[March 14, 2004 : 02.25pm]
I have finally have a can that moos!
Even better, it makes the perfect moo, and it's small and is attached to a keychain. Also, you don't have to tilt it upside down and back - you just push a button. And it was on sale for a dollar.
It scares the cat, though. She doesn't like cows, I guess!
[March 12, 2004 : 09.23am]
It seems pineapple is quite popular. Who knew? (I certainly didn't!)
[March 11, 2004 : 01.31pm] making an appearance in this corner is....
The sporadic, happyfun thursday poll!
Poll #261616: thursday! Open to: all, results viewable to: friends... the ultimate shiny:
[March 10, 2004 : 05.15pm]
My mother called just to exclaim loudly and excitedly, "Only two more weeks until Las Vegas!!"
Really. That's all. And actually, she didn't even want to talk to me. She wanted to exclaim it at the James, but he wasn't readily available, so she exclaimed at me instead.
My mother is all ways of entertaining.
[March 10, 2004 : 07.45am]
Went to dotgirl and collisions' house yesterday for dinner! They made us steak and also fish, and brocolli. Also, dotgirl makes the best potato dish! They were sort of creamy and cheesy and just generally really good.
We got to make faces at baby Riley and just generally hang out and talk. Also, I got my birthday present from them, which involved this cool pen that lights up when you write, a tiny cute little stapler, and multicoloured staples, plus a new light-up dangler for my cell phone in the form of a little translucent tigger (so cute!) and my very own Bubble Tea Kit. It was all very exciting.
[March 08, 2004 : 04.52pm]
I don't think LJ is sending me all my comments. Grr.
I ran over half a cantaloupe in the alley driving in. Poor cantaloupe.
[March 08, 2004 : 08.34am]
Already the mornings are better because it's light out at 6am. I like it when the days are longer (as it were). I feel like I can get more done. And the traffic was great this morning.
I was going to type out something else but then I was distracted by the fact that my plant needed water and then I forgot.
ps: princessbunny: I'm sorry it took so long, but I'd lost the CD and just found it now and it is being uploaded for you RIGHT NOW AS I TYPE and I'll let you know as soon as it's done.
I need carbonation.
[March 07, 2004 : 10.57am]
[March 05, 2004 : 08.55am]
Somehow I managed to lose a ring right off the finger!
I was wearing it (middle finger) and then apparently I wasn't. And somehow I didn't notice it slipping off. Or that I didn't have it anymore. Even more mind boggling, it's not a loose ring! I actually sort of have to push it past my knuckle to get it on and off.
And even stranger, one of the ladies from accounting found it on the stairs outside our office door. And somehow managed to connect it to me. So now I have it back.
That is too, too bizarre.
[March 05, 2004 : 07.32am]
A poll. This is sort of like the HappyFunRandomThursdayPoll, which I have been neglecting lately, but then again, it's actually completely not in the same format and not really very random because I actually want to know and well, I guess it's not the same as the RandomThursdayPoll at all, so why don't you just skip on and take it already because it's actually Friday and I'd like the weekend to start right now.
(Uhm. Hi. Run-on sentences are your friend. With apologies to the English majors in the audience.)
Poll #258413: things i think of when falling asleep Open to: all, results viewable to: friendsyou:
[March 03, 2004 : 08.07am]
I have girl scout cookies. They are part of a balanced breakfast. Really.
[March 02, 2004 : 07.46am]
I have a serious parenthesis problem. (As in, I like to use them. Like an addict.)
ARGH! You see?!
[March 01, 2004 : 07.30am]
One of the things we did yesterday was hit this big (for the area, anyway) comic con. I made out with a lot of stuf (comics and toys), including a Subaru (from .hack//SIGN, not the car) action figure/figurine (which is really beautifully done) and a new Rei Ayanami statuette (in a cute schoolgirl skirt). (They're both about 9 inches tall).
kiraboshi - one of the booths had a ton of little anime lapel-type pins. I bought myself a little PenPen pin (heh), but I also picked up an Atashi (from Chobits) pin with you and your new bag in mind! So, if you'd like it, email me with your address!
[March 01, 2004 : 07.23am]
[February 29, 2004 : 11.45pm]
Weekend. Wow.
There's so much to recap and there's stuf I wanted to write about that I seriously don't remember at the moment. So I think I'll probably sleep before writing much more.
I had two friends with birthdays today, the leap day (which is now pretty much over).
We had lunch with dotgirl, captain_slinky, khristle, and collisions for collisions' birthday, which was great fun. Then we just got back from our other birthday friend's party at the local pub, where I saw a ton of people I hadn't seen in ages.
I should probably sleep so I can wake up.