Comments: Contramadictions

I think that's a huge part of it. 1) They aren't sure they can control the questioning. 2) They needed time to get a story they were going to stick to that won't completely fall apart when it gets looked at sideways.

I think they are lining her up to finally go before the comission, and ready to cut her loose if they think it is remotely expedient.

Posted by LC at March 29, 2004 11:11 AM

Good question, Jesse. Clarke's call to declassify emails between himself and Rice presumably would confirm Rice's lack of knowledge and interest in Al Qaeda/urgent need for action on terrorism/bin Laden. Spinning could be hard...

Posted by bobinkc at March 29, 2004 11:18 AM

I think it is simply a matter cost analysis; somebody looked at this weeks ago and decided that it would be a better deal for Condi to take the heat for not talking, that far more damage could be done if she did testify. Clarke's book was purposefully delayed by the White House so that they could try to portray him as a guy just shilling his product. They underestimated the weight of his testimony and now the administration is forced to make another decision on it. In the meantime Rice is still under orders to keep her mouth shut for the panel.

Posted by sprocket at March 29, 2004 11:27 AM

The sorts of this that Ms. Rice says would lead to almost-immediate perjury charges should she take an oath.

It's that or some tiny remnant of what was her conscience actually believes that she is gonna go to Hell if she lies under oath. That is what "bear false witness" means, after all, so she must figure that if she can avoid the oath, she can say whatever she likes.

Posted by Scorpio at March 29, 2004 12:51 PM

"(which was pretty damn stupid to deny in the first place, given that Clarke had two independent witnesses to confirm his story)"

It also didn't help that the White House's initial denial included the assertion that the President wasn't in the Situation Room at all on 9/12.

Which is kinda when you'd expect him to be in there. A lot.

Posted by Jon H at March 29, 2004 12:58 PM

I thought Bush was hiding in Nebraska on Sept 12. I'll have to check the timeline.

Posted by Charles at March 29, 2004 02:03 PM

does it strike anyone else that maybe Rice won't go under oath because she still doesn't know what she's going to say?

See, that's the problem with telling lies all the time. You forget which were the operable versions, and now instead of Ed Bradley lobbing softballs, you are going to be questioned by someone who has a law degree and the transcripts of the prior testimony of all your colleagues.

I'd like to offer a toast:

Condi Rice is toast.

Posted by Repack Rider at March 29, 2004 07:24 PM
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