Comments: Get That Paper

just the thought of W saying "entrepreneurial" makes me giggle. stumble, mumble, jumble, bumble.

Posted by cleek at March 27, 2004 11:23 AM

It's always seemed to me that the red tape that really gets in the way is all from state or local laws.

Federal rules are mostly an issue if you want to store nuclear waste in open vats, produce ground beef with 50% fecal matter, or hire only white men.

Posted by Jon H at March 27, 2004 12:53 PM

This is actually a very specific nonce attack toool against Kerry's new economic pplan. I saw Forbes hammer it for all he was worth on CNN, up against a Kerry campaign economist who, in my opinion, annihilated him. The Kerry guy showed how the Kerry plan would benefit 90% of all US businesses, and disincentive outsourcing (unlike the Bush policies) in favor of keeping jobs at home. Forbes's two-pronged response was: more paperwork and more lawyers. In other words, as Jon Stweart says, "I got nothing." And given that everyone knows Forbes is massively rich, all he needed was a monocle while he made his arguments. It was actually quite funny from my perspective, and it also suggests A) the tactical brilliance of the Kerry plan and B) the total inability of the GOP to find an answer. This may be a handle on some of McAuliffe's lame-sounding comments these days.

Posted by John Isbell at March 27, 2004 12:55 PM

The labor department recommended significant "labor intensive" changes to the LM-2 reporting forms last year...Ironic that increasing paperwork somehow affects jobs negatively since they proposed that very thing on us (oops my mistake I thought they were being genuine in the changes...I guess I need to suggest to George that increasing paperwork actually increases man hours, not the reverse!!!

Posted by Kevin Flynn at March 27, 2004 01:08 PM

it would be interesting to find out who the hell comes up with this crap.

Posted by Olaf glad and big at March 27, 2004 04:44 PM

Cutting down on paperwork reduces the number of accountants employed.

Posted by phil at March 28, 2004 12:06 AM

I've been a secretary for over 20 years. Trust me when I say, there will never be less paperwork. Ever. I first heard this drumbeat when computers started arriving on the scene. There is more paperwork now than ever.

Posted by Elayne Riggs at March 28, 2004 08:44 AM
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