[Chapter 13] Bill O'Reilly: Lying, Splotchy, Bully.


Page 74: O'Reilly's background & Bias

       Take, for example, my favorite moment at the BookExpo luncheon.  I questioned him about a claim he had made three minutes earlier about having “started out with nothing.”  See, O’Reilly always likes to crow about his hardscrabble childhood in working-class Levittown, Long Island.  As he once told the New York Observer, “You don’t come from any lower than I came from on an economic scale.”

This is odd, because this was (one of at least) my favorite moment from the Expo luncheon too, because Franken looked like a complete idiot. It was a shame that it only lasted a few seconds, but worse that Franken is trying to turn the tables here to rewrite the history through Frankengoggles. Franken asked Bill where he grew up and Bill answered - noting that this stupid 'story' has been answered (in Bills words) "87 times!" and indeed was even included on his A&E Biography. Did A&E lie about O'Reilly? Franken ignores it - as well as all other vouchers that indeed O'Reilly grew up in Levittown Long Island from a working class family. As O'Reilly told Franken at the expo "My mother still lives there, come on over. We'll have a bagel" and Franken just scoffs. But wait a minute - Mrs. O'Reilly DOES still live in the house in Levittown! Why didn't Franken check up on this??? Is he honestly that LAZY to check this obvious fact? Or is he just that confident that his Franken-goggle readers will accept this false statement without question?

[LIE] - It's simply not true that O'Reilly 'likes to crow about his hardscrabble childhood'.

       Trouble is, an inside source (O’Reilly’s mother) tells a different story.  Mrs. O’Reilly proudly told the Washington Post that the family regularly took vacations in Florida, and that little Billy attended private school, a private college, and that their home was in the affluent suburb of Westbury, not blue-collar Levitttown.

[MANIPULATION] - O'Reilly's mother didn't tell a different story at all! I too grew up in a blue-collar town in long island in humble surroundings - but I also went to private school until 9th grade and took frequent trips to California and even Hawaii, with the choice to go to a nice college had I so desired. That doesn't contradict the finances of my family, the atmosphere I lived in or the location of my home at ALL! In my case, it was a combination of luck and sacrifice - my father worked for TWA and then American Airlines so we all flew for free (only) to places where we had a place to stay for free (my Grandpa owned an apartment on Oahu which we inherited) and my parents worked out their budget to send me to a good school. Franken's matter of fact statement would make my own upbringing impossible. The casual speech wouldn't be a big deal, if Franken didn't make such a practice of taking others so literally in their own casual comments. 

So by my own example - it is certainly possible to be a working class long island family and still send your kid to good schools and take nice vacations. For my family, it was a luck-sacrifice combo. In Bill's case however, it was all sacrifice and no luck. On television, radio and in his books, Bill O'Reilly has always given credit to his parents for the sacrifices they made. The tiniest bit of research would have seen him reference this a dozen times. If going to private schools makes your family more than working middle class, then I know several dozen ex-classmates still out on Long Island that should be studied as case study phenomenon's - however, it's more likely that Franken was just manipulating the obvious truth to spin his smear.

Regularly took vacations in Florida? Another issue covered in the A&E Biography as I recall. Also - Bill told NPR's Terri Gross that they went to Florida one time. On the greyhound bus. What a splurge, eh?

      So I asked Bill where he grew up.  Was it Westbury or Levittown?  Seemingly a hard question to spin.  Backed into a corner, he replied with a crazy lie, saying that he had grown up “in the Westbury section of Levittown.”

       There is no Westbury section of Levittown.  They are two separate villages several miles apart.  It was like saying he had grown up in Brooklyn—the Manhattan section of Brooklyn.

[LIE] -  No Westbury section of Levittown eh? Well, I'll get to that in a moment. Lets look at the lying comparisson Franken makes, because it is a lie that I know quite first hand to be untrue. Unfortunately for Franken, I know quite well that his comparison is totally false. When I lived on Long Island, my address read Lawrence NY. But I didn't live in Lawrence. Indeed, Lawrence is a town several miles apart from my old house awn LonG Eyeland -- so I can prove from my own experience that Franken's Brooklyn--Manhattan analogy is complete inaccurate crap. Did Franken and his team of researchers not bother to look up this clear fact?

[MANIPULATION] - Like I said earlier, Franken doesn't mention A&E, Parade magazine, Salon.com and even the official Levittown historian! who back up O'Reilly's roots, but backed into a corner Franken tells this crazy lie. No Westbury section of Levittown eh? Wrong.

The Levitt company built homes in villages of Island Trees, Wantagh, Hicksville, and Westbury over a 4 year period. Levitt managed to get Island Trees renamed to Levittown.

"Levittown" from a social and cultural perspective would have included the area of homes built in the Levitt era, irregardless of actual village. So 30 to 50 years ago, if you lived there, you would have identified yourself as from Levittown, perhaps the "Westbury section". I've even been told that when Levittowners meet, the first question is: "Oh yeah, what section?". The reason it's only totally wrong and not blatantly obvious to Franken is, as the Island got built up, and the Levitt development was no longer surrounded by farmland, people began to identify more with the community where their kids went to school, the post office that delivered their mail, and the various roads and other features that form boundaries. People who live there today would not commonly refer to their home as being located in Levittown, as Westbury is now more "upscale".

The key there however is the word "now".

Although the Westbury section of Levittown has become a bit nicer than the Levitt houses, the Levitt houses were built for working-class folks. The developer claimed he finished a new one "every 15 minutes" and they hold no comparison to the bigger neighbors in the community.

Bill O'Reilly isn't the only one telling the truth about this lie. Billy Joel is from an offshoot section of Levittown as well. He is from "Hicksville" Long Island, but grew up in a Levitt home, and has stated many times that he is from "Levittown" (which is also documented in his biographies). He even contributed family pictures to a local Levittown history book - yet according to Al Franken, it's all a big lying liar fraud because they're "separate villages several miles apart".

For his source in the back of the book, Franken cites 'any good map' saying:

The real version (Westbury is not part of Levittown) appears on any good map of Long Island.

[MANIPULATION] - Look at a map and it will show you that they are 2 sections with distance apart from each other. As explained on this page, this means nothing. Look at a map of LEVITTOWN and it proves that Franken is a liar:

Levittown at Fifty: Initial Developments

Since Franken's own source discredits him... one has to ask if this was a stupid mistake that escaped Franken AND all his researchers, if they didn't bother to look it up, or if they did...and lied. Whatever the case - it is a clear and blatant Franken lie. If Franken is to claim this blaringly wrong accusation as a mistake (which he has so far only ignored) then, quite Frankenly...he CAN'T. Not after building his anti-O'Reilly centerpiece around a ridiculous misspeak over an award - there is no way Franken can escape this LIE with dignity, which is probably why he's ignored it.