March 27, 2004


I'm tempted to make jokes about Dick Morris blowing something here, but this a blog for grownups.

So I'll just deal with Tough-Actin' Tinactin on his own merits, which are none and absolutely none. The crux of Morris' argument is this:

1.) He likes Bush.
2.) Negative ads have impacted Kerry, which means that he cannot possibly recover from the statistical tie he's in with Bush in the next seven months.
3.) John Kerry will run the exact same campaign for the next seven months, and Bush's charges will never go challenged or answered during that time period.

If you agree with those three points, then I've got some Kerry/Clinton '04 bumper stickers for you to put on your super jet-car. Because there's super jet-cars in fantasy land.

Remember, folks: Dick Morris is predicting a Bush blowout, which, using the Morris Corrolary, means that Kerry will win by a slim but sure margin.

Posted by Jesse Taylor at March 27, 2004 03:00 PM | TrackBack

Found 'em.

Kerry/Clinton 2004 Bumper Stickers:

Kerry/Hillary 2004 Bumper Stickers:

Posted by: Poppy at March 27, 2004 03:22 PM

Sweet. You found something Dick Morris likes better than a prostitute's toes.

Posted by: jesse at March 27, 2004 03:24 PM

Not to be anal or anything, but it's corollary, not corrolary.

I guess that makes me anal, doesn't it?

Posted by: ben at March 27, 2004 05:49 PM

Not to be anal or anything, but it's corollary, not corrolary.

I guess that makes me anal, doesn't it?

Posted by: ben at March 27, 2004 05:50 PM
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