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Fun and useful tools to enhance your site

Welcome to blogtricks! We're building a set of tools that you can use on your website to make it more fun to run and more fun to visit. We've just launched the fourth tool in the set --- Countdown measures the time until (or since) important events occur.

No programming or setup required

No matter what tools or platform you run your site with, blogtricks will play nicely. Just use our simple "linkbuilder" forms to generate script, paste it into your html and you're on your way.

Quick, easy and, oh yes ... free!

Access to our tools is completely free. When you first run a linkbuilder, we'll ask you to create an account. If you choose, you can get rid of the small blogtricks logo on the tools with an annual $10 contribution. There's even a two week free trial on that, so what are you waiting for?

  • track your referrers with link feedback
  • countdown the days to important events
  • auto-create a gallery of image thumbnails
  • put a fortune cookie on your site

  • blogtricksblog

    February 21, 2004

    Huh. Looks like I added a big old file handle leak to the system a couple of days ago ... meant that blogtricks was taking a dive after about 24-48 hours of operation. Worse, the monitoring systems didn't catch it. In any case, things are fixed now and we'll be getting some live "status" information available on the site in the next couple of days. Thanks for your patience and for keeping us on our toes!

    February 12, 2004

    And they keep coming! The new countdown trick lets you count the days until (or since) important events. How many days until your birthday? Marking time until the US elections? Take a look and tell us what you think.

    February 4, 2004

    Thanks to Tim Yang for pointing out that the all-in-one referrer script didn't validate as XHTML because of the fragmented script tags. I've posted a fix for the linkbuilder, so if you're so inclined grab a new script. Whoopie!

    December 27, 2003

    Another new trick ... check out the image gallery! It'll be interesting to see how we do if the thumbnail traffic starts to go up. We've also fixed a few login-related issues, so if you were having trouble using linkbuilders, please give it another shot.

    November 19, 2003

    So you may have noticed that the blogtricks logo now shows slightly different links that it had previously. I'm using technology from Webrelevance, a company I'm involved with, to deliver ads that are more relevant to the content they are served next to. Please let me know what you think, or if you see some inappropriate or otherwise stupid ad text.

    November 6, 2003

    OK, so I lied about the RSS feed being next, and really the fortune cookie wasn't the next trick I planned to write. But it really is a lot of fun; check it out and then let me know what you think.

    November 2, 2003

    A new, less pathetic look for blogtricks! Thanks and all credit for the design go to my friend Bill, author of the often amusing Unshelved, a comic strip about the folks at the Mallville library.

    I'll be using this space to yak about changes and additions to the site; first among those will be an rss feed for these entries, to be followed by the second trick in our series! Stay tuned...