Matt weighs in with an analysis of hook-ups as the offspring of women having careers rather than Britney Spears. I agree with that so far as it goes, but I think the deeper cause is the breakdown of instant monogamy. Where the expectation previously was that your first partner would be your last, now lovers need to effectively "earn" the other's faithfulness, proving that the benefits of remaining with them outweigh those of casual dating. Dating has shifted from a cultural mandate complete with dictated rules to an economic analysis with complex cost-benefit calculations. Freed from the grip of biblical mandates, each successive generation is finding itself more able to design their own dating architecture -- ours has settled on a car dealership model, complete with test-drives and leases for those unwilling to settle on a purchase.
But I know what is a good buy. Pandagon! And until the fundraiser ends or you're all broke, I'm going to keep closing my posts with these corny little pointers.
In contrast to the post below, this is Newz U Can Uze!
Study Finds That Teenage Virginity Pledges Are Rarely Kept: