February 09, 2004

Electronic Voting

If you can read this and in any way justify to me that the mechanisms of democracy should be in the hands of Diebold (or, in fact, electronic voting in general), I'll be impressed. And a little bit afraid.

Regardless of the conspiracy theories going around, these systems are deeply flawed. And they need to be fixed, sooner rather than later.

Posted by Jesse Taylor at 04:37 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

February 04, 2004

Vote In The Box, Son

Diebold systems are secure.

Could someone hack an election?

Yes, according to a report presented to the Maryland Legislature Thursday by Raba Technologies, a consulting firm.

100% secure.

Maryland hired Raba's computer scientists to hack into its Diebold electronic voting system.

There is no way they could be broken into.

The researchers found that software vulnerabilities could allow a saboteur to vote multiple times or tamper with computer code to steal an election.


"The team was able to demonstrate the ability to switch two candidates," the Raba scientists warned legislators.

Our votes are 100% safe.

"Consequently, the voter appeared to vote for the candidate of his choice but he actually voted for another candidate."

Go out, my people. Vote.

Posted by Jesse Taylor at 10:46 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

December 29, 2003

Safe, Sound, Secure

E-voting firm suffers electronic break-in.

I'm so comforted by this.

Posted by Jesse Taylor at 05:53 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack