Alli's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[02 Jan 2003|05:06pm]
If you care: Eden and Undo are my sites now. You can e-mail me or talk to me via AIM (screenname: Maya Cecile).

I guess there will be a yearly update every January 2nd for this journal. Heh.
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[02 Jan 2002|07:38pm]
Bored. Updated this damn LJ for the first time in three years. Three YEARS. That's crazy. Crazy, I tell you.

If you're reading this, it's probably because I commented somewhere, and anonymous entries suck horribly. Hi. How are you?

...I'm not planning on ever using this again, honestly. I'm not fond of the style system here. Plus, I've got a blog up at Allegory.

Soul Fusion's my collective site, as it was and ever shall be. [Until's up.] So you can go there for more Alli goodness.

Mata ashita, minna. ^^

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[22 Nov 1999|07:20pm]
I'm really confused about the way I feel right now... I mean... ::sighs:: I'm happy, and yet I want to cry. I think I let myself get attatched too easily to people. And I get jealous easily, especially when I know I shouldn't... I should stop rambling about things no one will understand, ne...
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[18 Nov 1999|09:20pm]
Umm... sorry for that rant, minna. If you don't understand what I was saying, I'm sorry... I needed to vent my emotions, and that was a useful way to do it. Isn't LiveJournal useful?
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[18 Nov 1999|09:13pm]
I cannot believe the world. I'm naive, I know. But, today was just a wake-up call... surfing through some personal homepages, I found a humble memorial to Matthew Shepard. If you don't know who he is, *although I don't know why you wouldn't*, he was the gay college student who was cruelly beaten, hung by a fence rail, and had his skull bashed in with a pistol. He was left to die by these four homophobes. Sure, I had heard about this when it happened last month, I was shocked, but it really didn't hit home... until tonight. At this memorial, I was literally drove to tears over his death. I'm a sensitive person, I admit that, but I usually don't get so emotional so easily... [shut up, just because I cried at the Care Bears Movie 2...] Well, from the memorial, I realized some pretty heavy things about Christianity which I'm not going to rant about at this point. But... why are people so corrupt? Why do people have to hate that which is different? People say Hitler was an evil man because he wanted a perfect race and the measures he took to achieve his goal. And yet, the hypocritical human race is able to perform henious hate crimes toward those that are different and people ACCEPT this? Sorry if that didn't make sense... I'm so disgusted by humanity right now. Prime example: -- can you believe that? Can you *BEEP*ing believe this site? They're such "God-fearing" Baptists, and yet they PICKET FUNERALS. A funeral for a gay boy who did not deserve to die. He would have done such good with his life... ::sighs:: Maybe I'll picket one of their funerals. Who knows.
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[17 Nov 1999|08:36pm]
Well, I'm debating whether I should do what I'm supposed to--go read the play Oripedus the King or whatever for Pre-Ap English, or to work on my website some more. ::laughs:: If I do what I'm supposed to, I can curl up under the multitude of blankets on my bed... or if I do what I want to, I can sit here and freeze. ::hmms:: Decisions, decisions...
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[17 Nov 1999|04:10pm]
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[16 Nov 1999|09:42pm]
Finished iconoclast2 layout; started on new writings layout. ::yawns:: Night, minna.
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[16 Nov 1999|06:31pm]
::wears gloves:: I'm working on a new version of iconoclast. I'm always writing HTML, ne... anyway, when I finish and update everything, ALL my pages will be up and will be functional. ^^ I promise!
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[16 Nov 1999|02:37pm]
Laurie and Cheez are here! YAY!
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[15 Nov 1999|09:43pm]
Teepy's so nice! ^^ He helped me find a bunch of nice photographs to use for my websites... ::has been thinking HTML for the past week, LOL:: ^^ Ahh well, I'm off to sleep. Night, minna! ::grins::
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[15 Nov 1999|08:13pm]
How about tinfoot typeface for a good name? Eh? Eh? I'm all for the foot. ^^
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[15 Nov 1999|07:43pm]
HAHAHAHA! ::begins work on her first font!:: Oo, new division of iconoclast collective... ::needs to think up a good name for her typeface division::
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[15 Nov 1999|07:32pm]
I wanna make fonts. Typefaces are awesome. I need software...
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[14 Nov 1999|01:35pm]
I'm now trying to find lyrics to the L'Arc~En~Ciel song Glass Dama... ::ergs::
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[14 Nov 1999|12:10pm]
I just totally finished modifying this page. I would do the calanders and stuff, but it's not like I'm gonna use 'em. ^^;; Hehe, maybe this layout will win me the 20 bucks for probably not. ::grins:: ^^
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[14 Nov 1999|11:29am]
Kanon's talking to me about going to Hell for not going to church this morning. Someone shoot him... or shoot me for not ignoring him...
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[14 Nov 1999|12:17am]
Yay! It's done! Well, almost. I would make a pretty banner, but Willy [my comp, if you didn't know] is freaking out and saying there are no fonts installed. O_O Time to reboot...
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[14 Nov 1999|12:11am]
::hmms:: Darn borders...
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[14 Nov 1999|12:02am]
I'm trying to edit the settings for this thing right now. ::hmms:: I can't seem to get the pretty tables to be... pretty... and go with the red. ::shakes head:: Purple and blue do NOT mix with red and black...
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