Iraq
Our gallery of Steve Bell's Iraq cartoons

Our gallery of Steve Bell's cartoons on the Hutton inquiry

Steve Bell on being a war cartoonist

Click on a link to view the cartoon and read the related news story

01.04.04: Howard and immigration

31.03.04: 9/11 testimony

30.03.04: Tony Blair and the European constitution

26.03.04: The Blair-Gadafy handshake

Steve Bell on Tony Blair's visit to Libya

24.03.04: George Bush hears first news of 9/11

23.03.04: Israel's assassination of Ahmed Yassin

19.03.04: George Bush's view of Spain's reaction to the Madrid bombings

18.03.04: The budget

17.03.2004: Conditions in Iraq

16.03.04: The Spanish election and the war on terror

12.03.2004: The Madrid bombings

11.03.04: The interrogation of the Guantanamo four

10.03.2004: The new Camp X-Ray

09.03.04: Bush and Haiti

27.02.04: The pressures facing the PM after Clare Short's spying claim

26.02.04: George Bush's stance on gay marriage

25.02.04: Tony Blair and Dwain Chambers' positive drugs test

24.02.04: Britain's policy towards new EU migrants

13.02.2004: Ariel Sharon's wall

12.02.04: The Bushes and the Vietnam war.

11.02.04: Libya's return from isolation

10.02.04: Cockle pickers

06.02.04: Tony Blair and the 45-minute claim

05.02.2004: Blair's whitewash

04.02.2004: Blair's "porkies"

03.02.2004: WMD intelligence

30.01.04: Greg Dyke's resignation

29.01.04: Steve Bell on the findings of Lord Hutton's report

21.01.04: George Bush's state of the union address

20.01.04: Geoff Hoon and the death of Sergeant Steven Roberts

16.01.04: Blair's trusty shield

15.01.2004: George Bush's Mars ambitions

14.01.04: Bush's lesson for the troops

13.01.04: The health scare surrounding farmed salmon

09.01.2004: Labour's manifestos

08.01.2004: The Hutton inquiry

07.01.04: Ken Livingstone's return to the Labour party

06.12.03: Increased security at US airports

24.12.03: Christmas message

19.12.03: The home secretary's anti-terrorism law

18.12.03: George Bush and Saddam Hussein

17.12.03: Ken Livingstone's return to the Labour party

09.12.03: Gordon Brown's political ambitions

16.12.03: A well-known prisoner

12.12.03: The US approach to contracts for Iraq's reconstruction

11.12.03: The chancellor's pre-budget report

05.12.2003: Steve Bell on US steel tariffs

04.12.03: Bush's boost to the troops

03.12.03: Tony Blair's determination to introduce top-up fees

02.12.03: Ian Paisley

28.11.03: Blunkett's asylum policy

27.11.03: The state opening of parliament

26.11.03: The Stormont assembly elections

25.11.03: England's rugby triumph

21.11.03: Drawing Dubya

21.11.03: Bush and Blair's London press conference

20.11.03: George Bush's official welcome to Britain

19.11.03: George Bush's state visit to Britain

18.11.03: George Bush's state visit to Britain

14.11.03: A rethink of Iraq policy

13.11.03: Paul Bremer under pressure

12.11.03: The government's ID cards scheme

11.11.03: Blair, Bush and remembrance

07.11.03: Steve Bell on Brown and Blair's rivalry

06.11.2003: Steve Bell on Iain Duncan Smith's little bang

05.11.2003: Iraq's alien invaders

04.11.03: Bush the war leader

31.10.03: Michael Howard's record

30.10.03: The Tories' dream ticket

29.10.03: Iain Duncan Smith's chances of survival

28.10.03: Paul Wolfowitz's escape from a Baghdad rocket attack

03.09.03: The mounting US casualties in Iraq

24.10.03: Duncan Smith avoiding dismissal

23.21.03: The BBC's revelations of racism in Britain's police forces

22.10.03: The collapse of the Ulster peace deal

17.10.03: Tory leadership woes

16.10.03: The Anglican church summit

15.10.03: IDS's response to rebel Tories said to be plotting his downfall

14.10.03: IDS's rebuttal of accusations about his wife's job

10.10.2003: Iain Duncan Smith's conference speech

09.10.03: IDS's big day at the Tory Party conference

07.10.03: The opening of the Tory party conference

03.10.03: The end of the Labour party conference

02.10.03: Geoff Hoon's conference speech

01.10.03: Tony Blair's speech to the Labour party conference

30.09.03: Gordon Brown's conference speech

23.09.03: The Lib Dems' new political clout

26.09.03: Charles Kennedy's speech to the Liberal Democrat conference

25.09.03: Britain's justification for going to war with Iraq

24.09.03: Relations between the UN and the US

19.09.03: The discrepancies in Andrew Gilligan's notes on David Kelly

18.09.03: Jarvis and rail safety

17.09.03: The Mother of all Parlour Games

11.09.03: The threat to Geoff Hoon's cabinet career

16.09.03: Straw and the war on Iraq

12.09.03: Government backing for Geoff Hoon

10.09.03: Gordon Brown at the TUC conference

09.09.03: George Bush's call for another $87bn for Iraq

05.09.03: US calls for greater international involvement in Iraq

04.09.03: The death of spin

02.09.03: The MoD and David Kelly

29.08.03: Tony Blair's appearance before the Hutton inquiry

28.08.03: Geoff Hoon at the Hutton inquiry

27.08.03: John Scarlett's appearance before the Hutton inquiry

26.08.03: Blair, Hoon and the Hutton inquiry

22.08.03: Steve Bell on David Kelly's pre-war doubts

21.08.03: Steve Bell on the attack on UN headquarters in Iraq

18.07.03: UK prisoners in Guantanamo Bay

17.07.03: George Bush's re-election campaign

16.07.03: Ariel Sharon's visit to London

15.07.03: the Iraq intelligence row

11.07.03: Blair defends the Iraq war

10.07.03: Steve Bell on the Hatfield rail crash investigation

09.07.03: Steve Bell on Bush's visit to Africa

08.07.03: Blair's response to Iraq dossier inquiry

04.07.03: George Bush's reaction to Iraqi resistance

03.07.03: Jack Straw denies there is a "quagmire" in Iraq

02.07.03: Security operations in Iraq

01.07.03: Network rail's job cuts

21.05.03: Charles Clarke's targets shake-up

25.06.03: Jack Straw and the 'dodgy dossier'

27:06.03: The dangerous legacy of Iraq

26.06.03: Alastair Campbell's WMD evidence

24.06.03: George Bush feels the heat over Iraq

18.06.03: Tony Blair's justification for war on Iraq

17.06.03: Suggested PCC armorial bearings

13.06.03: Lord Irvine's departure from the cabinet

12.06.03: Dinsintegrating hopes for road map to peace

11.06.03: What's frustrating Tony Blair

10.06.2003: Gordon Brown's euro statement

06.06.03: George Bush wraps US troops in the flag

05.06.03: The government v the intelligence services

04.06.2003: The Middle East peace process

03.06.03: Tony Blair's claims about WMD

23.05.03: UN backs US occupation of Iraq

22.05.03: Bush and Blair's warning to terrorists

20.05.03: Blair, Brown and the euro

15.05.03: At home with Stakeknife

09.05.03: Steve Bell on the media and asylum seekers

14.05.03: Blair's rule by diktat

13.05.03: Clare Short's resignation

08.05.03: Blair's plans for NHS hospitals

07.05.03: George Galloway's suspension from Labour party

06.05.03: Blair meets his maker

02.05.03: Postponement of Stormont's elections

01.05.03: The road map to peace in the Middle East

30.04.03: Operation Iraqi Freedom

29.04.03: The new Tony Blair

18.04.03: The US peace mission to Iraq

16.04.03. Talks to decide Iraq's future

17.04.03: The war images we weren't supposed to see

15.04.03: Blair and Iraq's future

11.04.03: The toppling of Saddam's regime

10.04.03: Brown's Budget day

09.04.03: The war's journalist casualties

08.04.03: Bush's arrival in Belfast

03.04.03: Iraq for the Iraqis in postwar Iraq

04.04.03: A role for the UN in postwar Iraq

02.04.03: Checkpoint security in Iraq

01.04.03: Steve Bell on the battle for Iraqi hearts and minds

28.03.03: The size of George Bush's coalition

27.03.2003: Tony Blair arrives for talks with George Bush

26.03.03: Blair's message to the Iraqi people

25.03.03: The humanitarian thrust towards Baghdad

21.03.2003: Bush declares war

20.03.2003: The UN's relationship with the US

19.03.2003: Clare Short's decision not to resign

18.03.2003: Robin Cook's resignation

14.03.2003: The Queen cancels a trip abroad

13.03.2003: Blair and Bush's vision thing

12.03.2003: Blair's fight for a second resolution

11.03.2003: Short's attack on Blair

04.03.2003: George Bush talking out of his arsenal

07.03.2002: Blair and a second UN resolution

06.03.2003: The Russian-French-German alliance

21.02.2003: Tory turmoil

20.02.2003: George Bush's new nukes

19.02.2003: Blair and the Pope

13.02.2003: The security alert at Heathrow

05.02.2003: Anglo-French summit: Vive la difference

04.02.2003: Rover's Return

31.01.2003: George Bush and his faithful hound

30.01.2003: Blair and Bush's special relationship

29.01.2003: Steve Bell on George Bush and Iraq

29.01.2003: Blix's report to the UN security council

22.01.2003: Steve Bell on Labour's education policies

21.01.2003: Steve Bell on Tony Blair and terrorism raids

14.01.2003: Blair's nightmare

17.01.2003: Hans Blix's race against time

10.01.2003: The hunt for a smoking gun

22.11.2002: Tony Blair and the firefighters' dispute

29.11.2002: George Bush's response to attacks in Kenya

17.12.2002: Australian conman Peter Foster

07.01.2003: Blair's support for Bush over Iraq

18.12.2002: The government's pension plans

04.12.2002: The royals and hunting

03.12.2002: Smallpox vaccine for key workers

21.11.2002: Tony Blair and the Iraq crisis

15.11.2002: The firefighters' strike

26.11.2002: Labour and the firefighters

14.11.2002: Queen's speech 2002

12.11.2002: Gloom at Guildhall

07.11.2002: George Bush's mid-term triumph

01.11.2002: Embattled Tory leadership

31.10.2002: US midterm elections

29.10.2002: Tony Blair's row with Jacques Chirac

15.10.2002: George Bush's anti-terrorism campaign

11.10.2002: Iain Duncan Smith's conference speech

10.10.2002: Oliver Letwin at the Conservative party conference

08.10.2002: Calls for reform at Conservative party conference

01.10.2002: John Major's striptease

01.10.2002: Labour conference 2002

01.10.2002: Edwina Currie and John Major

09.27.2002: Sleepwalking into a reckless war of aggression

26.09.2002: Prince Charles's letter-writing controversy

11.09.2002: Tony Blair's TUC speech

06.08.2002: Saddam's offer to UN weapons inspectors

31.07.2002: George Bush and white collar crime

30.07.2002: Tories and gay people

25.07.2002: Bomb dropped on Gaza City

23.07.2002: George Bush's crackdown on corporate fat cats

12.07.2002: The pensions industry

09.07.2002: Jack Straw and arms sales to Israel

03.07.2002: America's response to Afghanistan bombing mistake

02.07.2002: America and the international criminal court

20.09.2002: Steve Bell on Estelle Morris and the A-level row

08.08.2002: Steve Bell on Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gadafy

04.07.2002: Steve Bell on ID cards

28.06.2002: John Prescott's resignation from the RMT

26.06.2002: George Bush's plan for peace in the Middle East

19.06.2002: New Labour and the media

13.02.2002: Slobodan Milosevic and the Sword of Damocles

26.02.2002: Stephen Byers row

22.03.2002: Steve Bell on hunting

25.04.2002: New Kissinger doctrine

18.06.2002: George Bush and Saddam Hussein

17.05.2002: Steve Bell on elections in the Netherlands

02.05.2002: Steve Bell on May Day 2002 in France

08.05.2002: Steve Bell on Rupert Murdoch and Channel 5

09.05.2002: Ariel Sharon retaliates after latest Palestinian suicide bombing

26.04.2002: Steve Bell on David Blunkett

23.04.2002: Steve Bell on Jean-Marie Le Pen

18.04.2002: Steve Bell on Gordon Brown and Budget 2002

16.04.2002: Steve Bell on Colin Powell's Middle East mission

11.04.2002: Sgt Yasser's Body Parts Club Band

09.04.2002: Steve Bell on Bush getting Blair in a spin

12.12.2001: Bush, Blair and the international coalition

24.01.2002: The Queen's Golden Jubilee

28.11.2001: Gordon Brown's pre-Budget report

26.10.2001: The bombing of Afghanistan

14.11.2001: John Simpson in Kabul

29.01.2002: US special forces in hospital shootout

31.01.2002: George Bush's State of the Union address

12.06.2001: George Bush visits Europe

09.11.2001: Tony Blair, Remembrance Day and war

08.11.2001: Tony Blair and Concorde

06.11.2001: Special Forces in Afghanistan

02.11.2001: Blair's Middle East peace travels

16.10.2001: Blair and the Middle East peace process

26.09.2001: The Lib Dem conference

21.09.2001: Osama Bin Laden

20.09.2001: George Bush's political stance

19.09.2001: Afghans fear US response over attacks

18.09.2001: Bush and Blair's response to terrorist attacks

13.09.2001: George Bush's response to terrorist attacks

11.09.2001: World Trade Centre attack

11.09.2001: Blair, PFI and the TUC

12.07.2001: Labour critics sacked from select committees

11.07.2001: Tory party leadership candidates

05.07.2001: Tony Blair's welfare changes

29.06.2001: David Trimble's resignation

27.06.2001: Kenneth Clarke - the new face of Conservatism

21.06.2001: Northern Ireland - Ardoyne & the marching season

18.06.2001: Ann Widdecombe and the Tory leadership battle

15.06.2001: George Bush and global policy

12.06.2001: George Bush and Timothy McVeigh

08.06.2001: William Hague resigns

30.05.2001: William Hague and John Major

25.05.2001: George Bush - Republican senator defects to Democrats

24.05.2001: William Hague, Thatcher and Eurosceptics

23.05.2001: Margaret Thatcher and Tory election campaign

21.05.2001: Labour, Conservative and fat cats

17.05.2001: Tony Blair and Labour's election manifesto

16.05.2001: Tory party political broadcast

09.05.2001: Tony Blair and Labour's election campaign launch

09.05.2001: Gordon Brown and Labour's election pledges

06.04.2001: The Queen, Sophie Rhys-Jones and 'Sophiegate'

05.04.2001: George Bush and the US-China spy row

04.04.2001: US and China - spy plane and relationship

30.03.2001: George Bush rejects Kyoto agreement

29.03.2001: Foot and mouth - Tony Blair

28.03.2001: Foot and mouth - flying pigs

27.03.2001: Foot and mouth - William Hague

21.03.2001: William Hague - foot and mouth election date row

20.03.2001: Tony Blair, Robert Maxwell and Keith Vaz

19.03.2001: Foot and mouth - the Queen, racing and the election

14.03.2001: Foot and mouth - Tory reaction

13.03.2001: Tony Blair and Keith Vaz

08.03.2001: Gordon Brown's budget 2001

01.03.2001: Selby train disaster

01.03.2001: Foot and mouth - the Royals

23.02.2001: William Hague and opinion poll disaster

21.02.2001: Depleted uranium

18.02.2001: Labour and 'bog standard' education

14.02.2001: Ariel Sharon

09.02.2001: Tony Blair and Labour education policy

07.02.2001: Ariel Sharon's election victory

02.02.2001: Corus job losses

01.02.2001: Lockerbie verdict

31.01.2001: Peter Mandelson's resignation

25.01.2001: Peter Mandelson resignation - media blame

22.01.2001: George Bush's inauguration

22.01.2001: Hatfield train disaster inquiry

18.01.2001: Millennium dome - the sell-off

15.12.2000: William Hague and the Macpherson report

08.12.2000: US election vote recount

05.12.2000: Tory party and Eurosceptics

23.11.2000: Tony Blair and Thatcher's legacy

21.11.2000: Robin Cook and EU defence force

04.11.2000: George Bush's IQ

27.10.2000: BSE inquiry result

25.10.2000: Railtrack boss Gerald Corbett

13.10.2000: Middle East peace talks break down

10.10.2000: Tory ministers admit smoking cannabis

10.10.2000: Middle East peace process and Robin Cook

27.09.2000: Labour party conference 2000

11.09.2000: Truckers' petrol protest

11.09.2000: Blair's response to petrol protests

07.09.2000: William Hague and the Millennium Dome

04.09.2000: Mo Mowlam stands down as MP, Lord Owen returns

14.08.2000: US election - Bush or Gore?

10.08.2000: Paedophile 'name and shame' campaign

09.08.2000: William Hague: 14 pints of beer

04.08.2000: Queen Mother's 100th birthday

31.07.2000: George Bush and 'compassionate conservatism'

11.07.2000: Northern Ireland - 'Mad dog' and the marching season

28.06.2000: Robin Cook and Robert Mugabe

19.06.2000: Deaths of Chinese immigrants at Dover

08.06.2000: Tony Blair at the WI

06.06.2000: William Hague and the 'liberal elite'

23.05.2000: Israel withdraws from Lebanon

22.05.2000: Millennium dome - cash bail-out

15.05.2000: Sierra Leone and defence secretary Geoff Hoon

08.05.2000: Sierra Leone - UK troops fly in

17.04.2000: Tony Blair's relationship with Vladimir Putin

12.04.2000: David Irving libel trial verdict

06.04.2000: London mayoral election

21.03.2000: The Blairs' baby

24.02.2000: Macpherson report and police racism

24.02.2000: Southall train crash inquiry and rail privatisation

10.02.2000: Stansted hijack asylum seekers

21.01.2000: Lords reform - Lord Wakeham's report

19.01.2000: General Pinochet leaves the UK

07.12.1999: Putin, Yeltsin and Chechnya

03.12.1999: Peter Mandelson and Northern Ireland

23.11.1999: Conservative party ethics committee and Jeffrey Archer

12.11.1999: Reform of the House of Lords

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004