Adventures in Wonderland
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explanatory post later..too pissed to do it now. i'm all right and all, just really upset because i just lost a whole bunch of stuff.


Addendum: don't bother sending me useless messages like "hug" cause that would defeat the whole purpose of my having disabled comments. however, if you can turn back time, feel free to email me.

Current Mood: fucking pissed
Current Music: Jack off Jill: Strawberry Gashes

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books next semester )
also, i now know who my previously-unheard-of-english-prof is..
Katherine Reagan
Curator of Rare Books and Instruction Coordinator
Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
2B Carl A. Kroch Library
and i now feel vaguely intimidated :P

Current Mood: lazy

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quote of the day, courtesy of Saitou from Kenshin
Don't be angry. There aren't many people who are brave enough to place their lives on the line to defend their honor and dignity as a human being. Just surviving, like an animal, you don't need honor and dignity.
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I am told that I talk in shorthand and then smudge it.
J. R. R. Tolkien

it seemed appropriate.
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not work safe. but entertaining. and period too!

why i love neil gaiman... (ganked from his most recent journal entry. letter in bold, his response underneath)

Quiestor Mage
Ravenskoll Estate
Hackney. E9, 6SN.

Dear Niel Gaiman 27th Novemeber 2003

"It only takes a few good men to remain silent, for Evil to prevail."
Well Mr Niel Gaiman. I liked your, Im not saying anything reply about the fact that you plaguerised the life of a REAL White Magi, and decided to call it The Books Of Magic. very magical.
Of course there is no similarity between myself and Tim Hunter, Tim Hunter and Harry Potter. Of course not no similarity at all. If any one knew Gaiman they would have you in stocks.
And What about the leader of The Columbia Ivestigation Board??? Hal Gehman. I didnt write 2001 honestly. 7 Deaths.
Fuck you Gaiman Amen!

Yours faithfully,
Quiestor The White Magi.

You know, the word you're hunting for is "magus". "Magi" means more than one of them. If you want to make anybody take you seriously, you'll have to pay attention to details like that.

quizzy fluff )
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for your more morbid culinary needs (perfect for a halloween party, perhaps), SCA Peer Recipes

Current Mood: sick

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public service announcement
i'm leaving for pennsic in about an hour and a half. i'll be back the night of sunday the 17th. don't expect to be able to contact me until then. chances are i'm not going to read through all the LJ stuff i miss this week, so if there's something you think i really need to know, drop me an email or talk to me when i get back
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quote of the day, courtesy of Neil Gaiman
Today's weirdest request was from a TV movie channel who wondered if I'd host their Hallowe'en movie week. It's only when faced with trivial questions like that that I become deeply aware of what a serious and respectable business being an author is, and of one's responsibility to maintain the dignity of the profession.

"As a responsible and serious-minded author," I asked myself, "what kind of message would you be sending to the world by appearing as a cheesy horror host at Hallowe'en and introducing scary movies?"

I said yes immediately. I hope I get to climb out of a coffin at some point. I've always wanted to climb out of a coffin.

and this picture makes my head hurt so much
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mm...milk and chocolate cookies: breakfast of champions!
sometimes little things make me very happy.

Current Mood: chocolatey-good
Current Music: steve fumbling through bach's toccata and fugue in d minor

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national do not call registry

Current Music: Dar Williams - Iowa (Traveling III)

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I am a giant mutant kitten. Not strange at all.

Which cute or possibly strange kitten are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Battle Imp

Who's your battle imp?

Backstabbing: 9

Dodgin': 9

Guts: 4

Magic Mojo: 9

Smackdown: 6

Will your battle imp beat Overworkedsylvie's?
Enter your name and fight.

Current Music: Evanescence - Forgive me

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green eggs and lembas

Current Mood: amused

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i *knew* this place was weird...
Current Conditions in the Ithaca Area:
Monday, April 14, 2003
Hour: 11 pm
Temperature: 331 °F (166 °C)
Wind speed: 6 mph
Wind is from the: south
Atmospheric pressure: 30.12 inches (765 mmHg)
Relative humidity: 0%
Condition: clear skies
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help a friend of mine graduate from college by filling out polls! mm...timewasting *know* you want to...
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stupid but hypnotic
and go look at the stapleless stapler

more hypnotic goodness courtesy of pete
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wow..what a jerk. way to abuse power in the name of religion.

EDIT: i worked it out, and i think 500gallons is somewhere around an 8' dimaeter kiddiepool
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some really spectacular lego-ey goodness..little models of lotr stuff. Very Impressive. esp hornburg battle. oy. someone w/ too much free time.
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it's a new month!!!
vote for taodan!
and read it to
and pester michael into updating more often d:

Current Music: Flogging Molly - The Worst Day Since Yesterday

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Gateway Theatre Presents:
by William Shakespeare

Playing at Risley Theatre on North Campus
Admission is FREE and open to the public!

Thursday, April 3rd, at 8:00pm
Friday, April 4th, at 8:00pm
Friday, April 4th, at 12 Midnight
Saturday, April 5th, at 8:00pm

Corsets and cross-dressing! Clowns and dukes! Cowardly swordfights!
Handcuffs, drunkenness, and mistaken identities galore! Join us for a
night of love triangles, love hexagons, and love of various other
geometric shapes in one of Shakespeare's funniest and most famous
comedies... you'll be glad you did!

Contact for more info, or visit

i think ima skip ddrclub saturday to see this , since thursday is stagecombat and friday is d&d;

Current Music: Evanescence - Fields Of Innocence

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is a
Rock-Eating Paladin Monkey

...with a Battle Rating of 9.0

To see if your Food-Eating Battle Monkey can
defeat sillysylvie, enter your name:

heh...rock eating paladin..

Current Music: Evanesence - Bring Me To Life

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so..i'm thinking of cutting my hair to about the length my bangs are in front (like two inches past chinlength when they hang straight), slanting to like an inch longer than the hairline in back
i'm not sure if i actually want to, or if this is merely boredom-induced temporary insanity
and i'm curious about people's opinions

Current Music: Evanescence - Bring me to Life

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random "semi-relevant to lots of things" quote of the day..

Saitou (placing a hand on Misao's head): Don't be angry. There aren't many
people who are brave enough to place their life on the line to defend their
honor and dignity as a human being. Just surviving, like an animal, you
don't need honor and dignity.

Villagers: That's easy to say.
What does an outsider know.
You police are no help.
That's right.

Current Mood: tense
Current Music: evanescence - eternal

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i can go to icedragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

right. i'm done for now.

so have a quote from my medieval&renaissance; drama prof from today...
"When they finally get it up, it's by far the most riveting consequence of any physical action.."
and it was meant entirely innocently too. and made sense in context and everything. whee d:
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happy v-day all..
flaming marshmallow balrog contest!!!

Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like 'maybe we should just be friends' or 'how very perceptive' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.
Rose Walker, in Sandman: The Kindly Ones

Current Mood: tired

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somesylvie: i'm procrastinating, so i think i'll share my Brilliant Idea of the Day...
somesylvie: soo...yeh
after reading what's probably the most atrocious fanfic i've ever seen (rather amusing tho. someone in a lotr community linked to it), elz and i have decided that we need to start writing....
somesylvie: BIBLE FANFIC
somesylvie: jesus *obviously* needs to be in some marysue stories
somesylvie: and...disciple slash. need i say more?
enotaniL: *opens mouth... closes it again... opens it once more* That's... inspired
somesylvie: it's..been a long week

soyeh. go read the fic. and the author's bio.

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Anonymous 4 - Sequence Song Jesu Cristes mi

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limits on #posts/day have been added. i can't quite tell if they're being enforced now or no (lookit the chunk about community posts to see why i'm confused). 5/day for free users, 50/day for early adopters (w00t!)/paid users/permanent accounts

quoted from lj news page
So, there seems to be a lot of debate over the limits, especially the ones for paid users. I mean, 2000 comments! Never a good sign.

Scattered amongst the tons of non-constructive angry comments there were actually a few good arguments, and we do listen to well-written, calm arguments.

We don't want to hinder paid users, or piss off free users, so usage pattern stats be damned.... we'll increase the limits.

I'm not quite sure what it'll be yet, but it'll be more like 5 posts/day for free users, and 50 posts/day for early/paid/perm. 50 is pretty much "no limit", which so many paid users were wanting. We might even make it 70/day, and just manually check out anybody going over 50/day (or so much disk usage/day) for abusive behavior.

A lot of people asked, "Why should a paid user be limited? We're paying for it, why would we abuse it?" We don't want to hinder real users. The limit should be something you won't reach, so hopefully 50 you'll find better. The problem is, there are plenty of people who would pay a one-time $5 fee to have unfettered go-wild kill-the-server access. Just look how angry some people were in those 2,000 comments!

Also, we'll deal with the community posting issues before putting it live. Posts to certain communities won't count towards your quota at all, and posts to paid communities will have so many free posts/member/day.
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i'm clearing out my friendslist, quitting some of my communities, stuff like that. if i un-friend you and you have some sort of urge to stay friended, let me know

Current Music: Goo Goo Dolls - Iris

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and the 'dumbass of the day' award goes to..

Current Mood: amused

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happy eleventy-first, professor tolkien
(on a sidenote..this year is the tolkiensociety's thirtythird anniversary year, so bilbo:frodo::tolkien:tolkiensociety)
birthday toast
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my mouth hurts. ouch.
drinking eggnog when the front half of your tongue is numb is one of the weirdest things i have ever felt
general anesthesia is my friend, but i'm still kinda groggy, tho i guess that might partly be whatever pills i'm on. impressed the nurse a lot by being able to walk by myself a few steps after i got up
watched count of monte was actually pretty good, and as far as i remember was at least reasonably true to the book. going to watch reign of fire and amelie later prolly

Current Mood: tired

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dude. legolas==link.

Current Mood: amused

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the ddrmachine in springfield mall is now max2! and! it's still 50cents/game!!!!!
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something else that amused me..
the bible vs. dr. laura

Current Music: Anonymous 4 - Sequence Missus Gabriel del c

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"Gannett is not going to open a sex shop. They don't have the space"

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Anonymous 4 - Alleluia Alme iam ad gaudia

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i think i'm going back to having any posts with actual personal content being friendsonly again. wheee.

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: Itzhak Perlman - Partita No. 1, BWV 1003 Bourr

Back February 2004
About this journal
anything of substance here is friends-only because i learned the hard way that people are not to be trusted.