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bleu finnegan and friends

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yo, fan folk! [22 Nov 2002|09:26pm]

ever checked out the link that's at the bottom of the page in "dead man's party"?


chynna's sooooooooo kewl...
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big ol' hanging chynna sighting! [17 Nov 2002|01:55am]

i went to hi-de-ho (a local comics store) and saw chynna today. got some stuff signed and tried not to faint. she was very cool, very cute, and kinda funny.

ooh! the patch! i got a patch!

i'm a happy cat guy...
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Dead Man's Walk [19 Oct 2002|12:51am]

The new one-shot's great...

Spoilers )

If you folks haven't bought it yet, go find a copy -- our queen is still on top of the game.
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Open Call to Fans! [30 Aug 2002|04:40am]

[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Noise Ratchet - Crush (Mandy Moore Cover) ]

Hey guys! I'm working on a comprehensive BM site, and I was wondering if anyone would be game to help me out on it. I basically need someone to help me design and run the site, for one thing... I also need people to help me gather info and compile all the data I'm putting up. It would be a big thing, and I'd appreciate the help! I already have a chunk done.

Anyone? Email me! - or post a response here. ^-^ Thanks!

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Comic Con, here I come! [14 Jul 2002|11:13am]

Hey, this is Sarah "Esyla" Shay, and I am going to be at the San Diego Comic Con promoting my comic, Angry People. I'll be at the Keenspot/Keenspace booth, and if you come by and mention that you're from Livejournal, I'll give you a free pin with any merchandise purchase!! (I'll have books, pocket comics, shirts, 1" pins, etc)

Consider it a coupon you don't have to clip out ^_~

Hope to see you all at the Con!
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[14 Jul 2002|07:32am]

Hey everybody! If any of you are going to, or just interested in, the San Diego Comic Con go join the new SD Comic Con community:

And, for those curious, Chynna will be going and will most likely be at the Oni table for most of the Con.
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[13 Jul 2002|11:41pm]

hey is anyone here going to the sd comic-con next month? is chynna going to be there?
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Jus' sayin' Hi~! [05 Jul 2002|08:53pm]

[ mood | content ]
[ music | HIM " For You " ]

Hello ya'll.

I first discovered Blue Monday through my friend, Kate. Because Kate and Chynna were good friends throughout highschool in C.A. (Kate still has some of her early EARLY works...Chynna improved alot!). Suposedly, Erin O'Neil was based OFF of Kate. ( She even LOOKS like her...scary).

Anyway, Blue Monday is funny funny stuff!

News on Chynna (if you already didn't know)~> Divorced her husband, Guy Major. I know why but Imma keep my mouth shut. ^_^;

Bleu rocks!

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The New Wave/Punk MP3 search! [04 Jul 2002|03:12am]

Hi, I figured this would be a good board on which toask this question:

I wanna make a mix CD for my friend. However, the recent supreme court ruling has quashed my im wondering...does anyone knowof a good place to find punk/new wave MP3s?
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[24 Jun 2002|03:02pm]

[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Adam Ant - Jolly Roger ]

Hi, I'm new =)

I found Blue Monday early this year... I was poking around my favorite comic shop and found an issue of the freshly released "Lovecats" one-shot. The artwork looked really great, and any comic named after a New Order song HAD to have some sort of cred, so I grabbed it. The clerk told me I would love it, and sure enough, I did... soon after I got the two trade paperbacks. I'm addicted. I can't wait for "Dead Man's Party".

I really love the way Chynna does "soundtracks." So many moments in my life cause me to think of certain songs, as though they should be playing in the background... her use of this mechanism - and the references to the music that I love - were definitely a few of the things that drew me in to the comic.

As far as my favorite character goes.. I'm biased. Being the resident red-haired Irish punk chick, I'm very partial to Clover (as you may have guessed from the icon =)

Nice to meet you all!

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[13 Jun 2002|07:38pm]

[ music | david bowie, heathen (the rays) ]

by Chynna Clugston-Major; covers by Clugston-Major & Brereton

It's time to spend the spookiest holiday with Bleu and the kids, and do Halloween BLUE MONDAY-style! It's one of the gang's famous parties, with costumes galore and plenty of punch and pie. Only this time they ve brought their scariest stories with them. Mimicking the famous night where Mary and Percy Shelley and Lord Byron challenged one another to a fright fest, ultimately resulting in FRANKENSTEIN, the Fresburger hooligans see who can put the greatest fear into their friends. But do they know that the scariest spectre of all has yet to reveal itself? That s right! The Jesus Heads are back! This all-new one-shot is another slice of the mad mind of Chynna Clugston-Major, the multiple Harvey and Eisner Award-nominee! Plus, an all-new ghostacular back cover by NOCTURNALS creator Dan Brereton, dressing the gang in ghoulish Brereton style costumes!

32 pages, black & white, color cover
contains harsh language and mature situations
In stores: October 16, 2002
$2.95 US, $4.50 Can

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Hmmm.... [08 Jun 2002|08:59am]

[ mood | yearning ]
[ music | Elvis Costello - Pump It Up ]

Is anyone else psyche that Revolutionary Girl Utena volume II will be coming out soon?
Sorry I have to keep my mind off that Blue Monday won't be coming out till December or later.

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It Girl One shot! [25 May 2002|09:54pm]

[ mood | sore ]
[ music | nine inch nails - reptile ]

Written by Mike Allred
Art by Chyna!

the It girl one shot is (i think) Chyna's second color book and is a fun read for both fans of atomics and blue monday! if you don't have it yet, you should get it really soon and try n'find the blue monday gang somewhere in the book.

god, that was a terrible post, but-- yeah, go get it.

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[12 May 2002|06:41pm]

[ mood | tired ]

I can't seem to find the shipping date, mostly out of my own laziness, but does anyone recall the release date for the Hopeless Savages TPB? I know it's approaching soon...

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something for clover fans? [12 May 2002|11:45am]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Dieselboy - Rascal + Klone - Terminal Velocity ]

You can now select Irish as the default language for LiveJournal. (Or Japanese, or Norwegian, or Esperanto...)

Of course, this only affects the sidebar menus and stuff. It doesn't actually translate people's journal entries. ^^

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fan art [05 May 2002|08:13pm]

hope you like.

all apologies to Chynna
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BIRTHDAY ALERT! [02 May 2002|08:33am]

[ mood | celebratory ]
[ music | L7: shitlist ]

today is the day the fabulous verbminx, creator of this happy community, celebrates her birthday.

go over to her journal and check out her pretty new layout. i just saw it this morning and its absolutely bluetiful!

happy birthday to you, dear minx.


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MORRISSEY IS BACK!!!! [23 Apr 2002|09:24pm]

He is on Sanctuary Records.

For more info CLICK HERE.
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Gyah hah hah! [12 Apr 2002|03:57pm]

For some weird reason, I never took this...until now! >; D

Which BLUE MONDAY Character Are You?

Muahahahha!! Yay!

I'm hoping to get the newest book on my way to work tonight, but the store that's on the way tends to not carry more indy stuff (the current owner is a mah-rahn and needs to have his custody as 'cool comic shop owner' revoked -_-)

Umm, I don't have anything actually really special to say, just-HI! Sleep is for weeners an' dumb mod-bois! >; D
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in case you missed it. . . [12 Apr 2002|08:12am]

top 10 comic books people should read
1. X-Force (milligan/allred)
2. The SandMan (Gaiman/Thompson, locke, talbot, keith, dirnegburg/ ect)
3. Blue Monday (Clugston-Major)
4. ALL Spider-man books
5. Punisher (Ennis/Dillon ONLY!)
6. Transmetropolitan (ellis/robertson)
7. Batman: the killing joke (Moore)
8. Danger girl (Campbell)
9. Fury (Ennis/Dillon)
10. Evil Ernie (Pulido/Huges, Beck, Brewer)
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