and Conservatism
David Dieteman
Goldberg, an editor at National Review, very strangely refers
to Russell Kirk’s The
Conservative Mind and F.A. Hayek’s The
Road to Serfdom as "the books...which form the core
of modern conservative philosophy" in a piece entitled "Goldberg’s
Conservative Canon."
Kirk belongs in that group. Kirk was a self-described conservative,
and he appears to have described himself correctly (not everyone
Hayek, on the other hand, is not a conservative.
best evidence for this claim is the postscript to Hayek’s 1960 book
Constitution of Liberty, tellingly titled "Why I Am
Not a Conservative."
that postscript, Hayek observes that conservatism is only as good
as what is conserves. In Europe, conservatism tends toward the conservation
of the aristocratic order. In the United States, conservatism tends
toward the conservation of institutions which happen to be fundamentally
liberal institutions. (By "liberal," Hayek means oriented
toward human liberty).
avoid this confusion, Hayek refers to himself as "an Old Whig,"
along the lines of Edmund Burke. Hayek disdains the term "liberal"
as confusing, because it has been taken over by illiberal socialists.
He similarly disdains "classical liberal" and "libertarian"
as cumbersome. (Ignore, for the moment, that "Old Whig"
is not exactly a clear label.)
work, he explains, is not about "conserving" anything,
but about re-stating the principles of the philosophy of freedom
to a generation which has nearly lost the very concept of freedom.
Hayek observes in The Constitution of Liberty that the West
was fighting a Cold War against Communism, but that most people
living in the West had no idea what about the West was worth defending.
Hayek, then, also disdains the label "conservative" because
it does not imply that he is actively working for human freedom.
Goldberg writes that "Hayek is distrusted by some pure libertarians
because...he had a go-with-what-works approach," it should
be noted that Goldberg does not reference any particular work of
Hayek on this point.
reason for this is that Hayek himself criticizes the very "pragmatism"
which Goldberg champions.
the following passage from page 57 of Rules and Order, volume
one of Hayek’s Law,
Legislation and Liberty:
freedom can be preserved only if it is treated as a supreme principle
which must not be sacrificed for particular advantages was fully
understood by the leading liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century,
one of whom [Benjamin Constant] even described liberalism as ‘the
system of principles’. Such is the chief burden of their warnings
concerning ‘What is seen and what is not seen in political economy’
[Frederic Bastiat] and about the ‘pragmatism that contrary to
the intentions of its representatives inexorably leads to socialism’.
[Carl Menger]
we should foreswear all principles or ‘isms’ in order to achieve
greater mastery over our fate is even now proclaimed as the new
wisdom of our age. Applying to each task the ‘social techniques’
most appropriate to its solution, unfettered by any dogmatic belief,
seems to some the only manner of proceeding worthy of a rational
and scientific age.
the foregoing passage puts Hayek at the "core of modern conservative
philosophy" is not clear.
be fair, it does not appear that Goldberg has read Law, Legislation
and Liberty. He recommends The Road to Serfdom and The
Fatal Conceit as exemplary works by Hayek.
should be noted, as Hayek explains in the introduction to the book,
that The Road to Serfdom was published in England 1944 in
an effort to get English socialists to see that they were on the
same path that brought the National Socialists (the "Nazis")
to power in Germany and the Communists to power in Russia. The
Road to Serfdom, then, is not Hayek’s fully-developed case for
philosophy of freedom is ultimately developed in four books. First,
Hayek describes the foundations of the free society in The Constitution
of Liberty, published in 1962. (Hayek uses the term "constitution"
in the sense of a man’s health or his physical make-up).
that book, however, was found lacking by Hayek himself, and so he
wrote the three volumes of Law, Legislation and Liberty,
which were published in the 1970s.
respect to The Fatal Conceit, it should be noted that some
scholars dispute whether Hayek or his editor wrote the book.)
the fact that Hayek’s works are a masterful exposition of the philosophy
of freedom, it is inexcusable for Goldberg to simply brush Mises
aside as irrelevant.
was, after all, Ludwig von Mises who turned the young Hayek away
from socialism after the First World War. It was Mises who gave
Hayek a job with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (an official branch
of the government, not a civic group as in the United States today).
was Mises who not only demolished socialism in his 1923 book Socialism,
but who also developed a positive account of liberal political philosophy
in his 1927 book Liberalism.
those in search of a canon, start with those two books. You
can read them both online for free at the Mises Institute web site.)
the greatness of Hayek, he was not as great a systematic thinker
as Mises.
The Constitution of Liberty, for example, Hayek claims that,
so long as it is making general rules (i.e., not legislating for
the particular advantage of any one group), the government can perform
certain services in competition with private companies, or when
no private company does the job. Most Austrian economists, Mises
included, would argue that the government ought not compete in the
marketplace, and that if no private entrepreneur can do something
for a profit, that is precisely the reason why government ought
not to do it: it is a waste of resources.
this is what Goldberg is getting at by his reference to Hayek’s
so, it should be noted that Hayek does not view his own acceptance
of occasional market interventions as a "pragmatic" compromise
of laissez-faire principles. Instead, Hayek maintains that the government
must be careful not to intervene in the wrong way and for the wrong
reasons. The "Great Society" as Hayek refers to the free
society, cannot survive if freedom is pushed aside in favor of rationally
determined planning of society. This is why Hayek quotes Carl Menger’s
criticism of "pragmatism" and at the same time advocates
aspects of the welfare state. (This is also why some Austrian economists
refer to Hayek as a "pinko.")
Goldberg advocating the welfare state in advocating Hayek’s alleged
"go-with-what-works approach"? One is forced to wonder.
to Jonah Goldberg and National Review: free means free. Regulation
means regulation, whether it is Robert Reich or Jack Kemp who write
the regulations.
1, 2001
Dieteman is an attorney in Erie, Pennsylvania, and a PhD candidate
in philosophy at The Catholic University of America.
2001 David Dieteman
Dieteman Archives