South Knox Bubba OK, then. |
"It is not the writer's task to answer questions but to question answers. To be impertinent, insolent, and, if necessary, subversive."
Edward Abbey Disclaimer: Anything on this site could be real, or it could be parody or satire, or it could be just made up. Sometimes SKB can't even tell.
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Please, no tipping. Support one or more of these organizations instead: National Audubon Society National Wildlife Federation The Trust for Public Land Friends of the Smokies CARE USA Doctors Without Borders The Red Cross American Foundation for AIDS Research Shriners Hospitals for Children Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Second Harvest Food Bank Big Brothers Big Sisters Goodwill Industries Habitat for Humanity Reading is Fundamental National WWII Memorial What others are saying... InstaPundit: SKBubba is, meanwhile, one of those liberals. DailyPundit: Both Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Reynolds have linked to this ... South Knox Bubba, who I've never heard of. KnoxPatch: South Knox Bubba voted third most reliable news source in Knoxville. Indigo: Dropping in on SKB is like stopping by Wal-Mart. Knoxville News Sentinel: Just remember, the first rule of Rocky Top Brigade is you don't talk about Rocky Top Brigade. Oops. Nashville Scene: South Knox Bubba - East Tennessee Democrat. Reading his posts is like talking politics with your liberal friend over breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Houston Chronicle: It could be real or it could be a parody or pure poppycock, but it’s a good read nonetheless. Richmond Times-Dispatch: This mixed bag of news and satirical commentary offers a disclaimer that bears repeating: "Anything on this site could be real, or it could be parody or satire, or it could be just made up. Sometimes SKB can't even tell." Up for Anything SKB is a liar and an asshole. Also, John Shumaker has compromising photos of him.
Friday April 09, 2004 Censorship
This is censorship by the government through intimidation, plain and simple. Friday April 09, 2004 UT president search already tainted
State Sen. Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) has blown the whistle on two candidates who made the short list in the UT president search. According to McNally, one lied on her resume, and one was involved in a discrimination lawsuit and has a pattern of lavish spending. My question is, if McNally knew about this why did he wait until after the short list was announced and then go to the press with it instead of discussing it with the search committee before? It probably doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Bill Madia, who was the former director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory in McNally's home district (and the person I thought was preordained for the job by the local powers that be), was cut from the list. And I'm sure McNally would not try to politicize the process for his own benefit. Regardless, now the process is already tainted (and so is the eventual nominee) before they can even pick somebody. With the politics surrounding this deal, it is beyond me why anybody would want the job or why they think they could be effective operating in this environment. OK, then. Friday April 09, 2004 No free ice cream
Here's a perfect example of industry influence in government and how so many stupid laws get on the books and how our state legislators end up spending their time rearranging the deck chairs on our Titanic ship of state. Sheesh. Friday April 09, 2004 Arkansas politics
By way of reader Joel, here's an interesting blog about Arkansas politics. Be sure to scroll down to the post entitled "CANDIDACY PROBLEMATIC AT BEST" for a story about another fortunate son entering politics. Friday April 09, 2004 Border follies
Reader News Junkie writes: Was talking to my brother (who lives in Niota, not too far from you) last night and he mentioned some nuclear scientists working for the feds at Oak Ridge who had gone to Canada to attend a conference and now weren't being allowed back into the country.This was indeed reported here in the local media a couple of weeks ago. There were a couple of follow-up articles in the Canadian media here and here. And it would be an interesting contrast to three armed Arab men with maps of sensitive facilities sneaking across the border from Mexico. Except the only source I can find for this story is a post on Free Republic by a guy who heard some guy named "Sean" call a right-wing radio talk show in San Diego claiming to be a firefighter who got an "e-mail alert" about the infiltrators. So it is either a) a massive cover-up, or b) urban myth, which seems more likely considering the source. (I'd be interested if anyone knows more about this). Regardless, News Junkie is correct that it has to make you wonder about Bush's policy of opening our borders to illegal immigrants from Mexico as a cheap political ploy to appeal to Hispanic voters. Do you think terrorist organizations have maybe noticed this and updated their list of easy ways to gain entry to the US? But reelection is more important than actual counter-terrorism, I suppose. I am glad that the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring suspicious individuals at our Canadian borders. But as with the Patriot Act and the no-fly list, casting such wide, indiscriminate nets probably does more to restrict the freedoms of law-abiding people than it does to catch terrorists who operate under the radar. And here's a scary thought. After the billions we've spent on a thirty-year "war on drugs", if you can still buy a bag of Columbian pot it would seem there is no 100% effective way to secure our borders. And who do you think might be more motivated, pot smugglers or terrorists? Sure, in 20/20 hindsight the 9/11 hijackers had legal visas but there were also plenty of other activities that should have aroused suspicion. And don't get me wrong, I think tightening border security (and cracking down on illegal immigration) is a good idea. But it occurs to me that we are applying pre-9/11 thinking to the problem while the terrorists know they won't get away with those tricks again. As just some guy with a keyboard and an opinion, I have no idea what the solution should be. I just hope there are smarter people than me working on it. Thursday April 08, 2004 Shorter Condi Rice
The sinking of the Lusitania was Clinton's fault, and so was 9/11. Thursday April 08, 2004 Bush/Cheney testimony preview
Q: Mr. President, can you explain your administration's national security policy as it related to terrorism prior to 9/11? Bush: Yeah, well, see, we... Cheney: What the President is saying is that he had been examining our armed forces with an eye towards modernizing our capabilities to enable us to respond swiftly and forcefully to terrorist threats anywhere in the world, including any nations who harbored terrorists or armed them with weapons of mass destruction. At the same time he was pursuing a multi-faceted strategy, reevaluating our border security, our intelligence gathering capabilities, assessing known threats and planning our response. He was intent on developing a cohesive, comprehensive strategy very similar to Truman's response to the Soviet nuclear threat at the start of the cold war, a strategy I might add that led to the Soviet's eventual defeat, understanding of course that a strategy of deterrence and containment would not be appropriate in the context of global international terrorism. Q: Thank you, Mr. Cheney, but we would like to hear the President answer in his own words... Bush: That's exactly right. I had a comprehension of a strategery that I was just about to put in place when those planes hit. As the Vice President just said, it had multi-faucets, so we could turn it off and on and run it hot or cold, or in between. It was full of cohesionisms. Uncontained cohesions and no deterrences. I was just like Truman. You remember Truman, don't you? He was a president, just like me. I learned about him in college. Maybe you did too. And like all great presidents he had a strategery. Just like me. Wednesday April 07, 2004 Happy 40th birthday IBM 360
All you old codger computer geeks with plastic pocket protectors and TI hex calculator/decoder rings and green (or the newer yellow 370) instruction set cards will appreciate this. The IBM 360 mainframe computer was first announced 40 years ago today. I sure miss the days of multi-million dollar computers (and employers willing to pay their wizardly tenders commensurately) and guys in white shirts and wingtip shoes parachuting out of the sky any time day or night 7 X 24 to fix them for you. Wednesday April 07, 2004 Making money around the edges
Thomas at Newsrack has an interesting report on employee time shaving, the practice of altering an employees time and attendance records to short change their paychecks. Thomas notes that this is made easier in this age of electronic record keeping, similar to how election fraud is going to be easier with electronic voting. One of the companies caught doing this was Walmart. They were also caught last week overcharging customers. It was probably just an honest mistake, but it sure seems like Walmart has figured out how to make money coming and going off everybody, especially those not paying attention. It's been a bad week for Walmart, though. Their attempts to bypass zoning and municipal planning to put one of their super centers in Inglewood, CA was rejected by voters yesterday. Companies like Walmart and Microsoft and Citicorp et. al. are the natural result of competition and free markets. I'd like to think, though, that someday we might value something other than just monetary profits in business and commerce. You know, things like honesty and integrity, respect for workers and suppliers and customers and the community at large -- in other words, holding them accountable for being responsible citizens like individuals are supposed to be. It seems to me that we could measure these kinds of "profits" and "losses" somehow, like the prosperity of their employees, and their impact on communities where they do business and the industries in which they operate. We need to figure out how to get this on the balance sheet somewhere. OK, then. Tuesday April 06, 2004 Talk amongst yourselves...
Busy busy, nothing much to say. I believe it is customary in these situations to provide an "open thread" for you to rage against the machine or something. Maybe you can talk about how the wingnuts keep insisting that escalating violence and civil conflict in Iraq aren't really that bad and in fact are an opportunity, and besides those guys are just a bunch of punks and nothing to be worried about because our war president Bush has everything under control. Or you could talk about this guy reader Jeanne mentioned in comments yesterday who has been there, done that, and got the t-shirt (free registration required). He doesn't seem so confident in our war president's abilities. Or maybe you can talk about how this guy thinks unceremoniously maintaining one's blogroll is the prelude to civil war and the end of civilization as we know it. He's puzzled why I don't want to read his bombastic tripe any more after calling me a liar on more than one occasion and fighting to destroy everything I believe in. But of course, partisan political hacks on the right are merely being objective and factual. And I am apparently under some obligation to promote their wingnuttery and engage them in "reasoned" debate, and even be their pals. Right. Since when? Since December 19, 1998? November 7, 2000? November 5, 2002? March 19, 2003? Allrighty, then. Or you can talk about how the Lady Vols have limped their way into the finals on a controversial foul call and one of the lowest scoring games in NCAA tournament history. But hey, what the hell. By any means necessary... UPDATE: CNN is reporting that the city of Najaf has fallen to Shiite cleric al-Sadr's militia. Fox is not reporting it at the moment. Neither is MSNBC. Are they waiting for more facts, or for the White House to tell them how to spin it? They are all reporting, however, on the escalating violence and more American soldiers killed today. Bremer said on CNN this morning, "there is no question we have control over the country. I know if you just report on those few places, it does look chaotic. But if you travel around the country, what you find is a bustling economy, people opening businesses right and left, unemployment has dropped." How much longer do they think people will keep buying this stuff? We need to quit screwing around with incompetence and either get our guys some help over there or bring them home. Maybe we should just let Iraq figure it out for themselves or kill each other in the process if that's what they want. They can't be any stupider than the guys who started this war. But what the hell do I know. All I see is dead people. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Mission Accomplished. Major combat operations are over. I wonder what those Marines think this shit is, a minor bar scuffle? Tuesday April 06, 2004 The Thunder Road Mystery
Over at Metro Pulse, Jack Neely delves into the Oh, while you're over there, check out the proposal for the new West Knoxingtonville development. The restaurants sound particularly appealing, from Yosemiti Samuri to Beau Thai, to my personal favorite, Rabbi Ribeye’s Kosher Shack, where you can "enjoy a Lender’s bagel and the rabbi’s own Cuban Reuben." Monday April 05, 2004 Sheriff Tim v. Sentinel, Round 2
Looks like the News Sentinel is on to something new with Sheriff Tim and he's not happy: Whether it is printing a tasteless picture of the body of an abused U.S. citizen in Iraq, or printing a full color front page map of how to get to a public official’s home, or tying up numerous public employees with reams of paperwork, the Sheriff’s Office believes the News Sentinel continues to demonstrate a flagrant disregard for the public good.By way of Sandra Clark at the Halls Shopper. (Also, be sure to scroll down to the very end of Sandra's column for a great tourism idea). UPDATE: Shurf Tim asked for comments on his website. Reader "Blackfork" obliged, and copied us with his comment: So here it is, Hutchinson.OK, then. Monday April 05, 2004 Why I like Bredesen: Reason #247
'Right-wing' agenda provokes Bredesen Gov. Phil Bredesen has joined Democratic senators in accusing Republicans of pursuing a radical right wing agenda in an election year by pushing legislation such as the constitutional amendment on abortion and the civil unions bill.Good for Bredesen. I wish we had this kind of leadership in the White House. Monday April 05, 2004 GOP insurgents in Baghdad
GOP Operatives Lead at Iraq Press Office Inside the marble-floored palace hall that serves as the press office of the U.S.-led coalition, Republican Party operatives lead a team of Americans who promote mostly good news about Iraq.Here is one of Stratcom's feel good pieces about Iraq. The press release does not mention the 19 American soldiers killed that week. Or the rocket attack on the hotel housing western journalists. Or the Iraqi police killed during riots. This is why you can't believe anything that comes out of the Bush administration. Not a single word. It's all made up data, manufactured news, and propaganda -- right down the line on every single issue from the economy to health care to the environment to national security. All of it. UPDATE: Digby noticed this yesterday. Saturday April 03, 2004 DJ Mass D
DJ Mass D is in the house. Here's a rough demo mix (MP3) of the latest from SKB laboratories. Friday April 02, 2004 2004 Foothills Fall Festival needs your help
The Maryville Foothills Fall Festival committee has put out a call for small businesses and community groups to sponsor kid's activities at this year's event: ``Our goal is to have three or four tents where face painting will be done,'' said Patti Clevenger, chair of the children's area. ``I will provide the tent, chairs and face paint. All the business or group would have to do would be man the tent.''What's the deal with this obsession for face painting? Do kids really enjoy that? Seems weird to me, but then I'm not a kid. When I was, I would have probably liked a Popeye tattoo or something, but damned if I would have wanted anybody painting crap on my face. But face painting isn't all they have in store for the kids: Anderson Lumber Co. Employees again are saving wood scraps for use during the festival, and Staples provides Sharpies so kids can draw on the wood. Glue will be available for children who prefer to assemble sculptures in this Tiny Tot Land activity.What the...? Kids sitting around playing with scraps and junk and trash? Damn that sounds like a lot of fun. For some reason this evokes images of a bunch of poor little malnourished kids sitting around in the dirt poking dog crap with a stick to entertain themselves. Fortunately they have some other actually fun sounding stuff lined up, like mascot characters from the police and fire and other city departments, magic shows, baby bumper cars, karaoke, a hay maze, climbing toys, Nickelodeon, and a kazoo band with free kazoos for the kids. The article has contact info for anyone with other suggestions or who might want to sponsor kid's activities to get in touch with them. Friday April 02, 2004 John Ashcroft would be proud
Nude women off the menu at one Nashville bar Nude women have been on the menu at The Sutler for years, but the Nashville pub covered up the 19th-century Victorian photos after being warned they might be too racy for state law.Hey, I just live here. Make up your own jokes. Friday April 02, 2004 Tennessee Roundup
Our brilliant state legislature has been hard at work this week: OK, then.