brigham toskin's Journal
20 entries back

Date:2002-06-07 23:39
Music:Mana - Oye Mi Amor

Just for the record: Undercover Brother... best movie ever

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Date:2002-04-29 00:05
Subject:Last Night, I saw....
Mood: tired


... and life was good.

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Date:2002-04-24 23:40
Subject:Robo Quiz

Holy Prime Directive, you're Robocop!

Well, you're neither colossal, nor technically a robot, but your arthritic lurching and dubious morals have found their way into the hearts of futuristic rebels and children everywhere. You walk through fire, catch bullets from the air, and you never, ever smile. Combine this with an abstract, almost random concept of duty and honour, and you have a police officer one cannot fail to adore.

Thank you, Robocop.

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

Hmm... I think maybe I answered too conservatively, if I got robocop. MUST... KILL... ALL... HUMANS...!!

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Date:2002-04-24 23:35
Subject:Good Day x 2
Mood: exhausted

me : "My jeans are soaked... Can I get in your pants?"
her: "Sure!"

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Date:2002-04-07 04:29
Mood: devious
Music:Screams of the human race realizing their DOOM!

You strike fear into the hearts of the doomed people!! Actually you really suck at invading Earth.

Take the Invader Zim quiz!

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Date:2002-03-18 02:58

Smile rocked to an extent the other night.

I need more sleep. This aint healthy.

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Date:2002-03-12 19:24
Subject:What happens exactly 5 months from today...?
Mood:Tired, but Happy

I'm marrying Coleen! Whoo!~ Score!

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Date:2002-03-12 01:43
Subject:So true, so true...


Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and
cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing
the same thing to them at funerals.

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Date:2002-02-18 03:58
Mood: exhausted

Coleen. Tonight was amazing.

I'm gonna miss your car when you eventually get rid of it ;)

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Date:2002-02-09 13:48

Last night, Justin P (of The Locust) said I was cute! Hahaha! That almost makes me famous or something. I'll bet you're jealous, just reading this, aren't you? ;)

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Date:2002-01-22 00:33
Subject:f00kin' 'ell

I'm back from Berkely. It was cool. It kinda sucked though. I was burnt out on walking around the bay area like the second day we were there, so I spent a lot of time sleeping with t he girl. (Get your mind outta the gutter, we were actually alseep.)

Oh yeah, and we had sex, too ^_^

As fo rthe afore mentioned major shit going down in my life, very few people know what it is. If I told you, you know what I'm talking aboot. I've got one more person to tell, before the public unveiling this summer.

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Date:2002-01-15 12:36

going to berkely for a week, starting tonight, and After I get back, David's coming here.

In other news, Some major shit is going down in my life. Fucking huge.

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Date:2002-01-01 23:11
Subject:New Year

Aside from the tag team chansaw-snoring, the new years party was go!

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Date:2001-12-16 10:41
Subject:After further consideration...
Mood:Tired, but Satisfied

I've decided that I should be spending a lot more time with Coleen, in her bed. This has been one of the most wonderful weeks of my life, if not the most wonderful. Her grandparents need to take week-long trips out of town more often!

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Date:2001-12-09 01:57
Music:My couging reverberating through the corridors of your heart

[If I were an online test, I would be The James Bond Villain Personality Test]

I'm The James Bond Villain Personality Test!

I live in a fictional world of spies and blonde women with ridiculous names, and I like to give people plenty of options. Although whether they're villainous is not optional.

Click here to find out which test you are!



I am 56% EMO.

Emo Kid.
Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.

Take the EMO Test at!

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Date:2001-12-09 01:13
Subject:music, sweet music....

Ok, so on wednesday, me, Jacob, and Coleen went up to Smell-A (Anaheim, actually) to the House of Blues, to see Poison the Well. I had no clue who else was playing, but they were all good. That show was really metal. I didn't know who else was playing, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The opening act was this tuffguy band from NYC called Sworm Enemy. They were kinda metal, but mostly just big tuffguys, ya know? During their FIRST SONG, a fight broke out, and the show stopped for like half an hour while they sorted that out. That sucked. And the guitar player was like "Fuck Bin Ladin!!" He was such a fucking goon.

Second band was Unearthed. They were fucking black metal hardcore. They were soooo good. Real technical. If you haven't heard them, do so. Now.

Third band was Throwdown. You know them. You love them. Monster-Fucking-Core.

Then Poison the Well. I don't think I have words to describe how much they fucking rocked the house. Overall, I was a little disappointed by their live show (wasn't quite as brutal musically), but the crowd was fucking nuts. Fun fun fun.

The 5 fights over the course of the night made things interesting (read: annoying) and kept me off the floor until Poison the Well played.

I head banged a lot.

This Monday - Saves the Day @ Cane's. Project Emo Destruction has planned a strike for this event, so be on the lookout for your local Monster-Core and Vegun Death Squad personnel. I may be able to pull of going there AND taking my Programming final that night.

Tuesday - Converge and American Nightmare @ the Che Cafe. This will be fucking BROODAL! Be prepared to swallow teeth if you show up. Monster-Core Personnel will be present in numbers.

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Date:2001-12-03 01:24
Subject:*cough cough*
Mood: sick


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Date:2001-11-27 00:11
Subject:Damn... I like Ghimli..
Mood: sick

I guess it's the lack of a beard that does it.


Legolas Greenleaf

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Legolas, Elf, a son of the King of Mirkwood.

In the movie, I am played by Orlando Bloom.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Character Test

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Date:2001-11-24 02:07
Subject:Fun fun fun
Mood: accomplished

Ok, so today I went and bought a ticket for Project: Emo Destruction (a.k.a. the Saves the Day show). After that we went to the Che cafe and attended what was one of the funnest shows I've been to since the Aquabats were big down here.

2) Spare Change
3) The Cause (it was their CD release party)
4) Noise Ratchet (filling in for American Tragedy filling in for Taken)

Me and Jacob were doing Monster Core the whole time (death metal growling). It was great. And during Noise Ratchet, we yelled "GO!" during their breakdown transitions. It was beautiful.

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Date:2001-11-23 04:36

Ok, so I'm working on a comic strip. It's based on me, my family, and my friends. And I'll tell ya what... Today I ate thanksgiving dinner with my family... That shit it comedy GOLD!

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